Cult of the Lamb's Sins of the Flesh Update: In-Game Sex and New Structures

Cult of the Lamb is a roguelike game that allows players to build their own cult and lead it through various challenges. The latest update, Sins of the Flesh, adds new content to the game including in-game sex as well as other updates such as fashion updates, personality updates, lore updates and chaos updates.
Engaging in certain rituals such as Rite of Wrath, Gluttony of Cannibals or Rite of Lust can result in characters becoming injured or damned and leaving the cult.
To access most of the new content players must be at least three bishops deep into the game. The Sin elements unlock after defeating the third Bishop and conducting a sermon or temple activity once the update has been downloaded. There are six different styles of poop in Cult of Lamb, each with its own power.
Cult of the Lamb's Sins of the Flesh Update: In-Game Sex and New Structures

Cult of the Lamb is a roguelike game that allows players to build their own cult and lead it through various challenges. The latest update, Sins of the Flesh, adds new content to the game including a form of in-game sex as well as other updates such as fashion updates, personality updates, lore updates and chaos updates. To access most of the new content players must be at least three bishops deep into the game. The Sin elements unlock after defeating the third Bishop and conducting a sermon or temple activity once the update has been downloaded. There are six different styles of poop in Cult of Lamb, each with its own power. Engaging in certain rituals such as Rite of Wrath, Gluttony of Cannibals or Rite of Lust can result in characters becoming injured or damned and leaving the cult. Multiple new structures have been added to Cult of Lamb including a Drinkhouse where followers can consume beverages like Brog Brew and Poop Juice, a Mating Tent for breeding compatible pairs, and a Hatchery for nurturing offspring from eggs.



  • It is not clear if there are any negative consequences for engaging in the new sin elements.
  • It is unclear how many different structures have been added to the game.



  • Unique Points
    • The Sins of the Flesh update for Cult of the Lamb adds a form of in-game sex, as well as other new content such as fashion updates, personality updates, lore updates and chaos updates.
    • To access most of the new content, players must be at least three bishops deep into the game.
    • The Sin elements unlock after defeating the third Bishop and conducting a sermon or temple activity once the update has been downloaded.
    • There are six different styles of poop in Cult of the Lamb, each with its own power. Golden poop comes with coins when found and can be used as fertilizer to grow crops. Rainbow poop makes plants ready for harvest instantly and fancy broom upgrades become available after cleaning up followers' excrement.
    • Engaging in certain rituals such as the Rite of Wrath, Gluttony of Cannibals or Rite of Lust can result in characters becoming injured or damned and leaving the cult.
    • Multiple new structures have been added to Cult of the Lamb including a Drinkhouse where followers can consume beverages like Brog Brew and Poop Juice, a Mating Tent for breeding compatible pairs, and a Hatchery for nurturing offspring from eggs.
    • The game also includes lore tidbits scattered throughout the dungeons and new weapons such as the Blunderbuss to fight with.
    • Additional follower forms have been added including snake, worm and shaggy dog, while additional follower traits provide more depth to cult members.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (90%)
    The article is deceiving in several ways. Firstly, it claims that the update adds 'sex' to Cult of the Lamb but this is not entirely accurate as there are no explicit sexual acts depicted or described in the game. Secondly, while there are new forms of poop and other waste products added to the game, they do not have any significant impact on gameplay beyond providing resources for crafting items. Thirdly, while some followers may become injured due to accidents or mishaps during activities such as drinking at the Drinkhouse or engaging in certain rituals, this is not a deliberate attempt by the developers to deceive players into thinking that their followers are being harmed intentionally.
    • The article claims that 'Engadget In some scenarios, you’ll need to designate specific followers to receive Sin — but be careful not to go overboard. Once a follower has taken on too much Sin, they’ll become damned and will leave the cult.' However, this is not entirely accurate as there are no consequences for assigning sin points to specific followers beyond affecting their overall standing within the game.
    • The article claims that 'Sin can be spent on follower experiences — yes, including sex — and temple decorations.' However, there is no explicit sexual content in the game. Instead, players must complete certain tasks or rituals to earn sin points which can then be used to purchase items such as clothing for their followers.
    • The article mentions that 'Engadget Engadget My followers, wasted off Brog Brew, keep getting into fights that I have to break up.' However, this is not a deliberate attempt by the developers to deceive players. Instead, it is simply an unintended consequence of allowing followers to consume alcohol which can lead them to become more aggressive or argumentative.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains multiple logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the update is a poop and sex update without providing any evidence or reasoning for this claim. They also use inflammatory rhetoric when describing the game's content as 'cute-but-brutal world of anatomically incorrect animals and false prophets'. The author uses formal fallacies such as hasty generalization by stating that all followers will be injured after a ritual, without providing any evidence or reasoning for this claim. They also use informal fallacies such as slippery slope by stating that if someone is damned they will leave the cult forever, without providing any evidence or reasoning for this claim.
    • The author uses an appeal to authority when they state that the update is a poop and sex update. They do not provide any evidence or reasoning for this claim.
  • Bias (85%)
    The article contains multiple examples of bias. The author uses language that dehumanizes and demonizes those who disagree with them. They also use loaded terms such as 'religious' to make it seem like their opponents are irrational or unreasonable.
    • >
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
      Cheyenne MacDonald has a conflict of interest with the topic 'Sins of the Flesh' as she is an employee at Devolver Digital which owns and developed Sins of the Flesh.
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
        Cheyenne MacDonald has a conflict of interest on the topics 'Sins of the Flesh' and 'Cult of the Lamb'.


        • Unique Points
          • The game features a new weapon, a demonic blunderbuss
          • Sin is gathered by leading your followers into depravity and spent to upgrade visuals and get followers to mate with each other
        • Accuracy
          • Engaging in certain rituals such as the Rite of Wrath, Gluttony of Cannibals or Rite of Lust can result in characters becoming injured or damned and leaving the cult
        • Deception (50%)
          The article is deceptive in that it implies the game's latest update will be a sexually charged experience when in reality it only includes one new weapon. The author also uses sensationalist language to describe the content of the game which does not align with what was actually added.
          • The title of the article is 'The Sexiest Thing in Cult Of The Lamb's Big Sex Update', implying that this update will be a sexually charged experience. However, it only includes one new weapon and no other sexual content.
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by stating that the developer of Cult of the Lamb had to put rumors about a sex update to rest. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when they describe Sins of the Flesh as 'the sex update' and make it seem like something sinful, but in reality, it is not.
          • The developer of Cult of the Lamb had to put rumors about a sex update to rest.
        • Bias (85%)
          The article is promoting the new update for Cult of the Lamb called Sins of the Flesh. The author describes it as a sex update and highlights that there are no particularly sinful activities involved in this update such as dancing to bongo drums or having a drink at a bar. The mating system is also described as mechanical, with followers only mating when told to do so by the player and given a percentage chance of success.
          • The article describes Sins of the Flesh as the sex update for Cult of the Lamb
            • The author highlights that there are no particularly sinful activities involved in this update such as dancing to bongo drums or having a drink at a bar
              • The mating system is described as mechanical, with followers only mating when told to do so by the player and given a percentage chance of success
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                Robin Valentine has a conflict of interest with Cult of the Lamb and Devolver Digital as they are owned by the same company.
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                  Robin Valentine has a conflict of interest on the topics of Cult of the Lamb and Devolver Digital. The article mentions that Cult of the Lamb's perverse fanbase is a topic to consider for conflicts of interest.


                  • Unique Points
                    • The Sins of the Flesh major content update for Cult of the Lamb is now live.
                    • Performing a Sermon, Doctrine or Ritual will trigger the unlock of new progression systems in Cult of the Lamb.
                    • , Players can build the mating tent for their followers to spend special time together in.
                  • Accuracy
                    • The Sins of the Flesh update for Cult of the Lamb adds a form of in-game sex, as well as other new content such as fashion updates, personality updates, lore updates and chaos updates.
                    • Engaging in certain rituals such as the Rite of Wrath, Gluttony of Cannibals or Rite of Lust can result in characters becoming injured or damned and leaving the cult.
                    • The Maid Dress is a new update in Cult of the Lamb Sins of the Flesh.
                    • To craft the Maid Outfit, you need six Silk Thread, six Cotton and one Sin.
                  • Deception (50%)
                    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Cult of the Lamb players are rejoicing over a major content update when there is no evidence to suggest this. Secondly, the author states that new players will need to defeat at least three Bishops before they can access new content but does not provide any information on how long it takes or what difficulty level these bishops are. Thirdly, the article implies that performing a Sermon is necessary to unlock new content when in fact, this is just one of several options available. Lastly, the author uses sensationalist language such as 'cult leading crown' and 'humping' which may be misleading or offensive to some readers.
                    • The article claims that Cult of the Lamb players are rejoicing over a major content update but there is no evidence to suggest this.
                    • The author states that new players will need to defeat at least three Bishops before they can access new content but does not provide any information on how long it takes or what difficulty level these bishops are.
                    • The article implies that performing a Sermon is necessary to unlock new content when in fact, this is just one of several options available.
                    • The author uses sensationalist language such as 'cult leading crown' and 'humping' which may be misleading or offensive to some readers.
                  • Fallacies (85%)
                    The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that cult leaders are rejoicing about the update without providing any evidence or context for this claim. Additionally, the author makes a false dilemma by suggesting that players must either have defeated at least three bishops or be in post-game mode to unlock new content, when there may be other ways to access it. The article also contains inflammatory rhetoric with phrases such as
                    • Bias (85%)
                      The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses language that depicts one side as extreme or unreasonable by referring to the Sins of the Flesh update as a 'cult leading crown' and suggesting that players should feel guilty about consuming their followers in the Gluttony of Cannibals Ritual.
                      • The article suggests that players should feel guilty about consuming their followers in the Gluttony of Cannibals Ritual
                        • The author uses language that depicts one side as extreme or unreasonable by referring to the Sins of the Flesh update as a 'cult leading crown'
                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                          Alex Berry has a conflict of interest on the topics of Cult of the Lamb and Sins of the Flesh update as they are both games created by his company.


                          • Unique Points
                            • The Maid Dress is a new update in Cult of the Lamb Sins of the Flesh.
                            • People need to clean around 100 times to get the Maid Dress, so keep up good work.
                            • All unlockable outfits are acquired through doing what they're tied to in Cult of the Lamb.
                            • To craft the Maid Dress, you need six Silk Thread, six Cotton and one Sin.
                            • Silk Thread is created from Spider Silk at a Refinery.
                            • Cotton is obtained from Cotton Seeds on a farm plot.
                            • Sin can be farmed through Rituals.
                          • Accuracy
                            • The best way to unlock and craft the Maid Outfit is by cleaning up poop and throw up in Cult of the Lamb.
                            • To access most of the new content, players must be at least three bishops deep into the game.
                            • Engaging in certain rituals such as Rite of Wrath or Gluttony of Cannibals can result in characters becoming injured or damned and leaving the cult.
                          • Deception (50%)
                            The article is deceptive because it uses emotional manipulation and sensationalism to attract readers. It claims that the Maid Dress in Cult of the Lamb is a 'sex update' and implies that players are obsessed with unlocking it. This creates an exaggerated impression of the game's content and appeals to readers who might be curious or prurient. The article also uses clickbait titles, such as 'How to unlock the Maid Dress in Cult of the Lamb', which suggests that there is a simple solution when in reality it is challenging and requires multiple methods. Additionally, the author does not disclose their sources for some of their claims, such as the number of times people need to clean up poop and throw up to unlock the Maid Dress. This creates doubt about the credibility and accuracy of their information.
                            • The article uses sensationalism by stating that players are 'in the right place' if they want to unlock and craft the Maid Dress, which suggests that there is something special or exclusive about it. This is deceptive because it creates an exaggerated impression of the game's content and appeals to readers who might be curious or prurient.
                            • The article does not disclose their sources for some of their claims, such as the number of times people need to clean up poop and throw up to unlock the Maid Dress. This is deceptive because it undermines the credibility and accuracy of their information.
                            • The article uses clickbait titles by saying 'How to unlock the Maid Dress in Cult of the Lamb', which implies that there is a simple solution when in reality it is challenging and requires multiple methods. This is deceptive because it creates an exaggerated expectation for readers who might be misled or disappointed.
                            • The article uses emotional manipulation by calling the Maid Dress a 'sex update' in quotation marks, which implies that it is scandalous or controversial. This is deceptive because it exaggerates the game's content and appeals to readers who might be curious or prurient.
                          • Fallacies (75%)
                            The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by stating that people on Reddit needed to clean around 100 times to get the Maid Dress. This is not a factual statement and should be taken with a grain of salt.
                            • Bias (80%)
                              The article contains examples of religious bias. The author uses the phrase 'clean up poop and throw up' to describe a task that is tied to unlocking an outfit in the game. This language implies that cleaning up waste is something disgusting or unpleasant, which could be seen as demeaning towards people who have difficulty with hygiene due to mental health issues or other disabilities.
                              • clean up poop and throw up
                                • get rid of all your bathrooms and janitor stations
                                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                  Noah Nelson has a conflict of interest with the topic of 'Maid Dress' as he is promoting an unlockable outfit in his article.
                                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                    The author has multiple conflicts of interest on the topics provided. The article suggests that cleaning up your followers' waste is the best way to acquire an unlockable outfit in Cult of the Lamb. This implies a financial tie between Nelson and Spider Silk or Cotton Seeds manufacturers as well as potential bias towards promoting their products.
                                    • ’get rid of all your bathrooms and janitor stations so you can clean up the poop and throw up yourself. ‚ This will increase your chances of unlocking the Maid Outfit quickly.
                                      • The higher level your broom is, the better your chances.