Democratic Lawmakers Urge Biden to Consider Exit from Re-election Race Amid Pressure from Within Party

Washington D.C., District of Columbia United States of America
Concerns about Biden's age and performance, particularly in debates
Nearly 20 Democrats in Congress have publicly called for Biden to exit race
President Joe Biden facing pressure from within Democratic Party to step down from re-election bid
Some lawmakers believe stronger candidate would give party better chance of winning November election and preventing Trump from regaining White House
Democratic Lawmakers Urge Biden to Consider Exit from Re-election Race Amid Pressure from Within Party

President Joe Biden is facing increasing pressure from within the Democratic Party to step down from his re-election bid, with nearly 20 Democrats in Congress publicly calling for him to exit the race. The calls come amid concerns about Biden's age and performance, particularly in debates. Some lawmakers believe that a stronger candidate would give the party a better chance of winning in November and preventing former President Donald Trump from regaining the White House.

The list of Democrats calling for Biden to step aside includes Reps. Jim Hines (D-Conn.) and Adam Smith (D-Wash), the ranking members on the Intelligence and Armed Services Committees, respectively. Other lawmakers include Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas), who was the first to call for Biden to end his campaign, and Reps. Eric Sorensen (D-Ill.), Pat Ryan (D-N.Y.), Hillary Scholten (D-Mich.), and Mike Levin (D-Calif).

Senators Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Elizabeth Warren have also weighed in, with Warren suggesting that Vice President Kamala Harris is ready to step up as the nominee if Biden steps down. However, not all Democrats are on board with the idea of Biden stepping aside. Some believe that he should be given the opportunity to run for a second term and let voters decide.

Biden has shown no signs of dropping out and has continued to campaign despite his age and health concerns. He is expected to resume campaigning next week, with plans to attend fundraisers and hold events in key battleground states.

The pressure on Biden from within the Democratic Party comes as he faces challenges from Republicans, who are eager to capitalize on any vulnerabilities in his campaign. The Republican National Committee has already launched attacks against Biden over his handling of the economy and foreign policy issues.



  • Are there any other factors influencing these lawmakers' decisions beyond Biden's age and performance?
  • Is the number of Democrats calling for Biden to step down an accurate representation of the entire party's sentiment?



  • Unique Points
    • President Biden is facing opposition from within the Democratic Party regarding his re-election bid.
    • Key Democrats, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former President Barack Obama, have expressed concerns about Biden's age and his performance in the debates.
    • A majority of Democrats believe Biden is too old for another term according to polls.
    • There are varying opinions on what should happen if Biden does step aside, including an open convention or Harris becoming the nominee.
  • Accuracy
    • Key Democrats, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former President Barack Obama, have expressed concerns about Biden’s age and his performance in the debates.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting and emotional manipulation. The author presents a narrative of a 'stalemate' within the Democratic Party, focusing on the division between those who support President Biden and those who believe he is too old for another term. However, she only quotes individuals from one side of this divide, including former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former President Barack Obama, and key Democratic donors. This selective reporting creates a biased view of the situation by omitting counter-arguments or perspectives from those who continue to support Biden. Additionally, the author uses emotional language to describe Biden's debate performance as 'disastrous' and quotes Democrats expressing their concerns about his age, which manipulates readers' emotions and may influence their perception of Biden negatively.
    • But it’s not just them. In the three weeks since Biden’s disastrous debate performance, poll after poll has revealed that a majority of Democrats think the same.
    • This won’t end well unless it ends soon... We’re a divided nation, but even worse, we’re a divided party.
    • On one side, there’s President Biden... He is quick to point out that he defeated former President Donald Trump once, and he can do it again. He is dug in.
    • House Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies came out in support of the president... But key Democratic donors threatened to cut off money to the campaign.
  • Fallacies (80%)
    The author uses an appeal to authority fallacy by quoting former President Obama and Nancy Pelosi expressing their concerns about Biden's age. Additionally, the author quotes a Democratic strategist and a major Democratic donor voicing their opinions on the situation within the Democratic Party. These individuals are not providing logical arguments or evidence to support any claims, but rather expressing their personal beliefs.
    • Former President Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are among those who believe he’s too old for another term.
    • But key Democratic donors threatened to cut off money to the campaign, adding to a situation where the money coming in is already ‘godawful,’ as one donor put it.
  • Bias (90%)
    The author expresses a clear bias towards the side of Democrats who believe President Biden should not seek re-election. She quotes several key Democratic lawmakers and donors who hold this view, and describes their concerns about Biden's age and debate performance. The author also mentions polls that show a majority of Democrats holding this opinion, further emphasizing the divide within the party. The author does not provide any counterbalancing perspective from those who support Biden's re-election or offer any analysis to contextualize these quotes and opinions.
    • But it’s not just them. In the three weeks since Biden’s disastrous debate performance, poll after poll has revealed that a majority of Democrats think the same.
      • key Democratic donors threatened to cut off money to the campaign
        • Some donors, in particular, would like to see an open convention next month in Chicago. But that would cause more chaos, strategists say
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • The Biden campaign is looking to tap some star power as the president returns to the campaign trail, roping in David Letterman to headline a fundraiser on July 29.
          • Hawaii Gov. Josh Green will join the former
        • Accuracy
          • President Biden continues to affirm solid commitment to staying in the presidential race despite widespread pressure from the Democratic Party to step aside.
          • A dozen Democrats called on Joe Biden to step down from the presidential race on Friday.
        • Deception (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Fallacies (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Bias (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • A dozen Democrats called on Joe Biden to step down from the presidential race on Friday, the largest single number in one day according to The Washington Post.
          • Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown called for Biden to end his campaign.
        • Accuracy
          • President Biden is facing opposition from within the Democratic Party regarding his re-election bid.
          • Nearly 20 Democrats in Congress have called on President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 race
        • Deception (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Fallacies (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Bias (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • President Biden is recovering from Covid-19 and has grown resentful toward Democratic congressional leaders and former President Barack Obama.
          • People close to President Biden believe that leaks appearing in the media are being coordinated to raise pressure on him to step aside from the race.
          • President Biden considers Representative Nancy Pelosi, the former House speaker, and Barack Obama as instigators of the campaign against him.
        • Accuracy
          • ,
        • Deception (30%)
          The article contains editorializing and emotional manipulation by stating that Biden is 'fuming at his Delaware beach house' and 'bitter toward some of those he once considered close'. The article also uses sensational language such as 'friction between the sitting president and leaders of his own party so close to an election is unlike anything seen in Washington in generations' and 'meets its most perilous moment'. The authors also selectively report details that support their position, implying that Biden's allies are orchestrating a campaign to drive him out of the race without providing any evidence for this claim.
          • The friction between the sitting president and leaders of his own party so close to an election is unlike anything seen in Washington in generations
          • He has watched with rising exasperation as a succession of news stories appeared, one after the other, reporting that Mr. Schumer, Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Obama and Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York, the House Democratic leader, all had warned of a devastating defeat for the party in November.
        • Fallacies (80%)
          The article contains several instances of appeals to authority and inflammatory rhetoric. The authors imply that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Barack Obama are orchestrating a campaign to drive Biden out of the race by reporting on their warnings about a devastating defeat for the party in November. This is an appeal to authority fallacy as the authors are presenting these individuals as authoritative sources without providing any evidence that their warnings are accurate or representative of the Democratic Party as a whole. Additionally, phrases such as 'perilous moment', 'devastating defeat', and 'orchestrated campaign' use inflammatory language to elicit an emotional response from the reader.
          • It was Mr. Obama who elevated Mr. Biden from a presidential also-ran to the vice presidency, setting him up to win the White House in 2020, and it was Ms. Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer, the Senate Democratic leader, who pushed through his landmark legislative achievements.
          • Several people close to Mr. Biden described an under-the-weather president coughing and hacking more than a hundred miles from the corridors of power as his presidency meets its most perilous moment.
          • And he certainly noticed that Mr. Obama has not done anything to help him in recent days even as his own former aides publicly have led the way in calling on Mr. Biden to withdraw in what was interpreted, rightly or wrongly, as a message from the former president’s camp.
        • Bias (80%)
          The article contains multiple instances of the authors implying that Democratic leaders, including Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, are orchestrating a campaign to drive President Biden out of the race. The authors also describe Biden's resentment towards these leaders and his belief that they are working against him. These statements demonstrate political bias.
          • And he certainly noticed that Mr. Obama has not done anything to help him in recent days even as his own former aides publicly have led the way in calling on Mr. Biden to withdraw.
            • But several people close to Mr. Biden described an under-the-weather president coughing and hacking more than a hundred miles from the corridors of power as his presidency meets its most perilous moment. He has watched with rising exasperation as a succession of news stories appeared, one after the other, reporting that Mr. Schumer, Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Obama and Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York, the House Democratic leader, all had warned of a devastating defeat for the party in November.
              • He has watched with rising exasperation as a succession of news stories appeared, one after the other, reporting that Mr. Schumer, Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Obama and Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York, the House Democratic leader, all had warned of a devastating defeat for the party in November.
                • It was Mr. Obama who elevated Mr. Biden from a presidential also-ran to the vice presidency, setting him up to win the White House in 2020, and it was Ms. Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer, the Senate Democratic leader, who pushed through his landmark legislative achievements.
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • Nearly 20 Democrats in Congress have called on President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 race
                  • Reps. Jim Hines (D-Conn.) and Adam Smith (D-Wash) have called for Biden to exit the race, they are the ranking members on the Intelligence and Armed Services Committees respectively
                  • Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) was the first to call for Biden to end his reelection bid, he represents a safe blue seat and has been in Congress for nearly three decades
                  • Seth Moulton (D-Mass) warned that Biden’s name on the Democratic ticket could put the party on a ‘path to losing’
                  • Reps. Eric Sorensen (D-Ill), Pat Ryan (D-N.Y), Hillary Scholten (D-Mich) and Mike Levin (D-Calif) are younger lawmakers and come from purple districts that could become tougher to win if Biden drags down the ticket
                • Accuracy
                  • President Biden is facing opposition from within the Democratic Party regarding his re-election bid.
                  • A majority of Democrats believe Biden is too old for another term according to polls.
                • Deception (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Fallacies (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Bias (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication