Democratic Shift: Kamala Harris Emerges as Potential Replacement for Joe Biden in 2024

Washington D.C., District of Columbia United States of America
Google Document making case for Harris as Democratic nominee gaining popularity among big-money donors.
Rep. Bennie Thompson warning that failing to choose Harris as new nominee could be 'the kiss of death' for the Democratic Party.
Top Democratic officials, operatives and donors expressing skepticism about Biden's ability to continue his reelection campaign.
Vice President Kamala Harris emerging as potential Democratic nominee for 2024 due to Joe Biden's lackluster debate performance and declining support among key voter demographics.
Democratic Shift: Kamala Harris Emerges as Potential Replacement for Joe Biden in 2024

In the wake of President Joe Biden's lackluster debate performance, there has been a significant shift in the Democratic party as key figures begin to rally behind Vice President Kamala Harris as a potential replacement. According to multiple sources, top Democratic officials, operatives and donors are increasingly convinced that Biden will be unable to salvage his campaign and are looking towards Harris as the most viable option for the party. This sentiment is further bolstered by CNN's revelation that a Google Document making the case for Harris to become the Democratic nominee has gone viral among big-money Democratic donors, arguing that she could improve polling with Black and younger voters - an area where Biden is reportedly losing support. As leading party officials and insiders express their skepticism about Biden's ability to continue his reelection campaign, the vice president's schedule has been updated to include more time with Biden, such as attending a Fourth of July picnic and fireworks with him. Despite these efforts, several prominent Democrats have publicly expressed their support for Harris as a potential replacement for Biden on the 2024 ticket. Rep. Bennie Thompson, a leading Democratic congressman, has gone so far as to warn that failing to choose Harris as the new nominee would be 'the kiss of death' for the Democratic Party. With growing calls for Biden to step down and Harris emerging as a strong contender, it remains to be seen how the party will navigate this potential shift in leadership.



  • It is unclear if Biden has actually been informed of these discussions among Democratic officials and donors.
  • The article mentions 'multiple sources' but does not provide specific names or evidence.



  • Unique Points
    • Talk in many top Democratic circles has moved to who Kamala Harris running mate would be if Joe Biden’s campaign does not salvage.
    • Harris has updated her schedule to spend more time with Biden, including attending a Fourth of July picnic and fireworks with him.
    • Plans are underway for Biden to throw his support behind Harris, release his delegates, and ask them to follow his choice.
  • Accuracy
    • Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., believes Vice President Kamala Harris is the only viable Democratic candidate if President Biden steps down.
    • Kamala Harris ran for president in 2020, but her campaign did not progress beyond the primary stage.
  • Deception (10%)
    The article makes several statements that imply a shift in Democratic sentiment towards Kamala Harris as a potential replacement for Joe Biden. While the author does not explicitly state that this is his opinion, the repeated use of phrases like 'talk in many top Democratic circles has already moved to who Kamala Harris’ running mate would be' and 'several close allies skeptical that he is up to the reelection campaign he has pledged to stay in' suggest editorializing and pontification. The article also uses emotional manipulation by implying a sense of urgency and desperation among Democrats regarding Biden's campaign performance. Additionally, there are instances of selective reporting, such as the focus on Harris' schedule changes and her speech at the Democratic governors meeting without mentioning any counter-narratives or opposing viewpoints.
    • Several officials told CNN they have begun chiding donors who complain that they don’t think she can win, arguing that they need to stop and get on board with her.
    • CNN – Amid the ongoing fallout from Joe Biden’s debate performance, talk in many top Democratic circles has already moved to who Kamala Harris’ running mate would be.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (95%)
    The author, Edward-Isaac Dovere, expresses a clear bias towards the idea that Joe Biden's campaign is failing and that Kamala Harris is being positioned as a potential replacement. He repeatedly mentions conversations with Democratic politicians and operatives who are skeptical of Biden's ability to win reelection and are already looking towards Harris as an alternative. The author also describes how Harris has been keeping close to Biden but also how politics is starting to reshape around her, implying that she is becoming a viable alternative. This bias is further reinforced by the author's mention of former presidents and party leaders potentially following Biden's lead in supporting Harris.
    • Amid the ongoing fallout from Joe Biden’s debate performance, talk in many top Democratic circles has already moved to who Kamala Harris’ running mate would be.
      • Plans are underway to convince Biden to immediately throw his support behind Harris, release his Democratic delegates and ask them to follow his choice.
        • Several officials told CNN they have begun chiding donors who complain that they don’t think she can win, arguing that they need to stop and get on board with her.
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • A Google Document making the case for Vice President Kamala Harris to become the Democratic nominee is gaining popularity among big-money Democratic donors.
          • It argues that Democrats are 'closing' and need to do something different to win, suggesting Harris as the only viable option.
          • The memo states that Harris could improve polling with Black and younger voters, an area where Biden is reportedly losing support.
        • Accuracy
          • Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., believes Vice President Kamala Harris is the only viable Democratic candidate if President Biden steps down.
          • Harris has been ‘vetted and scrutinized’ unlike other candidates, according to the memo, and has faced no major scandals.
        • Deception (30%)
          The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position of replacing President Biden with Vice President Harris. The author also makes editorializing statements such as 'We are currently losing. We need to do something different to win.' and 'There's one path out of this mess, and it's Kamala.' These statements are not facts but rather the author's opinions.
          • The memo goes into detail on Harris’s polling, which it concludes is ‘fairly hazy’ because ‘no one anticipated... the possibility that we’d be debating a new nominee.’
          • The memo added that Harris could improve polling with Black and younger voters, an area the memo claims Biden is bleeding.
          • It adds, 'Clike it or not, there’s one realistic path out of this mess: Kamala.'
          • The biggest point of contention outlined by the memo is the ‘Fear of racism/sexism is playing an outsized role not supported by the data.’
          • The document, entitled ‘The case for Kamala,' was first reported by CNN and says bluntly, ‘We are currently losing. We need to do something different to win.’
        • Fallacies (75%)
          The article contains an appeal to authority and inflammatory rhetoric. The author of the memo is not identified, and its authenticity cannot be verified. Additionally, there are examples of inflammatory language used to describe President Biden and Vice President Harris.
          • A Google Document making the case for President Joe Biden to drop out of the race in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris is causing intrigue as it goes viral in big-money Democratic donor circles.
          • The memo opens with the premise that that Democrats are “losing” and that they need “to do something different.”
          • Former President Donald Trump has already taken shots at Harris as her name is floated more frequently as the potential Biden replacement.
          • Trump was caught on a secret recording Wednesday telling a group of golfers that he thought Harris was “so fucking bad” adding that he thinks “she’s gonna be better” than Biden.
        • Bias (95%)
          The author expresses a clear preference for Vice President Kamala Harris to replace President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee. The author argues that Harris is the only viable option to win the election and that she has already been vetted and scrutinized unlike other potential candidates. The author also emphasizes Harris' appeal to certain voter demographics, specifically young, Hispanic or Black women in urban and suburban areas. These statements demonstrate a clear bias towards Kamala Harris.
          • Consolidation around Vice President Harris will not guarantee victory in November. No option is free of risk at this point. But this is our clearest path to win. We should take it.
            • Kamala is clearly going to be doing much of the heavy lifting for the remainder of the campaign.
              • The memo adds that Harris could improve polling with Black and younger voters, an area the memo claims Biden is bleeding.
                • The memo goes into detail on Harris’s polling, which it concludes is ‘fairly hazy’ because ‘no one anticipated... the possibility that we’d be debating a new nominee.’
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • Rep. Bennie Thompson believes Vice President Kamala Harris is the only viable Democratic candidate if President Biden steps down.
                  • Several Democrats have voiced support for Harris as a potential replacement for Biden on the 2024 ticket.
                  • Rep. James Clyburn has stated he would support Harris if Biden were to step aside.
                  • Rep. Summer Lee also supports Harris as the obvious choice to replace Biden.
                • Accuracy
                  • Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., believes Vice President Kamala Harris is the only viable Democratic candidate if President Biden steps down.
                  • Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., has stated he would support Harris if Biden were to step aside.
                  • Rep. Summer Lee, D-Pa., also supports Harris as the obvious choice to replace Biden.
                • Deception (10%)
                  The author makes multiple statements implying that Vice President Harris is the only viable option for the Democratic Party if President Biden steps down. This is an example of selective reporting as it only presents information that supports the author's position and ignores other potential candidates. The article also includes quotes from other Democrats expressing their support for Harris, further emphasizing her as a viable replacement, which is another example of selective reporting.
                  • Rep. Bennie Thompson described Harris as being 'incredibly strong' and suggested she is the only candidate Democrats can replace Biden with in 2024.
                  • Rep. James Clyburn recently said he would support Harris if Biden drops out.
                • Fallacies (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Bias (95%)
                  The author expresses a clear preference for Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party's nominee if President Biden steps down. This is an example of ideological bias in favor of Vice President Harris.
                  • "The vice president is the obvious choice. She’s sitting right there."
                    • "You can't say Biden has done a good job without saying she's done a good job," Thompson told Axios, adding that choosing a candidate other than Harris "would be the kiss of death for the party."
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication


                    • Unique Points
                      • Kamala Harris has become the administration's chief advocate for reproductive freedom, which is a crucial policy issue for many voters in the upcoming election.
                      • Harris could effectively challenge Trump's rhetoric and highlight his negative traits, potentially swaying undecided voters against him.
                      • Despite potential negative media coverage, both Biden and Harris would face similar challenges from the news media during their campaigns.
                    • Accuracy
                      • Kamala Harris could potentially benefit from a shortened general election campaign period by presenting an alternative choice to voters who dislike Biden or Trump.
                      • Harris has become the administration’s chief advocate for reproductive freedom, which is a crucial policy issue in the upcoming election.
                      • Independent voters might view Harris as a more stable option than Trump, both in terms of her mental capacity and her lack of criminal convictions.
                    • Deception (30%)
                      The article makes editorializing statements about Kamala Harris' potential as a presidential candidate and implies facts without providing sources. It also uses emotional manipulation by painting a picture of Harris as the 'perfect circumstance' for winning the presidency and implying that she is being unfairly judged based on her previous campaign.
                      • Harris is neither old (she’s 59) nor crazy.
                      • And prosecuting the case against Donald Trump is the singular task of the Democratic nominee.
                      • Encouraged by the tone of that coverage, many undecided voters have understood their choice as between a geezer or a lunatic convicted of a felony.
                      • Republicans would attempt to portray her as a far-left radical, just as they do with every Democrat. But independent voters might reasonably conclude that she would neither nod off in critical meetings nor erect a sign outside the Oval Office reading ‘Bribes Accepted Here.’
                      • Stepping in to save a party in crisis and running against the most dangerous candidate America has ever faced may be her straightest path to becoming president.
                      • The fact that Harris ran and lost before tells us very little.
                    • Fallacies (85%)
                      The author makes several appeals to history and anecdotes in this article, which while not inherently fallacious, can be used to obscure the truth or mislead readers. For example, the author compares Kamala Harris' failed presidential bid to those of other successful politicians who also lost before winning. While it is true that some politicians have gone on to win after losing a previous campaign, this comparison is not directly relevant to Harris' current situation and potential as a candidate. Additionally, the author makes several assumptions about voter behavior and motivations without providing any concrete evidence or data to support these claims. For instance, the author suggests that independent voters might view Harris as a better alternative to Biden due to her energy and lack of baggage from the administration. However, there is no evidence provided in the article or cited elsewhere that supports this claim. Furthermore, the author makes several dichotomous depictions of candidates and their perceived qualities, such as describing Biden as a 'geezer' and Harris as neither old nor crazy. These types of oversimplifications can be misleading and do not accurately reflect the complexities of political candidates or issues.
                      • ]The scenario in which Harris replaces Biden involves a brief and intense general election campaign of about three months – and that could work to her advantage.[/
                    • Bias (90%)
                      The author expresses a clear bias towards Kamala Harris and her potential as a presidential candidate. The author argues that Harris' failed presidential bid in 2020 tells us little about her ability to win a general election, and that the unique circumstances of the current political climate make her an ideal candidate. The author also makes assumptions about how certain groups of voters may view Harris and compares her favorably to Biden.
                      • Encouraged by the tone of that coverage, many undecided voters have understood their choice as between a geezer or a lunatic convicted of a felony.
                        • Harris is more capable of making that case than Biden is. She would also bring out the worst in Trump; we can all imagine the repulsive things he would say about her, which would thrill his hateful cultists but reinforce for the rest of the electorate why they don’t like him.
                          • Stepping in to save a party in crisis and running against the most dangerous candidate America has ever faced may be her straightest path to becoming president.
                            • The fact that Harris ran and lost before tells us very little.
                            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication
                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication


                            • Unique Points
                              • Kamala Harris has experience as a U.S. senator, California attorney general, and San Francisco district attorney.
                              • Harris is known for her debate skills and ability to question politicians on key issues.
                              • A CNN post-debate survey showed that Harris would place above other potential candidates in a race against Trump.
                              • Trump has criticized Harris for being ‘nasty’, suggesting that he would not want to face her in a debate.
                            • Accuracy
                              • President Biden's debate performance led to dropping poll numbers and a sense of panic among Democrats.
                              • Some Democrats are considering Kamala Harris as a potential replacement for Biden, despite her being dismissed by others as an unpopular long shot.
                            • Deception (30%)
                              The author makes several statements that could be considered editorializing and manipulative. She implies that those who question Harris' electability are being sexist and racist, which is a form of emotional manipulation. She also uses sensational language such as 'cage fight of an election' and 'sky high stakes'. The author also engages in selective reporting by only mentioning positive polling data for Harris while ignoring any negative data. Additionally, the author makes several statements about Trump being a felon and Harris being a formidable debater without providing any evidence or sources to back up these claims.
                              • It's been a week since President Biden's disastrous debate performance, and his political fortunes only appear to be growing worse by the day.
                              • As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, she questioned Trump’s then-Supreme Court nominee, Kavanaugh, during a 2018 confirmation hearing about the protection of reproductive rights.
                              • Despite evidence showing that she's a viable choice, Harris still suffers from a lingering criticism that took root during the 2019 Democratic primaries. She was often described in the news media as aloof, distant and not likable.
                              • Recall the 2019 Democratic primary debate, when she course corrected Biden on his desegregation record.
                            • Fallacies (85%)
                              The author makes an appeal to authority by citing a CNN survey as evidence of Harris's electability. This is a fallacy because the survey results do not necessarily prove that Harris is the best candidate or that she can win in November.
                              • ][The answer to that the second question should be a no-brainer  – the vice president, of course.][] The author states that Harris being next in line as a replacement for Biden is a 'no-brainer'. This statement is an example of an appeal to tradition fallacy.
                              • Despite evidence showing that she’s a viable choice, Harris still suffers from a lingering criticism that took root during the 2019 Democratic primaries. She was often described in the news media as aloof, distant and not likable.
                              • Call it the Hillary Clinton conundrum. Powerful women have an impossible line to walk, especially in public-facing roles.
                              • Recall the 2019 Democratic primary debate, when she course corrected Biden on his desegregation record.
                              • As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, she questioned Trump’s then-Supreme Court nominee, Kavanaugh, during a 2018 confirmation hearing about the protection of reproductive rights. 'Can you think of any laws that give government the power to make decisions about the male body?' she asked.
                              • Trump later complained about how unfair she was: 'She was nasty to a level that was just a horrible thing ... the way she treated now-Justice Kavanaugh, and I won’t forget that soon.'
                            • Bias (85%)
                              The author, Lorraine Ali, demonstrates ideological bias by portraying Kamala Harris as the natural choice to replace President Biden and criticizing the dismissal of her as a serious replacement due to her gender and race. The author also implies that supporting Harris means believing that the electorate is capable of bucking centuries of tradition and bias, which suggests a belief in Harris's ability to break barriers. Additionally, the author highlights double standards faced by women and people of color in positions of power, as well as criticizing Trump's treatment of Harris during a Senate hearing. However, the article does not contain any direct examples of the author celebrating or promoting extreme views or using inflammatory language to depict one side as extreme or unreasonable.
                              • ...Harris still suffers from a lingering criticism that took root during the 2019 Democratic primaries. She was often described in the news media as aloof, distant and not likable.
                                • It’s more than fair to talk about Harris’ electability. She deserves scrutiny like everyone else whose name is being bandied about as a possible contender should Biden step out of the race. But simply assuming she’s not the right candidate without a deeper exploration of her strengths and weaknesses is unfair for someone as accomplished as Harris.
                                  • Kamala Harris was chosen by the people as an official replacement for the 81-year-old president should he become unable to fulfill his duties, so it stands to reason she’d be next in line, just as Biden was for Barack Obama.
                                    • The outright dismissal of her as a serious replacement for Biden is irresponsible, not to mention sexist and racist...
                                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
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                                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
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