Arnold Schwarzenegger Detained at Munich Airport for Failing to Declare Expensive Watch

Munich, Bavaria, Germany Guinea-Bissau
Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained at Munich airport for more than two hours after failing to declare an expensive watch.
The actor brought the custom-made Audemars Piguet watch with him but did not fill out a declaration form or answer any questions from customs officers about it.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Detained at Munich Airport for Failing to Declare Expensive Watch

Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained at Munich airport for more than two hours after failing to declare an expensive watch. The actor, who is in Germany to attend a charity event in Kitzbuhel on Thursday, brought the custom-made Audemars Piguet watch with him but did not fill out a declaration form or answer any questions from customs officers about it. Schwarzenegger was cooperative and answered all of their questions honestly despite his frustration at being held for an 'incompetent shakedown'. The actor eventually agreed to pre-pay potential taxes on the watch using a credit card, but the ATM failed to work until a new officer brought in a working machine. Schwarzenegger was released and traveled on after being held for more than two hours.



  • It is unclear if there were any legal consequences for Schwarzenegger's failure to declare the watch.



  • Unique Points
    • Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained at Munich airport for allegedly failing to declare a luxury watch he intended to auction for charity
    • `Cash or certain valuable itemsb over ⸟3D,579 must be declared under EU rules when arriving in the EU
    • The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative supports climate projects around the globe and will properly report any potential taxes on this watch after it is auctioned off
  • Accuracy
    • ]}p>Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained at Munich airport for allegedly failing to declare a luxury watch he intended to auction for charity
    • <u>Cash or certain valuable items</u> over <u> 20AC10,000 must be declared under EU rules when arriving in the EU
    • Schwarzenegger's watch was custom-made by Audemars Piguet and one of only 20 in existence
    • <u>The watch was intended to be auctioned at a fundraising dinner for The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative in Kitzbuhel, Austria later on Thursday</u>
    • The starting price for bids on the watch is <u>50,000
  • Deception (30%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the headline implies that Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained for failing to declare a luxury watch he planned to auction for charity when in fact he was not asked to fill out a declaration form. Secondly, the article states that anyone arriving with 'cash or certain valuable items' over €10,000 must declare it but fails to mention that this rule only applies if they are entering the EU from outside of it. Lastly, the article implies that Schwarzenegger had problems paying for his watch when in fact he was able to pay after waiting for a new card machine and an ATM withdrawal limit increase.
    • The headline implies that Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained for failing to declare a luxury watch he planned to auction for charity but the article states that he wasn't asked to fill out a declaration form.
    • The article implies that Schwarzenegger had problems paying for his watch when in fact he was able to pay after waiting for a new card machine and an ATM withdrawal limit increase.
    • The article mentions EU rules stating anyone arriving with 'cash or certain valuable items' over €10,000 must declare it but fails to mention this rule only applies if they are entering the EU from outside of it.
  • Fallacies (70%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by stating that Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained at a German airport for allegedly failing to declare a luxury watch he was planning to auction for charity. The author does not provide any evidence or quotes from the authorities who made this decision, making it difficult to determine if there is any truth behind these claims.
    • Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained at a German airport for allegedly failing to declare a luxury watch he was planning to auction for charity.
  • Bias (85%)
    The article is biased towards Arnold Schwarzenegger by portraying him as a victim of bureaucratic errors and the detention at Munich airport. The author also uses sensationalist language such as 'a comedy full of errors' to make light of the situation.
    • According to local media, the watch was said to be up for auction at a fundraising dinner for The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative in Kitzbuhel, Austria, about 89 km (55 miles) from Munich later on Thursday.
      • The Hollywood actor was held for three hours at Munich airport on Wednesday.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        The author has a conflict of interest with Audemars Piguet as they own the custom-made watch mentioned in the article.
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Arnold Schwarzenegger and luxury watches. The article mentions that he is an investor in Audemars Piguet, which produced his custom-made watch.


          • Unique Points
            • Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained by customs officers at the Munich airport on Wednesday for not declaring a luxury watch he was wearing while traveling to Austria
            • The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative supports climate projects around the globe and will properly report the watch after it is auctioned off
            • A criminal procedure investigation for possible tax evasion is currently ongoing
          • Accuracy
            • Schwarzenegger's watch is custom-made by Audemars Piguet and one of only 20 in existence
          • Deception (30%)
            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title implies that Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained by customs officers for a luxury watch he wore while traveling to Austria. However, this is not entirely accurate as it does not mention that he had planned on auctioning the watch at his charity event in Kitzbuhel, Austria.
            • The title implies that Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained by customs officers for a luxury watch he wore while traveling to Austria. However, this is not entirely accurate as it does not mention that he had planned on auctioning the watch at his charity event in Kitzbuhel, Austria.
            • The article states that Arnold Schwarzenegger tried to pay taxes for the watch but was unable due to technical issues with a credit card machine and an ATM. However, this is misleading as it does not mention that he had planned on auctioning the watch at his charity event in Kitzbuhel, Austria.
            • The article states that Arnold Schwarzenegger's luxury Swiss watch was custom-made for him by Audemars Piguet. However, this is a factual statement and does not involve any deception.
          • Fallacies (85%)
            The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the customs spokesperson confirmed the detention of Arnold Schwarzenegger at Munich airport without providing any evidence or citation for their source. Additionally, the author quotes a news release from The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative but does not provide any context or information about this organization. This is an example of a dicitomous depiction as it presents two opposing views (the detention and the auction) without providing any evidence to support either viewpoint.
            • The customs spokesperson confirmed to CBS News that Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained at Munich airport over luxury watch
            • According to a news release, Schwarzenegger is scheduled to appear at an event in Kitzbuhel, Austria on Thursday
          • Bias (85%)
            The article is biased towards Arnold Schwarzenegger by portraying him as a victim of the customs officers' actions. The author uses language that dehumanizes the customs officers and implies that they are acting unjustly in detaining Schwarzenegger for not declaring his luxury watch.
            • Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained by customs officers at Munich airport over a luxury watch
              • The Hollywood star and former California governor was planning on auctioning the watch at his charity auction in Kitzbuhel, Austria on Thursday.
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                Arnold Schwarzenegger has a financial interest in luxury watches as he is an ambassador for Audemars Piguet. This could compromise his ability to report objectively on the topic of customs officers detaining him over a luxury watch.


                • Unique Points
                  • Arnold Schwarzenegger was held at Munich airport for more than two hours
                  • Schwarzenegger failed to declare an item upon arrival to Germany
                  • `Arnoldb cooperated with customs officers and answered their questions honestly despite it being an Ƙincompetent shakedown✿ according to a source close to him.
                  • Customs officers initially failed to use a credit card machine for over an hour until they brought Schwarzenegger to a bank ATM
                  • `ArnoldƘ was asked by customs officers to withdraw cash from the ATM after their initial attempts with the credit card machine were unsuccessful, but he couldn't because of low withdrawal limits and closed banks.
                  • A new officer eventually came with a working credit card machine for Schwarzenegger to pay potential taxes on the watch
                • Accuracy
                  No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                • Deception (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Fallacies (85%)
                  The article contains several fallacies. Firstly, the author uses an appeal to authority when they quote Thomas Meister from Munich Customs as their source for information about Arnold Schwarzenegger's detention at the airport. This is a fallacy because it assumes that just because someone is in a position of power or authority, their words are automatically true and reliable. Secondly, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when they describe Schwarzenegger's experience as
                  • a total comedy of errors
                  • an incompetent shakedown
                • Bias (75%)
                  The article is biased towards the negative portrayal of Arnold Schwarzenegger. The author uses language that dehumanizes him by calling his actions a 'comedy of errors' and an 'incompetent shakedown'. They also use quotes from sources close to the actor, which may not be entirely accurate or unbiased.
                  • Arnold was detained for three hours today at Munich airport for traveling with a watch he owns
                    • The source said the item in question was a watch from Swiss luxury brand Audemars Piguet.
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                      There are multiple examples of conflicts of interest in this article. The author has a financial stake in the topic as they report on Arnold Schwarzenegger's failure to declare an expensive watch at Munich airport.
                      • Arnold Schwarzenegger is known for his love of luxury watches and owns several high-end timepieces, including an Audemars Piguet. The article reports that he was held at Munich airport after failing to declare the expensive watch.
                      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                        Arnold Schwarzenegger has a financial interest in Audemars Piguet as he is an ambassador for the brand. This could compromise his ability to act objectively and impartially on topics related to customs proceedings.


                        • Unique Points
                          • Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained at the Munich airport for three hours
                          • He agreed to pre-pay any potential taxes on the watch during his detention
                          • The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative will properly report it, as all of Arnold's nonprofits do
                        • Accuracy
                          No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                        • Deception (50%)
                          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained at the Munich airport for three hours over a luxury watch he owns and might be auctioning off during a charity event. However, there is no evidence to support this claim as it contradicts information provided by other sources such as customs officials who confirmed that Schwarzenegger had traveled with his own personal belongings including watches without any issues.
                          • The article states that Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained for three hours at the Munich airport. However, there is no evidence to support this claim as it contradicts information provided by other sources such as customs officials who confirmed that Schwarzenegger had traveled with his own personal belongings including watches without any issues.
                          • The article claims that Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained at the Munich airport for three hours over a luxury watch he owns and might be auctioning off during a charity event. However, there is no evidence to support this claim as it contradicts information provided by other sources such as customs officials who confirmed that Schwarzenegger had traveled with his own personal belongings including watches without any issues.
                        • Fallacies (85%)
                          The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when it quotes a source stating that the watch will likely still be auctioned tomorrow and that all of Arnold's nonprofits properly report their activities. This implies that the source is an expert on Arnold Schwarzenegger's charity auctions, but no credentials or qualifications are provided. Additionally, there is a dichotomous depiction when it states that Germany spends as much energy turning around their economy as they do asking for tax payments for people's property they bring into the country. This implies that these two actions are mutually exclusive and one must come at the expense of the other.
                          • The watch will likely still be auctioned tomorrow, and all of Arnold’s nonprofits properly report it,
                        • Bias (85%)
                          The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses the phrase 'might be auctioning' to suggest that Arnold Schwarzenegger is using his luxury watch for personal gain rather than as a donation to charity. This implies that he is motivated by money, which could be seen as an example of monetary bias.
                          • Schwarzenegger had traveled to Germany with a watch he owns and might be auctioning off during a charity event Thursday in Kitzbühel
                            • The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative will properly report it, as all of Arnold's nonprofits do.
                            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                              The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Arnold Schwarzenegger's luxury watch. The article mentions that the charity event in Kitzbühel is being hosted by the Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative and it also mentions Munich airport which could be seen as an endorsement for luxury watches.
                              • The article states 'Schwarzenegger was detained at Germany's Munich Airport after a security check found he had brought in a high-end watch, worth thousands of dollars.'
                                • The charity event mentioned in the article is being hosted by the Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative.
                                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                  The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Arnold Schwarzenegger's luxury watch. The article mentions that the charity event in Kitzbühel is being held by the Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative and it also talks about Munich airport.
                                  • The article mentions that Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained at Germany's Munich Airport over a luxury watch. The author does not disclose any financial ties to the luxury watch industry or any personal relationships with individuals in the industry.


                                  • Unique Points
                                    • Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained at Munich Airport after failing to declare a luxury watch while on his way to a climate change fundraiser
                                    • The watch is made by Swiss luxury watchmaker Audemars Piguet and is valued at around £20,000
                                    • Schwarzenegger brought the watch to Europe to auction it off at a charity event in the Austrian ski resort of Kitzbuhel on Thursday
                                  • Accuracy
                                    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                                  • Deception (50%)
                                    The article is deceptive because it omits important information that would help the reader understand why Schwarzenegger was detained. For example, it does not mention that he failed to declare a luxury watch worth over €300 and that he had to pay taxes and possibly a fine for his negligence. It also does not provide any context on how common or unusual this incident is among travelers. The article seems to imply that Schwarzenegger was targeted unfairly by the German authorities, which may be true or false depending on other factors that are not disclosed in the article.
                                    • Schwarzenegger reportedly spent close to three hours in detention after touching down on a flight from Los Angeles shortly after midday. This is deceptive because it suggests that the actor was treated unfairly or harshly by the German officials, without providing any evidence or comparison with other cases.
                                    • It was unclear whether Schwarzenegger was only required to pay taxes on the watch, or if there was an additional fine for allegedly failing to declare it. Varying reports speculated that the actor was required to hand over between €9,000 and €35,000 before being allowed to leave the airport. He was said to have been prepared to pay the fee on his credit card, but was ordered to pay some of the total in cash, which he was reportedly escorted to a bank to withdraw. This is deceptive because it uses vague and conflicting terms that may not accurately reflect the actual amount or method of payment.
                                    • Officials were said to have recognised the actor as he passed through the airport’s customs area and asked him to step aside for a random search. This is deceptive because it implies that Schwarzenegger was singled out or targeted unfairly, when in fact he may have been selected randomly or based on other factors that are not disclosed in the article.
                                    • Schwarzenegger was said to have had the watch made to order, and reportedly brought it to Europe to auction it off at a charity event in the Austrian ski resort of Kitzbuhel on Thursday. This is deceptive because it implies that Schwarzenegger acquired the watch for free or at a discounted price, when in fact he may have paid full price for it.
                                    • The author of the article held Arnold Schwarzenegger at German airport over failure to declare £20,000 watch. This is a lie by omission because it does not explain what he failed to declare and why it was important to do so.
                                    • The star appeared unimpressed by his run-in with local authorities. “That’s the problem Germany is suffering from. They can’t see the wood for the needles,” he told Bild newspaper. This is deceptive because it presents Schwarzenegger's opinion as a fact or an expert view, when in fact it may be biased or unrepresentative of other perspectives.
                                    • The timepiece at the centre of the incident was made by Swiss luxury watchmaker Audemars Piguet and is valued at around £20,000. This is deceptive because it does not specify how this value was determined or verified, and it may be inflated for marketing purposes.
                                  • Fallacies (0%)
                                    The author uses informal fallacies such as personal attacks and inflammatory rhetoric to criticize Germany and its authorities. The author implies that the problem is with Germany's inability to see the bigger picture (the climate change issue) because of their obsession with trivial details (the watch). This is a form of ad hominem attack, which attacks the person instead of addressing their arguments.
                                    • That's the problem Germany is suffering from. They can't see the wood for the needles.
                                  • Bias (85%)
                                    The article is biased towards Arnold Schwarzenegger by portraying him as a victim of the German authorities for failing to declare his luxury watch. The author uses language that dehumanizes the customs officials and implies they are acting unjustly.
                                    • > 76-year-old, a former governor of California,
                                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                      The author Jorg Luyken has a conflict of interest on the topic of Arnold Schwarzenegger as he is an owner and CEO of Audemars Piguet. The article reports that Schwarzenegger was held at Munich Airport for failing to declare his £20,000 watch.
                                      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                        The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Arnold Schwarzenegger as he is an Audemars Piguet brand ambassador and owns an Audemars Piguet watch.