David Mamet: DEI Initiatives in Hollywood Criticized as 'Garbage' and 'Fascist Totalitarianism'

Los Angeles, California United States of America
David Mamet criticizes Hollywood's DEI initiatives as 'garbage' and 'fascist totalitarianism'
Despite opposition to DEI, Mamet insists his daughters earned roles based on merit
He is a Trump supporter and opposes unions
He refers to leaders of these initiatives as 'diversity capos' and 'diversity commissars'
Mamet believes the pendulum has swung too far in opposite direction regarding diversity efforts
Mamet is known for rapid-fire script dialogue, has worked in Hollywood since 1980s
David Mamet: DEI Initiatives in Hollywood Criticized as 'Garbage' and 'Fascist Totalitarianism'

David Mamet, a two-time Oscar-nominated screenwriter and Pulitzer Prize winner, has expressed his opposition to Hollywood's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. In various public appearances and interviews, he referred to these efforts as 'garbage' and 'fascist totalitarianism.' Mamet believes that the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction regarding Hollywood's diversity efforts. He criticized leaders of these initiatives as 'diversity capos' and 'diversity commissars.'

Despite his controversial stance on DEI, Mamet insists that his daughters, including Zosia Mamet, have earned their roles in Hollywood based on merit and not due to their family connections. Zosia has recently appeared in Marvel and Sony's Madame Web and starred in HBO's Girls.

Mamet is known for his trademark rapid-fire script dialogue, having worked in Hollywood since the 1980s. His memoir, 'Everywhere an Oink Oink: An Embittered, Dyspeptic, and Accurate Report of Forty Years in Hollywood,' details his experiences and falling out of grace as his politics shifted from progressive to conservative.

Mamet is also a Trump supporter and opposes unions. He spoke against DEI initiatives during the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books.



  • Are there any specific examples of DEI initiatives that Mamet is referring to?
  • Is Mamet's opposition to unions related to his stance on DEI?



  • Unique Points
    • David Mamet expressed his disapproval of Hollywood’s DEI efforts during a conversation at USC’s Newman Recital Hall.
    • Mamet referred to these efforts as ‘fascist totalitarianism.’
    • Zosia Mamet earned her roles in Hollywood based on merit and not due to her family connection.
  • Accuracy
    • David Mamet referred to Hollywood's DEI efforts as 'fascist totalitarianism'
    • Mamet thinks the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction regarding Hollywood's diversity efforts
    • Zosia Mamet earned her roles in Hollywood based on merit and not due to her family connection
  • Deception (80%)
    The author expresses his opinion that Hollywood's DEI efforts are 'garbage' and 'fascist totalitarianism'. This is an emotional manipulation and a form of selective reporting as the author only reports negative aspects of these efforts without providing any evidence or context to support his claims.
    • DEI is garbage.
    • DEI efforts amounted to fascist totalitarianism.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (95%)
    The author expresses a clear negative opinion towards DEI efforts in Hollywood, referring to them as 'garbage' and 'fascist totalitarianism'. He also rejects the idea that his children received jobs due to nepotism.
    • “DEI efforts amounted to “fascist totalitarianism”
      • “DEI is garbage,”
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • David Mamet criticized DEI initiatives in Hollywood as 'garbage' and 'fascist totalitarianism',
        • Mamet thinks the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction regarding Hollywood’s diversity efforts.
        • He described leaders of these initiatives as 'diversity capos' and 'diversity commissars'.
        • >From now on, there will be less work but scripts will be better.<
      • Accuracy
        • From now on, there will be less work but scripts will be better.
        • Mamet feels his age is a bigger factor in being pushed out of Hollywood than his politics.
      • Deception (30%)
        The author uses emotional manipulation by eliciting laughter from the crowd when discussing sensitive topics such as gender-neutral bathrooms and transgender people. He also uses selective reporting by only mentioning the negative aspects of DEI initiatives without acknowledging their positive impact on increasing representation in Hollywood. The author's use of the outdated term 'transsexuals' can be considered a form of deception by omission as it is offensive and disrespectful to transgender individuals.
        • DEI is garbage
        • It politicizes the human excretory function
        • The pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction
      • Fallacies (75%)
        The author uses inflammatory rhetoric by referring to DEI initiatives as 'garbage', 'fascist totalitarianism', and 'intrusive'. He also uses derogatory language towards transgender people and gender-neutral bathrooms. The author also makes an appeal to authority by mentioning his amicus brief to the Supreme Court.
        • “DEI is garbage.”
        • “It’s intrusive.”
        • “The [film industry] has little business improving everybody’s racial understanding as does the fire department.”
        • “We see great attacks on freedom of speech in this country.”
        • “It politicizes the human excretory function.”
      • Bias (15%)
        The author uses derogatory language towards transgender people and expresses a negative attitude towards diversity initiatives in Hollywood. He also makes generalizations about the leaders of these initiatives being 'diversity capos' and 'diversity commissars'.
        • “It politicizes the human excretory function.” he said to even louder guffaws in the crowd.
          • “The [film industry] has little business improving everybody’s racial understanding as does the fire department.” Mamet said to a few loud laughs in the crowd.
            • “The leaders of these diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives are “diversity capos” and “diversity commissars.”
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication


            • Unique Points
              • David Mamet thinks DEI is 'fascist totalitarianism' orchestrated by 'diversity capos' and 'diversity commissars'.
              • David Mamet believes Trump was a great president for his actions towards China, NATO, and Israel.
              • David Mamet opposes unions and spoke against DEI initiatives in Hollywood.
            • Accuracy
              • David Mamet thinks DEI is 'fascist totalitarianism' orchestrated by 'diversity capos' and 'diversity commissars.'
            • Deception (30%)
              The author makes editorializing statements about the author's political beliefs and opinions, which is a form of deception by selectively reporting information. The author also manipulates emotions by implying that Mamet's career has dried up and that he has turned conservative out of desperation.
              • He thought Trump was a great president.
              • But for those hoping that he’s ‘conservative’ but not MAGA, I have bad news.
              • He had a specific, clipped style, and he often put his wife Rebecca Pidgeon in his movies, even though she wasn’t a great actress (she seemed well suited to his style of writing, all the same).
              • The idea that people are not going to steal elections is ignorance because people steal elections all the time. The question is: ‘What was the extent of the election rigging?’ I don’t know. But was it questionable? Yes.
            • Fallacies (75%)
              The author makes an appeal to authority when stating that David Mamet is a great screenwriter and has won awards. He also uses inflammatory rhetoric when referring to DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) as 'garbage' and 'fascist totalitarianism'. The author also quotes Mamet using dichotomous depiction when he says that DEI is bad for white actors but good for Black actors.
              • “DEI is garbage,”
              • “it’s intrusive,”
              • “The bright side of wokeism is when you turn on the television … all of the commercials and most of the people in television shows are people of color. So, it’s bad for white actors but on the other hand, it used to be bad for Black actors. But the good thing is that white America gets used to looking at Black people not as Sidney Poitier, not as Willie Best, but as people and that’s really great.”
              • “The idea that people are not going to steal elections is ignorance because people steal elections all the time. The question is: ‘What was the extent of the election rigging?’ I don’t know. But was it questionable? Yes.”
            • Bias (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (10%)
              The author, Dustin Rowles, has a personal and professional relationship with David Mamet as evidenced by the use of first person pronouns throughout the article. This relationship could potentially influence his objectivity when reporting on Mamet's political views.
              • 'I’ve always found him to be a brilliant and fascinating man.'
                • 'I’ve known David for decades.'
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                  The author, Dustin Rowles, has multiple conflicts of interest on the topics provided. He holds a clear bias against David Mamet's conservative politics and anti-union stance. This bias is evident in his use of derogatory language such as 'Trumper,' 'diversity capos and diversity commissars,' and 'wokeism.' Rowles also has a personal relationship with Bill Maher, who is mentioned in the article. This relationship could potentially influence his reporting on Mamet.
                  • 'Bill Maher, a longtime friend of Mamet’s, interviewed him on Real Time last night about his new book.'
                    • 'But it’s worth noting that the man has a history of being an asshole, and he’s not exactly shy about his political beliefs. He was a vocal supporter of Trump during the 2016 election, and he continues to be a staunch defender of the former president.'
                      • 'Legendary-screenwriter David Mamet really is a Trumper.'
                        • 'Mamet is also no fan of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) initiatives in Hollywood. He has been critical of what he calls 'diversity capos and diversity commissars' who push for more representation in film and television.'
                          • 'Mamet’s anti-union stance and conservative politics have long been known to those of us who pay attention.'


                          • Unique Points
                            • David Mamet, two-time Oscar-nominated screenwriter of The Verdict and Wag the Dog, spoke out against the presumption that his daughters Zosia and Clara are nepo babies.
                            • According to Mamet, neither of his daughters have received jobs due to their family connections.
                            • Mamet criticized diversity rules in Hollywood, referring to them as ‘DEI is garbage’ and ‘fascist totalitarianism.’
                          • Accuracy
                            • David Mamet criticized diversity rules in Hollywood, referring to them as 'DEI is garbage' and 'fascist totalitarianism.'
                            • Zosia recently starred in a critically-panned movie.
                          • Deception (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Fallacies (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Bias (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication


                          • Unique Points
                            • David Mamet expressed his opposition to Hollywood’s DEI initiatives, referring to them as ‘garbage’ and ‘fascist totalitarianism.’
                            • Mamet does not believe his children, including Zosia Mamet, have benefited from nepotism in Hollywood. Instead, they earned their roles through merit.
                            • Zosia Mamet has recently appeared in Marvel and Sony’s Madame Web and starred in HBO’s Girls.
                          • Accuracy
                            No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                          • Deception (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Fallacies (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Bias (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication