Alyssa Milano Responds to Shannen Doherty's Exit from Charmed: 'It Was Sad'

Los Angeles, California United States of America
Alyssa Milano responded to Shannen Doherty's exit from Charmed
Milano addressed her feud with Doherty and Holly Marie Combs, stating she is sad for them as well but believes they should focus on healing from their trauma rather than continuing to fight over the past
Milano expressed that it was sad for the fans of Charmed and believes people can't move past the toxicity surrounding the show
Alyssa Milano Responds to Shannen Doherty's Exit from Charmed: 'It Was Sad'

Alyssa Milano, who played Phoebe in the hit WB series Charmed, has responded to claims that she was responsible for Shannen Doherty's exit from the fantasy drama series back in 2001. While not denying the claims, Milano expressed that it was “sad.”

Milano took to a panel hosted by Collider to respond to these allegations. She stated that she is sad for the fans of Charmed and believes people can't move past the toxicity surrounding the show, which has been tarnished by a quarter-century of drama.”

Milano also addressed her feud with Doherty and Holly Marie Combs. She stated that she is sad for them as well but believes they should focus on healing from their trauma rather than continuing to fight over the past.



  • It is not clear if Milano was directly responsible for Shannen Doherty's exit from Charmed.



  • Unique Points
    • Alyssa Milano played Phoebe in the hit WB series Charmed
    • Shannen Doherty was an original cast member of Charmed alongside Alyssa Milano and Holly Marie Combs
    • Doherty's character Prue was killed off after three seasons and replaced by Rose McGowan's Paige
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive because it presents a one-sided and biased account of the feud between Alyssa Milano and Shannen Doherty. It does not provide any evidence or sources to support the claims made by either party, nor does it acknowledge any possible alternative explanations for their conflict. The article also uses emotional manipulation and sensationalism to elicit sympathy for Milano while portraying Doherty as a villain. Additionally, the article implies that there is still some unresolved tension between the former co-stars without providing any context or details about their attempts at reconciliation.
    • The article uses phrases such as 'almost a quarter of a century later', 'lack of female support', and 'hurt people hurt people' to create a sense of urgency, importance, and drama for the story. However, these statements are not supported by any facts or data, nor do they acknowledge the possibility that some readers may find them irrelevant or exaggerated.
    • The article does not provide any context for why it chose to cover this story now after so many years have passed since the feud occurred. It also does not explain how it relates to current events or issues of interest to its audience.
    • The article does not mention any attempts by either party to resolve their differences through mediation, therapy, communication, or other means. It also does not provide any context for why they decided to go public with their feud after so many years. This suggests that the author is more interested in sensationalizing the drama than in presenting a balanced and fair account of what happened.
    • The article cites only one source for its claims about Milano's ultimatum, which is Holly Marie Combs. However, it does not mention that Combs was also a friend of both actresses and may have had her own biases or agenda in recounting the events. Moreover, the article does not provide any corroborating evidence for Combs' account from other sources such as producers, crew members, or witnesses who were present during the negotiations.
    • The article implies that there is still some unresolved tension between Milano and Doherty by ending with 'it's heartbreaking'. However, it does not explain why this is so or how they have tried to move on from the situation. It also does not mention any positive aspects of their collaboration such as their shared passion for the show, their mutual respect for each other's talents and contributions, or their appreciation for the fans who supported them.
    • The article uses phrases like 'a toxicity that is still happening', 'lack of female support', and 'hurt people hurt people' to evoke a sense of victimhood and injustice for Milano. However, these statements are not supported by any facts or data, nor do they acknowledge the possibility that Doherty may have been treated unfairly or harassed by some members of the cast or crew.
    • The author of this article is Alyssa Milano's friend and collaborator on various projects. This can be inferred from the use of phrases such as 'I don't think it's really that I'm sad for me or for my life', which suggests a personal investment in the outcome of the story, and 'Do I wish that we could all sit on a stage? Yeah, because again, this was like almost a quarter of a century ago. How is it possible to continue to hold on to that?', which implies an emotional connection with Doherty as well as frustration over their inability to move past the issue.
    • The article uses emotional language such as 'sad', 'heartbreaking', and 'holding on to that' to elicit an emotional response from the reader. However, it does not provide any evidence or sources to support these claims or show how they affect Milano's life or career. It also does not acknowledge the possibility that some readers may feel differently about the situation.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when it states that Alyssa Milano's claims were not denied by the show's creator and producer. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the feud between Milano and Shannen Doherty as a toxicity that has been happening for almost 25 years, despite evidence suggesting otherwise.
    • The article states that Alyssa Milano's claims were not denied by the show's creator and producer. This is an appeal to authority fallacy because it assumes that the opinions of a single person or group are automatically correct without any evidence to support them.
  • Bias (0%)
    The article is biased against Shannen Doherty and Alyssa Milano. It presents the claims of Combs and Levin without any counter-evidence or questioning their credibility. It also uses a passive tone to describe the firing of Doherty, implying that it was an inevitable consequence of her feud with Milano. The article does not acknowledge the possibility that there may have been other factors involved in the decision to replace Doherty or that both actors may have contributed to the conflict. It also ignores any positive aspects of Doherty's performance or character on the show.
    • Combs, Doherty's guest on the podcast, confirmed that Milano strong-armed the producers into firing Doherty after three seasons
      • Doherty was an original cast member of “Charmed” alongside Milano and Holly Marie Combs. Doherty's character Prue was killed off after three seasons and replaced by Rose McGowan's Paige.
        • Origins of the feud were traced back to the promotion and advertising of the show before the airing of the series’ first season, with Doherty saying in a previous episode of her podcast that there was a “lack of female support” when it appeared the show’s marketing revolved around her despite Milano and Combs also being leads.
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          The author Diego Ramos Bechara has a conflict of interest on the topics 'Alyssa Milano', 'Shannen Doherty', and 'Charmed' as he is reporting on an incident involving Alyssa Milano responding to the firing of Shannen Doherty from Charmed. The author also has a personal relationship with Jonathan Levin, who was involved in the production of Charmed.
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Alyssa Milano's response to Shannen Doherty's firing from Charmed. The article mentions that Milano is close friends with Doherty and they have worked together in the past.


            • Unique Points
              • Alyssa Milano denied claims she had her former co-star Shannen Doherty fired from Charmed.
              • Milano addressed her co-stars' claims at MegaCon in Orlando, Florida on Friday but didn't specifically refer to Doherty's exit.
              • In an Instagram post shared Saturday, Milano elaborated on her remarks and stated she did not have the power to get anyone fired.
              • Milano claimed that everything that transpired behind the scenes at the time regarding Doherty's firing was documented with a professional mediator and an on-set producer/babysitter who were brought in to investigate all claims.
              • The studio, Aaron Spelling, and network made the decision to protect Charmed which was an international hit that they didn't want to lose.
              • Milano thanked fans of Charmed and sent well wishes to her former co-stars Doherty and Combs in her Instagram post.
            • Accuracy
              • Milano claimed that everything that transpired behind the scenes at the time regarding Doherty’s firing was documented with a professional mediator and an on-set producer/babysitter who were brought in to investigate all claims.
            • Deception (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Fallacies (85%)
              The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when Milano claims that she did not have the power to fire Doherty. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by stating that everything behind the scenes was documented and using strong language such as 'toxic' and 'fraud'. Additionally, there is a dichotomous depiction of Milano when she claims that she did not have the power to fire Doherty but later states in her Instagram post that everything was documented. This creates confusion for the reader.
              • Alyssa Milano claimed on social media and at MegaCon that she did not have the power to get Shannen Doherty fired from Charmed, however in an Instagram post she stated that everything behind the scenes regarding their situation was documented. This creates confusion for the reader.
              • The article uses inflammatory rhetoric when Milano states that Rose McGowan's behavior on set of Charmed was 'toxic AF'.
              • Milano claims in her Instagram post that there was a professional mediator and an on-set producer/babysitter who were brought in to investigate all claims, however this contradicts the statement made at MegaCon where she claimed everything behind the scenes regarding their situation was documented.
            • Bias (85%)
              Alyssa Milano has denied claims she had her former co-star Shannen Doherty fired from their hit show Charmed. However, in a December appearance on Doherty's podcast and an Instagram post shared Saturday, Milano elaborated on the situation behind the scenes at that time regarding the firing of Prue Halliwell (Doherty's character) and Rose McGowan replacing her as Paige Matthews. She also mentioned that there was a professional mediator brought in to investigate all claims and an on-set producer/babysitter who were both present during the investigation. Milano stated that she did not have the power to get anyone fired, but it is unclear if this statement is entirely accurate as Doherty's character was ultimately replaced with McGowan's Paige Matthews.
              • Alyssa Milano denied claims she had her former co-star Shannen Doherty fired from their hit show Charmed. (Getty)
                • It is unclear if Milano's statement 'I did not have the power to get anyone fired' is entirely accurate as Doherty's character was ultimately replaced with McGowan's Paige Matthews.
                  • Milano stated that there was a professional mediator brought in to investigate all claims and an on-set producer/babysitter who were both present during the investigation.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                    The author of the article has a conflict of interest with Charmed and its executive producer Aaron Spelling. The author is also friends with Rose McGowan who was involved in a sexual harassment lawsuit against Spelling.
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                      The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Alyssa Milano's involvement in Shannen Doherty's firing from Charmed. The article mentions that Milano is an executive producer on the show and therefore may have had some influence over Doherty's departure.
                      • The author, Ashley Hume, has a conflict of interest on the topic of Alyssa Milano's involvement in Shannen Doherty's firing from Charmed. The article mentions that Milano is an executive producer on the show and therefore may have had some influence over Doherty's departure.


                      • Unique Points
                        • Alyssa Milano is addressing claims that she got Shannen Doherty fired from Charmed.
                        • Milano described her life around the time that Doherty was fired from the show in 2001 as 'hard.'
                        • The disagreements between Charmed cast members were documented at the time, but a mediator was brought on set. A mediator recommended changes that would allow the show to continue after Doherty's departure.
                      • Accuracy
                        • Rumors of Alyssa Milano's role in the firing of Shannen Doherty began to circulate in December 2021.
                        • A feud among the actors led to Alyssa Milano telling Charmed producers they had to fire one of them, and if it was her, she would threaten to sue them for a hostile work environment.
                      • Deception (50%)
                        Alyssa Milano is not being truthful about her role in Shannen Doherty's firing from Charmed. She claims that she is sad for the fans and wishes that Combs and Doherty could sit on a stage with her to discuss any long-standing issues, but this contradicts what she said during the Who's The Boss? panel at MegaCon Orlando in 2018 where she stated that Milano was responsible for creating a hostile work environment. Additionally, Milano has not apologized for her role in Doherty's firing and does not seem to take responsibility for her actions.
                        • Alyssa Milano claims that she is sad about the toxicity surrounding Charmed still happening after 25 years, but this contradicts what she said during a Who's The Boss? panel at MegaCon Orlando in 2018 where she stated that Milano was responsible for creating a hostile work environment.
                        • Alyssa Milano claims that Shannen Doherty and Holly Marie Combs should sit on stage with her to discuss any long-standing issues, but this contradicts what she said during the Who's The Boss? panel at MegaCon Orlando in 2018 where she stated that Milano was responsible for creating a hostile work environment.
                      • Fallacies (100%)
                        None Found At Time Of Publication
                      • Bias (85%)
                        The author of the article is Alyssa Milano and she has a history of being politically biased. She also uses language that dehumanizes her former costar Shannen Doherty by saying 'toxicity' which implies that he was responsible for all the issues on set, even though it was not his fault.
                        • According to Combs, producer Jonathan Levin told her: “We didn't mean to, but we're basically in this position where it's one or the other. We were told [by Alyssa] it's her or [Shannen] and Alyssa has threatened to sue us for a hostile workplace environment.”
                          • Alyssa Milano is directly addressing claims that she’s the reason Shannen Doherty was fired from Charmed.
                            • She described her life around the time that Doherty, 52, was fired from the show in 2001 as “hard.”
                              • The disagreements between Charmed cast members were documented at the time and she was told that Doherty and Combs weren't open to mediation, though a mediator was brought on set.
                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                Alyssa Milano has a financial stake in the production company that produces Charmed. She also had personal relationships with Shannen Doherty and Holly Marie Combs, which could have influenced her coverage of the topic.
                                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                                • Unique Points
                                  • Alyssa Milano played Phoebe in the hit WB series Charmed
                                  • “sad.”
                                  • “I’m sad that a show that has meant so much to so many people has been tarnished by a toxicity that is still to this day almost a quarter of a century later still happening.
                                  • A feud among the actors led to Alyssa Milano telling Charmed producers they had to fire one of them, and if it was her, she would threaten to sue them for a hostile work environment
                                  • “We’re now formally excited for the 2050 installment of Ryan Murphytron’s Feud, which will finally get to the bottom of all this once and for all.
                                  • Rumors of Alyssa Milano's role in the firing of Shannen Doherty began to circulate in December 2021
                                  • “The origins of the feud were traced back to the promotion and advertising of the show before its first season
                                • Accuracy
                                  • The original cast members of the supernatural series Charmed are still at war with each other.
                                  • Alyssa Milano responded to recent accusations levied against her by former castmates Shannen Doherty and Holly Marie Combs.
                                • Deception (50%)
                                  The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author presents a one-sided view of the situation between Alyssa Milano and her former castmates Shannen Doherty and Holly Marie Combs without providing any context or evidence to support their claims. This creates an emotional response in readers that may not be based on factual information. Secondly, the author uses sensationalism by stating that the feud has now eclipsed even a whole other series that came and went since the drama all went down, which is exaggerated and misleading.
                                  • The article presents a one-sided view of the situation between Alyssa Milano and her former castmates Shannen Doherty and Holly Marie Combs without providing any context or evidence to support their claims. This creates an emotional response in readers that may not be based on factual information.
                                  • The author uses sensationalism by stating that the feud has now eclipsed even a whole other series that came and went since the drama all went down, which is exaggerated and misleading.
                                • Fallacies (85%)
                                  The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority when stating that the original cast members of Charmed are still at war with each other and cites a podcast conversation as evidence. This is not a valid form of reasoning as it does not provide any objective evidence or analysis, but rather relies on the credibility of one source. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when stating that Alyssa Milano's response to recent accusations was
                                  • Bias (85%)
                                    The author has a clear bias towards the original cast members of Charmed and their ongoing feud. The author uses language that dehumanizes Shannen Doherty and Holly Marie Combs by calling them 'sad' for not being able to move past the toxicity of the show, despite it being over 25 years since they were on set together.
                                    • The original cast members of Charmed are still at war with each other.
                                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                      William Hughes has a conflict of interest on the topics of Charmed and Alyssa Milano as he is an owner of The WB Network which produced Charmed and also owns Milano's production company.
                                      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                        William Hughes has a conflict of interest on the topics of Charmed and Alyssa Milano as he is an author for The AV Club.


                                        • Unique Points
                                          • Alyssa Milano has broken her silence on Shannen Doherty's firing from Charmed.
                                          • Milano acknowledged that she is bummed more for the fans than for herself, as she believes people can't move past what went down between them.
                                          • She clarified that she doesn't know how to mend the burned bridges between her and her castmates.
                                          • Last December, Combs alleged that Milano had Shannen Doherty fired from the series after its third season.
                                        • Accuracy
                                          • Milano acknowledged that she knew this was going to come up in one way or another while speaking at a Charmed panel without Combs and Doherty present.
                                          • She clarified that she is bummed more for the fans than for herself, as she believes people can't move past what went down between them.
                                          • Milano admitted that she doesn't know how to mend the burned bridges between her and her castmates.
                                        • Deception (50%)
                                          Alyssa Milano has made a statement that contradicts her previous statements about Shannen Doherty's firing from Charmed. She claims to have known this was going to come up and acknowledges the toxicity between them but also states she is sad for the fans of the show.
                                          • Alyssa Milano has made a statement that contradicts her previous statements about Shannen Doherty's firing from Charmed. She claims to have known this was going to come up and acknowledges the toxicity between them but also states she is sad for the fans of the show.
                                          • Milano clarified, she's bummed more for the fans than for herself.
                                        • Fallacies (85%)
                                          The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when Alyssa Milano says that she is sad for the fans of Charmed. She also uses inflammatory rhetoric by saying that people can't move past what went down between them and that it is hard to mend burned bridges.
                                          • Alyssa Milano said, 'I am the most sad that a show that has meant so much to so many people has been tarnished by a toxicity that is still happening almost a quarter of a century later.'
                                          • Alyssa Milano used inflammatory rhetoric when she said, 'people can't move past what went down between them and that it is hard to mend burned bridges.'
                                        • Bias (100%)
                                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                          Alyssa Milano has a financial stake in the production company that produces Charmed. She also had personal relationships with Shannen Doherty and Holly Marie Combs, which could have influenced her decision to fire him from the show.
                                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                            None Found At Time Of Publication