Apple's Q1 2024 Earnings Report: Challenges in China, Regulatory Hurdles, and the Shift to High-End iPhones

Apple headquarters, Cupertino, California, United States, California United States of America
Apple CEO Tim Cook visited China last month to visit Apple stores and supply chain partners, removing key apps from the App Store at the behest of a government order.
Apple saw a decrease of 25% year-over-year in smartphone shipments in China with a total of 10 million units shipped, holding only a 15% share of the Chinese smartphone market.
Apple's iPhone sales have been a challenge, particularly in China, with sales down roughly 13% during the last quarter and a shift towards high-end iPhone models such as Pro and Pro Max.
European Union antitrust regulators are preparing to approve Apple's tap-and-go mobile payments system proposals, allowing rivals access and enabling users to download apps directly from developers.
Apple's Q1 2024 Earnings Report: Challenges in China, Regulatory Hurdles, and the Shift to High-End iPhones

Apple's quarterly earnings report, to be announced on Thursday (May 2), may reveal signs of pressure for the tech giant as it seeks to expand its ecosystem. The company's core contributors, such as apps and iPhones, have been facing challenges in various markets.

In China, Apple dropped from first place to fifth in smartphone shipments during Q1 2024. The company saw a decrease of 25% year-over-year with a total of 10 million units shipped. This shift left Apple holding a mere 15% share of the Chinese smartphone market, down from the previous year's 20%. Huawei emerged as the clear winner for Q1, capturing first place in smartphone shipments with an impressive growth rate of 70%.

Europe has been another region where Apple has seen some regulatory back and forth. European Union antitrust regulators are reportedly preparing to approve Apple's tap-and-go mobile payments system proposals as early as May, allowing rivals access to the system and enabling users to download apps directly from developers.

Apple's iPhone sales have been a challenge, particularly in China. There has been a shift towards high-end iPhone models such as Pro and Pro Max. However, even these models have faced challenges with sales down roughly 13% in China during the last quarter.

In addition to regulatory challenges and declining sales, Apple CEO Tim Cook visited China last month to visit Apple stores and supply chain partners. During his trip, he was forced to remove key apps such as Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, and Threads from the App Store in China at the behest of a government order.

As earnings season heats up, many on Wall Street are eyeing 'Magnificent 7' tech stocks. Apple is one of these stocks that have led previous market rallies. Analysts will be looking for commentary on the MIC (Mac, iPad, and iPhone) shift as buyers have moved more towards high-end models in recent years.

Stay tuned for further updates on Apple's earnings report.



  • It's unclear if there are any other regulatory challenges Apple is facing aside from Europe and China.
  • The exact reason for the decrease in iPhone sales in China is not mentioned.



  • Unique Points
    • iPhone sales have been a challenge, particularly in China
    • There has been a shift towards high-end iPhone models such as Pro and Pro Max
  • Accuracy
    • ]Apple earnings report is expected on Thursday[
    • Expectations for Apple’s earnings are relatively flat
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy. The author quotes Ben Bajarin, CEO of Creative Strategies, without critically evaluating his claims. Additionally, there is a dichotomous depiction in the phrase 'mounting challenges' which oversimplifies the situation faced by Apple.
    • . Shares of Apple (AAPL) are down over 10% in 2024 as the tech giant has faced mounting challenges, including increased competition in China, where iPhone sales have dragged.
    • Bajarin gives insight into key issues to pay attention to: "One of the things a lot of people will be looking at is there any commentary on MIC shift, the last couple years with iPhones the buyers have moved more to the high end of the market, buying things like Pro and Pro Max, I think they're going to want to see if that's continuing just to get a gauge of ASPs. A lot of that hopefully comes out in commentary, but I think again, all eyes on iPhone and just sort of seeing where we are at in this cycle and expectations are probably relatively flat."
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Apple fell from first place to fifth place in China’s smartphone shipments, with a 10 million unit shipment decrease of 25% year-over-year.
    • Apple now holds a 15% share of the Chinese smartphone market, down from the 20% share it held at the same time last year.
    • Huawei emerged as the clear winner for Q1 2024 with a 70% growth year-over-year, capturing first place in smartphone shipments.
    • Canalys research analyst Lucas Zhong attributes part of Apple’s decline to being caught flat-footed by generative AI technology.
    • Apple CEO Tim Cook visited China last month, including Apple stores and supply chain partners, but was also forced to remove key apps from the App Store in China at the behest of a government order.
  • Accuracy
    • Apple fell from first place to fifth place in China's smartphone shipments
    • Apple now holds a 15% share of the Chinese smartphone market, down from the 20% share it held at the same time last year
    • Huawei emerged as the clear winner for Q1 2024 with a 70% growth year-over-year
  • Deception (85%)
    The article contains selective reporting as it only reports the decrease in Apple's market share and shipments in China without mentioning the increase or growth of other companies. The author also makes a statement about Huawei being a clear winner for the quarter and attributes this to Apple being caught flat-footed by generative AI, which is an opinion not backed up by facts provided in the article.
    • As you can see, Huawei came ahead as a clear winner for the quarter and posted 70% growth year-over-year.
    • The Gen AI-capable smartphone presents important opportunities for Chinese vendors to differentiate in the high-end in 2024 to challenge Apple in their home market.
  • Fallacies (95%)
    The author provides data from Canalys to support his claims about Apple's decline in China. He does not commit any formal or informal fallacies and does not use inflammatory rhetoric. However, he does make an appeal to authority by quoting Lucas Zhong from Canalys.
    • The Gen AI-capable smartphone presents important opportunities for Chinese vendors to differentiate in the high-end in 2024 to challenge Apple in their home market.
    • Canalys forecasts Gen AI-capable smartphones will reach 12% of shipments in 2024 in mainland China, ahead of the global average of 9%.
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Apple dropped to third place in China’s iPhone market, tied with Huawei whose sales climbed nearly 70%.
    • European Union antitrust regulators are reportedly preparing to approve Apple’s tap-and-go mobile payments system proposals as early as May, allowing rivals access to the system and enabling users to download apps directly from developers.
  • Accuracy
    • iPhones represented 59% of consolidated net sales in the period.
    • China accounts for a high-teens percentage-point contribution to sales, but sales were down roughly 13% last week.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication