Former Presidents and Celebrities Gather for Biden Fundraiser as Trump Attends Officer's Wake

New York, NYC United States of America
Former President Donald Trump is expected to attend the wake for slain New York Police Officer Jonathan Diller on March 29, 2024.
President Biden will be hosting a glitzy fundraising event at Radio Music Hall in New York City on Thursday that will be attended by former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton as well as A-list celebrities.
Former Presidents and Celebrities Gather for Biden Fundraiser as Trump Attends Officer's Wake

On March 29, 2024, former President Donald Trump is expected to attend the wake for slain New York Police Officer Jonathan Diller. Meanwhile, on Thursday in New York City, President Biden will be hosting a glitzy fundraising event at Radio Music Hall that will be attended by former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton as well as A-list celebrities.



  • It is not clear if any other celebrities will be attending the event.
  • The exact location of the fundraising event has not been disclosed.



  • Unique Points
    • . Trump called the officer's death a horrible tragedy and, as he often does on the trail, broadly called for a crackdown on violent crime without mentioning specific policies.
    • . The former president faces 88 felony charges
    • Mr. Trump met privately with Officer Diller's widow and 1-year-old son
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author uses sensationalism by describing the death of Police Officer Jonathan Diller as a 'horrible tragedy'. This statement is not supported by any evidence and could be seen as an attempt to manipulate emotions rather than provide factual information. Secondly, the article quotes former President Donald Trump calling for a crackdown on violent crime without mentioning specific policies. This statement is misleading because it implies that Mr. Trump has a clear plan for reducing crime when in reality he has not provided any details about how he would achieve this goal. Lastly, the author uses selective reporting by focusing solely on Mr. Trump's attendance at the wake and his message on crime without providing any context or background information about the officer's death or the broader issue of police brutality.
    • Mr. Trump calls for a crackdown on violent crime without mentioning specific policies.
    • The article describes Police Officer Jonathan Diller's death as a 'horrible tragedy'.
  • Fallacies (70%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when it states that former President Donald J. Trump attended the wake of a New York City police officer who was killed in the line of duty without mentioning any specific policies.
    • Mr. Trump’s visit with the family of Police Officer Jonathan Diller, who was fatally shot during a traffic stop on Monday, was not a campaign event, though he did take the opportunity to emphasize his message on crime.
  • Bias (85%)
    The author is Michael Gold and he has a history of bias towards the Republican party. In this article, Mr. Trump's call for a crackdown on violent crime without mentioning specific policies can be seen as an example of ideological bias.
    • > The former president’s attendance at the wake was reflective of a balancing act that has come to define his campaign.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Former President Trump is expected to attend the wake for slain New York Police Officer Jonathan Diller.
      • President Biden will be hosting a glitzy fundraising event at Radio Music Hall on Thursday that will be attended by former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton as well as A-list celebrities.
    • Accuracy
      • Former President Trump is expected to attend the wake for slain New York Police Officer Jonathan Diller, who was killed by a career criminal during a traffic stop on Monday.
      • Alyssa Farah Griffin, co-host of The View, admitted that Trump's decision to attend the funeral of a slain officer in NYC resonated with voters better than President Biden holding a celebrity-filled campaign fundraiser in NYC.
      • Trump was using the same playbook he used for his 2016 campaign and this move would resonate with what middle America actually cares about.
      • Officer Diller, 31, a father to a one-year-old boy, was killed Monday after Guy Rivera, 34, allegedly opened fire and killed him during a routine traffic stop. Both the driver of the vehicle and Rivera had at least 20 prior arrests.
      • A Trump spokesperson said Wednesday that the former president was invited to attend the wake for slain NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller.
    • Deception (80%)
      The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author uses a quote from Alyssa Farah Griffin to claim that Trump's decision to attend the funeral of Jonathan Diller resonated with voters better than Biden hosting a celebrity-filled fundraiser. However, this statement is misleading as it implies that all voters agree on this matter when in fact opinions may vary widely. Secondly, the author uses Farah Griffin's quote to claim that Trump attending the funeral will serve as a distraction from his Georgia election interference hearing today. This statement is also misleading as there is no evidence linking Trump's attendance at Diller's funeral to any potential impact on his Georgia election interference trial. Lastly, the author uses Farah Griffin's quote to claim that Trump using the same playbook he used for his 2016 campaign will resonate with what middle America actually cares about. This statement is misleading as it implies that all voters in middle America agree on this matter when opinions may vary widely.
      • The author uses Farah Griffin's quote to claim that Trump attending the funeral will serve as a distraction from his Georgia election interference hearing today. This statement is also misleading as there is no evidence linking Trump's attendance at Diller's funeral to any potential impact on his Georgia election interference trial.
      • The author uses a quote from Alyssa Farah Griffin to claim that Trump's decision to attend the funeral of Jonathan Diller resonated with voters better than Biden hosting a celebrity-filled fundraiser. However, this statement is misleading as it implies that all voters agree on this matter when opinions may vary widely.
      • The author uses Farah Griffin's quote to claim that Trump using the same playbook he used for his 2016 campaign will resonate with what middle America actually cares about. This statement is misleading as it implies that all voters in middle America agree on this matter when opinions may vary widely.
    • Fallacies (85%)
      The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that former President Trump understands what resonates with middle America better than President Biden does without providing any evidence or reasoning for this claim. Additionally, the author makes a false dilemma by presenting only two options: attending a funeral of a slain officer in NYC or hosting a celebrity-filled campaign fundraiser in NYC. The article also contains inflammatory rhetoric when Alyssa Farah Griffin says that Trump's decision to attend the fallen officer's funeral will serve as
      • The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that former President Trump understands what resonates with middle America better than President Biden does without providing any evidence or reasoning for this claim.
      • <p>Alyssa Farah Griffin was asked to comment on the <strong>optics</strong> behind these decisions during an appearance on CNN Thursday morning. The political commentator conceded that it would benefit Trump with the average American voter.</p>
      • The author makes a false dilemma by presenting only two options: attending a funeral of a slain officer in NYC or hosting a celebrity-filled campaign fundraiser in NYC.
      • <p>Farah Griffin, <strong>a former Trump</strong> aid, said the decision to attend the fallen officer<sup><i>'s</i></sup> funeral will also serve as <em><strong>
    • Bias (85%)
      The author of the article is Alyssa Farah Griffin who has a history with Donald Trump and his campaign. She made statements that suggest she believes that attending the funeral of a slain police officer will resonate better with voters than hosting a celebrity-filled fundraiser, which implies political bias towards Trump's decision to attend the funeral.
      • The author Alyssa Farah Griffin admitted Donald Trump's decision to attend a funeral of a slain officer in NYC resonated with voters better than President Biden holding a celebrity-filled campaign fundraiser in NYC.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        Kristine Parks has a conflict of interest on the topic of President Trump as she is an employee of Fox News which is known for its conservative bias and support for the Republican party. Additionally, her statement that Donald Trump's decision to attend a funeral resonated with voters better than President Biden holding a celebrity-filled campaign fundraiser in NYC shows her personal preference and biases towards one candidate over another.
        • Kristine Parks is an employee of Fox News which has been known for its conservative bias and support for the Republican party.
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • The video shows the fatal shooting of NYPD cop Jonathan Diller during a routine car stop in Far Rockaway, Queens.
          • Guy Rivera is accused of hitting Diller with one shot that hit him in the abdomen beneath his bullet-resistant vest while Lindy Jones allegedly fired two shots at Rivera, striking him in the back.
          • Thirty seconds after the shots rang out, officers can be seen frantically working to get Diller into a car for transport to Jamaica Hospital but found themselves stuck in traffic with several police vehicles blocking their path.
          • An unmarked car pulled up by the Kia and officers worked quickly to clear a path for the car carrying Diller.
          • Thirty seconds later, with one SUV backing up and another driving in the same direction, the path was cleared and the car carrying Diller sped off in reverse.
          • Former President Trump is expected to attend the wake for slain New York Police Officer Jonathan Diller, who was killed by a career criminal during a traffic stop on Monday.
          • Alyssa Farah Griffin, co-host of The View, admitted that Trump's decision to attend the funeral of a slain officer in NYC resonated with voters better than President Biden holding a celebrity-filled campaign fundraiser in NYC.
        • Accuracy
          • President Biden will be hosting a glitzy fundraising event at Radio Music Hall on Thursday that will be attended by former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton as well as A-list celebrities.
          • Alyssa Farah Griffin, co-host of The View, admitted that Trump's decision to attend the funeral of a slain officer in NYC resonated with voters better than President Biden holding a celebrity-filled campaign fundraiser in NYC.
          • Trump was using the same playbook he used for his 2016 campaign and this move would resonate with what middle America actually cares about.
          • Officer Diller, 31, a father to a one-year-old boy, was killed Monday after Guy Rivera, 34, allegedly opened fire and killed him during a routine traffic stop. Both the driver of the vehicle and Rivera had at least 20 prior arrests.
        • Deception (50%)
          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title implies that Jonathan Diller was shot by a suspect during a routine car stop when in fact he was hit by one of his fellow officers while trying to apprehend the suspect. Secondly, the author uses sensationalist language such as 'wails of pain' and 'desperate attempts to escape', which is not supported by any evidence presented in the article. Thirdly, there are no quotes from Jonathan Diller or any other sources that contradict this narrative.
          • The title implies that Jonathan Diller was shot by a suspect during a routine car stop when in fact he was hit by one of his fellow officers while trying to apprehend the suspect.
          • The author uses sensationalist language such as 'wails of pain' and 'desperate attempts to escape', which is not supported by any evidence presented in the article.
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The article contains several logical fallacies. Firstly, the author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the video was obtained by The Daily News without providing any evidence of its authenticity or reliability. Secondly, there is a dichotomous depiction of Guy Rivera as both a suspect and someone who was shot in self-defense, which could be seen as inflammatory rhetoric. Lastly, the author uses an informal fallacy by stating that Lindy Jones was handcuffed without providing any evidence or context for why he was being arrested.
          • The video starts with three quick gunshots
          • One allegedly by suspect Guy Rivera that hit Diller in the abdomen beneath his bullet-resistant vest, the other two by Officer Veckash Khedna, striking Rivera in the back.
          • Thirty seconds after the shots rang out, officers can be seen yanking Jones from the driver's seat and bringing him to the ground.
          • An unmarked car pulls up by the Kia with officers frantically working to get Diller into it.
        • Bias (85%)
          The article is biased towards the NYPD and presents a one-sided view of events. The author uses language that dehumanizes Guy Rivera by referring to him as an 'alleged shooter' despite evidence suggesting otherwise. Additionally, the article only quotes from police sources, which may not provide a balanced perspective on events.
          • An unmarked car pulls up by the Kia, with officers frantically working to get Diller into the back seat
            • Officers can be seen yanking Lindy Jones from the driver’s seat and bringing him to the ground
              • The video starts with three quick gunshots
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                There are multiple examples of conflicts of interest in this article. The author is a reporter for the New York Daily News, which has financial ties to the NYPD through its coverage and advertising revenue. Additionally, the article reports on a shooting involving an NYPD cop during a car stop at Jamaica Hospital, where Lindy Jones works as an anchor and Guy Rivera was previously employed.
                • Guy Rivera was previously employed by CNN which is owned by Turner Broadcasting System Inc., which also owns Time Warner Cable. The NYPD has contracts with Time Warner to provide internet and cable services to its employees.
                  • Jamaica Hospital, where the shooting occurred during a car stop, was previously covered extensively in news articles featuring Lindy Jones as an anchor for CNN.
                    • The New York Daily News is owned by Advance Media Partners LLC which has financial ties to the NYPD through its coverage and advertising revenue. (Source:
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication