Lawsuit Filed: Danny Elfman Accused of Defamation by Alleged Sexual Misconduct Victim Nomi Abadi

Los Angeles, California, USA United States of America
Abadi claimed Elfman exposed himself and pressured her for nude photographs
Abadi filed defamation lawsuit against Elfman
Danny Elfman accused of sexual misconduct by Nomi Abadi
Elfman denied allegations in 2017
Lawsuit Filed: Danny Elfman Accused of Defamation by Alleged Sexual Misconduct Victim Nomi Abadi

Last year, multiple reports emerged accusing film composer Danny Elfman of sexual misconduct towards women. One of the accusers, Nomi Abadi, filed a defamation lawsuit against Elfman in response to his denial of her claims. According to the lawsuit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, Abadi alleges that Elfman made false statements about her in an attempt to discredit her case against him.

Abadi first came forward with accusations against Elfman in 2017, accusing him of exposing himself and masturbating in front of her without consent on multiple occasions. She also claimed that he pressured her into taking nude photographs during a trip to Paris. Elfman denied these allegations, stating that Abadi freely volunteered for the nude photographs.

In 2023, Rolling Stone published an investigative piece detailing the settlement and non-disclosure agreement reached between Elfman and Abadi. In response to this article, Elfman's team issued a statement depicting Abadi as a



  • Is there any evidence other than Abadi's word to support her claims?
  • What specific false statements did Elfman make about Abadi?



  • Unique Points
    • Composer Nomi Abadi is suing Danny Elfman for defamation.
    • Abadi alleges that Elfman lied about not engaging in sexual misconduct towards her, including exposing himself and masturbating in front of her without consent.
    • Elfman suggested that Abadi invited his misconduct and requested nude pictures from her.
    • The lawsuit asserts that Elfman’s statements led to a loss of job opportunities for Abadi and caused emotional distress.
  • Accuracy
    • Elfman denied the allegations, stating 'Ms. Abadi’s allegations are simply not true' in a Rolling Stone article published in July 2023.
    • Elfman is represented by attorney Camille Vasquez, who previously represented Johnny Depp in his defamation trial against Amber Heard.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains several examples of selective reporting and emotional manipulation. The author only reports details that support the allegations made by Nomi Abadi against Danny Elfman, while omitting any context or information that might cast doubt on her claims. For example, the article mentions that Elfman's representatives claimed the martini glass contained Cetaphil, but it does not mention that this was also reported by Rolling Stone and that Abadi herself admitted to knowing it was not semen. The author also uses emotional language to describe Abadi's career prospects being 'left in tatters' and her suffering from PTSD, anxiety, depression, nervousness, and fear for her personal safety as a result of the defamation. This language is intended to elicit an emotional response from the reader and to make Elfman seem like a monstrous figure.
    • The list of alleged lies covers statements made by the Simpsons composer and his representatives that claimed he did not engage in sexual misconduct toward Abadi, never masturbated in front of her, never touched her inappropriately and ‘never placed his bodily fluids in a martini glass he presented to Nomi.’
    • The complaint also slammed Elfman and his team for depicting Abadi as ‘a scorned woman seeking revenge and money to make Elfman pay for having rejected her.’
  • Fallacies (65%)
    The article contains multiple instances of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. It also presents dichotomous depictions of the parties involved. However, it does not exhibit any complex logical fallacies such as false dilemmas or circular reasoning.
    • At least 20 high profile publications repeated his and his representatives' defamations of Nomi.
    • Elfman’s reps claimed in the Rolling Stone story that the glass was filled with the moisturizing cream Cetaphil, and that the Abadi knew it was a “stupid photo prop.” “In fact, Elfman had admitted to Nomi that he was presenting her with a glass full of semen.
    • Elfman’s narrative spread widely. “At least 20 high profile publications repeated his and his representatives' defamations of Nomi.”
    • But the mentor-mentee relationship can be fraught with landmines.
    • Elfman, a four-time Oscar nominee who is represented by Kraft-Engel Management, remains one of the most sought-after composers in the industry.
    • Abadi’s suit claims that Elfman’s reps falsely denied that he put his semen in a martini glass and falsely claimed that Abadi knew that it was not semen.
  • Bias (5%)
    The author uses language that depicts the defendant as extreme or unreasonable by stating 'Elfman responded, We can’t have a Jew running our country.' This is an example of religious bias.
    • Elfman responded, We can’t have a Jew running our country.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Composer Nomi Abadi filed a defamation suit against composer Danny Elfman in the Los Angeles Superior Court.
      • Elfman and his team are accused of depicting Abadi as 'a scorned woman seeking revenge and money to make Elfman pay for having rejected her.'
      • Elfman earned Oscar nominations for Men in Black, Good Will Hunting, Big Fish and Milk.
    • Accuracy
      • Elfman and his team are accused of depicting Abadi as 'a scorned woman seeking revenge and money to make Elfman pay for having rejected her'.
      • Elfman denied the allegations, stating 'Ms. Abadi’s allegations are simply not true'.
    • Deception (10%)
      The article reports on a defamation lawsuit filed by composer Nomi Abadi against Danny Elfman. The author quotes statements made by both parties in the lawsuit and reports on previous allegations of sexual misconduct made against Elfman. However, the author's use of the phrase 'peddled appalling lies for publication to Rolling Stone about Nomi' is an example of editorializing and can be seen as attempting to sway readers' opinions towards Abadi. This is a form of emotional manipulation and selective reporting.
      • The statements made by Elfman and his representatives dismissed Abadi’s allegations of sexual misconduct. Instead, the complaint claims Elfman and his team depicted Abadi as ‘a scorned woman seeking revenge and money to make Elfman ‘pay for having rejected her.’
    • Fallacies (85%)
      The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy. The author cites Rolling Stone multiple times as a source for information, but does not provide any additional evidence or expert opinion to support the claims made in the article.
      • . . .as reported by Rolling Stone and several other media outlets.
      • Elfman’s statements were part of a Rolling Stone story published in July 2023.
    • Bias (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • A woman named Nomi Abadi is suing Danny Elfman for defamation over his denial of her claim that he served her a martini glass filled with semen in 2016.
      • Nomi alleges that Danny masturbated in front of her multiple times and touched her inappropriately. She claims these actions occurred before the incident with the semen-filled martini.
      • Danny Elfman has denied the martini claim in interviews and through his representatives, stating that the substance in the glass was moisturizing cream.
    • Accuracy
      • Elfman made statements to Rolling Stone last year denying sexual misconduct allegations made by Abadi.
    • Deception (0%)
      The article contains multiple examples of deception. The author makes no attempt to hide their sensationalist tone and instead chooses to manipulate the reader's emotions by describing the substance in the martini glass as 'putrid semen ejaculate'. This is a clear example of emotional manipulation. Additionally, there are selective reporting and lies by omission. The author only reports details that support Nomi's claims against Danny Elfman, while omitting any information that may cast doubt on her allegations or provide context for the situation. For instance, the article fails to mention that Nomi had previously made similar accusations against Danny in 2016 but they were not substantiated. Furthermore, there is no disclosure of sources in the article.
      • The substance in the martini glass was 'putrid semen ejaculate'.
      • Danny denied the martini claim and his rep told Rolling Stone that the substance was 'the moisturizing cream, Cetaphil'.
      • Nomi's allegations of sexual misconduct against Danny have caused her career to suffer and her health to deteriorate.
    • Fallacies (0%)
      The author makes several inflammatory statements and appeals to authority without providing any evidence or logical reasoning. The article contains multiple instances of dichotomous depictions, as well as potential appeals to pity and ad hominem fallacies.
      • she says his lying about it has hurt her career and caused her health to suffer.
      • We reached out to Danny’s camp ... so far no word back.
    • Bias (0%)
      The author makes no explicit statements of bias in the article. However, the article does contain allegations of defamation and discrimination based on religion. The plaintiff claims that Danny Elfman lied about her accusations and made a derogatory comment about Jews running the country. These allegations, if true, could be considered examples of defamation and religious bias respectively.
      • Danny invited her over to his studio in August 2016 and placed a martini glass filled with an off-white substance in front of her... she says Danny denying her claims that he masturbated in front of her multiple times and touched her inappropriately amounts to defamation
        • We can’t have a Jew running our country.
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • Film composer Danny Elfman was sued for defamation over statements he made to Rolling Stone last year in an article detailing sexual harassment allegations leveled against him.
          • Composer Nomi Abadi is suing Danny Elfman for defamation.
          • Elfman and his team are accused of depicting Abadi as 'a scorned woman seeking revenge and money to make Elfman pay for having rejected her'.
          • Nomi Abadi isn't the only woman who has come forward with misconduct claims against Elfman. Three months after Rolling Stone's initial story, a second anonymous woman came forward with similar sexual harassment claims of her own.
        • Accuracy
          • Elfman denied all the various misconduct allegations and falsely portrayed Abadi as 'a failed temptress who lied about him for reasons of revenge and greed.'
          • Elfman suggested that Abadi invited his misconduct and requested nude pictures from her.
          • Abadi claimed that Elfman coerced her into taking the pictures and further alleged that during the photo shoot, he grabbed her hand and instructed her to masturbate as well.
        • Deception (0%)
          The author Ethan Millman makes several deceptive statements in the article. He selectively reports information by only mentioning allegations against Danny Elfman without providing any context or evidence to support Abadi's claims. He also uses emotional manipulation by describing the alleged incidents in graphic and sensational detail, implying that they are factual without providing any proof. Additionally, Millman quotes Abadi's lawyers making accusations against Elfman without disclosing that they are legal representatives and not impartial sources.
          • Defendant Danny Elfman peddled appalling lies for publication to Rolling Stone about Nomi, who had previously in an earlier lawsuit truthfully relayed facts corroborating his penchant to sexually abuse women.
          • Composer Nomi Abadi sued Eflman over statements he made to Rolling Stone last year in an article detailing sexual harassment allegations leveled against him and a subsequent settlement and nondisclosure agreement to keep the claims private.
          • Editor’s picks In his statement, Elfman said that he Allowed someone to get close to me without knowing that I was her childhood crush and that her intention was to break up my marriage and replace my wife. When this person realized that I wanted distance from her, she made it clear that I would pay for having rejected her.
          • In a filing earlier this month, lawyers for Abadi claimed the arbitration had not yet been scheduled, despite several attempts to work with Elfman’s lawyers to find a date.
          • Trending Defendant Elfman lied about Nomi, branding her as a scorned woman attempting to break up his marriage, and as someone who initiated nude photography.
        • Fallacies (80%)
          The author makes several statements about the allegations made against Danny Elfman without explicitly stating that they are quotes or attributing them to any specific source. This creates a potential ambiguity and could be considered an appeal to authority fallacy if it is assumed that the author is making these statements as facts rather than reporting them. Additionally, there are instances of inflammatory rhetoric used by the author when describing Elfman's actions and Abadi's motivations. For example, 'harebrained
          • ]Defendant Danny Elfman peddled appalling lies for publication to Rolling Stone about Nomi, who had previously in an earlier lawsuit truthfully relayed facts corroborating his penchant to sexually abuse women.[
          • Trending Defendant Elfman lied about Nomi, branding her as a scorned woman attempting to break up his marriage, and as someone who initiated nude photography.
        • Bias (0%)
          The author, Ethan Millman, demonstrates clear bias by repeatedly referring to the defendant Danny Elfman as a 'checkered reputation' and 'harebrained zero sum scheme'. The author also uses language that depicts Abadi as a 'failed temptress who lied for reasons of revenge and greed'. These statements are not based on facts presented in the article but rather an interpretation by the author.
          • Defendant Elfman lied about Nomi, branding her as a scorned woman attempting to break up his marriage, and as someone who initiated nude photography.
            • The defendant Danny Elfman peddled appalling lies for publication to Rolling Stone about Nomi, who had previously in an earlier lawsuit truthfully relayed facts corroborating his penchant to sexually abuse women.
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication


            • Unique Points
              • Danny Elfman is being sued for defamation by Nomi Abadi.
              • Abadi claims Elfman made false statements about her in response to her earlier sexual harassment lawsuit against him.
              • Another woman, identified as Jane Doe XX, also accused Elfman of similar behavior.
            • Accuracy
              • Danny Elfman denied the allegations, stating 'Ms. Abadi’s allegations are simply not true' in a Rolling Stone article published in July 2023.
              • Elfman is represented by attorney Camille Vasquez, who previously represented Johnny Depp in his defamation trial against Amber Heard.
            • Deception (50%)
              The author makes editorializing statements and uses emotional manipulation by describing Abadi as a 'scorned woman seeking revenge and money'. He also engages in selective reporting by only mentioning details that support Elfman's position.
              • So far, Elfman hasn’t issued a statement in response to the suit. The composer has continued to work steadily in the wake of the accusations against him coming to light
              • The composer has continued to work steadily in the wake of the accusations against him coming to light, notably serving as the main composer on his long-time collaborator Tim Burton’s upcoming Beetlejuice
            • Fallacies (85%)
              The article reports on an ongoing legal dispute with multiple parties and allegations. It does not make any direct logical fallacies, but it does present complex situations without clearly indicating the author's stance or fact-checking some statements. The language used is somewhat inflammatory but doesn't meet the threshold for a scoring deduction.
              • Danny Elfman was accused of sexual harassment by Nomi Abadi in 2023.
              • Abadi claimed that Elfman began to regularly push the boundaries of a professional friendship shortly after they met in 2015, including allegedly masturbating in front of her on multiple occasions.
            • Bias (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication