Explosions in Luhansk and Kherson: At Least 26 Killed, Dozens Injured as Ukrainian and Russian Forces Clash

At least 26 people were killed and dozens more were injured.
In Kherson region, a shop was destroyed in Sadove village killing 15 people and a residential area was hit by a HIMARS missile resulting in four deaths and over 40 injuries.
In Luhansk region, an oil depot was hit and the Atesh guerrilla movement claimed responsibility for the attack. Six ATACMS missiles were launched by Ukrainian forces towards Luhansk, most being shot down by air defense systems.
Ongoing violence and instability have caused significant hardships for civilians on both sides of the conflict.
On June 7, 2024, a series of explosions occurred in Russian-occupied Luhansk and Kherson regions of Ukraine.
Ukrainian forces have reportedly made gains in recent days, improving their positions along the front line and liberating Paraskoviivka.
Explosions in Luhansk and Kherson: At Least 26 Killed, Dozens Injured as Ukrainian and Russian Forces Clash

On June 7, 2024, a series of explosions rocked the Russian-occupied regions of Luhansk and Kherson in Ukraine. According to various sources, at least 26 people were reportedly killed and dozens more were injured as a result of these strikes.

In Luhansk region, an oil depot was hit, causing significant damage. The Atesh guerrilla movement claimed responsibility for the attack and reported that a large fire had broken out in the area of Hostra Mohyla. Russian state media reported that at least six ATACMS missiles were launched by Ukrainian forces towards Luhansk, with most being shot down by air defense systems. Local Telegram channels reported problems with electricity and communications in some areas of the city.

In Kherson region, a shop was destroyed in Sadove village, killing 15 people according to Vladimir Saldo, head of Russian occupation authorities in Kherson. A residential area was also hit by a HIMARS missile, resulting in four deaths and over 40 injuries. Russian Defense Ministry accused Ukraine of targeting civilian areas and deliberately firing these missiles at residential districts.

Despite the ongoing conflict, Ukrainian forces have reportedly made some gains in recent days. Over the last week, they improved their positions along the front line and liberated the settlement of Paraskoviivka, around 25 kilometers southwest of Donetsk. However, Russian shelling continued to claim lives in other areas.

On June 8, a 71-year-old woman was killed by Russian shelling in Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk region. The ongoing violence and instability have caused significant hardships for civilians on both sides of the conflict.



  • It is unclear if all the reported attacks were carried out by Ukrainian forces or if there were any counter-attacks from Russian forces.
  • The exact number of casualties may change as more information becomes available.



  • Unique Points
    • U.S. President Joe Biden met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in Paris on June 7, 2023.
    • Biden publicly apologized to the Ukrainian people for the delay in American military assistance.
  • Accuracy
    • The number of people killed in the attack on Kherson Region is different between articles: 22 in the first article and 26 in one of the other articles.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Atesh guerrilla movement reported explosions in Russian-occupied Luhansk and damage to an oil depot on June 7.
    • The site had been occupied by Moscow’s troops as a headquarters and logistics base since the first invasion of Ukraine in 2014.
    • Russian state media claimed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched at least six ATACMS missiles at Luhansk, with most being shot down by air defense systems.
    • Ukrainian social media reported that the Russian military facility in Luhansk was hit as a result of the attack.
  • Accuracy
    • The strikes allegedly damaged civilian infrastructure, causing an entrance of a residential building to collapse and injuring 22 people including an eight-year-old child according to Russian propaganda media TASS.
    • Both Russian and Ukrainian social media widely identified the strike weapon as ATACMS, although there has been no official confirmation.
    • Ukraine fields only two major weapons systems capable of delivering cluster munitions at that range: the US-made ATACMS missile and the Soviet-era Tochka-U missile.
    • After a four-month halt to U.S. arms deliveries due to Congressional infighting, Ukraine received renewed transfers of ATACMS missiles in late April.
    • Kyiv has energetically launched ATACMS against nine previously out-of-range Russian targets in the occupied Crimea region since the end of the US prohibition.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (90%)
    The article contains several instances of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority from Russian state media. However, no formal or informal fallacies were found in the author's assertions.
    • ]Russian propaganda media TASS reported that 22 people, including an eight-year-old child, were injured[
    • According to Russian media, the strikes allegedly damaged civilian infrastructure.
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Ukrainian strikes on parts of the Russian-held Luhansk and Kherson regions killed 26 people and injured dozens more on Friday.
    • A shop in the southern Kherson region was destroyed, killing 15 people according to Vladimir Saldo, head of Russian occupation authorities in Kherson.
    • A HIMARS missile struck a residential area in Luhansk region, killing four and wounding over 40 according to Russian-appointed officials.
    • Russian Defense Ministry accused Ukraine of targeting civilian areas and deliberately firing five U.S.-made ATACMS missiles at residential districts of the city of Luhansk.
    • Over the last week, Russian troops improved their positions along the front line and liberated the settlement of Paraskoviivka, around 25 kilometers southwest of Donetsk.
    • Russian shelling killed a 71-year-old woman in Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk region.
  • Accuracy
    • The number of people killed in the strikes on Russian-held Ukraine: The article says 26, while other articles mention no specific number.
    • The location of the strike that killed 15 people: The article says it was in the southern Kherson region, while another article mentions Luhansk region.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article reports on the number of deaths and injuries caused by Ukrainian strikes in Russian-held regions of Ukraine. The author quotes statements from Russian occupation authorities regarding the number of casualties and their condemnation of the strikes. This is an example of selective reporting as only details that support the author's position (the deaths and condemnation) are reported, while opposing viewpoints or facts that contradict this narrative are not mentioned.
    • Forty-six people have received medical treatment, adding that they included an eight-year-old boy and three teenage boys. The condition of 10 of the injured is ‘grave.’
    • A shop in the village of Sadove in the southern Kherson region ‘with a large number of visitors and employees was destroyed.’
    • Both Ukrainian regions were among four Russia claimed to have annexed in September 2022 despite not fully controlling any of them following the full-scale military campaign launched that February.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The author reports on the deaths and injuries caused by Ukrainian strikes in Russian-held regions of Ukraine. The author does not commit any formal or informal fallacies in their reporting. However, there are instances of inflammatory rhetoric used by the quoted sources that could be considered fallacious if taken out of context. These include 'vile murder of civilians' and 'deliberately fired.' These statements do not affect the author's reporting and should not be considered fallacies when evaluating the article as a whole.
    • ][Russian occupation authorities in Kherson] condemned the '[vile murder of civilians](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/06/08/strikes-on-russian-held-ukraine-kill-26-occupation-authorities-a85349#:~:text=Ukrainian%20strikes%20on%20parts%20of,injured%20dozens%20more)' made possible by Western arms deliveries to Ukraine.[/]
    • [Russian Defense Ministry] accused Ukraine of targeting civilian areas, saying '[the Kyiv regime](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/06/08/strikes-on-russian-held-ukraine-kill-26-occupation-authorities-a85349#:~:text=The%20Russian%20Defense%20Ministry)... deliberately fired five U.S.-made ATACMS missiles at residential districts of the city of Luhansk.[
  • Bias (95%)
    The author, AFP, does not demonstrate any clear bias in this article. However, there are a few instances where the language used could be perceived as biased by some readers. For example, the phrase 'occupation authorities' could be seen as implying that Russia does not have legitimate control over these regions. Similarly, the phrase 'vile murder of civilians' could be seen as an emotional appeal to elicit sympathy for those affected by the conflict. However, these instances do not constitute a significant enough bias to warrant a score below 95.
    • ][Russian-appointed head of the region] condemned the "vile murder of civilians" made possible by Western arms deliveries to Ukraine.[/], [
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication