9-1-1 Season 7: Familiar Faces and New Characters Join the Team

Los Angeles, California United States of America
9-1-1 is a popular TV show that follows the lives of firefighters, paramedics, and police officers in Los Angeles.
The series has been running for six seasons and has become known for its intense action sequences and emotional storytelling.
9-1-1 Season 7: Familiar Faces and New Characters Join the Team

9-1-1 is a popular TV show that follows the lives of firefighters, paramedics, and police officers in Los Angeles. The series has been running for six seasons and has become known for its intense action sequences and emotional storytelling. In season 7, viewers can expect to see familiar faces return as well as new characters joining the team.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • Angela Bassett sensed that danger was on the horizon before boarding the cruise ship due to The Poseidon Adventure scarring her as a child.
    • Buck and Natalia are no longer together in the premiere of Season 7 due to various logistical factors such as being based in New York, writers' strikes, etc.
    • Eddie told Buck that he missed him at the end of the first act of the episode, which Minear describes as a mission statement for Buck this season.
    • Shannon Diaz (Devin Kelley) appears as her son, Christopher (Gavin McHugh), reads a letter she wrote him years earlier.
    • Christopher is at an age where he realizes that Shannon left because of her own volition, but it's now time for him to wrestle with why she left.
  • Accuracy
    • The Season 7 premiere of 9-1-1 was advertised as featuring explosive cruise ship action, but the episode did not include any such scenes.
    • Angela Bassett sensed that danger was on the horizon before boarding the cruise ship due to The Poseidon Adventure scarring her as a child. She shared her concerns with her therapist and made reference to Shelly Winters' Oscar nomination for 2014, which she should have won according to Bassett.
    • Buck responded with a little squirt of his fire extinguisher when Eddie mentioned watching his son hang out with boys and girls, implying underlying sexual tension between them.
    • Eddie realized that Christopher's mother's departure left him feeling abandoned, so he let him read the letter that Shannon wrote to him as a baby. Hearing her voice was emotional for Eddie and Devin Kelley played Shannon in the scene.
    • Tim Minear originally wanted a fun story involving Buck and Eddie regarding Christopher but realized there was an area to explore involving Christopher's late mother.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article suggests that Angela Bassett has a problem with The Oscars when in fact she won an Oscar for her role as Toni Morrison. Secondly, the author uses quotes from previous interviews to make it seem like Angela Bassett has a negative view of The Oscars and is unhappy about not winning one. However, these quotes are taken out of context and do not accurately reflect Angela Bassett's views on the matter. Thirdly, the article makes it seem like Buck and Natalia have broken up when in fact they were never together to begin with.
    • The article makes it seem like Buck and Natalia have broken up when in fact they were never together to begin with.
    • The title of the article suggests that Angela Bassett has a problem with The Oscars when in fact she won an Oscar for her role as Toni Morrison.
    • The author uses quotes from previous interviews to make it seem like Angela Bassett has a negative view of The Oscars and is unhappy about not winning one. However, these quotes are taken out of context and do not accurately reflect Angela Bassett's views on the matter.
  • Fallacies (75%)
    The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the opinions of a showrunner and actors without providing any evidence or reasoning for their claims. Additionally, there are multiple instances where the author makes assumptions about people's motivations and feelings based on limited information, which is not supported by evidence.
    • The author uses an appeal to authority when they cite the opinions of a showrunner and actors without providing any evidence or reasoning for their claims. For example, they say that Angela Bassett was game for anything in her role as Athena on 9-1-1, but this is not supported by any evidence.
    • The author makes assumptions about people's motivations and feelings based on limited information. For instance, they assume that Buck and Natalia broke up because of logistical factors without providing any evidence to support this claim.
  • Bias (85%)
    The article contains a few examples of bias. The author uses the phrase 'Athena sensed that danger was on the horizon' to imply that Angela Bassett is responsible for her own misfortune in not winning an Oscar. This is a form of victim blaming and shows a lack of empathy towards Bassett's experience as a Black woman in Hollywood. The author also uses the phrase 'she read it and ran over to her husband and went,
    • Athena sensed that danger was on the horizon
      • She read it and ran over to her husband and went,
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
        The article by Andy Swift contains multiple conflicts of interest on the topics provided. The author has a personal relationship with Angela Bassett and Devin Kelley as they are both actors in the show. Additionally, Tim Minear is an executive producer of the show which could compromise his ability to report objectively.
        • Angela Bassett's Oscars Dig:
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Accuracy
          • The Season 7 premiere of 9-1-1 was advertised as featuring explosive cruise ship action, but the episode did not include any such scenes.
          • Athena expressed concerns that she and Bobby might not have anything in common once their jobs died down.
          • Maddie and Chimney were exhausted trying to avoid becoming resentful of one another.
          • Eddie enlisted a now-single Buck in helping him coach Christopher through perceived girl troubles.
          • The 118 had to rescue a bickering couple whose latest argument was interrupted by a plane crashing into their house, and they also had to pry apart another couple whose sexual rendezvous in a hot tub resulted in them getting stuck together.
          • Angela Bassett sensed that danger was on the horizon before boarding the cruise ship due to The Poseidon Adventure scarring her as a child. She shared her concerns with her therapist and made reference to Shelly Winters'Oscar nomination for 2014, which she should have won according to Bassett.
          • Buck and Natalia are no longer together in the premiere of Season 7 due to various logistical factors such as being based in New York, writers' strikes, etc.
          • Eddie told Buck that he missed him at the end of the first act of the episode, which Minear describes as a mission statement for Buck this season.
          • Buck responded with a little squirt of his fire extinguisher when Eddie mentioned watching his son hang out with boys and girls, implying underlying sexual tension between them.
          • Eddie realized that Christopher's mother's departure left him feeling abandoned, so he let him read the letter that Shannon wrote to him as a baby. Hearing her voice was emotional for Eddie and Devin Kelley played Shannon in the scene.
          • Tim Minear originally wanted a fun story involving Buck and Eddie regarding Christopher but realized there was an area to explore involving Christopher's late mother.
          • Devin Kelley played Shannon in the scene where Eddie reads her letter to Christopher.
        • Deception (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the new season of '9-1-1' will see Athena and Bobby's honeymoon cruise put on hold when duty calls without providing any evidence or sources for this claim.
          • The trailer includes scenes that are reminiscent of the Titanic, with shots of Athena and Bobby underwater.
        • Bias (85%)
          The article contains a statement that the new season of '9-1-1' will see Athena and Bobby's honeymoon cruise put on hold when duty calls. This is an example of religious bias as it implies that their relationship should be prioritized over their job, which is not realistic for first responders. Additionally, the trailer includes scenes reminiscent of the Titanic, with shots of Athena and Bobby underwater. This could be seen as a disproportionate number of quotations reflecting a specific position on religious beliefs.
          • shots of Athena and Bobby underwater in the trailer
            • The new season will see Athena and Bobby's honeymoon cruise put on hold when duty calls
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
              The article has multiple conflicts of interest. The author is an employee of ABC and Hulu which are the channels that air 9-1-1 and Station 19 respectively.
              • (ABC)
                • Athena Grant
                  • Bobby Nash
                    • Evan Buckley
                      • (Hulu)
                        • Maddie Kendall
                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication


                        • Unique Points
                          • Shannon Diaz (Devin Kelley) appears as her son, Christopher (Gavin McHugh), reads a letter she wrote him years earlier.
                          • Christopher is at an age where he realizes that Shannon left because of her own volition, but it's now time for him to wrestle with why she left.
                        • Accuracy
                          No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                        • Deception (50%)
                          The article is deceptive in that it presents the return of Shannon Diaz as a surprise to fans and implies that her death was unexpected. However, this is not true as she died in season 2 and her son Christopher has been aware of this fact for several seasons.
                          • The article states that Shannon Diaz died from injuries sustained in a car accident, but it does not mention that she had already passed away before the start of season 7.
                          • Shannon Diaz's return is presented as a surprise to fans
                        • Fallacies (85%)
                          The article contains an example of a false dilemma fallacy. The author presents the idea that Shannon Diaz's return as her son Christopher's estranged wife is surprising and unexpected when in fact it was hinted at earlier in the season. This creates a false choice between two options, one being what fans expected and the other being something completely different.
                          • The author presents Shannon Diaz's return as her son Christopher's estranged wife as surprising and unexpected when in fact it was hinted at earlier in the season. This creates a false choice between two options, one being what fans expected and the other being something completely different.
                        • Bias (85%)
                          The article contains a clear example of religious bias. The author uses the phrase 'Shannon Diaz (Devin Kelley) Eddie's (Ryan Guzman) estranged wife', which implies that Shannon and Eddie were married in a traditional sense with both parties being equally committed to their relationship. However, this is not accurate as it was revealed later on in season 2 of the show that Shannon died from injuries sustained in a car accident, meaning she was no longer alive when Eddie made his decision to leave her. This implies that Eddie's actions were justified and he did not bear any responsibility for Shannon's death. The author also uses the phrase 'Shannon Diaz (Devin Kelley) appears as her son', which suggests that Shannon is being brought back from the dead, when in reality she was only appearing through a letter written years ago. This implies that there is no real consequence to Eddie's actions and he can simply move on without any repercussions.
                          • Shannon Diaz appears as her son
                            • Shannon Diaz (Devin Kelley) Eddie's (Ryan Guzman) estranged wife
                            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication
                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication


                            • Unique Points
                              • Buck and Eddie are not dating.
                              • Athena and Bobby have some things to work out in the premiere.
                            • Accuracy
                              No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                            • Deception (100%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication
                            • Fallacies (85%)
                              The article contains an example of a false dilemma fallacy. The author presents the idea that Buck and Eddie's relationship is either on or off, when in reality there are many shades of grey. This is evident in the fact that Eddie welcomes Buck back to life after his death, indicating that their relationship has not completely ended.
                              • Eddie welcomes Buck back to life after his death.
                            • Bias (85%)
                              The author has a clear bias towards the characters in the show. They use language that is overly positive and complimentary when describing Buck's relationship status and his decision to break up with Natalia. The author also uses language that is dismissive of Eddie's feelings about Buck's relationship, saying it was just fair for him to invite Natalia because she had died recently. This shows a clear bias towards the character of Buck and against Eddie.
                              • We broke up. I don’t know why I thought it was such a great idea dating a death doula.
                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication


                              • Unique Points
                                • Ryan Guzman plays Eddie Diaz on 9-1-1
                                • Eddie is an Army medic turned firefighter
                                • Guzman's character parallels his own life as a single father striving for work-life balance and leaning on support network to raise children
                              • Accuracy
                                No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                              • Deception (50%)
                                The article contains several examples of deceptive practices. Firstly, the author uses a quote from Ryan Guzman to suggest that he is similar to his character on 9-1-1 when in fact there are no parallels between them as stated by Guzman himself.
                                • During my initial meeting with Minear, Eddie was described as "a very militant, by-the-book guy," a goody two-shoes. "As soon as I heard that, I shied...
                                • Ryan Guzman and Rusty Schwimmer, 9-1-1 Disney/Chris Willard Ryan Guzman will be the first to tell you that he has noticed some parallels between himself and Eddie Diaz, the Army-medic-turned-firefighter he has played for six seasons on 9-1-1. Like his character on the beloved procedural drama, which premieres March 14 on ABC, Guzman is now a single father striving to find the right work-life balance and learning to lean on his tight-knit support network to help raise his young children.
                              • Fallacies (70%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Bias (85%)
                                The author has a clear bias towards the show and its characters. They use personal experiences to draw parallels between themselves and Eddie Diaz, which is not objective reporting. The author also uses language that depicts Eddie as an 'extreme' character.
                                • ]As we're going into the seventh season, I'm actually really enjoying the fact that Eddie's bending the corner of figuring out who he really is. He doesn't have to be perfect. He can really lean on his community and his team,
                                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                  None Found At Time Of Publication