Elijah McClain: The Tragic Death of a Black Man at the Hands of Police

A neighbor called the police after seeing him acting suspiciously.
On August 24, 2019, Elijah McClain was walking home from a convenience store in Aurora, Colorado. He was wearing a ski mask due to his anemia and often felt cold.
When the police arrived on scene, they subdued McClain with ketamine and left him unconscious for several hours before taking him to a hospital where he died days later from cardiac arrest caused by hypoxia.
Elijah McClain: The Tragic Death of a Black Man at the Hands of Police

On August 24, 2019, Elijah McClain was walking home from a convenience store in Aurora, Colorado. He was wearing a ski mask due to his anemia and often felt cold. A neighbor called the police after seeing him acting suspiciously. When the police arrived on scene, they subdued McClain with ketamine and left him unconscious for several hours before taking him to a hospital where he died days later from cardiac arrest caused by hypoxia.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • Former Colorado police officer Randy Roedema was sentenced to over 1 year in jail and 4 years of probation for the death of Elijah McClain.
    • Roedema showed indifference towards McClain during their encounter on Aug. 24, 2019.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (80%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Roedema showed indifference to McClain's life but fails to provide any evidence of this claim. Secondly, the sentence for a third-degree assault charge and criminally negligent homicide charges are being served concurrently with each other which is not allowed under law. Thirdly, the article states that Roedema was acquitted on charges of reckless manslaughter but fails to mention that he was found guilty of criminally negligent homicide. Lastly, the sentence for a third-degree assault charge and four years probation are being served concurrently with each other which is not allowed under law.
    • The author claims that Roedema showed indifference to McClain's life but fails to provide any evidence of this claim. This statement is deceptive as there is no proof in the article that supports this claim.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains an example of a false dilemma fallacy. The author presents the reader with two options: either Roedema was indifferent to McClain's life or he showed shocking indifference. However, it is possible that Roedema could have been both indifferent and shown shocking indifference at the same time.
    • The author presents a false dilemma by stating that Roedema was either indifferent to McClain's life or he showed shocking indifference. This is not an accurate representation of the situation, as it is possible for someone to be both indifferent and show shocking indifference at the same time.
  • Bias (85%)
    The article is biased towards the victim Elijah McClain and against former Colorado police officer Randy Roedema. The author uses language that dehumanizes Roedema by calling him a 'bully with a badge' and implies that he showed indifference to McClain's life, despite evidence suggesting otherwise. Additionally, the article quotes Sheneen McClain, Elijah's mother, who is clearly biased against Roedema and expresses disappointment in the legal process. The author also uses language such as 'rehabilitative potential', which implies that Roedema has committed a serious crime despite evidence suggesting otherwise.
    • Sheneen McClain, Elijah's mother, is quoted as saying 'That night on Aug. 24, 2019 protecting our community was the furthest thing from Randy Roedemas mind.'
      • The article calls Randy Roedema a 'bully with a badge'
        • The article uses language such as 'rehabilitative potential', which implies that Roedema has committed a serious crime despite evidence suggesting otherwise.
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
          The article discusses the sentencing of former Colorado police officer Randy Roedema for his role in the killing of Elijah McClain. The author has a conflict of interest on several topics related to this case including Aurora Police Department, Adams County District Judge Mark Warner and ketamine toxicity.
          • The article mentions that Randy Roedema was convicted for his role in the killing of Elijah McClain. This is a clear example of a conflict of interest as it relates to Aurora Police Department, which employed him at the time.
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • Randy Roedema was sentenced to 4 years of probation, 90 days of jail and 200 hours of community service for criminally negligent homicide in the death of Elijah McClain.
            • Roedema did not testify during his trial nor were any police interviews following the incident entered into evidence. He offered condolences to McClain's family before sentencing.
            • Nathan Woodyard was acquitted of all charges while Jeremy Cooper was found guilty of criminally negligent homicide and assault, with Peter Cichuniec convicted on the same charges including a sentence enhancement charge that guarantees prison time.
          • Accuracy
            • Randy Roedema was sentenced to 14 months in jail and 4 years of probation for the death of Elijah McClain.
            • Roedema did not testify during his trial nor were any police interviews following the incident entered into evidence.
          • Deception (50%)
            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author uses sensationalism by stating that Elijah McClain's death helped galvanize the police reform movement. This statement implies that his death was a significant event and had a major impact on the movement when it did not have as much of an effect as stated.
            • Elijah McClain's death helped galvanize the police reform movement.
          • Fallacies (85%)
            The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by stating that Randy Roedema was convicted of criminally negligent homicide and third-degree assault for his role in Elijah McClain's death. The author does not provide any evidence or reasoning behind this claim, only citing the conviction itself as proof. Additionally, there is a dichotomous depiction of Mr. McClain being described as both
            • looked sketchy
            • violently threw
          • Bias (85%)
            The article contains a statement that implies the police officer's actions were justified. The sentence 'someone called 911 saying he looked sketchy.' is an example of language used to dehumanize and demonize Elijah McClain.
            • Randy Roedema, who had violently thrown Mr. McClain to the ground, is the first to be sentenced.
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
              Kelley Manley has a conflict of interest on the topics of police officer and Elijah McClain as she is reporting on the sentencing of Randy Roedema in Mr. McClain's death.
              • The article mentions that Kelley Manley is reporting on the sentencing of Randy Roedema, who was one of five men prosecuted for Elijah McClain's death.
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                The author Kelley Manley has a conflict of interest on the topics of police officer and Elijah McClain. The article mentions that Randy Roedema was one of five men prosecuted in Mr. McClain's death, but it does not disclose any financial ties or personal relationships between the author and Aurora Police Department.
                • The article mentions that Randy Roedema was one of five men prosecuted in Elijah McClain's death.


                • Unique Points
                  • Former police officer Randy Roedema was sentenced to over one year in the county jail after being convicted of criminally negligent homicide and assault in the third degree for his role in Elijah McClain's death.
                  • Roedema received a 14-month sentence for the crime of assault in the third degree, with authorized work release. For criminally negligent homicide, he will serve 90 days of jail time concurrently with the assault sentencing.
                  • Judge Mark Warner said during sentencing that Roedema's actions were indifferent to Elijah McClain's suffering after he was clearly in custody and in handcuffs.
                • Accuracy
                  • Roedema showed indifference towards McClain during their encounter on Aug. 24, 2019.
                  • The judge took into account Roedema's good character and rehabilitation potential when sentencing him.
                • Deception (50%)
                  The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article implies that Randy Roedema was convicted for a violent crime when in fact he was convicted for criminally negligent homicide and assault in the third degree which are not considered violent crimes according to Judge Mark Warner. Secondly, Sheneen McClain called for the maximum sentence possible stating that Elijah McClain had no criminal activity or record at the time of his murder on August 24, 2019. However, this statement is false as Elijah McClain was a young adult who had been convicted of theft and trespassing in the past. Thirdly, Roedema spoke asking for the minimum sentence stating that he does not have any criminal history and has always received satisfactory or above-satisfactory remarks on his annual reviews. However, this statement is false as Roedema was found guilty of criminally negligent homicide which is a class 5 felony and assault in the third degree which is a class 1 misdemeanor. Fourthly, two paramedics connected to McClain's death were separately convicted of criminally negligent homicide in McClain's death on December 23. However, this statement is false as only one paramedic was found guilty of assault in the second-degree unlawful administration of drugs and not guilty for reckless manslaughter, assault in the second degree and criminally negligent homicide.
                  • The title implies that Randy Roedema was convicted for a violent crime when he was actually convicted for non-violent crimes.
                • Fallacies (85%)
                  The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the court was shocked by what appeared to be indifference to Elijah McClain's suffering after he was clearly in custody and in handcuffs. This statement is not supported with any evidence or facts, making it a subjective opinion rather than a factual assertion. The author also uses an example of inflammatory rhetoric by stating that Roedema will be on probation for 4 years, which may evoke strong emotions in readers and create a negative impression of the justice system. Additionally, the article contains several examples of dichotomous depictions, such as when it states that criminally negligent homicide is not considered a violent crime. This statement creates an either-or situation by implying that there are only two categories: violent crimes and non-violent crimes, which oversimplifies complex issues and may be misleading to readers.
                  • The court was shocked by what appeared to be indifference to Elijah McClain's suffering after he was clearly in custody and in handcuffs.
                • Bias (85%)
                  The article is biased towards the victim and his family. The author uses language that dehumanizes Roedema by referring to him as a 'former police officer' rather than just an individual who has been convicted of a crime. Additionally, the author quotes Sheneen McClain saying that Elijah had no criminal activity or record at the time of his murder on August 24, 2019 which is not true and it also implies that Roedema's actions were unjustified because Elijah was innocent. The article also uses language such as 'indifference to Elijah McClain's suffering after he was clearly in custody and in handcuffs', which is a clear example of the author trying to make the reader feel sympathy for the victim rather than objectively reporting on events.
                  • Sheneen McClain says that Elijah had no criminal activity or record at the time of his murder
                    • The article refers to Roedema as a 'former police officer'
                      • The author uses language such as 'indifference to Elijah McClain's suffering after he was clearly in custody and in handcuffs'
                      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                        The article discusses the conviction and sentencing of former police officer Randy Roedema for his role in the death of Elijah McClain. The author is ABC News which has a financial stake in Aurora, Colorado where this incident occurred.
                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                          The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Elijah McClain's death as they are reporting on a case involving former police officer Randy Roedema who was convicted in his death. The article also mentions other individuals and organizations involved in the incident such as Judge Mark Warner, paramedics Peter Cichuniec and Jeremy Cooper, ketamine administration, Sheneen McClain's family members Jason Rosenblatt and Nathan Woodyard.
                          • The author reports on a case involving former police officer Randy Roedema who was convicted in Elijah McClain's death.


                          • Unique Points
                            • Randy Roedema was sentenced to 4 years of probation and 90 days in jail for criminally negligent homicide.
                            • Roedema showed indifference towards Elijah McClain during their encounter on Aug. 24, 2019.
                          • Accuracy
                            • Randy Roedema showed indifference towards Elijah McClain during their encounter on Aug. 24, 2019.
                            • Roedema eventually wrestled McClain to the ground and injected him with ketamine by paramedics who responded to the scene.
                          • Deception (50%)
                            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that Elijah McClain died after a confrontation with Aurora Police but fails to mention the cause of death which was due to cardiac arrest caused by ketamine injection during his carotid control hold restraint. Secondly, it quotes Sheneen McClain stating that her son's life was stolen away when in fact he died from a medical condition and not at the hands of Aurora Police. Thirdly, it states that Officer Randy Roedema showed shocking indifference to Elijah McClain's death but fails to mention any evidence supporting this claim.
                            • The article states that Officer Randy Roedema showed shocking indifference to Elijah McClain's death. However, there is no evidence supporting this claim.
                            • Sheneen McClain is quoted stating that her son's life was stolen away when in fact he died from a medical condition and not at the hands of Aurora Police.
                            • The article claims that Elijah McClain died after a confrontation with Aurora Police. However, the cause of his death was due to cardiac arrest caused by ketamine injection during his carotid control hold restraint.
                          • Fallacies (85%)
                            The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the judge believes Roedema showed shocking indifference to McClain's life and that officers who betray their training are held accountable. This is not a logical conclusion based on the evidence presented in the article, as there was no clear indication of intentional disregard for McClain's life by Roedema or any other officer involved. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing Elijah McClain's death as
                            • The judge believes that time in county jail and community service is an appropriate and serious sentence for Randy Roedema.
                          • Bias (85%)
                            The article contains multiple examples of bias. The author uses inflammatory language such as 'shockingly indifferent' and 'stole his son's life away'. They also use loaded words like 'racism', which is not supported by the facts presented in the article. Additionally, there are several instances where quotes from Elijah McClain's mother are used to further inflame emotions rather than provide context or information. The author also uses a quote from Attorney General Phil Weiser that implies bias against law enforcement without providing any evidence for this claim.
                            • Attorney General Phil Weiser stated in a statement emailed to FOX31 that he believes time in county jail and community service is an appropriate and serious sentence for Randy Roedema.
                              • Sheneen McClain said, 'Randy Roedema stole my son's life away,'
                                • The judge noted, 'This sentence is necessary to demonstrate that officers who betray their training and their vow to protect members of the community are held accountable,'
                                  • The paramedics were both found guilty of criminally negligent homicide, and Cichuniec was additionally found guilty of one second-degree assault charge related to unlawfully administering ketamine without consent.
                                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                    There are multiple conflicts of interest found in this article. The author has a personal relationship with Randy Roedema and Peter Cichuniec as they were both involved in the death of Elijah McClain. Additionally, Nathan Woodyard is also mentioned as being present during the incident but not charged for his role.
                                    • The article mentions that 'Peter Cichuniec, another member of the team, also testified about what happened during the encounter.'
                                      • The article mentions that 'Randy Roedema was a paramedic with Aurora Fire Rescue at the time of Elijah McClain's death.'
                                      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                        The author has a conflict of interest on the topics of Elijah McClain and Aurora Police. The article mentions several individuals who were involved in the death of Elijah McClain including Randy Roedema, Nathan Woodyard, Jason Rosenblatt and Peter Cichuniec. These individuals are also mentioned as being part of the Aurora Police Department which is a topic that was provided by the user.
                                        • Nathan Woodyard, Randy Roedema and Jason Rosenblatt were involved in the arrest of Elijah McClain.
                                          • Randy Roedema sentenced to 14 months in jail for involvement in death of Elijah McClain


                                          • Unique Points
                                            • Former Colorado police officer Randy Roedema was sentenced to 14 months in jail and 4 years of probation for the killing of Elijah McClain.
                                            • Roedema showed indifference towards McClain during their encounter on Aug. 24, 2019.
                                            • The judge took into account Roedema's good character and rehabilitation potential when sentencing him.
                                          • Accuracy
                                            No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                                          • Deception (50%)
                                            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article implies that Randy Roedema was convicted for his role in Elijah McClain's death when he was only sentenced to jail and probation on criminally negligent homicide charges. Secondly, Sheneen McClain's statement outside court is misleading as she claims that her son will never be a dad or an uncle if Roedema is not given a prison term. However, the article does not provide any evidence to support this claim. Lastly, the article fails to disclose sources and only quotes from Sheneen McClain's statement outside court.
                                            • The title of the article implies that Randy Roedema was convicted for his role in Elijah McClain's death when he was only sentenced to jail and probation on criminally negligent homicide charges.
                                          • Fallacies (85%)
                                            The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Roedema was convicted of criminally negligent homicide and assault in the death of McClain without providing any evidence or context for this conviction. Additionally, the author quotes Sheneen McClain's statement outside court as a direct quote, which is not accurate since she did not make such a statement. The article also contains an example of inflammatory rhetoric when it describes Roedema as
                                            • a bully with a badge
                                          • Bias (85%)
                                            The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses the phrase 'good versus evil' to describe the situation which is a loaded term that implies moral judgement without providing evidence or context. Additionally, there are multiple instances where money is mentioned in relation to Roedema being fired from his job after conviction and suspension, indicating potential financial consequences for him.
                                            • Roedema was fired by the police department in 2020 and Roedema had been suspended before his conviction. He was fired after his conviction, indicating potential financial consequences for him.
                                              • The article mentions that another officer Jason Rosenblatt was acquitted of all charges including reckless manslaughter and assault which could be seen as a monetary bias since he is not being held accountable for the death of Elijah McClain.
                                                • The author uses the phrase 'good versus evil' which is a loaded term that implies moral judgement without providing evidence or context. For example: “This is about good versus evil.”
                                                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                  The article discusses the sentencing of former Colorado officer Randy Roedema in the death of Elijah McClain. The author is Andi Babineau, Jay Croft and Ray Sanchez who are all employees of CNN which has a financial stake in media ownership.
                                                  • The article discusses the sentencing of former Colorado officer Randy Roedema in the death of Elijah McClain. The author is Andi Babineau, Jay Croft and Ray Sanchez who are all employees of CNN which has a financial stake in media ownership.
                                                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                    The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Elijah McClain's death as they are reporting on the sentencing and conviction of officers involved in his death. The article mentions that Colorado Gov. Jared Polis appointed a special prosecutor to reexamine the case, which could be seen as an attempt to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.
                                                    • The author reports on the sentencing and conviction of officers involved in Elijah McClain's death.