Biden Apologizes for Using Controversial Phrase

Wilkes-Barre, PA, Pennsylvania United States of America
US President Joe Biden apologized for using the phrase '...' in a speech.
Biden Apologizes for Using Controversial Phrase

US President Joe Biden apologized for using the phrase



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • Joe Biden defended his rhetoric against Donald Trump and explained the importance of communicating the threat posed by Trump, his policies, and false statements made during debates.
  • Accuracy
    • Biden stated that his campaign had a duty to clearly communicate the threat posed by Trump.
    • President Joe Biden apologized for wanting to put former President Donald Trump in a ‘bullseye’ during an NBC News interview.
  • Deception (80%)
    The author makes editorializing statements but does not engage in emotional manipulation or sensationalism. The article includes quotes from the interview with Biden and discloses sources. However, the author does selectively report information by only reporting Biden's defense of his previous statements without mentioning Trump's inflammatory rhetoric that may have contributed to the shooting attempt.
    • About a dozen Republicans have blamed Mr Biden and other Democrats for inciting the attempt on Trump’s life. Many have specifically cited Mr Biden’s ‘bullseye’ comment.
    • The president has repeatedly called for Americans to ‘lower the temperature’ since the shooting on Saturday, where Trump’s ear was grazed by a bullet. One crowd member was killed and two others were critically injured in the attack.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • US President Joe Biden apologized for using the phrase ‘bulls-eye’ about Donald Trump during an interview with NBC News
    • Biden defended his portrayal of Trump as a threat to democracy after the failed assassination attempt on Trump’s life
  • Accuracy
    • Trump survived an assassination attempt at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, leaving one person dead and several others injured
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Joe Biden reminded Lester Holt of Donald Trump’s statements about a potential ‘bloodbath’ if he loses the presidential race.
    • Biden addressed his campaign trajectory after the shooting incident, stating he doesn’t know how it will affect the race and that it is uncertain.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The author makes an appeal to authority by quoting Biden's statements and then stating that Trump's campaign claims that his 'bloodbath' comment was taken out of context. However, the author does not provide any evidence or reasoning to support this claim.
    • ]In some cases they’re not people, in my opinion,
  • Bias (90%)
    The author makes no direct statements demonstrating bias towards any political party or ideology. However, the article does mention Trump's comments about a 'bloodbath' if he loses and Biden's response to those comments. The author does not express an opinion on these statements, but they could be perceived as having a political bias based on the context of the election. Therefore, I cannot give this article a score of 100.
    • Biden added of the January 6 mob that Trump and his MAGA supporters refer to as 'political prisoners'
      • In March in Ohio, Trump said 'it's going to be a bloodbath for the country'
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Joe Biden apologized for wanting to put former President Donald Trump in a 'bullseye' during an NBC News interview
        • Biden criticized Trump for his reaction to the Charlottesville incident in 2017 and questioned if one should remain silent about threats to democracy
      • Accuracy
        • President Joe Biden apologized for wanting to put former President Donald Trump in a ‘bullseye’ during an NBC News interview
        • Biden and Trump had a cordial conversation following the shooting incident at Trump’s rally
        • Republicans accused Biden of stoking violence against Trump after his ‘bullseye’ comment
      • Deception (30%)
        The author uses emotional manipulation by implying that Trump is inciting violence and stoking threats to democracy with his rhetoric. He also selectively reports information by only mentioning the violent incidents related to Trump and ignoring any instances of violence or threats made by Biden or his supporters. The author also makes a statement about J.D. Vance's past criticisms of Trump without disclosing that Vance has since endorsed him, which could be considered a lie by omission.
        • Biden asked Holt, then referring to Trump’s reaction while in the White House to the deadly alt-right Unite the Right incident in Charlottesville in 2017. ‘Do you just not say anything because it may incite somebody?'
        • The author's statement about J.D. Vance: 'J.D Vance has adopted the same policies... He signed on to the whole notion of whether or not we’re gonna – there’s he says there’s no climate change that’s happening.' The author fails to mention that Vance has since endorsed Biden.
        • The Republicans are now accusing the president of stoking violence against his rival following gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks’ attempt to kill Trump
      • Fallacies (90%)
        The author, Kevin Dolak, makes several statements in the article that contain informal fallacies. The first instance is an example of a hasty generalization when Biden is quoted as saying 'it's essentially a toss up race.' This statement is based on polling data and ignores other factors that could influence the outcome of the election. Another instance of an informal fallacy, ad hominem, occurs when Biden refers to Trump's vice presidential pick J.D. Vance as someone who 'signed on to the Trump agenda.' The author does not provide any evidence or reasoning for why this is a fallacy but implies that it is a negative thing. Lastly, there are several instances of loaded language used by the author, such as 'defiant,' 'dismal showing,' and 'bad night,' which could influence readers' perceptions of the events described in the article.
        • ]essentially a toss up race[
        • signed on to the Trump agenda
      • Bias (95%)
        The author, Kevin Dolak, demonstrates a clear political bias against former President Trump. He quotes Biden's criticism of Trump's rhetoric and the violent incidents surrounding him. The author also mentions Republicans accusing Biden of stoking violence against Trump following an attempted shooting at one of his rallies. Additionally, the author includes examples of Biden's negative comments about Trump during their debate and his vice presidential pick J.D. Vance's past criticisms of Trump.
        • Biden also swung at Trump’s vice presidential pick, junior Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, pointing out some negative things the new addition to the GOP ticket has said about Trump before he pivoted to supporting him during his Congressional bid.
          • Republicans are now accusing the president of stoking violence against his rival following gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks’ attempt to kill Trump, who was shot in the ear at a rally on Saturday.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • President Biden admitted having a ‘bad, bad night’ during his debate performance against Trump and criticized media for not focusing on Trump’s lies
            • Biden disagreed with Thomas’ reasoning and larger ruling on presidential immunity
          • Accuracy
            • President Biden called for unity after the attempted assassination of former President Trump
            • Biden administration reacted to Trump assassination attempt
            • President Biden spoke with Trump following the shooting and described the conversation as ‘very cordial’
          • Deception (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Fallacies (90%)
            The article contains a few instances of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. President Biden is quoted using strong language when discussing former President Trump's rhetoric and actions, which can be seen as inflammatory. Additionally, there is an appeal to authority when President Biden criticizes the media for not reporting on Trump's lies.
            • I'm not the guy that said, I want to be a dictator on day one. I'm not the guy that refused to accept the outcome of the election. I'm not the guy who said they won't accept the outcome of this election automatically
            • You can't only love your country when you win. And so, the focus was on what he's saying and the idea.
            • I told him how concerned I was and wanted to make sure I knew how he was actually doing... He sounded good. He said he was fine and he thanked me for calling.
            • Why don't you guys ever talk about the 28 lies he told? Where are you on this? Why doesn't the press ever talk about that?
          • Bias (95%)
            The author, Jordan Freiman, demonstrates a clear political bias against former President Trump by highlighting his alleged dangerous rhetoric and focusing on negative aspects of his actions and statements. The author does not provide any counterbalancing information or perspective to present a fair and unbiased analysis.
            • Asked if he had done any ‘soul searching’ about his rhetoric, Mr. Biden said, ‘How do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real, when a president says things like he says? Do you just not say anything, because it may incite somebody?’
              • Mr. Biden also criticized Trump for making light of the violent assault on Paul Pelosi, the husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
                • Mr. Biden was also asked his opinion on Trump’s newly announced running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance. ‘It’s not unusual. He’s gonna surround himself with people who agree completely with him’, Mr. Biden said, while also referencing Vance’s previous outspoken criticism of Trump.
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication