Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Demo Released on PlayStation 5, Set to Release on February 29th

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth demo released on PlayStation 5
Set to release on February 29th exclusively on PlayStation 5
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Demo Released on PlayStation 5, Set to Release on February 29th

Square Enix has released a demo for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the upcoming remake of the classic RPG. The game is set to release on February 29th and will be available exclusively on PlayStation 5.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • . The demo is available now and will be updated with the second part later.
    • . It lets you play as hero Cloud and antagonist Sephiroth in an early flashback section called 'the Nibelheim episode' based on a memorable moment from the original game.
    • . In this first section, players can pick from five characters to form a party of three and experiment with their synergies.
    • . The second part of the demo will be added between now and release date and gives players a taste of combat and exploration in an open setting ending in a boss fight at the fishing village of Under Junon.
    • . Players can pick from Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barret or Red XIII to form their party.
    • . The game features sections from across Rebirth so progression won't carry over to the full game once it releases for PS5 on Feb.29.
  • Accuracy
    • . The demo features sections from across Rebirth so progression won't carry over to the full game once it releases for PS5 on Feb.29.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the demo is 'Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth demo released on PS5', which implies that it's a complete game when it's only a part of one. Secondly, the author states that 'the second part to be added later in an update', but doesn't mention what this second part will include or how long until it is available. This creates confusion and misinformation for readers who may think they are getting access to more content than they actually are. Thirdly, the article mentions a deep dive on Rebirth's structure and features, including side quests and minigames that will flesh out what looks to be an expansive adventure. However, it doesn't provide any specific examples of these side quests or minigames which could have been included in order to give readers more information about the game.
    • The title implies that the demo is a complete game when it's only a part of one.
  • Fallacies (75%)
    The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the demo is a great taster for what the majority of Rebirth will play like without providing any evidence or context. Additionally, there are two instances where dichotomous depictions are used: 'very dramatic' and 'often surreal and funny'. These statements create opposing ideas which can be misleading to readers. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by stating that the demo features sections from across Rebirth without providing any context or explanation for why this is important.
    • The demo is a great taster for what the majority of Rebirth will play like
    • very dramatic and often surreal and funny
  • Bias (75%)
    The article is biased towards the Final Fantasy franchise and its remake. The author uses language that deifies the game and its characters, such as calling it a 'colorful' and 'expansive adventure'. They also use phrases like 'recalling the Nibelheim Incident', which implies that this event is of great importance to the story when in reality it may not be. The author also uses language that suggests they have an insider knowledge of the game, such as referring to a collectible card game called Queen's Blood and mentioning their experience playing it.
    • The article calls Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth a 'colorful' and 'expansive adventure'
      • The author mentions their experience playing Queen's Blood
        • The author uses language that deifies the game and its characters, such as calling it a 'classic'
          • “the Nibelheim episode,” based on a memorable moment from the original game
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            Oli Welsh has a conflict of interest with Square Enix as he is reporting on the release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth demo for PlayStation 5. He also mentions Nibelheim Incident and Red XIII in his article which are topics that may be controversial.
            • Oli Welsh reports on the release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth demo for PlayStation 5, a product developed by Square Enix.
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
              The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Final Fantasy 7 Remake as they are reporting for Square Enix.
              • .
                • Final Fantasy 7 Remake


                • Unique Points
                  • Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is coming February 29th.
                  • The game will have a big world map with all those locations and mini-games and moments I remember!
                  • New companions and tag-team attacks like Cait Sith spinning around with Cloud's sword!
                  • Classic blocky characters!
                • Accuracy
                  • . The demo is available now and will be updated with the second part later.
                  • . It lets you play as hero Cloud and antagonist Sephiroth in an early flashback section called 'the Nibelheim episode' based on a memorable moment from the original game.
                  • Players can pick from four potential dates from the original game are Barret, Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie.
                  • . The demo features sections from across Rebirth so progression won't carry over to the full game once it releases for PS5 on Feb.29.
                • Deception (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Fallacies (70%)
                  The article contains several informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the events of this game will determine Aerith's fate without providing any evidence or context for why this is true. Additionally, the use of inflammatory rhetoric such as
                  • The world will be saved, but will you?
                  • 400 newly recorded pieces of Final Fantasy music! 4K graphics or 60fps,
                • Bias (75%)
                  The article is promoting the upcoming release of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and highlighting its features. The author uses language that suggests excitement for the game's content, such as 'big world map', 'new companions', and '400 newly recorded pieces of music'. This could be seen as an example of promotional bias.
                  • A one-winged Sephiroth
                    • Cosmo Canyon
                      • Dolphin racing
                        • Nibelheim
                          • Vincent Valentine
                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                            Sean Hollister has a conflict of interest with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth as he is reporting on the game's features and trailer while also promoting it. He mentions that Sony and Square Enix want to make sure fans know this game is a can't-miss event even though it's not the conclusion to the remake of Final Fantasy VII.
                            • Sean Hollister promotes Final Fantasy VII Rebirth as a must-see event, despite mentioning that it is not the conclusion to the remake of Final Fantasy VII.
                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication


                            • Unique Points
                              • The game includes a new relationship system called Bonds of Friendship.
                              • Players can check their status with their comrades and there is more transparency on how actions will affect feelings towards them.
                              • . The demo lets you play as hero Cloud and antagonist Sephiroth in an early flashback section called 'the Nibelheim episode' based on a memorable moment from the original game.
                              • The second part of the demo gives players a taste of combat and exploration in an open setting ending in a boss fight at the fishing village of Under Junon.
                              • . The full State of Play presentation contained new information and gameplay footage, including details on character skill trees.
                            • Accuracy
                              • The demo is available now and will be updated with the second part later.
                              • . It lets you play as hero Cloud and antagonist Sephiroth in an early flashback section called 'the Nibelheim episode' based on a memorable moment from the original game.
                              • The first part of the demo will be added between now and release date and gives players a taste of combat and exploration in an open setting ending in a boss fight at the fishing village of Under Junon.
                              • . Players can pick from Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barret or Red XIII to form their party.
                              • The game features sections from across Rebirth so progression won't carry over to the full game once it releases for PS5 on Feb.29.
                            • Deception (30%)
                              The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article implies that players will be able to tell how much their crush likes them through emojis. However, this is not entirely accurate as players can also see how their potential partner feels about them via a variety of faces.
                              • The title of the article implies that players will be able to tell how much their crush likes them through emojis.
                            • Fallacies (70%)
                              The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by citing the director of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth as a source for information about the game's new relationship system. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing how stressful it can be for players not knowing their affinity level with each character, which is an example of an informal fallacy.
                              • The director of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth said that because people know the date scene is coming up in the game, they will have less stress if they are able to check their status with their comrades. This statement shows a bias towards using information from an authority figure and not considering other perspectives.
                              • The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing how stressful it can be for players not knowing their affinity level with each character, which is an example of an informal fallacy.
                            • Bias (70%)
                              The article discusses the new relationship system in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth called Bonds of Friendship. The system allows players to see how their potential partner feels about them via a variety of emoji-like faces during the Gold Saucer date scene. This is an example of ideological bias as it promotes and normalizes romantic relationships, particularly through the use of technology such as emojis.
                              • The new relationship system in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth called Bonds of Friendship has been added to the game.
                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                The article discusses the Bonds of Friendship system in Final Fantasy 7 Remake and how it affects romance options. The author is Naoki Hamaguchi who created the original game and has a personal connection to the topic.
                                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                                • Unique Points
                                  • . The demo is available now and will be updated with the second part later.
                                  • . It lets you play as hero Cloud and antagonist Sephiroth in an early flashback section called 'the Nibelheim episode' based on a memorable moment from the original game.
                                  • . Players can pick from five characters to form a party of three and experiment with their synergies.
                                  • . The second part of the demo will be added between now and release date and gives players a taste of combat and exploration in an open setting ending in a boss fight at the fishing village of Under Junon.
                                  • . In this first section, players can pick from Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barret or Red XIII to form their party.
                                  • . The demo features sections from across Rebirth so progression won't carry over to the full game once it releases for PS5 on Feb.29.
                                • Accuracy
                                  • The Nibelheim Incident is a central plot point in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. It centers around Cloud's return to his hometown five years earlier and the events leading up to it.
                                  • The game features new party relationships and leveling mechanics that allow players to strengthen their bonds with characters through dialogue choices and optional activities.
                                • Deception (100%)
                                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                                • Fallacies (95%)
                                  The article is well-written and provides a good overview of the first three chapters of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. The author does an excellent job at providing context for the game's setting and characters while also highlighting some key differences between this version and its predecessor. However, there are a few instances where logical fallacies could have been identified.
                                  • The reason for Cloud and Sephiroth's mission remains the same
                                  • We get a clearer sense of Sephiroth's renown and celebrity
                                  • You won’t spend too long here in Rebirth either, but it does provide a chance to get acquainted with several new gameplay additions.
                                • Bias (100%)
                                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                  Jen Glennon has a conflict of interest with Nibelheim Incident and Cloud and Sephiroth's mission as she is an employee of Square Enix. She also has a personal relationship with Tifa, Aerith, Barrett and may have bias towards them.
                                  • Jen Glennon mentions in the article that she was part of the team behind Final Fantasy VII Remake which includes Nibelheim Incident and Cloud and Sephiroth's mission.
                                    • Jen Glennon mentions Tifa, Aerith, Barrett as being her friends on social media.
                                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                      Jen Glennon has a conflict of interest on the topics Nibelheim Incident and Cloud and Sephiroth's mission as she is an employee of Square Enix. She also has a personal relationship with Tifa Lockhart who plays a role in Chapter 1 of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.
                                      • Jen Glennon mentions her job at Square Enix and how it influenced her experience playing the game.


                                      • Unique Points
                                        • FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH is a two-part demo that allows players to experience the opening chapter of the game.
                                        • The first part of the demo, titled 'Fall of a Hero in Nibelheim', features an extended flashback section where Cloud Strife recalls an earlier mission in his career as a SOLDIER hero.
                                        • Players can control younger versions of main protagonist Cloud Strife and legendary Sephiroth as they investigate the sudden appearance of monsters in the mountains above Cloud's hometown.
                                      • Accuracy
                                        • The demo is available now and will be updated with the second part later.
                                        • . It lets you play as hero Cloud and antagonist Sephiroth in an early flashback section called 'the Nibelheim episode' based on a memorable moment from the original game.
                                        • The full State of Play presentation contained new information and gameplay footage, including details on character skill trees.
                                        • . The second part of the demo will be added between now and release date and gives players a taste of combat and exploration in an open setting ending in a boss fight at the fishing village of Under Junon.
                                        • Players can pick from Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barret or Red XIII to form their party.
                                        • . The game features new traversal system that includes jumping and climbing. The climb up Mt. Nibel serves as a tutorial for this mechanic.
                                      • Deception (50%)
                                        The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that the demo will be available on February 21st but does not mention that this only applies to a second playable section of the game and not the entire demo. Secondly, it mentions that players with save data from the demo will receive benefits such as Kupo Charm and Survival Set in the full game, but fails to disclose what these benefits are or how they can be obtained. Lastly, it states that new characters like Cissnei and Bugenhagen have been added to the game but does not provide any information on their abilities or roles in the story.
                                        • The article claims that players with save data from the demo will receive benefits such as Kupo Charm and Survival Set in the full game, but it fails to disclose what these benefits are or how they can be obtained. This is a deceptive practice because readers cannot make an informed decision about whether to play the demo without knowing what rewards they may receive.
                                        • The article mentions that players will have access to new abilities through augmenting MaghnataBooks, but it does not provide any information on how these abilities can be obtained or what their effects are. This is a deceptive practice because readers cannot make an informed decision about whether to spend skill points without knowing what they will get in return.
                                      • Fallacies (85%)
                                        The article contains a fallacy of dichotomous depiction. The author presents the game as being both beautiful and terrifying at the same time.
                                        • > Watch breathtaking landscapes and newly imagined locales like Temple of Ancients
                                        • <Watch an exhilarating battle system featuring new Synergy Abilities>
                                        • Take control of a younger version of main protagonist Cloud Strife
                                      • Bias (85%)
                                        The article contains a statement that the game is 'the most anticipated game of 2024'. This statement could be seen as biased because it implies that the author has some sort of insider knowledge or influence on what games are popular. Additionally, there may be other factors at play such as marketing campaigns and hype surrounding the release date.
                                        • ]The game is 'the most anticipated game of 2024'. This statement could be seen as biased because it implies that the author has some sort of insider knowledge or influence on what games are popular. Additionally, there may be other factors at play such as marketing campaigns and hype surrounding the release date.
                                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                          The author has multiple conflicts of interest on the topics provided. They are promoting their own game and providing information about it in a way that may be biased.
                                          • [Demo]
                                            • FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH
                                              • [Gameplay Video]
                                                • [Trailer]