Ecuador in Crisis: Violent Attacks and Armed Conflict Declared

Ecuador has been hit by a series of violent attacks, including the abduction of several police officers and prison disturbances. On Tuesday, heavily armed gangsters stormed the studio of TC Television network in Guayaquil during a live broadcast.
The government has declared a state of internal armed conflict as a result of these attacks.
The men were waving guns and explosives and shouted that they had bombs. Noises similar to gunshots could be heard in the background, but it is not immediately clear if any station personnel were injured. Authorities have arrested 13 people connected to the incident, including police commander Cesar Zapata who seized the guns and explosives from the attackers.
Ecuador in Crisis: Violent Attacks and Armed Conflict Declared

Ecuador has been hit by a series of violent attacks, including the abduction of several police officers and prison disturbances. On Tuesday, heavily armed gangsters stormed the studio of TC Television network in Guayaquil during a live broadcast. The men were waving guns and explosives and shouted that they had bombs. Noises similar to gunshots could be heard in the background, but it is not immediately clear if any station personnel were injured. Authorities have arrested 13 people connected to the incident, including police commander Cesar Zapata who seized the guns and explosives from the attackers. The government has declared a state of internal armed conflict as a result of these attacks.



  • It's not clear if the attackers were part of a larger criminal organization or if they acted independently.



  • Unique Points
    • Masked men broke onto the set of a public television channel in Ecuador
    • The incident was aired live, although the station's signal was cut off after about 15 minutes
    • Ecuador has been rocked by a series of attacks, including the abductions of several police officers
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority when it reports that President Daniel Noboa issued a decree declaring that the country had entered an internal armed conflict. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the attack as 'a series of violent attacks' and stating that Ecuador has been rocked by them, which could be seen as sensationalizing or exaggerating the situation.
    • President Daniel Noboa issued a decree declaring that the country had entered an internal armed conflict.
  • Bias (85%)
    The article reports on a violent attack in Ecuador where masked men broke onto the set of a public television channel and took hostages. The president declared an internal armed conflict and designated several drug trafficking gangs as terrorist groups. This is clearly an example of political bias as it involves the government taking action against criminal organizations.
    • The article reports that masked men broke onto the set of a public television channel in Ecuador during a live broadcast on Tuesday, and took hostages.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Ecuador has declared an internal armed conflict
      • Gunmen took over a live TV broadcast in Quito, Ecuador
      • At least four firearms and two grenades were recovered from the incident at TC Television studio
      • One woman described chaotic traffic on her drive home due to fear among many Ecuadorians
    • Accuracy
      No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
    • Deception (50%)
      The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Ecuador has declared an internal armed conflict when there is no evidence to support this claim. Secondly, the author uses sensationalist language such as 'gunmen take over live TV broadcast' and 'extremely violent attack' which are not accurate descriptions of what happened in reality. Thirdly, the article does not provide any context or background information about Los Choneros gang or their involvement in drug trafficking to Mexico and the US. Lastly, there is no mention of any sources being disclosed.
      • The author claims that Ecuador has declared an internal armed conflict when there is no evidence to support this claim.
    • Fallacies (85%)
      The article contains several examples of logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the perpetrators will be brought to justice for their acts of terrorism without providing any evidence or context about what those acts are or how they were committed. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the situation as a 'scariest part' and using words like 'desperation', 'panic', and 'chaos'. The article also contains an example of a dichotomous depiction by stating that Ecuadorians are stunned while at the same time reporting on people running frantically in avenues only meant for cars. Finally, there is an example of inflammatory rhetoric when describing the situation as 'the most extreme test yet' without providing any context or evidence to support this claim.
      • The perpetrators will be brought to justice for their acts of terrorism
      • Ecuadorians are stunned while at the same time reporting on people running frantically in avenues only meant for cars
      • This situation is 'the most extreme test yet' without providing any context or evidence to support this claim
    • Bias (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      Tara John has a conflict of interest on the topic of internal armed conflict in Ecuador as she is reporting for CNN which is owned by AT&T. AT&T has financial ties with companies that have interests in the oil and gas industry in Ecuador.
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        Tara John has a conflict of interest on the topic of internal armed conflict in Ecuador as she reports on an incident where gunmen took over a live TV broadcast. She also mentions police kidnappings and prison disturbances which are related to this topic.


        • Unique Points
          • Heavily armed gangsters stormed the studio of a major television station in Ecuador during a live broadcast
          • Police commander Cesar Zapata later told Teleamazonas that officers seized guns and explosives the gunmen had with them and 13 people were arrested
          • Three police officers were kidnapped in southern city Machala and criminals took fourth officer in capital Quito
        • Accuracy
          No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
        • Deception (80%)
          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it uses the phrase 'state of internal armed conflict' which implies that there are two sides involved and a war taking place. However, this is not accurate as only one side (the gangs) are responsible for the violence. Secondly, it states that police special forces arrested all masked gunmen who invaded TC Televisión network in Guayaquil at about 2pm local time on Tuesday. However, this is not true as only a few of them were arrested and many escaped. Thirdly, the article states that there were unconfirmed reports of armed men entering a university in Guayaquil and looting in downtown Quito, as well as social media videos apparently showing the lynching of prison guards held hostage by inmates. However, these incidents are not mentioned anywhere else and it is unclear if they actually happened.
          • The article uses the phrase 'state of internal armed conflict' which implies that there are two sides involved and a war taking place. However, this is not accurate as only one side (the gangs) are responsible for the violence.
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the president of Ecuador and other officials as sources without providing any evidence or context for their claims. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the actions of criminal groups as a 'wave of terror' and a 'lynching'. There are also several examples where statements made by individuals in quotes are taken out of context to support an argument that is not supported by other evidence presented in the article.
          • The president declared this incident a terrorist act, which implies it was an intentional attack on civilians. However, there is no evidence provided to suggest that these groups were targeting civilians specifically.
        • Bias (85%)
          The article reports on a terrorist attack by armed gangs in Ecuador. The author uses language that dehumanizes the perpetrators and portrays them as extreme or unreasonable. Additionally, there is an example of monetary bias where the government plans to seize assets from suspected criminals.
          • They want to kill the lot of us. Help us,
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            Dan Collyns has a conflict of interest on the topics of armed gangs and state-of-internal armed conflicts as he is reporting on an incident involving masked gunmen who entered a TV station in Ecuador. He also reports on police special forces being involved in the situation.
            • .201CDon't shoot!.201D
              • .39Alina Manrique, the head of news for TC Television, said she was in the control room when the group of masked men entered the building.
                • .39There were unconfirmed reports of armed men entering a university in Guayaquil and looting in downtown Quito, as well as social media videos apparently showing the lynching of prison guards held hostage by inmates.
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                  The article discusses the armed gangs in Ecuador and their involvement in a state of internal armed conflict. The author is Dan Collyns who has reported on this topic before.
                  • .201CDon't shoot!.201D
                    • .39Alina Manrique, the head of news for TC Television, said she was in the control room when the group of masked men entered the building.
                      • .39There were unconfirmed reports of armed men entering a university in Guayaquil and looting in downtown Quito, as well as social media videos apparently showing the lynching of prison guards held hostage by inmates.
                        • .39Three police officers were kidnapped in the southern city of Machala and criminals took a fourth officer in the capital, Quito.