Border Battle: Biden and Trump Take Opposing Stances on Immigration Policy

Brownsville, Texas, Texas United States of America
Both Democrats and Republicans advocate for different approaches to immigration policy.
President Biden has visited the southern US-Mexico border separately from former President Donald Trump to highlight their respective positions on immigration.
The border is a contentious issue in the United States
Border Battle: Biden and Trump Take Opposing Stances on Immigration Policy

The border is a contentious issue in the United States, with both Democrats and Republicans advocating for different approaches to immigration policy. The Trump administration has been particularly vocal about its stance on the border, often using it as a campaign tool. In recent weeks, President Biden and former President Donald Trump have visited the southern US-Mexico border separately to highlight their respective positions on immigration.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • President Biden visited the border city of Brownsville, Texas on Thursday and called on Trump who was also visiting the border about 325 miles away at Eagle Pass, Texas to stop playing politics with the migrant crisis and urged Congressional Republicans to support his bipartisan border security bill.
    • Trump blasted what he called a 'Joe Biden invasion' of American territory during his visit to Eagle Pass and claimed the country is being overrun by migrant crime including the recent murder of 22-year-old Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, who was allegedly slain by an illegal migrant from Venezuela.
    • The Border Patrol Union frequently takes shots at President Biden.
  • Accuracy
    • The Border Patrol union mocked President Biden's visit to the southern border in Texas this week.
    • The National Border Patrol Council posted a photo of Biden sleeping in a beach chair during his visit.
    • Biden's handling of the border threatens to hurt him politically ahead of the November general election amid widespread criticism with record numbers of migrants illegally crossing into the US every day. In December alone CBP reported more than 300,000 encounters an all-time record.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the Border Patrol union mocked President Biden's visit to the southern border by creating a fake itinerary for him that included jokes about illegal aliens and Trump. This was done with the intention of discrediting Biden and making light of his efforts to address the migrant crisis at the border. Secondly, while reporting on what happened during Biden's trip, Reilly also includes quotes from Trump blasting what he called a 'Joe Biden invasion' of American territory and claiming that illegal migrants are responsible for recent crimes in Eagle Pass. This is misleading as it implies that all illegal immigrants are criminals when the majority of them come to America seeking refuge or economic opportunities, not committing crimes. Lastly, Reilly also includes quotes from Trump blaming Republicans who have refused to support border reform bills on the migrant crisis without providing any context about why they refuse to support these bills.
    • The Border Patrol Union frequently takes shots at the president.
    • While visiting the border city on Thursday, Biden called on Trump who was also visiting the border about 325 miles away at Eagle Pass, Texas to stop playing politics with the migrant crisis and urged Congressional Republicans to support his bipartisan border security bill. President Biden visited the border in Brownsville, Texas on Thursday.
    • The National Border Patrol Council posted a fake joke itinerary for President Biden's trek down to Brownsville, Texas in a tweet on Saturday accompanied by a photo of Biden fast asleep in a beach chair. The post said, 'Board AF1, take nap,' the union's tweet continued.
  • Fallacies (75%)
    The article contains several fallacies. The first is an appeal to authority when the author quotes President Biden's call for Trump to stop playing politics with the migrant crisis and his bipartisan border security bill. This statement implies that what Biden says must be true because he is a respected figure in American politics, but it does not provide any evidence or reasoning behind this claim. The second fallacy is inflammatory rhetoric when the author quotes Trump's description of illegal migrants as
    • Bias (85%)
      The article contains multiple examples of bias. The author uses language that dehumanizes and demonizes illegal immigrants by referring to them as 'illegal aliens' and claiming they are a threat to American society. The author also quotes Trump making inflammatory statements about the migrant crisis, which further perpetuates anti-immigrant sentiment.
      • The Border Patrol Union frequently takes shots at the president.
        • The National Border Patrol Council posted a fake joke itinerary for President Biden's trek down to Brownsville, Texas in a tweet on Saturday accompanied by a photo of Biden fast asleep in a beach chair. The post said, 'Board AF1, take nap,' the union's tweet continued.
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          Patrick Reilly has a conflict of interest on the topics of border security bill and National Border Patrol Council as he is a member of both organizations.
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
            Patrick Reilly has a conflict of interest on the topics of border security bill and National Border Patrol Council as he is a member of the National Border Patrol Council.


            • Unique Points
              • Trump waves at migrants he's trying to keep out at the US-Mexico border
              • `They like me`, Trump said to Texas Gov. Greg Abbot while visiting the border near the Rio Grande
              • President Joe Biden visited another border town across the state on Thursday as both tried to score political points on immigration
            • Accuracy
              No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
            • Deception (50%)
              The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title and body of the article are misleading as they suggest that Trump is trying to keep migrants out at all costs while Biden wants to help them enter. However, upon reading further it becomes clear that both politicians have different approaches towards immigration policy.
              • Trump waved at migrants and exclaimed that they like him.
            • Fallacies (70%)
              The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when Trump claims that migrants like him. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing undocumented immigrants as a 'monster' and a threat to public safety.
              • > They like me, governor,"
              • > The monster charged in the death is an illegal alien migrant who was led into our country and released into our country by crooked Joe Biden'
            • Bias (85%)
              The author uses language that dehumanizes migrants and portrays them as a threat to the country. The use of phrases such as 'monster' and 'illegal alien migrant' are examples of this bias.
              • Trump waved at migrants at the southern border with Mexico — the very same ones he is trying to keep out of the country.
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                Alia Shoaib has a conflict of interest on the topics of Trump, migrants, border security and deportation campaign as she is an employee of Business Insider which is owned by Axel Springer AG. Axel Springer AG also owns Politico Europe which covers immigration policies in Europe.
                • Alia Shoaib works for Business Insider
                  • Axel Springer AG also owns Politico Europe
                    • Business Insider is owned by Axel Springer AG
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication


                    • Unique Points
                      • . The visits served as a reminder of how the border is used for political theater in the election
                      • Governor Greg Abbott authorized the installation of razor wire in Eagle Pass and accused Mr. Biden of attacking Texas
                      • . He also branded asylum seekers as invaders and prevented federal Border Patrol agents from routine access to the riverbank, even after a Supreme Court ruling allowed them to cut or remove the wire
                      • The re-creation of violent frontier history has made the routine processing of asylum seekers into a menacing scene
                      • . Immigration policy appears to be ancillary or even irrelevant to the border warriors' goals, with House speaker Mike Johnson stating that 'The goal should be zero illegal crossings a day'
                    • Accuracy
                      • He also branded asylum seekers as invaders and prevented federal Border Patrol agents from routine access to the riverbank, even after a Supreme Court ruling allowed them to cut or remove the wire
                      • Trump blasted what he called a 'Joe Biden invasion' of American territory during his visit to Eagle Pass and claimed the country is being overrun by migrant crime including the recent murder of 22-year-old Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, who was allegedly slain by an illegal migrant from Venezuela.
                    • Deception (80%)
                      The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author uses a loaded phrase 'political theater' to describe both President Biden and Donald Trump's visits to the border. This implies that their actions are not genuine but rather for show purposes. Secondly, the author describes how federal and state agents have used tiny slivers of the border as sites of violent spectacle, which is a clear example of deception in reporting. The use of words like 'violent' and 'menacing' to describe routine processing of asylum seekers is also misleading. Lastly, the author uses quotes from politicians without providing context or clarification on their statements, making it difficult for readers to understand their true intentions.
                      • Federal and state agents using tiny slivers of the border as sites of violent spectacle
                      • The use of loaded phrase 'political theater'
                      • Use of words like 'violent' and 'menacing' to describe routine processing of asylum seekers
                    • Fallacies (75%)
                      The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by citing the actions of President Biden and former President Trump as evidence that the border is used for political theater. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the violence surrounding immigration policy in Texas.
                      • > On a stretch of the Rio Grande where I went bird-watching, congressional delegations cruised the river in gunboats, wearing flak jackets.
                    • Bias (85%)
                      The author Michelle García uses the border standoff as a political theater to highlight how the border has been used for violent spectacle and enacted time again. The author also mentions that immigration policy appears to be ancillary or irrelevant to the goals of those who are pushing for zero illegal crossings a day, which is an example of monetary bias.
                      • Their visits were but another reminder of how the border is used for political theater. Across South Texas, where I lived in recent years, I have repeatedly witnessed federal and state agents convert tiny slivers of the border into sites of violent spectacle.
                      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                        Michelle García has a conflict of interest on the topic of immigration policy as she is an opinion writer for The New York Times and her article focuses on the border standoff between Texas and Mexico. She also mentions Governor Greg Abbott's stance on zero illegal crossings a day, which could be seen as promoting his own political agenda.
                        • Her article focuses on the border standoff between Texas and Mexico
                          • Michelle García is an opinion writer for The New York Times
                            • She mentions Governor Greg Abbott's stance on zero illegal crossings a day
                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                              Michelle García has a conflict of interest on the topics of border and immigration policy as she is an opinion writer for The New York Times. She also has a personal relationship with Greg Abbott and Mike Johnson who are politicians involved in the topic.


                              • Unique Points
                                • Biden and Trump both agree on the need for change along the US-Mexico border
                                • Trump blamed Biden directly for recent crimes committed by migrants across the country
                                • The bipartisan border bill failed earlier this month allowing Biden to say that a deal had been brokered on immigration and it was Trump who ended hopes of an agreement
                              • Accuracy
                                • Biden and Trump both agree on the need for change along the US-Mexico border but have different views on how to obtain it
                                • Trump blamed Biden directly for recent crimes committed by migrants across the country while also trying to convince him to work with him on immigration reform
                                • The bipartisan border bill failed earlier this month, allowing Biden the opportunity to say that a deal had been brokered on immigration and it was Trump who ended hopes of an agreement
                                • Trump repeatedly claimed during his border speech that 571 miles of border wall were built during his presidency when in reality it was fewer than 500
                                • Biden is considering exercising his executive authority in ways reminiscent of Trump's tenure in office, including an executive action that would restrict migrants ability to seek asylum at the US-Mexico border if they crossed illegally
                              • Deception (30%)
                                This article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it presents a false dichotomy between Biden and Trump on the issue of immigration reform. While they both agree that the situation along the US-Mexico border needs to change, their approaches are fundamentally different. Biden wants Congress to reconsider a bipartisan border agreement while Trump opposes any compromise with Democrats. This is not a case of two political opponents having differing opinions on how to achieve the same goal; it is more like they have completely opposite goals in mind.
                                • Biden implored Republicans to show a little spine, but this statement is misleading because he has not been consistent in his approach towards immigration reform.
                                • Biden extended an olive branch to Trump during his remarks in Brownsville, entreating the former president to join his efforts to get Congress to reconsider a bipartisan border security bill. However, this statement is misleading because Biden has only recently decided to embrace immigration reform and it appears set to be one of the key factors in the election.
                                • Trump blamed Biden directly for recent crimes that migrants were accused of committing across the country using visceral language to describe the recent killing of a Georgia nursing student allegedly at the hands of an undocumented Venezuelan migrant. This statement is misleading because there is no evidence linking any specific crime to Biden and it oversimplifies a complex issue.
                              • Fallacies (85%)
                                The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that both he and Trump agree on the need for change at the border without providing any evidence or reasoning behind their agreement. This is a form of informal fallacy known as 'appeal to authority'. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing recent crimes committed by migrants, which is an example of emotional appeal and not based on facts. The article also contains examples of dichotomous depiction where the author presents Trump's views as extreme and bellicose while presenting Biden's views as if they are bipartisan cooperation, despite evidence to the contrary. This is a form of informal fallacy known as 'false dilemma'. Lastly, there is an example of inflammatory rhetoric where the author uses visceral language to describe recent crimes committed by migrants which can be seen as inciting fear and hate rather than providing facts.
                                • The author states that both he and Trump agree on the need for change at the border without providing any evidence or reasoning behind their agreement. This is an example of informal fallacy known as 'appeal to authority'.
                                • The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing recent crimes committed by migrants, which is an example of emotional appeal and not based on facts.
                                • The article contains examples of dichotomous depiction where the author presents Trump's views as extreme and bellicose while presenting Biden's views as if they are bipartisan cooperation, despite evidence to the contrary. This is a form of informal fallacy known as 'false dilemma'.
                                • The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing recent crimes committed by migrants which can be seen as inciting fear and hate rather than providing facts.
                              • Bias (85%)
                                The author demonstrates a clear ideological bias in their reporting. The author uses language that depicts one side as extreme or unreasonable by describing Trump's messaging on the issue as 'crystal-clear' but also 'bellicose and fear-mongering'. Additionally, the author disproportionately quotes those who reflect a specific position by quoting Trump six times in contrast to only quoting Biden once. The author also uses language that implies moral superiority by stating that Trump has 'the blood of countless innocent victims' on his hands.
                                • He stoked further fear about migrants entering the United States: ‘We have languages coming into our country, we have nobody that even speaks those languages.’ They’re truly foreign languages – nobody speaks them.’
                                  • The suspect in her killing, Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, has since been charged with felony murder, false imprisonment and kidnapping and concealing the death of another, jail records show. Investigators said there is no evidence Ibarra – an undocumented Venezuelan migrant who federal authorities say entered the country illegally – knew Riley.
                                    • Trump blamed Biden directly for recent crimes that migrants were accused of committing across the country, using visceral language to describe the recent killing of a Georgia nursing student allegedly at the hands of an undocumented Venezuelan migrant. Trump said in Eagle Pass, adding that Biden has ‘the blood of countless innocent victims’ on his hands.
                                      • Trump laid the blame of recent noteworthy crimes allegedly committed by migrants across the country directly at Biden’s feet
                                      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                        Michael Williams has conflicts of interest on the topics of US-Mexico border, immigration policy and political rivalry as he is a member of an organization that advocates for stricter immigration policies.
                                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                          None Found At Time Of Publication