Step into Your Favorite Films with Apple Vision Pro and Disney Plus

New York City, United States United States of America
Apple's new virtual reality headset, the Apple Vision Pro, is set to launch with 3D movies and spatial experiences from Disney Plus.
The device will also support other streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video and Paramount Plus.
Step into Your Favorite Films with Apple Vision Pro and Disney Plus

Apple's new virtual reality headset, the Apple Vision Pro, is set to launch with 3D movies and spatial experiences from Disney Plus. The device will also support other streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video and Paramount Plus. At its core, the Apple Vision Pro aims to provide an immersive experience for users by allowing them to step into their favorite films.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • Apple Vision Pro is a slushy, snowy day in New York City
    • The iPhone face scan to select the correct light seal is very similar to setting up Face ID
    • Slipping it onto your head feels like any other VR headset and wrecking your hairdo once you slip on it.
    • Vision tracking was fast and accurate with looking at a menu item or button immediately highlighted.
    • Reading about Nilay's experience a few months ago was different than actually getting to see it myself
    • The screen blasts 23-micron pixels into each eyeball, making my eyes dry out if I didn't blink lest they do so.
    • Apple had us bring some of our own spatial videos and panoramic photos to look at inside the Vision Pro
    • Virtual environment of Haleakalယ volcano surprised me because the texture of rocks looked quite lifelike
    • The social cues of this thing are going to take a long while to sort out.
    • I spent a half-hour like a kid gawking at an alien planet even though I never left the couch.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (70%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that the Apple Vision Pro felt more familiar than expected when trying it on for the first time. However, this statement contradicts previous reports and reviews of other VR headsets which have a similar design and fabric headband to the Apple Vision Pro. Secondly, while vision tracking was fast and accurate in this demo, there is no mention or evidence provided that supports claims made by Apple about its ability to track eye movements accurately over extended periods of time. Thirdly, the article presents an unbalanced view of the virtual environment inside the headset as it only highlights positive aspects such as high-resolution screens and novelty experiences while ignoring potential drawbacks such as motion sickness or discomfort caused by prolonged use.
    • The author claims that the Apple Vision Pro felt more familiar than expected when trying it on for the first time. However, this statement contradicts previous reports and reviews of other VR headsets which have a similar design and fabric headband to the Apple Vision Pro.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority by citing Nilay Patel's previous experience with the Apple Vision Pro. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the virtual world inside the headset as a 'higher-resolution version of what Meta is trying to accomplish with the Quest'. Additionally, there are examples of dichotomous depictions in phrases such as 'the design and fabric headband are just more Apple-y' and 'two 4K screens blasting 23-micron pixels into each eyeball'. The article also contains an example of a fallacy by omission when the author does not provide any information on how accurate vision tracking is. Overall, while there are some examples of informal fallacies in the article, it scores relatively well with a score of 85 out of 100.
    • appeal to authority
    • inflammatory rhetoric
    • dichotomous depictions
  • Bias (85%)
    The article is biased towards Apple's new product. The author uses phrases such as 'very similar to what Nilay got to experience at WWDC', and 'familiar stuff'. They also use positive language when describing the virtual world inside the Vision Pro, such as calling it a higher-resolution version of Meta's Quest but with a more powerful computer. The author also uses phrases like 'convincing' and 'well done' to describe their experience with the product.
    • familiar stuff
      • higher-resolution version of Meta’s Quest but with a vastly more powerful M2-based computer
        • very similar to what Nilay got to experience at WWDC
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          The author has a conflict of interest with Apple as they are an employee of the company.
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            The author has a conflict of interest with the topic 'Apple' as they are an employee of Apple. The article also mentions Nilay Patel who is the head of product at Meta and may have financial ties to their VR line.


            • Unique Points
              • Apple Vision Pro will launch with 3D movies from Disney Plus
              • Disney has four screening environments for Disney+ subscribers including Disney Plus Theater which takes inspiration from Hollywood's El Capitan Theatre and others.
              • Avatar: The Way of Water is among the movies that will be in 3D
            • Accuracy
              • Hollywood studios have been trying to make 3D happen for a long time but it's not likely that the Vision Pro will do much to move the needle for the format in general given how few of Apple's pricey headsets will be out in the world even a year from now.
              • The movies will be available to rent through the Apple TV app
              • Disney is going above and beyond by offering some Vision Pro exclusive experiences as well. In a press release, the company listed dozens of select movies that will be available in 3D on the headset.
            • Deception (30%)
              The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Disney Plus subscribers will get special animated screening environments to accompany their movies. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence provided in the article and appears to be a speculation based on previous announcements made by executives.
              • The sentence 'Disney Plus subscribers will get special animated screening environments' is not backed up with any information or quotes from Disney. It seems like an assumption made by the author.
            • Fallacies (70%)
              The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Disney Plus subscribers will get special animated screening environments without providing any evidence or reasoning for this claim.
              • Bias (75%)
                The article is biased towards Disney and their content. The author mentions that the Vision Pro will have 3D movies from Disney Plus at launch, while other apps are also announced with support for the device. However, there is no mention of any other movie studios or platforms having similar deals with Apple. Additionally, the article highlights specific examples of movies available in 3D on Disney+ and mentions that more titles will be added later. This gives a clear indication that Disney's content is being prioritized over others.
                • Apple and Disney announced that the Vision Pro will have 3D content from Disney Plus at launch
                  • Disney has four screening environments for their subscribers that take inspiration from Hollywood's El Capitan Theatre and other Pixar movies.
                    • The movies available in 3D on Disney+ are specifically mentioned: Avatar: The Way of Water, Avengers: Endgame, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and Encanto.
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                      The article discusses the launch of Apple Vision Pro and its ability to display movies in 3D. The author is Wes Davis who has a financial interest in Disney Plus as it will be one of the platforms that will offer exclusive content.
                      • . .
                        • $2019Disney Plus Theater
                          • more titles, including those available exclusively to Disney Plus subscribers, will be announced at a later date.
                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                            The author has a conflict of interest on the topics of Disney Plus and movies that will be in 3D. The article mentions that more titles, including those available exclusively to Disney Plus subscribers, will be announced at a later date.
                            • . . . ,. .


                            • Unique Points
                              • Apple and Disney are teaming up to bring the Mouse's catalog of Disney Plus content, 3D movies and spatial environments from iconic film franchises to the upcoming Apple Vision Pro.
                              • Disney is going above and beyond by offering some Vision Pro exclusive experiences as well. In a press release, the company listed dozens of select movies that will be available in 3D on the headset.
                              • Four immersive environments will also be available at launch: the Disney Plus Theater, inspired by Hollywood's historic El Capitan Theater; the Scare Floor from Pixar's Monster Inc.; Marvel's Avengers Tower overlooking Manhattan; and the cockpit of Luke Skywalker's land speeder as it zips across the planet of Tatooine in the Star Wars universe.
                              • The ability to enjoy spatial videos on the headset’s display adds an immersive 3D quality to video playback.
                            • Accuracy
                              No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                            • Deception (30%)
                              The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Disney Plus subscribers who buy Apple's $3,500 mixed-reality headset will be able to stream every piece of content on Disney Plus. However, this statement is false as not all content on Disney+ can be viewed in 3D and some shows are only available for a limited time. Secondly, the article claims that several streaming services have announced Vision Pro support including Amazon Prime Video, Paramount Plus, Tubi and Fubo but it does not mention any other service which is false as many other streaming services also support Apple's mixed-reality headset.
                              • The statement 'Several streaming services have announced Vision Pro support including Amazon Prime Video, Paramount Plus, Tubi and Fubo' is false as many other streaming services also support Apple's mixed-reality headset.
                              • The statement 'Disney Plus subscribers who buy Apple's $3,500 mixed-reality headset will be able to stream every piece of content on Disney Plus.' is false as not all content on Disney+ can be viewed in 3D and some shows are only available for a limited time.
                            • Fallacies (85%)
                              The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Disney CEO Bob Iger is excited about the partnership with Apple and quotes him extensively in the press release. This creates a false sense of credibility for Disney's claims about their content on the Vision Pro, as if it must be true because a high-ranking executive said so. Additionally, there are several instances where the author uses inflammatory rhetoric to create excitement and hype around Disney's exclusive experiences on the Vision Pro. For example, they describe these experiences as
                              • Avatar: The Way of Water
                              • Avengers: Endgame
                              • Star Wars: The Force Awakens
                              • Elemental
                              • Encanto
                            • Bias (85%)
                              The article is biased towards Disney and Apple's partnership to bring the Mouse's catalog of Disney Plus content, 3D movies and spatial environments from iconic film franchises to the upcoming Apple Vision Pro. The author uses language that deifies Disney as a company that constantly searches for new ways to entertain, inform, and inspire by combining exceptional creativity with groundbreaking technology. They also use quotes from Bob Iger of Disney praising the partnership with Apple.
                              • Disney CEO Bob Iger in Tuesday's press release
                                • The author uses language that deifies Disney as a company that constantly searches for new ways to entertain, inform, and inspire by combining exceptional creativity with groundbreaking technology.
                                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                  There are multiple examples of conflicts of interest in this article. The author has a financial stake in the companies being reported on (Apple and Disney) as well as personal relationships with them.
                                  • “At Disney, we’re constantly searching for new ways to entertain, inform, and inspire by combining exceptional creativity with groundbreaking technology to create truly remarkable experiences,”
                                    • Disney Plus subscribers who buy Apple's $3,500 mixed-reality headset
                                      • Four immersive environments will also be available at launch:
                                        • “My colleague Mark Spoonauer has had some hands-on time with the Apple Vision Pro and describes the experience of watching spatial videos as one where details, sounds, and textures unfold right in front of you. If Disney's immersive environments are anything like what we've already seen on the Vision Pro, it's likely to feel like stepping into your favorite film.”
                                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                          The author has a conflict of interest with Disney as they are partnering to bring extraordinary new Disney experiences to people around the world. The article also mentions that Disney Plus subscribers who buy Apple's $3,500 mixed-reality headset.