53-Year-Old Black Man Dies After Officer Kneels on His Back in Canton, Ohio: Bodycam Footage Released

Canton, Ohio United States of America
53-year-old Black man Frank Tyson died in police custody in Canton, Ohio
Bodycam footage released by the city shows officers approaching Tyson inside a veterans club
Incident occurred on April 18 when Tyson allegedly sheared an electrical pole off the side of the road and then ran
Officer knelt on Tyson's back causing him to become unresponsive
53-Year-Old Black Man Dies After Officer Kneels on His Back in Canton, Ohio: Bodycam Footage Released

Frank Tyson, a 53-year-old Black man, died in police custody in Canton, Ohio, after an officer knelt on his back, causing him to become unresponsive. The incident occurred on April 18 when Tyson allegedly sheared an electrical pole off the side of the road and then ran. The officers arrived at the scene just a little before 8:30 p.m., were told Tyson had fled to a veterans club, and found him inside. In bodycam footage released by the city, as the officers approach, Tyson shouts,



  • Was there any medical assistance provided to Tyson before or after he became unresponsive?
  • Was the use of force necessary given the situation?



  • Unique Points
    • Frank Tyson died in police custody on 18 April at about 8.25pm in Canton, Ohio.
    • Two officers, Beau Schoenegge and Camden Burch, arrested Mr. Tyson and handcuffed him.
    • Mr. Tyson repeatedly said 'I can’t breathe' during the arrest.
    • One officer knelt on Mr. Tyson’s back briefly during the arrest.
  • Accuracy
    • Mr. Tyson repeatedly said ‘I can’t breathe’ during the arrest.
    • Five minutes passed before another officer returned to check if Mr. Tyson was breathing.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position of the man's death being questionable. The author does not provide any context or information about the circumstances leading to the man's arrest or why he was resisting arrest. This creates a biased and incomplete picture for readers, potentially manipulating their emotions and perceptions of the situation.
    • He also shouts call the sheriff while the police officers tell him to calm down as they arrest him.
    • They’re trying to kill me
    • Footage shows the officer with his knee on Mr Tyson’s back for about 30 seconds before he removes it. Mr Tyson tells them once more that he cannot breathe before he eventually falls quiet.
    • An investigation has been launched after a black man died in police custody in the US.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The author does not make any explicit fallacious arguments in the article. However, there are some potential issues that could be considered informal fallacies or biased language. The repeated use of the phrase 'another black man' and 'another death in the wake of' when referring to Frank Tyson's death and George Floyd's death respectively, could be seen as an appeal to emotion or a dichotomous depiction. Additionally, the author states that Mr. Tyson repeatedly says 'I can’t breathe', which could be interpreted as an attempt to elicit sympathy or emotion from the reader, potentially making it inflammatory rhetoric. However, without further context or information about the author's intentions, it is difficult to definitively label these as fallacies.
    • another black man
    • another death in the wake of
  • Bias (95%)
    The article does not demonstrate any clear bias towards one side. The author simply reports the facts of the situation and provides context. However, there are a few instances where language could be perceived as biased but they do not significantly impact the overall neutrality of the article.
    • Both police officers have since been placed on paid leave.
      • he also shouts 'call the sheriff'
        • ]They're trying to kill me[
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • Frank Tyson died in police custody in Canton, Ohio
          • Tyson yells 'They are trying to kill me!' as officers approach and a scuffle ensues
          • One officer presses his knee into Tyson’s back while another handcuffs him
        • Accuracy
          • Tyson's unoccupied car was found nearby with the driver’s-side door left open and the steering wheel airbag deployed
          • In body cam footage, Tyson yells ‘They are trying to kill me!’ as officers approach and a scuffle ensues
          • One officer threatens to pepper spray Tyson while attempting to handcuff him
          • An officer presses his knee into Tyson’s back while another handcuffs him
          • Tyson tells officers he ‘can’t breathe’
        • Deception (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Fallacies (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Bias (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • Tyson was recently released from prison for a kidnapping charge where he served 24 years in prison
        • Accuracy
          • On April 18 at roughly 8:27 p.m., Canton police arrived to AMVETS on Sherrick Road after multiple 911 calls following a car accident that took out a telephone pole.
          • , The officers responded to calls of a single car accident and followed Mr. Tyson into a bar after he allegedly fled the scene.
          • Tyson could be heard shouting in distress. ‘I can’t breathe,’ Tyson said. ‘They’re trying to kill me.’
          • One officer knelt on Mr. Tyson’s back briefly during the arrest.
          • , An officer presses his knee into Tyson’s back while another handcuffs him.
          • Tyson tells officers he ‘can’t breathe’.
          • Five minutes passed before another officer returned to check if Mr. Tyson was breathing.
          • , Officers began to apply CPR until an ambulance arrived at 8.37pm.
        • Deception (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The article includes an appeal to authority and a potential dichotomous depiction. It also uses inflammatory rhetoric by repeatedly quoting the subject's distressed statements without context.
          • An officer can be seen kneeling on Tyson for close to 30 seconds, but then moves away after Tyson is placed in cuffs.
          • Canton Mayor William V. Sherer II issued a statement regarding the incident: “I sat down with members of the Tyson family to not only allow them to see what is now being released to the public, but to give them my condolences in person.”
          • Tyson could be heard shouting in distress, “I can’t breathe,” Tyson said. “I can’t breathe, you’re on my neck.”
          • The fire department also attempted to revive Tyson.
        • Bias (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication