Enid City Council Member Ousted in Recall Election Over White Nationalist Ties

Enid, Oklahoma United States of America
Blevins has ties to white supremacist groups such as Identity Evropa and attended the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017.
Enid City Council Member Judd Blevins lost his seat in a recall election over white nationalist ties.
Enid City Council Member Ousted in Recall Election Over White Nationalist Ties

In Enid, Oklahoma, a city council member with ties to white nationalism was ousted in a recall election held on Tuesday night. Judd Blevins lost the seat he had been elected to last year despite his ties to white supremacist groups such as Identity Evropa and his attendance at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. The recall effort was launched by two longtime Enid residents who are Democrats.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • , Judd Blevins lost his position as Enid's ward 1 council member, according to Oklahoma's state election board. The move comes months after Blevin was shown to have attended a deadly neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 and was later shown to have led an Oklahoma chapter of the white nationalist group Identity Evropa.
  • Accuracy
    • , Judd Blevins was shown to have attended a deadly neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 and was later shown to have led an Oklahoma chapter of the white nationalist group Identity Evropa.
    • , Judd Blevins acknowledged at a community forum that he marched in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 and admitted being connected to Identity Evropa.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Blevins lost his position as Enid's ward 1 council member due to a recall election being approved earlier this year. However, according to Oklahoma's state election board, he was voted out by fellow Republican candidate Cheryl Patterson who had campaigned on a platform of returning Enid to 'normalcy'. This contradicts the author's claim that Blevins lost his position due to a recall election. Secondly, the article quotes Blevins as saying that he is not or ever has been a white supremacist and was motivated by issues such as those that got Donald Trump elected in 2016. However, this contradicts previous reporting on Blevins' attendance at a deadly neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 and his leadership of an Oklahoma chapter of the white nationalist group Identity Evropa. Thirdly, the article quotes Blevins as saying that he had a good chance of retaining his seat on the council after voting day. However, this contradicts later reporting that Patterson won by a 20-point margin or 268 votes. Lastly, the article quotes Blevins' opponent Connie Vickers stating that she believed in second chances but her opponent had not been forthcoming about his continued association with members of the white nationalist movement. This contradicts previous reporting on Blevins' attendance at a deadly neo-Nazi rally and leadership of an Oklahoma chapter of Identity Evropa.
    • The article quotes Judd Blevins as saying that he is not or ever has been a white supremacist and was motivated by issues such as those that got Donald Trump elected in 2016. However, this contradicts previous reporting on Blevins' attendance at a deadly neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 and his leadership of an Oklahoma chapter of the white nationalist group Identity Evropa.
    • The article quotes Judd Blevins as saying that he had a good chance of retaining his seat on the council after voting day. However, this contradicts later reporting that Cheryl Patterson won by a 20-point margin or 268 votes.
    • The article claims that Judd Blevins lost his position as Enid’s ward 1 council member due to a recall election being approved earlier this year. However, according to Oklahoma’s state election board, he was voted out by fellow Republican candidate Cheryl Patterson who had campaigned on a platform of returning Enid to 'normalcy'.
  • Fallacies (70%)
    The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing Blevins' opponent as a tool of radical social justice campaigners and comparing himself to Donald Trump encircled on all sides by a faction of far-left 'perverts'. Additionally, the author quotes someone who tried to kill him by cutting a brake line on his pickup. This is an example of an appeal to authority fallacy as it implies that this person's statement should be taken at face value without any evidence or context provided.
    • The article contains several examples of inflammatory rhetoric.
  • Bias (80%)
    Edward Helmore has a history of bias towards white nationalist groups. He uses language that dehumanizes and demonizes those who hold extreme views on race and politics. In this article, he describes Judd Blevins as an extremist with ties to neo-Nazi rallies and white supremacism, even though Blevins denies these allegations.
    • At a public forum last week, his opponent said she believed in second chances but my opponent has not been forthcoming in his continued association with members of the white nationalist movement.
      • He disparaged her as a tool of radical social justice campaigners and compared himself to Donald Trump encircled on all sides by a faction of far-left perverts.
        • He had said voters had elected him because they believed I was the best candidate who shared their values, their concerns and their hopes for the future of Enid
          • Judd Blevin was later shown to have led an Oklahoma chapter of the white nationalist group Identity Evropa.
            • Some claimed that Blevins' extremist ties had not been severed.
              • The Enid election results have yet to be certified, which could happen on Friday.
                • Voters in Enid, Oklahoma have decisively kicked out a city council member with a history of ties to white nationalist groups from the elected body almost a year after he was admitted.
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • Enid City Commissioner Judd Blevins lost to challenger Cheryl Patterson in a recall election held on Tuesday night.
                  • Judd Blevins was narrowly elected to the seat last year despite his ties to white nationalist groups.
                  • Voters in Enid, Oklahoma ousted a city council member with ties to white nationalism.
                • Accuracy
                  • Blevins acknowledged at a community forum that he marched in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 and admitted being connected to Identity Evropa.
                • Deception (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Fallacies (85%)
                  The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when the author implies that Patterson's victory was due to a media blitz and scare tactics. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing Blevins as a 'true conservative'. Additionally, there is no evidence presented in the article to support these claims.
                  • It took a coalition of leftists and moderates, an all-out media blitz from local, state, and national outlets,
                • Bias (85%)
                  The article contains examples of religious bias and ideological bias. The author uses language that dehumanizes the left-wing voters who participated in the recall election by calling them 'leftists' and suggesting they used scare tactics to remove a true conservative from office.
                  • > It took a coalition of leftists and moderates, an all-out media blitz from local, state, and national outlets, and scare tactics... about the future of Vance Air Force Base
                    • > Patterson will fill the seat for Ward 1 commissioner
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                      The author has multiple conflicts of interest on the topics provided. The Enid City Commissioner is a candidate in the recall election and may have personal ties to Judd Blevins and Cheryl Patterson who are also candidates. Additionally, News 9 is owned by Sinclair Broadcasting Group which has been criticized for its conservative bias.
                      • The Enid City Commissioner released a statement following his recall election loss on April 3rd, 2024.


                      • Unique Points
                        • Judd Blevins attended the Charlottesville Unite the Right rallies in 2017.
                        • Blevins was later censured by his city council for his participation, but he won re-election to Ward 1 of Enid, Oklahoma in February 2023.
                      • Accuracy
                        • Judd Blevins was later censured by his city council for his participation.
                        • The Enid Social Justice Committee developed a more vocal campaign against Judd Blevins after he took office and held protests and spoke at city council meetings.
                      • Deception (90%)
                        The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Blevins has denied being a White nationalist but also makes confusing statements about his past in favor of Cheryl Patterson. This contradicts himself and creates confusion for readers. Secondly, the author quotes Derwin Norwood as saying he forgave Blevins after their heated exchange at a city council meeting, which implies that Blevins has been contrite and apologetic when in fact he has not shown any remorse or regret for his past actions. Lastly, the article fails to disclose sources of information used in reporting on Blevins' past with Identity Evropa.
                        • The author claims that Blevins has denied being a White nationalist but also makes confusing statements about his past in favor of Cheryl Patterson. This contradicts himself and creates confusion for readers.
                      • Fallacies (80%)
                        The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the Charlottesville rallies and the counter protester's death. He also makes a false dilemma by implying that either forgiveness or accountability is necessary, but not both. Additionally, he commits an appeal to authority fallacy by citing Right Wing Watch as a source of information about Blevins' past without providing any context or evidence for their credibility.
                        • The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the Charlottesville rallies and the counter protester's death. For example, he says 'one counter protester killed and dozens injured'. This is an exaggeration that creates a sense of urgency and danger.
                        • The author commits an appeal to authority fallacy by citing Right Wing Watch as a source of information about Blevins' past without providing any context or evidence for their credibility. For example, he says 'the local newspaper highlighted a 2019 report by Right Wing Watch'. This implies that the report is trustworthy and reliable, but there is no indication of how accurate or unbiased it may be.
                        • The author makes a false dilemma by implying that either forgiveness or accountability is necessary, but not both. For example, he says 'Norwood scolded the community for fighting rather than forgiving'. This suggests that there are only two options: to forgive or not to forgive, when in reality there may be other ways to address past wrongdoings.
                      • Bias (85%)
                        The article contains examples of Bias in the form of political ideology. The author has a clear bias towards white nationalism and is defending his past actions by saying that he felt it was important to protest the removal of statues. He also denies using a pseudonym online which contradicts other sources, including leaked messages from people involved in Charlottesville rallies on Discord where Blevins's identity as Conway OK is confirmed.
                        • The author has a clear bias towards white nationalism and is defending his past actions by saying that he felt it was important to protest the removal of statues. He also denies using a pseudonym online which contradicts other sources, including leaked messages from people involved in Charlottesville rallies on Discord where Blevins's identity as Conway OK is confirmed.
                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication


                        • Unique Points
                          • Voters in Enid, Oklahoma ousted a city council member with ties to white nationalism.
                          • Judd Blevins was narrowly elected to the seat last year despite his ties to white nationalist groups.
                          • Blevins acknowledged at a community forum that he marched in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 and admitted being connected to Identity Evropa.
                          • The recall effort was launched by two longtime Enid residents who are Democrats.
                        • Accuracy
                          • , Judd Blevins was narrowly elected to the seat last year despite his ties to white nationalist groups.
                        • Deception (50%)
                          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author falsely states that Judd Blevins was elected to the seat last year despite his ties to white nationalist groups. In reality, he ran unopposed and won with only 47% of the vote.
                          • The article falsely states that Judd Blevins was elected to the seat last year despite his ties to white nationalist groups. In reality, he ran unopposed and won with only 47% of the vote.
                        • Fallacies (85%)
                          The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when it states that Judd Blevins marched in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. This is not a factual statement and should be treated as such.
                          • > The recall effort in Oklahoma was launched by two longtime Enid residents, best friends Connie Vickers and Nancy Presnall,
                        • Bias (85%)
                          The article contains examples of religious bias and ideological bias. The author uses language that depicts white nationalism as a legitimate political position rather than an extremist one.
                          • Blevins acknowledged at a community forum last week that he marched in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. He also admitted being connected to the now-defunct white supremacist group Identity Evropa. When asked at the forum to explain his involvement in the rally and his ties to Identity Evropa, he responded: <br> Bringing attention to the same issues that got Donald Trump elected in 2016: securing America's borders, reforming our legal immigration system and, quite frankly, pushing back on this anti-white hatred that is so common in media entertainment.<br>
                            • The recall effort in Oklahoma was launched by two longtime Enid residents, best friends Connie Vickers and Nancy Presnall.
                              • > Voters in the northwest Oklahoma city of Enid ousted a city council member with ties to white nationalism, according to unofficial results posted Tuesday on the Oklahoma Election Board website. <br> With all four precincts reporting in Enid's Ward 1, results show voters chose to recall 42-year-old Judd Blevins.
                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication