Tyler Perry Ditches Old-Person Makeup for AI in Upcoming Movies

Atlanta, Georgia, USA United States of America
He used AI to make himself look like an old person for two movies that are going to be announced soon.
Tyler Perry has abandoned elaborate old-person makeup in favor of AI.
Tyler Perry Ditches Old-Person Makeup for AI in Upcoming Movies

Tyler Perry has abandoned elaborate old-person makeup in favor of AI. He used AI to make himself look like an old person for two movies that are going to be announced soon, which kept him out of makeup for hours on set and post production.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • Tyler Perry has seen demonstrations of what AI can do.
    • Perry envisions a scenario where the need for filming on location or building sets would be a concern of the past with Sora.
    • Perry is already voting with his wallet on the subject.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (80%)
    Tyler Perry is using his influence to call on the entertainment industry and government to regulate AI before it becomes too powerful. He has seen demonstrations of what AI can do and is concerned about its potential impact on jobs in the film industry.
    • Perry described how he had planned for an $800 million expansion at his studio, but was now putting those plans on hold because of Sora's capabilities. He also mentioned that many jobs could be eliminated by AI.
  • Fallacies (75%)
    The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority when he states that Tyler Perry is sounding an alarm and warning filmmakers about the dangers of AI. This statement implies that Perry's opinion should be taken as fact without any evidence or reasoning provided. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing Sora as
    • Bias (85%)
      Tyler Perry expresses concern about the impact of AI on the entertainment industry and its potential to eliminate jobs. He describes how he has seen demonstrations of what AI can do and is worried that there needs to be regulations in place to protect people in the business.
      • “Being told that it can do all of these things is one thing, but actually seeing the capabilities, it was mind-blowing,”
        • “I no longer would have to travel to locations. If I wanted to be in the snow in Colorado, it’s text. If I wanted to write a scene on the moon, it’s text, and this AI can generate it like nothing.”
          • “It has to be an all hands on [deck], whole industry approach. It can’t be one union fighting every contract every two or three years.”
            • “It makes me worry so much about all of the people in the business. Because as I was looking at it, I immediately started thinking of everyone in the industry who would be affected by this,’ including actors and grip and electric and transportation and sound and editors.”
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
              Tyler Perry has financial ties to the entertainment industry and government regulations. He also owns an AI technology company that is developing a text-to-video model.
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                The author has a financial interest in the entertainment industry and AI technology as he is an investor in OpenAI. He also has a personal relationship with Tyler Perry who is mentioned in the article.


                • Unique Points
                  • Tyler Perry has put a planned $800 million expansion of his Atlanta studio on hold after seeing the capabilities of OpenAI's new model Sora.
                  • Perry envisions a scenario where the need for filming on location or building sets would be a concern of the past with Sora.
                  • Sora is able to generate it like nothing and potentially let filmmakers produce movies and pilots at a fraction of the cost, but added that in the near future, jobs are going to be lost.
                  • Perry used AI in two recent projects: That kept me out of makeup for hours. In post and on set, I was able to use this AI technology to avoid ever having to sit through hours of aging makeup.
                  • Everybody in the industry is running a hundred miles an hour trying and catch up with Sora.
                • Accuracy
                  No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                • Deception (50%)
                  The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Tyler Perry has put his planned $800 million expansion on hold due to Sora's capabilities. However, it is not clear if this decision was made solely because of Sora or if there were other factors at play as well. Secondly, the article quotes Tyler Perry saying that he envisions a scenario where filming on location or building sets would be a concern of the past with Sora's potential impact on filmmaking. However, it is not clear if this statement accurately reflects what Tyler Perry truly believes about Sora and its capabilities in reality.
                  • The article claims that Tyler Perry has put his planned $800 million expansion on hold due to Sora's capabilities. However, the author does not provide any evidence or quotes from Tyler Perry confirming this claim.
                • Fallacies (85%)
                  The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority when he quotes Tyler Perry's statements about the capabilities and potential impact of Sora on filmmaking. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing Sora as a 'major game-changer' that could potentially lead to job losses in the industry.
                  • Tyler Perry used an appeal to authority when he quoted The Hollywood Reporter about OpenAI's new model Sora. He stated,
                • Bias (85%)
                  The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses the phrase 'mind-blowing' to describe Sora which is a text-to-video model that has the potential to change filmmaking as we know it. This implies that there may be some sort of divine or supernatural aspect to this technology, which could be seen as religious bias.
                  • Being told that it can do all of these things is one thing, but actually seeing the capabilities, it was mind-blowing,
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                    Tyler Perry has a financial stake in OpenAI as he is an investor in the company. This could influence his coverage of the topic and potentially compromise his ability to act objectively and impartially.


                    • Unique Points
                      • Tyler Perry sees the opportunity in AI but also wants to raise concerns about its impact on labor as an employer, fellow actor, and filmmaker.
                      • Perry is already voting with his wallet on the subject.
                    • Accuracy
                      • OpenAI's text-to-video model Sora debuted on February 15 and stunned observers with its cinematic video outputs.
                    • Deception (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Fallacies (75%)
                      The article discusses the impact of artificial intelligence on the entertainment industry and raises concerns about job losses. The author cites OpenAI's Sora as an example of how AI can generate video outputs with text inputs, which could potentially eliminate the need for physical sets or travel to locations. This is a clear case of a fallacy known as 'False Dilemma', where only two options are presented when in fact there may be more alternatives available.
                      • The author states that Sora's capabilities make him worry about all people in the industry who would be affected by this technology, including actors and grip and electric and transportation and sound and editors. This is a clear case of an 'Overgeneralization' fallacy as it assumes that everyone in the industry will be negatively impacted.
                      • The author mentions that he has used AI in two films recently to avoid hours of aging makeup. This is a clear example of how technology can improve efficiency and productivity, which could potentially lead to job losses for those who are not able or willing to adapt.
                    • Bias (85%)
                      The author expresses concern about the impact of AI on labor and employment in the entertainment industry. They mention that they have seen Sora's capabilities and are worried about how it might affect their studio expansion plans. The author also mentions that they plan to use AI in future productions, but are concerned about its potential effects on certain job categories.
                      • I had gotten word over the last year or so that this was coming, but I had no idea until I saw recently the demonstrations of what it's able to do. It's shocking to me.
                      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                        Tyler Perry has a financial stake in the entertainment industry and may be hesitant to report on negative side effects of his own studio expansion. Additionally, OpenAI is mentioned as an AI company that could potentially compete with Tyler Perry's business interests.
                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                          Tyler Perry has a financial stake in the entertainment industry and may have an interest in protecting jobs. He also mentions OpenAI's Sora which could be seen as promoting their product.


                          • Unique Points
                            • Tyler Perry expressed a need for the industry to get ahead of AI's potential impact and said there needs to be some sort of regulations in order to protect them. He cited OpenAI's text-to-video tool Sora as the impetus for the expansion stoppage.
                            • Perry sees an opportunity in AI but also wants to raise concerns about its impact on labor as an employer, fellow actor, and filmmaker.
                          • Accuracy
                            No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                          • Deception (50%)
                            Tyler Perry has expressed concerns over the potential impact of artificial intelligence on the film industry and has put his planned $800 million studio expansion on hold due to these concerns. He specifically cited OpenAI's text-to-video tool Sora as a reason for this decision.
                            • He went on to specifically cite OpenAI‘s text-to-video tool Sora as the impetus for the expansion stoppage.
                            • Perry clarified that he’s not against AI, sharing that he’s used the tech in two of his upcoming films, opting to age himself in post-production instead of in a makeup chair.
                            • Tyler Perry‘s planned $800 million studio expansion in Atlanta has been put on the back burner due to his growing concerns over developments in artificial intelligence.
                            • He fears for the jobs that could be lost to automation.
                          • Fallacies (70%)
                            The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when Tyler Perry expresses his concerns about the potential impact of AI on the film industry and calls for regulations. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing Sora as a threat to jobs in the industry.
                            • >Tyler Perry expressed a need for regulations in order to protect against AI's potential impact, saying,
                          • Bias (85%)
                            The author has expressed a need for regulations to protect the industry from AI's potential impact. They have cited OpenAI's text-to-video tool Sora as the impetus for stopping an $800 million studio expansion. The author also expresses concern about job losses due to automation and hopes that human workers are not lost in the shuffle.
                            • Perry fears for the jobs that could be lost to automation
                              • The planned $800 million studio expansion has been put on hold because of Sora and what he is seeing
                                • Tyler Perry expressed a need for regulations to protect the industry from AI's potential impact
                                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                  Tyler Perry has a financial stake in OpenAI and may have conflicts of interest regarding their AI technology.
                                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                    Tyler Perry has a financial stake in OpenAI and may have conflicts of interest regarding the company's Sora AI. The article does not disclose any other potential conflicts of interest.


                                    • Unique Points
                                      • Tyler Perry has abandoned elaborate old-person makeup in favor of AI.
                                      • Perry used AI to make himself look like an old person for two movies that are going to be announced soon. This kept him out of makeup for hours on set and post production.
                                      • Perry's $800 million expansion at his studio complex has been paused due to concerns about AI, including OpenAI's new Sora video generation tool.
                                    • Accuracy
                                      No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                                    • Deception (100%)
                                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                                    • Fallacies (85%)
                                      The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing Tyler Perry's interview with THR and James Cameron's comment about AI. This is a form of informal fallacy as it relies on the credibility of individuals rather than evidence or logical reasoning. Additionally, the author makes use of inflammatory rhetoric when they describe losing Tyler Perry in bad prosthetics as
                                      • Tyler Perry's interview with THR and James Cameron's comment about AI.
                                      • <https://www.avclub.com/tyler-perry-ai-makeup-1851280822>
                                    • Bias (85%)
                                      The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses language that depicts the use of AI as a threat to traditional filmmaking methods and jobs in the industry.
                                      • > James Cameron just dropped in to say "I told you so" about A.I. <
                                        • > Tyler Perry in bad prosthetics is a cornerstone of American artistic achievement; losing this is like hearing that some highly specialized handcraft has gone extinct, never to be rediscovered.
                                          • > Tyler Perry revealed that he used AI to make himself look like an old person, instead of getting into the makeup chair for multiple hours for a couple of movies he was cranking out. <
                                            • > Will the war for humanity's destiny be waged in Tyler Perrys makeup-slathered heart? <
                                            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                              None Found At Time Of Publication
                                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                              William Hughes has a conflict of interest on the topic of Tyler Perry as he is an AI expert and may have financial ties to companies in that industry.