Former President Trump Survives Assassination Attempt at Republican National Convention: Unity and Optimism Amidst Chaos

Butler, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania United States of America
Former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt during his keynote speech at the Republican National Convention's final night.
Joe Biden is facing growing calls from his party to quit the race due to poor debate performance and coronavirus diagnosis.
Republicans experienced joy and unity at Milwaukee convention, believing they are on a glide path to the White House.
The bullet grazed Trump's ear, causing him to drop to the ground for protection.
The gunman was shot and killed by a Secret Service sniper.
Thomas Crooks, a 20-year-old man from Pittsburgh, attempted to kill Trump.
Three men were injured in the shooting: Corey Comperatore (killed), David Dutch, and James Copenhaver.
U.S. Secret Service agents rushed to the stage and surrounded Trump for protection after the shooting.
Former President Trump Survives Assassination Attempt at Republican National Convention: Unity and Optimism Amidst Chaos

In a dramatic turn of events, former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt during his keynote speech at the Republican National Convention's final night. Thomas Crooks, a 20-year-old man from Pittsburgh, attempted to kill Trump when he turned to explain a border policy graphic. The bullet grazed Trump's ear, causing him to drop to the ground for protection. U.S. Secret Service agents rushed to the stage and surrounded Trump for protection after the shooting. The gunman was shot and killed by a Secret Service sniper.

The assassination attempt occurred during Trump's rally in Pennsylvania, where he acknowledged how lucky he was to be there, stating, “I am not supposed to be here.” Three men were injured in the shooting: Corey Comperatore (killed), David Dutch, and James Copenhaver. Trump spoke to the families of the victims and paid tribute to them during his speech.

Meanwhile, Republicans experienced joy and unity at Milwaukee convention, believing they are on a glide path to the White House. The former US president is deeply entrenched in their party, with his supporters exuding optimism despite the recent assassination attempt. Trump praised his supporters who did not flee but instead pointed towards the shooter after gunshots rang out.

In contrast, Joe Biden is facing growing calls from his party to quit the race due to poor debate performance and coronavirus diagnosis. The Emerson College poll shows 46% of registered voters support Trump, compared with 42% for Biden and 12% undecided. Trump is ahead in all seven battleground states that will decide the electoral college.

Despite the recent assassination attempt, Republicans remain united and optimistic about their chances in the upcoming presidential race.



  • Are there any inaccuracies or missing information in the article regarding the assassination attempt?



  • Unique Points
    • Former President Donald Trump recounted an assassination attempt at his rally in Pennsylvania during his RNC speech
    • Trump believed he was under attack when he heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit him in the right ear
    • The bullet grazed Trump’s ear, causing him to drop to the ground for protection
    • U.S. Secret Service agents rushed to the stage and surrounded Trump for protection after the shooting
    • Trump praised his supporters who did not flee but instead pointed towards the shooter after gunshots rang out
    • The gunman, identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, was shot and killed by a Secret Service sniper
    • Three men were injured in the shooting: Corey Comperatore (killed), David Dutch, and James Copenhaver
    • Trump spoke to the families of the victims and paid tribute to them during his speech
  • Accuracy
    • Republicans experienced joy and unity at the Milwaukee convention, believing they are on a glide path to the White House.
    • Donald Trump’s strength is contributing to Republican optimism.
    • Emerson College poll shows 46% of registered voters support Trump, compared with 42% for Biden and 12% undecided.
    • Republican Party’s nominating convention was a show of force by Donald Trump, who has vanquished all comers to rally the party around the MAGA flag.
  • Deception (0%)
    The author, Melissa Quinn, reports on former President Trump's account of an assassination attempt during his speech at the Republican National Convention. However, she does not provide any evidence or fact-checking to support Trump's claims. This is a clear example of selective reporting and sensationalism as the article only reports details that support Trump's position without providing any counter-evidence or context.
    • The former president called for unity and told the Washington Examiner that he re-wrote his speech accepting the Republican presidential nomination.
    • Trump then described lifting his right arm and shouting "fight," a scene that was captured by photographers at the rally and prompted cheers from the crowd.
    • The former president said he began speaking "very strongly, powerfully and happily" while discussing his administration's efforts to curtail illegal immigration at the southern border, and began to turn to his right toward a chart displaying border crossings when he heard a "loud whizzing sound" and felt something hit him in the right ear.
  • Fallacies (90%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority and inflammatory rhetoric. It also has a few instances of informal fallacies. No formal logical fallacies were found.
    • . . .and saw it was covered with blood.
    • The amazing thing is that prior to the shot, if I had not moved my head at that very last instant, the assassin’s bullet would have perfectly hit its mark, and I would not be here tonight. We would not be together.
    • For the rest of my life, I will be grateful for the love shown by that giant audience of patriots that stood bravely on that fateful evening in Pennsylvania.
    • In the wake of the attack, Trump called for unity and told the Washington Examiner that he re-wrote his speech accepting the Republican presidential nomination.
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Republicans experienced joy and unity at the Milwaukee convention, believing they are on a glide path to the White House.
    • Joe Biden is facing growing calls from his party to quit the race due to poor debate performance and coronavirus diagnosis.
    • Emerson College poll shows 46% of registered voters support Trump, compared with 42% for Biden and 12% undecided.
    • Trump is ahead in all seven battleground states that will decide the electoral college.
    • Biden’s campaign has been on their heels for months.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The author, David Smith, presents a dichotomous depiction of the Republican and Democratic parties. He appeals to authority by citing an Emerson College poll to show that Trump is leading Biden in registered voter support and ahead in battleground states. Additionally, there is inflammatory rhetoric present with phrases like 'dark and divisive vision' and 'calamitous debate performance'.
    • . . . it was more united than it has been in decades.
    • Joe Biden, 81, reeling from a calamitous debate performance and now suffering from the coronavirus, was facing growing calls from his party to quit the race.
    • With just over a hundred days until the election, Republicans have the momentum.
  • Bias (95%)
    The author expresses a clear bias towards the Republican party and paints them in a positive light, while portraying the Democratic party negatively. The author uses language that depicts Republicans as 'experiencing joy' and being 'in thrall to Donald Trump', while describing Democrats as 'reeling from a calamitous debate performance' and locked in a 'circular firing squad'. The author also quotes Amy Walter, who is described as the publisher and editor-in-chief of the Cook Political Report, to further emphasize the Republican's momentum and Democratic's weaknesses.
    • An Emerson College poll published on Thursday found 46% of registered voters said they support Trump, compared with 42% for Biden and 12% undecided.
      • Crucially, Trump was ahead in all seven battleground states that will decide the all-important electoral college.
        • Republicans were experiencing something they had not felt for a long time: joy.
          • The former US president might offer a notoriously dark and divisive vision but his supporters exuded optimism in what one journalist dubbed ‘the happiest place on Earth’.
            • The fundamental challenge for Biden and his campaign is they’ve been on their heels for months.
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication


            • Unique Points
              • Thomas Crooks, 20, attempted to kill Trump during the rally.
              • Trump was shot in the ear after turning to explain a border policy graphic.
            • Accuracy
              No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
            • Deception (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Fallacies (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Bias (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication


            • Unique Points
              • Republican Party’s nominating convention was a show of force by Donald Trump, who has vanquished all comers to rally his party around the MAGA flag.
              • Donald Trump represents America’s last best hope to restore what may have been lost: a country where a working-class boy born far from the halls of power can stand on this stage as the next vice president of the United States of America.
              • Trump is preparing to sell pro-lifers out.
              • You can be a worthless Republican but if you kiss Trump’s ring, he’ll say you’re wonderful. Conversely, if you don’t kiss his ring, he may try to trash you.
              • Life was more affordable when Trump was president and the border was safer under his administration.
              • Trump will bring back moral leadership to the White House and deliver a secure border and unleash the American economy
              • Donald Trump is the president who will actually unite this country through action, not empty words.
            • Accuracy
              No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
            • Deception (0%)
              The author uses emotional manipulation by praising and criticizing certain individuals in the article. She also engages in selective reporting by only mentioning instances where individuals have changed their stance on Trump and not providing any context or explanation for why they may have done so. The title of the article itself is sensationalist, implying that those mentioned are 'flip-floppers' and 'bootlickers'.
              • But the overarching message was clear: The G.O.P. is Mr. Trump’s party, now more than ever.
              • Some of the prodigal speakers were more effusive in their praise than others. Some looked more pained than others.
              • You could call it a glorious moment of party unity. Or a craven display of political flip-flopping and bootlicking.
            • Fallacies (85%)
              The author uses inflammatory rhetoric by labeling some Republicans as 'prodigal speakers,' 'heretics,' and 'onetime heretics.' She also makes dichotomous depictions by describing the Republican Party's nominating convention as both a 'glorious moment of party unity' and a 'craven display of political flip-flopping and bootlicking.'
              • >This was not the foregone conclusion it may now seem. Heading into the primary elections, plenty of Republicans were desperately casting about for a Trump alternative, and plenty of challengers were auditioning for the position. But you can’t fight the base, and as it became clear that Republican voters were going to stick with Mr. Trump, his skeptics and critics fell into line one by one.
              • Some of the prodigal speakers were more effusive in their praise than others. Some looked more pained than others. (Poor Nikki.) But the overarching message was clear: The G.O.P. is Mr. Trump’s party, now more than ever.
              • Then I’m a ‘Never Trump’ guy. I never liked him.
              • Now For the last eight years, President Trump has given everything he has to fight for the people of our country.
              • The problem with Trump is he’s never been anywhere near a uniform. The closest he’s come to harm’s way is a golf ball hitting him on a golf cart.
              • Three million illegal immigrants came in under Trump’s watch because the asylum laws weren’t strong enough.
            • Bias (0%)
              The author expresses clear disdain for Donald Trump and his supporters throughout the article. She uses derogatory language such as 'bootlicking', 'craven display', 'flip-flopping', and 'kiss the ring' to describe Trump and his supporters. She also quotes critics of Trump in a negative light, while presenting their past criticisms of him in a positive light.
              • But the overarching message was clear: The G.O.P. is Mr. Trump’s party, now more than ever.
                • By giving voice to everyday Americans, President Trump has not just transformed our party, he has inspired a movement. A movement of the people who grow our food and drive our trucks, the people who make our cars and build our homes, the people whose taxes fund our government, and whose children fight our wars.
                  • Donald Trump is the president who will actually unite this country not through empty words, but through action.
                    • For years to come, there are many people on the right, in the media and voters at large that are going to be having to explain and justify how they fell into this trap of supporting Donald Trump.
                      • God bless Donald J. Trump... We can fix it. And when Donald Trump is president, we will fix it.
                        • If you want to seal the border, vote Trump. If you want to restore law and order in this country, vote Trump. If you want to reignite the economy in this country, vote Trump.
                          • Now For the last eight years, President Trump has given everything he has to fight for the people of our country.
                            • Now Life was more affordable when Donald Trump was president.
                              • Some looked more pained than others. (Poor Nikki.)
                                • The loser of the last election refused to concede the race, claimed the election was stolen, raised hundreds of millions of dollars from loyal supporters and is considering running for executive office again.
                                  • Then I’m a ‘Never Trump’ guy.
                                    • Then What Trump did last week was wrong. Downright abhorrent. Plain and simple.
                                      • The problem with Trump is he’s never been anywhere near a uniform. The closest he’s come to harm’s way is a golf ball hitting him on a golf cart.
                                        • This man is a pathological liar. He doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies.
                                          • Three million illegal immigrants came in under Trump’s watch because the asylum laws weren’t strong enough.
                                            • You can be the most worthless Republican in America, but if you kiss the ring, he’ll say you’re wonderful. You can be the strongest, most dynamic, successful Republican and conservative in America, but if you don’t kiss that ring, then he’ll try to trash you.
                                              • You could call it a glorious moment of party unity. Or a craven display of political flip-flopping and bootlicking.
                                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                                None Found At Time Of Publication