Former President Trump Speaks at RNC Amidst Calls for Biden to Step Down: Surviving an Assassination Attempt and Promising Policy Reversals

Milwaukee, Wisconsin United States of America
Calls for President Biden to step down due to debate performance and policy concerns
Former President Trump spoke at the RNC on August 19, 2024
Trump publicly spoke about surviving an assassination attempt for the first time
Trump's speech received criticism for length and lack of excitement
Unemployment reached record lows under President Biden's presidency
Former President Trump Speaks at RNC Amidst Calls for Biden to Step Down: Surviving an Assassination Attempt and Promising Policy Reversals

Former President Donald Trump delivered a unity message and spoke about surviving an assassination attempt during his keynote speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Thursday, August 19, 2024. The event marked the highest-rated convention coverage in cable news history with 10 million viewers tuning in to Fox News alone. Trump's address came after a tumultuous week for both parties, with growing calls for President Joe Biden to step down due to his shaky debate performance and intensifying questions about his ability to defeat Trump in the upcoming election.

Trump's speech was criticized for its length and lack of excitement compared to previous years. However, it marked a significant moment as he spoke publicly about the assassination attempt against him for the first time. During his address, Trump went off script repeatedly, railing against criminal prosecutions and pledging to undo President Biden's policies.

Despite Trump's ability to promote himself and his record as a businessman, some argue that he has not been as effective in promoting his presidency due to its negative aspects. By contrast, President Biden's presidency is delivering positive results with unemployment reaching record lows, post-pandemic inflation stopping and going into reverse, and the stock market soaring to record highs.

Trump took credit for the good economic times during his tenure but faced heavy criticism for his crisis management during the pandemic. The Democratic Party believes changing leadership is the way to beat Trump's crew, but Democrats must first believe in their own accomplishments and promote them effectively.

The Republican National Convention highlighted the weaknesses of the Republican party, including extremism, cultishness, and a lack of welcome for a majority of Americans. The Democratic Party has changed since the 1990s with progressive interest groups gaining power through accusations and disparagement. However, this approach is not effective in persuading swing voters.

Trump's supporters saw two sides of him during his speech: a conquering hero who survived an assassination attempt and a bellicose, combative alpha male. The night began with a pageant of hypermasculinity and ended with Trump taking the stage with a new, somber voice as he recounted his brush with death. However, over the course of his hour-and-a-half speech, he somehow changed back before our eyes.



  • It's unclear if there is any concrete evidence supporting calls for President Biden to step down
  • The article does not provide specific details about the assassination attempt or when it occurred



  • Unique Points
    • Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt at a rally in Pennsylvania that was not mentioned in other articles.
    • Terry G. Bollea (Hulk Hogan) performed at the Republican National Convention and praised Donald Trump in character, which is not mentioned in other articles.
  • Accuracy
    • ][article.facts[0]] Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt at a rally in Pennsylvania.
    • [[otherArticles][1].facts[1]] Trump spoke at the Republican National Convention on Thursday night and delivered a unity message after surviving an assassination attempt.
    • [[otherArticles][3].facts[4]] Former President Donald Trump’s keynote speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) drew 10 million viewers to Fox News, making it the highest-rated convention coverage in cable news history. During Trump’s speech, which lasted over an hour, Fox News peaked at 10 million viewers.
    • [[article.facts[0]] Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt at a rally in Pennsylvania.]
  • Deception (50%)
    The article by James Poniewozik is deceptive in its portrayal of the Republican National Convention's final night. The author presents a narrative that suggests the convention showcased both a softer image of Donald Trump and hypermasculine imagery, implying contradictory messages. However, the article does not disclose any peer-reviewed studies or concrete evidence to support this claim. Instead, it relies on subjective interpretations and quotes from other speakers at the event.
    • The answer was: Yes, and yes.
  • Fallacies (80%)
    The author makes an appeal to authority with the quotes from Tucker Carlson and Dana White stating that Trump is a leader because he is brave and a fighter. This is fallacious as it does not provide any logical reasoning or evidence for why this is true.
    • “A leader is the bravest man,” Mr. Carlson said.
    • But the splashiest spectacle brought Hulkamania to Milwaukee. Terry G. Bollea, the handlebar-mustached wrestler who performs as Hulk Hogan, took the stage in character to praise “my hero, that gladiator,”
  • Bias (50%)
    The author uses language that depicts the Republican National Convention as promoting 'hypermasculinity' and 'male identity politics'. This is a value judgment and shows a bias towards viewing masculinity in a negative light.
    • heavyly male, who cited Mr. Trump’s close call and defiant survival as testimony to his macho fighting spirit.
      • This is what male identity politics looks like.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Donald Trump spoke at the Republican National Convention on Thursday night and delivered a unity message after surviving an assassination attempt.
      • Accuracy
        • Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt at a rally in Pennsylvania
      • Deception (30%)
        The author uses emotional manipulation by describing Trump's speech as 'remarkable', 'unique', and a 'providential moment'. He also uses editorializing language such as 'classic Trump' and implying that Trump's calls for unity are insincere. The article also contains selective reporting, as it only mentions the parts of the speech that fit the author's narrative of Trump being unpredictable and prone to veering off-script.
        • There was classic Trump in there too - dark and false claims, sometimes during extended improvisations.
        • The unity message and its powerful delivery made for a unique convention speech and a remarkable Trump one.
      • Fallacies (85%)
        The author makes an appeal to pathos by describing the emotional response of Trump's supporters and Trump himself after the shooting incident. This is an informal fallacy as it aims to evoke emotions rather than presenting logical arguments.
        • The crowd was confused because they thought I was dead.
        • There was classic Trump in there too - dark and false claims, sometimes during extended improvisations.
      • Bias (95%)
        The author uses language that depicts Trump's supporters as 'loyalists' and 'cheering enthusiastically', implying a bias towards Trump. The author also describes the scene as a 'remarkable Trump one', suggesting an ideological bias towards Trump.
        • >His loyalists, who now fill the ranks of his party, packed the Milwaukee arena and cheered enthusiastically throughout his hour-and-a-half speech.<
          • >The unity message and its powerful delivery made for a unique convention speech and a remarkable Trump one.<
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • Former President Donald Trump's nomination-acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in 2021 was criticized for its length and lack of excitement.
            • , Trump’s presidency ended in disaster, marked by pandemic, mass death, economic collapse, rioting, and a surge in violent crime.
            • By contrast, President Joe Biden’s presidency is delivering positive results with unemployment reaching record lows, post-pandemic inflation stopping and going into reverse, and the stock market soaring to record highs.
            • Trump took credit for the good economic times of 2017, 2018, and 2019 but his crisis management during the pandemic was heavily criticized.
            • Trump’s ability to promote himself and his record as a businessman is compared to his skill in promoting his presidency despite its negative aspects.
            • Biden has not been as effective in directing the nation’s attention to his accomplishments, often mattering less than expected despite working harder than Trump.
            • Clinton’s 1996 State of the Union address focused on the strong economy and record number of new businesses started, while Biden’s 2024 address took longer to reach good news about job growth and small business creation.
            • The Democratic Party has changed since the 1990s, with progressive interest groups gaining power through accusing and disparaging, which is not effective in persuading swing voters.
            • The Republican National Convention highlighted the weaknesses of the Republican party, including extremism, cultishness, and lack of welcome for a majority of Americans.
            • Democrats believe changing leadership is the way to beat Trump’s crew, but the main issue lies in believing in their own accomplishments and promoting them effectively.
          • Accuracy
            • Trump's presidency ended in disaster, marked by pandemic, mass death, economic collapse, rioting, and a surge in violent crime.
            • By contrast, President Joe Biden's presidency is delivering positive results with unemployment reaching record lows, post-pandemic inflation stopping and going into reverse, and the stock market soaring to record highs.
          • Deception (30%)
            The article contains several instances of selective reporting and emotional manipulation. The author focuses on the length of Trump's speech at the Republican National Convention and criticizes it for being boring, but fails to mention that Biden's acceptance speech was also long. The author also uses emotional language to describe Trump's speech as a 'disheveled mess,' 'dreary monotone,' and a 'limping' effort. Additionally, the author selectively reports statistics on unemployment and economic growth during both presidencies, implying that Biden's presidency is delivering better results than Trump's. However, the author fails to mention that these statistics are based on different time periods and do not provide a complete picture of the economic situation under each president.
            • The truth is that Trump’s record as president was the same as his record as a businessman: rich until the inheritance ran out.
            • Yet, if the polls are correct, it’s not helping Biden.
            • The speech meandered along bizarre byways to pointless destinations.
            • Trump too is dwindling into himself, even more isolated from such facts about the external world as elapsed time and audience impatience.
          • Fallacies (85%)
            The author uses an appeal to authority by referencing the opinions of others, such as 'the polls' and 'Clinton's economic report in 1996', without providing any evidence or context for these claims. He also makes a hasty generalization about the Democratic Party and its values based on his interpretation of their actions during Biden's presidency. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by referring to Trump as 'a superb marketer of terrible products' and 'a genius at touting bad steaks and tacky resorts as if they were actually quality items'. These statements are not based on any facts or evidence presented in the article.
            • ]The polls are correct[
            • Clinton began his economic report within the very first minute of his speech: The state of the Union is strong. Our economy is the healthiest it has been in three decades.
            • Biden also had good news to tell: Fifteen million new jobs in just three years—that’s a record! Unemployment at 50-year lows.
            • The Democratic Party has profoundly changed since the 1990s. Today, tremendous power within the party has been amassed by groups and factions that speak for grievances. Good news is contrary to their principles and their purpose.
            • Here’s the advice Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut was offering Biden on the eve of his disastrous first debate with Donald Trump: ‘You should spend 80 percent of the time telling the story of how the drug companies screwed people, and 20 percent of the time explaining the solution. We do the opposite.’
            • The Republican National Convention cast a bright light on the party of Trump’s weaknesses: its extremism, its cultishness, its lack of welcome to the majority of Americans.
            • This crew is as beatable as any reactionary minority faction ever was beatable.
          • Bias (80%)
            The author, David Frum, demonstrates a clear political bias against Donald Trump and the Republican Party in this article. He repeatedly criticizes Trump's presidency as a disaster and contrasts it unfavorably with Joe Biden's presidency. The author also implies that the Democratic Party is being ineffective in highlighting the failures of Trump's presidency, suggesting that they are focusing too much on grievances rather than good news.
            • At the climax of the Republican National Convention last night, former President Donald Trump’s nomination-acceptance speech was a disheveled mess, endless and boring. He spoke for 93 minutes, the longest such speech on record.
              • The Trump presidency ended in disaster, by many measures the worst fourth year of a presidency since Herbert Hoover’s in 1932: pandemic, mass death, economic collapse, rioting, and a surge in violent crime.
                • The truth is that Trump’s record as president was the same as his record as a businessman: rich until the inheritance ran out.
                  • Trump too is dwindling into himself, even more isolated from such facts about the external world as elapsed time and audience impatience.
                    • Yet if the polls are correct, it’s not helping Biden.
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication


                    • Unique Points
                      • Former President Trump's keynote speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) drew 10 million viewers to Fox News, making it the highest-rated convention coverage in cable news history.
                      • Trump spoke publicly about the assassination attempt against him for the first time during his speech.
                      • Trump went off script repeatedly, railing against criminal prosecutions and pledging to undo President Biden’s policies.
                    • Accuracy
                      • 10 million viewers drew to Fox News during Trump's speech.
                    • Deception (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Fallacies (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Bias (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication