Environmental Groups Disavow Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Presidential Bid: Danger to Biden and Environmental Progress?

New York City, New York, USA United States of America
Environmental groups have disavowed Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential bid.
Groups label Kennedy a 'dangerous conspiracy theorist and science denier'.
Kennedy's candidacy could potentially draw young progressive, environmental voters away from President Joe Biden.
Several top environmental organizations signed a letter in The New York Times criticizing Kennedy.
Environmental Groups Disavow Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Presidential Bid: Danger to Biden and Environmental Progress?

Environmental groups have publicly disavowed Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential bid, labeling him a 'dangerous conspiracy theorist and science denier'. The groups believe Kennedy's candidacy could potentially draw young progressive, environmental voters away from President Joe Biden and help reelect former President Donald Trump.

Several top environmental organizations have criticized Kennedy for his views on vaccine effectiveness, which had caused friction with other green organizations for years. His entry into the presidential race amplified this friction and could potentially lead to the erosion of vital environmental and social gains if it helps Trump win re-election.

Signatories of a letter published in The New York Times included Sierra Club, League of Conservation Voters Victory Fund, Sunrise Movement, Natural Resources Defense Council Action Fund, Earthjustice Action, Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund, Climate Emergency Advocates, Food & Water Action, Friends of the Earth Action, NextGen America and 350 Action.

Trump leads Biden in several national polls with third-party candidates like Kennedy potentially pulling support from Biden. The groups believe that any support for Kennedy will inevitably result in a second Trump term and the complete erosion of environmental gains made to date.

Kennedy was once an environmental attorney but now rejects science and offers no different proposals than Trump. His candidacy has been met with criticism from his former colleagues at the Natural Resources Defense Council, who have urged voters to steer clear of him.



  • Are there any other reasons besides vaccine effectiveness for the groups' disavowal of Kennedy?
  • Is it confirmed that Kennedy's candidacy will significantly impact the number of young progressive, environmental voters?



  • Unique Points
    • An anti-Biden protester disrupted an interview with Kerry Kennedy on CNN on April 18, 2024.
    • Robert F. Kennedy Jr., another Kennedy family member, is running as an independent presidential candidate and was criticized by some family members for being a ‘spoiler’ to Biden’s re-election chances.
  • Accuracy
    • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s candidacy could potentially draw young progressive, environmental voters away from President Joe Biden.
    • Kennedy was once an environmental attorney but now rejects science and offers no different proposals than Trump.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position of RFK Jr. being a 'spoiler' candidate and disrupting Biden's re-election chances. The author also uses emotional manipulation by describing the protester's screams as 'blood-curdling'. There is no clear evidence provided in the article that RFK Jr. is intentionally working with Trump to help him win, only speculation from the DNC and a Kennedy campaign staffer.
    • The Kennedy family, led by Kerry Kennedy, officially endorsed Biden’s re-election bid.
    • According to video reviewed by Fox News Digital, a self-identified Kennedy campaign staffer told a room of Republicans in New York that the only way Trump could win the traditionally Democrat state in November was with Kennedy on the ballot.
    • Following the outburst, the Kennedy family...officially endorsed Biden’s re-election bid. The endorsement came as a snub to RFK Jr., who they say is acting as a ‘spoiler’ to Biden’s re-election chances and could lead to a victory for former President Donald Trump in November.
    • It was not immediately clear what the man was protesting about.
  • Fallacies (95%)
    The article contains an instance of an appeal to authority when it mentions the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) efforts to silence RFK Jr.'s campaign and their claims that he is a 'spoiler' candidate. However, no logical fallacies were found in the author's assertions or statements made by him directly.
    • The Democratic National Committee launched an effort to silence the threat to Biden’s re-election from third-party candidates, namely Kennedy, in the form of a team that is expected to actively combat them with legal challenges and opposition research.
    • They have also claimed that Kennedy is in cahoots with Trump in order to help him win.
  • Bias (90%)
    The author uses language that depicts RFK Jr. as an 'anti-Biden protestor' and a 'spoiler' candidate, implying that he is working against Biden's re-election chances and potentially helping Trump. This language is biased as it takes a negative stance towards RFK Jr., who is not being quoted in the article making these assertions.
    • The author refers to RFK Jr. as an 'anti-Biden protestor' and a 'spoiler' candidate multiple times in the article.
      • The DNC is accused of actively combating RFK Jr.'s campaign with legal challenges and opposition research, but the author does not provide any evidence or quotes from the DNC to support this claim.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Environmental groups condemn Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential bid and environmental policy.
        • RFK Jr.'s onetime allies in environmental advocacy call for him to drop out.
        • The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is running a full-page advertisement in newspapers in six battleground states, urging Kennedy to drop out of the race.
        • A dozen environmental organizations have penned an open letter warning that Kennedy’s candidacy could lead to the erosion of environmental and social gains if it helps Trump win re-election.
      • Accuracy
        • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential bid and environmental policy are condemned by Environmental groups.
        • Kennedy has pledged to be the ‘best environmental president in American history’
        • Several top environmental groups have publicly disavowed Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
        • Nearly 50 former colleagues of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from the Natural Resources Defense Council have urged voters to not support his presidential candidacy.
      • Deception (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Fallacies (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Bias (90%)
        The article clearly states that environmental groups are calling for RFK Jr. to drop out of the presidential race because they believe he will be a spoiler for former President Donald Trump and increase his chances of being reelected. The article also quotes the Natural Resources Defense Council's full-page advertisement, which directly attacks RFK Jr.'s environmental policy and calls on him to drop out. This is an example of monetary bias as the groups are trying to influence the election outcome for their own benefit.
        • The Natural Resources Defense Council, a climate advocacy group where Kennedy previously served as senior attorney for 28 years, is planning to run a full-page advertisement in newspapers through its political arm in six battleground states on Sunday...According to a copy of the ad obtained by CNN, the group is calling on Kennedy to drop out of the race to prevent him from being a spoiler for Trump...
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • Several top environmental groups have publicly disavowed Robert F. Kennedy Jr., labeling him a ‘dangerous conspiracy theorist and science denier.’
          • RFK Jr.’s views on vaccine effectiveness had caused friction with other green organizations for years.
          • His entry into the presidential race amplified this friction and could potentially draw young progressive, environmental voters away from President Joe Biden.
          • The groups believe Kennedy’s candidacy could help reelect former President Donald Trump by siphoning off votes from Biden.
          • Signatories of the letter included Sierra Club, League of Conservation Voters Victory Fund, Sunrise Movement, Natural Resources Defense Council Action Fund, Earthjustice Action, Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund, Climate Emergency Advocates, Food & Water Action, Friends of the Earth Action, NextGen America and 350 Action.
          • Trump leads Biden in several national polls with third-party candidates like Kennedy potentially pulling support from Biden.
          • Kennedy was once an environmental attorney but now rejects science and offers no different proposals than Trump.
        • Accuracy
          No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
        • Deception (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Fallacies (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Bias (95%)
          The article clearly states that several environmental groups have publicly disavowed Robert F. Kennedy Jr., labeling him as a 'dangerous conspiracy theorist and science denier'. The groups also state that his candidacy could cost President Joe Biden the White House by drawing young progressive, environmental voters away, potentially helping Trump's reelection. This is an example of political bias as the article expresses a negative opinion towards Kennedy's candidacy and implies that his views are harmful to the Democratic Party.
          • Many activists contend RFK Jr.’s candidacy could cost President Joe Biden the White House by drawing young progressive, environmental voters away, helping to reelect Trump, who has vowed to tear down Biden’s green policies.
            • The truth is, by rejecting science, what he offers is no different than Donald Trump.
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication


            • Unique Points
              • Nearly 50 former colleagues of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from the Natural Resources Defense Council have urged voters to not support his presidential candidacy.
              • RFK Jr.'s actions are a betrayal to the environment.
              • Several national environmental organizations have criticized Kennedy for his political turn in an open letter.
              • Gina McCarthy, who headed the Environmental Protection Agency under President Barack Obama, called Kennedy an 'environmentalist no more' and accused him of being against science and vaccines.
              • John Hamilton Adams, who co-founded the Natural Resources Defense Council and hired Kennedy to represent the group, stated that Kennedy's actions are a betrayal to the environment.
            • Accuracy
              • Several national environmental organizations have criticized Kennedy for his political turn in an open letter.
              • Kennedy responded by stating that the environmental movement is making a mistake by settling for crumbs given by the Biden administration.
            • Deception (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Fallacies (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Bias (95%)
              The author quotes several former colleagues and mentors of RFK Jr. expressing their opposition to his presidential candidacy due to his anti-science and conspiracy theories stance. The author does not make any assertions beyond what is stated in the article.
              • “A vote for RFK Jr. is a vote to destroy that progress and put Trump back in the White House,”
                • “He’s against science, he’s against vaccines, he talks jibber jabber on climate. I don’t know what he stands for,”
                  • “I mentored Bobby as a young environmentalist. I do not recognize the person he has become. His actions are a betrayal to our environment.”
                    • “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is not an environmentalist. He is a dangerous conspiracy theorist and science denier whose agenda would be a disaster for our communities and the planet,”
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication