2024 Presidential Debates: Early Showdown Between Biden and Trump on June 27, Impartiality Concerns

Atlanta, Georgia United States of America
2024 Presidential debates scheduled for June 27 and September 10.
Both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump confirmed participation.
First debate hosted by CNN, second by ABC.
2024 Presidential Debates: Early Showdown Between Biden and Trump on June 27, Impartiality Concerns

Presidential debates for the 2024 election are scheduled to take place on June 27 and September 10. The first debate will be hosted by CNN, marking the earliest general-election debate in modern history. Both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have agreed to participate in this event, which aims to provide voters with an opportunity to hear from both candidates before early voting begins.

The June debate is significant as it comes earlier than usual debates and is supported by both candidates due to the importance of reaching early voters. The second debate will be hosted by ABC on September 10. These debates are expected to provide insight into the policies, positions, and capabilities of both candidates.

However, there have been concerns regarding the impartiality of some media outlets in covering these debates. CNN's Jake Tapper, who has a history of anti-Trump commentary and referred to Trump's presidency as a



  • CNN's impartiality in hosting the first debate has been questioned due to Jake Tapper's anti-Trump commentary.



  • Unique Points
    • CNN's Jake Tapper selected as moderator for presidential debate between Biden and Trump
    • Tapper has a history of anti-Trump commentary
    • Throughout 2020 election, Tapper became more vocal about his animus towards Trump and Republicans
  • Accuracy
    • The first debate will be hosted by CNN on June 27, marking the earliest general-election debate in modern history.
    • CNN's debate will be held without an audience present due to concerns that in-person crowds can derail the conversation.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article provides a clear history of Jake Tapper's bias towards Trump and Republicans. While this is not deception in itself, the author uses this information to imply that Tapper's past coverage makes him an unsuitable moderator for the upcoming presidential debate. This is an example of selective reporting as it only presents details that support the author's position while omitting any counterarguments or context. The article also includes emotional manipulation through phrases like 'long national nightmare' and 'wanton disregard for human life'.
    • It has been a time where truth and fact were treated with distain.
    • It’s been a time of extreme divisions, many of the divisions caused and exacerbated by President Trump himself.
    • Even after the release of the Mueller report that failed to find evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, Tapper suggested Trump sounded like ‘the spokesman for the Kremlin’ over comments Trump made about his May 2019 conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
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    • In October 2020, Tapper shamed Trump after he was diagnosed and hospitalized for COVID.
    • Tapper spearheaded CNN’s Russiagate coverage that dominated the early years of Trump’s presidency.
    • CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who in recent years has become one of the most prominent anti-Trump voices in the liberal media, was selected to moderate CNN’s Presidential Debate between the former president and President Biden.
  • Fallacies (75%)
    The article contains several instances of Ad Hominem fallacies, where the authors attack the character or personal traits of Jake Tapper instead of addressing the substance of his reporting. For example, they mention his 'long history of anti-Trump commentary' and call him an 'anti-Trump voice in the liberal media.' This is irrelevant to whether or not Tapper's reporting contains logical fallacies. Additionally, there are several instances of Hasty Generalization when the authors make broad assumptions about Trump based on his past actions or statements. For example, they claim that Trump's comments about COVID testing 'continued to lie to the American people' and that he showed 'a wanton disregard for human life.' These statements are not supported by evidence in the article and are based on the authors' opinions.
    • Jake Tapper, who in recent years has become one of the most prominent anti-Trump voices in the liberal media
    • Tapper spearheaded CNN’s Russiagate coverage that dominated the early years of Trump’s presidency.
    • Even after the release of the Mueller report that failed to find evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, Tapper suggested Trump sounded like ‘the spokesman for the Kremlin’ over comments Trump made about his May 2019 conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    • Tapper maintained his animosity towards Trump and his supporters long after the 45th president left office.
  • Bias (0%)
    The authors of the article have a clear bias against Donald Trump and have provided numerous examples of their hostile coverage towards him. They mention Tapper's past comments about Trump being a 'nightmare,' his role in legitimizing the Steele dossier, and his criticism of Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors also mention Tapper's ban on GOP lawmakers who challenged the results of the 2020 election and his questioning of their patriotism. They also mention Tapper's harsh criticism of Trump after his defeat in the 2020 election and his continued animosity towards him even after he left office.
    • Even after the release of the Mueller report that failed to find evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, Tapper suggested Trump sounded like ‘the spokesman for the Kremlin’ over comments Trump made about his May 2019 conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
      • He even questioned the patriotism of Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla., an army veteran who lost both legs in 2010 after stepping on an IED in Afghanistan, after Mast voted against Trump’s 2021 impeachment.
        • In December, the liberal CNN anchor declared that ‘the dehumanizing rhetoric of Adolf Hitler is once again alive and well’ while condemning Trump’s comments about illegal immigrants ‘poisoning the blood of our country.’
          • Jake Tapper, who in recent years has become one of the most prominent anti-Trump voices in the liberal media
            • Tapper continued to rail against Trump and Republicans during his brief 2022 stint in CNN primetime, blasting his ‘unhinged lies’ and his ‘refusal to accept reality… this anti-democracy insanity.’
              • Tapper maintained his animosity towards Trump and his supporters long after the 45th president left office. For several months, Tapper banned GOP lawmakers who challenged the results of the 2020 election who he deemed ‘election liars’ from appearing on his programs.
                • Tapper spearheaded CNN’s Russiagate coverage that dominated the early years of Trump’s presidency.
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • The first debate will be hosted by CNN on June 27, marking the earliest general-election debate in modern history.
                  • The second debate will be hosted by ABC on Sept. 10.
                  • Both candidates support the early June debate to reach early voters who were crucial to Biden’s 2020 election win.
                • Accuracy
                  • ]The first debate will be hosted by CNN on June 27,[
                  • The first presidential debate is scheduled for June 27.
                • Deception (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Fallacies (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Bias (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • Biden's approval ratings are negative and trending downward.
                  • Biden is losing in several key swing states.
                  • Trump's approval ratings are also negative but better than Biden's.
                  • Biden has had difficulty performing well without a teleprompter or tightly scripted situations.
                • Accuracy
                  • ]Biden's approval ratings are negative and trending downward.[
                • Deception (30%)
                  The article contains editorializing and pontification by the author, as well as emotional manipulation through the use of phrases like 'desperate measures' and 'panic in elite New York-D.C. circles'. The author also engages in selective reporting by focusing on negative polling numbers for Biden while ignoring Trump's own negative approval ratings. Additionally, the article makes several statements that are not factually supported, such as 'Biden is losing, so has no choice but to debate.' and 'Trump remains unpopular with a negative 10 percent RCP average approval rating'. These statements are not backed up by any evidence in the article and therefore constitute deception.
                  • Any bad news or opinion served up by the Times is certain to rattle Democratic elites, but anything favorable to Trump is far, far worse.
                  • Biden cannot take action to limit illegal immigration and has no answers on inflation.
                  • It is quite astonishing how much Team Biden is frozen by loud, obnoxious voices in the New York-Washington media echo chamber.
                  • The Biden campaign has finally admitted he is behind
                • Fallacies (75%)
                  The author commits an appeal to fear when stating that 'Biden is losing, so has no choice but to debate.' This is an attempt to manipulate the reader's emotions and create a sense of urgency. The author also engages in hyperbole when describing the New York Times-Siena poll as 'disastrous' and Biden's approval ratings as 'durably awful'. These statements are not objectively true, but rather an exaggeration to make the situation seem worse than it is.
                  • ]The Biden campaign has finally admitted he is behind - it's time for desperate measures. [
                  • Biden cannot take action to limit illegal immigration and has no answers on inflation.
                  • Any bad news or opinion served up by the Times is certain to rattle Democratic elites, but anything favorable to Trump is far, far worse.
                • Bias (80%)
                  The author expresses a clear bias against Joe Biden and his campaign strategy, implying that they are desperate and making poor decisions. The author also expresses a bias towards Donald Trump, stating that he thrives on attention and is better at debates than Biden.
                  • Biden has to return to the strategy that won in 2020: Run as the not-Trump.
                    • Biden is impotently mumbling and stumbling through the Israel-Hamas war, hectored by a microscopic minority of the population.
                      • What Team Biden should want is a debate where Biden talks as little as possible and Trump performs his insult-comic routine in front of a Jerry Springer-style audience.
                      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                        None Found At Time Of Publication
                      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                        None Found At Time Of Publication