Former SpaceX Employees Sue Elon Musk for Sexual Harassment and Retaliation: Allegations of Hostile Work Environment, Inappropriate Behavior, and Terminations

California, USA, California, USA United States of America
Allegations include creation of a hostile work environment with vile sexual content, terminations in retaliation for speaking out, and participation in mocking videos.
Multiple former SpaceX employees have filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk for sexual harassment and retaliation.
Musk allegedly asked women to have his babies during exit negotiations and had sexual relationships with employees.
Reports of Musk exposing himself to a flight attendant and offering her a horse in exchange for sex have also emerged.
Former SpaceX Employees Sue Elon Musk for Sexual Harassment and Retaliation: Allegations of Hostile Work Environment, Inappropriate Behavior, and Terminations

Multiple former SpaceX employees have filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk for sexual harassment and retaliation. The lawsuit alleges that Musk created a hostile work environment with vile sexual photographs, memes, and commentary. Some coworkers mimicked Musk's posts from Twitter, creating an uncomfortable work environment. When suggested conducting an investigation first, Musk replied 'I don't care - fire them.' SpaceX has previously denied wrongdoing and said Musk was not involved in the terminations.

The lawsuit also alleges that SpaceX executives including Musk and Shotwell participated in a video mocking sexual misconduct and banter. The fired employees collaborated on an open letter raising concerns about Musk's behavior and the company's culture, which they allege led to their terminations in retaliation.

Separately, reports have emerged of Musk having sexual relationships with women at SpaceX, including a former intern he later hired onto his executive team. After one relationship ended, the woman received recriminations over text and email as she left the company. She also signed an agreement prohibiting her from discussing her work for Musk.

Musk allegedly asked another woman employee to have his babies during exit negotiations in 2013. He has denied wrongdoing.

These allegations come after a report by The Wall Street Journal that Musk had exposed himself to a flight attendant in 2016 and offered her a horse in exchange for sex. Musk refuted the allegations, calling them 'utterly untrue.'

It is important to note that these are allegations and have not been proven in court. SpaceX did not immediately respond to requests for comment.



  • It is important to note that these are allegations and have not been proven in court.
  • The exact number of former employees involved is not specified in the article.



  • Unique Points
    • SpaceX and Elon Musk did not respond to requests for comment on the lawsuit.
    • Eight former SpaceX employees filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk for sexual harassment and retaliation in California state court.
    • The plaintiffs allege that Musk created a hostile work environment with vile sexual photographs, memes, and commentary.
    • Some coworkers mimicked Musk’s posts from Twitter, creating an uncomfortable work environment.
    • Musk replied ‘I don’t care - fire them,’ when suggested conducting an investigation first.
    • SpaceX has previously denied wrongdoing and said Musk was not involved in the terminations.
    • The labor board case against SpaceX is on hold due to a lawsuit filed by the company claiming its structure was unconstitutional.
    • Musk publicly mocked misconduct allegations against him on Twitter with a comment about his wiener.
    • SpaceX executives including Musk and Shotwell participated in a video mocking sexual misconduct and banter, including demonstrating the ‘correct’ way to spank a coworker.
  • Accuracy
    • Musk replied 'I don't care - fire them,' when suggested conducting an investigation first.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (75%)
    The article contains several instances of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to emotion. The headline itself is an example of sensationalist language that may not accurately reflect the content of the article. Additionally, there are multiple uses of loaded language throughout the piece, such as 'vile sexual photographs,' 'mimicked Musk's posts,' and 'wildly uncomfortable hostile work environment.' These phrases are designed to elicit an emotional response from readers rather than presenting objective facts. Furthermore, there is a quote from one of the plaintiffs stating that they have reason to believe Musk personally made the decision to terminate them in retaliation for their activism. This is an example of an appeal to authority fallacy, as it assumes that because Musk is a high-profile figure, his actions must be justified. However, this assumption has not been proven and should not be taken as fact without further evidence.
    • SpaceX and Elon Musk did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the lawsuit.
    • Musk knowingly and purposefully created an unwelcome hostile work environment based upon his conduct of interjecting into the workplace vile sexual photographs, memes, and commentary that demeaned women and/or the LGBTQ+ community.
    • The plaintiffs are alleging that some of them then experienced harassing comments from other coworkers that mimicked Musk’s posts from Twitter and created a wildly uncomfortable hostile work environment.
    • Elon is one of the best humans I know.
  • Bias (0%)
    The article reports on a lawsuit filed against Elon Musk for sexual harassment and retaliation at SpaceX. The author does not make any assertions or use language that depicts one side as extreme or unreasonable. However, the article does mention some allegations of sexually inappropriate behavior by Musk and quotes from the lawsuit that describe a hostile work environment based on sexual harassment and discrimination against women and the LGBTQ+ community. These allegations, if true, would constitute bias against these groups. Additionally, there is a quote from an executive at SpaceX denying the allegations and calling out the Wall Street Journal for presenting 'untruths' and 'mischaracterizations'. This could be seen as an attempt to discredit the accusers and minimize the severity of the allegations, which could also be considered bias. Therefore, while there may not be a clear-cut example of bias in this article, there are elements that suggest potential bias against women and the LGBTQ+ community.
    • Elon Musk did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the lawsuit. SpaceX has previously denied wrongdoing and said that the fired employees violated policies. It also said Musk was not involved in their terminations.
      • Musk knowingly and purposefully created an unwelcome hostile work environment based upon his conduct of interjecting into the workplace vile sexual photographs, memes, and commentary that demeaned women and/or the LGBTQ+ community.
        • SpaceX engineers have filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk for sexual harassment and retaliation
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • Elon Musk is accused of exposing himself to a flight attendant in 2016 and offering her a horse in exchange for sex.
          • This incident occurred on a SpaceX flight.
        • Accuracy
          • , Elon Musk is accused of having sexual relationships with at least two SpaceX employees and making sexually inappropriate comments toward other women at the company.
          • , Elon Musk offered reprieve to those who didn’t like his sexual banter to seek employment elsewhere.
        • Deception (30%)
          The article reports allegations made by a flight attendant against Elon Musk, but it does not provide any evidence to support these allegations beyond the flight attendant's word. The author does not disclose any sources for this information and there is no mention of any investigation or verification of the claims. Additionally, the article includes editorializing and sensationalism by using phrases like 'alleged sexual abuse' and 'scandal' without providing any context or evidence to support these labels.
          • The incident, which came to light after a Business Insider report in 2022, occurred on a SpaceX flight.
          • Another woman, who reported directly to the billionaire, alleged that he had asked her on multiple occasions to have his babies.
          • Mr Musk refuted the flight attendant’s allegations, calling them ‘utterly untrue’, even joking on social media that the scandal should be called ‘Elongate’.
          • The flight attendant, a woman, alleged that in 2016 Mr Musk exposed himself to her and offered to buy her a horse in exchange for sex.
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The article contains a dichotomous depiction by presenting Mr. Musk's refutal of the allegations without providing any counter-argument or evidence from the other side. Additionally, there is an appeal to authority when quoting Gwynne Shotwell's defense of Elon Musk based on her long-time association with him.
          • Elon Musk refuted the flight attendant's allegations, calling them "utterly untrue".
          • Gwynne Shotwell, SpaceX's president and chief operating officer, defended him against the flight attendant's allegations in a companywide email after the news report. “Personally, I believe the allegations to be false; not because I work for Elon, but because I have worked closely with him for 20 years and never seen nor heard anything resembling these allegations.”
        • Bias (0%)
          The author reports allegations of sexual misconduct by Elon Musk towards a flight attendant, including an offer for sex in exchange for a horse. The author also reports Musk's denial of the allegations and his history of encouraging employees to have children.
          • Mr Musk denied having a flight attendant on his plane.
            • Mr Musk exposed himself to a flight attendant in 2016 and offered to buy her a horse in exchange for sex.
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication


            • Unique Points
              • Eight former SpaceX employees filed a lawsuit against the company and CEO Elon Musk on Wednesday, alleging they were illegally fired for raising concerns about sexual harassment and discrimination against women.
              • Four men and four women are plaintiffs in the lawsuit.
              • Paige Holland-Thielen, one of the plaintiffs, stated filing the lawsuit marks an important milestone in their quest for justice.
            • Accuracy
              No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
            • Deception (0%)
              The article contains multiple examples of deception. First, the author uses emotional manipulation by describing Musk's alleged actions as 'sexually inappropriate' and 'lewd sexual banter.' Second, there is selective reporting as the article only reports details that support the allegations against Musk and SpaceX while ignoring any potential context or extenuating circumstances. Third, there is sensationalism with phrases like 'illegally fired for raising concerns about sexual harassment and discrimination against women' and 'frequent source of distraction and embarrassment.' Lastly, the article implies facts without linking to peer-reviewed studies or retracted studies regarding Musk's behavior.
              • Musk allegedly asked another woman employee to have his babies during exit negotiations in 2013.
              • The lawsuit comes just a day after a Wall Street Journal report alleged Musk has had sexual relationships with at least two SpaceX employees and has made sexually inappropriate comments toward other women at the company.
              • The conduct highlighted in the suit included Musk allegedly treating women as sexual objects to be evaluated on their bra size, bombarding the workplace with lewd sexual banter, and offering the reprise to those who challenge the ‘Animal House’ environment that if they don’t like it they can seek employment elsewhere.
            • Fallacies (75%)
              The author makes inflammatory rhetorical appeals and engages in some ad hominem attacks. The author references a Wall Street Journal report without providing direct quotes from the report, which could be seen as a fallacy by omission. Additionally, there are dichotomous depictions of Elon Musk's behavior as either 'illegal' or part of an 'Animal House' environment.
              • ][Jacob Knutson Elon Musk speaking in Beverly Hills, California, in May 2024. Photo: Apu Gomes/Getty Images]
            • Bias (0%)
              The author uses language that depicts Musk as a sexual harasser and SpaceX as a company that fosters a work culture 'rife' with sexual harassment. The author also quotes one of the plaintiffs making similar statements.
              • SpaceX and CEO Elon Musk were hit on Wednesday with a lawsuit from eight former employees, who alleged they were illegally fired for raising concerns about sexual harassment and discrimination against women at the company.
                • The conduct highlighted in the suit included Musk allegedly treating women as sexual objects to be evaluated on their bra size, bombarding the workplace with lewd sexual banter, and offering the reprise to those who challenge the ‘Animal House’ environment that if they don’t like it they can seek employment elsewhere.
                  • To have been terminated for protesting SpaceX’s utter failure to take basic measures to prevent sexual harassment is patently retaliatory, wrong, and actionable.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication


                  • Unique Points
                    • Elon Musk had a sexual relationship with a SpaceX employee who started as an intern and was later hired.
                    • Musk pursued relationships with other female subordinates at SpaceX, including one who was asked to bear his children.
                    • Musk arranged for the woman to be flown to Sicily where they met after she sent him ideas about improving the company.
                    • In 2013, a woman who worked at SpaceX left the company and then reappeared with a lawyer. She alleged that Musk had asked her on several occasions to have his babies.
                    • Musk began a sexual relationship with another woman in 2022 while he was in divorce talks with Talulah Riley.
                  • Accuracy
                    • In 2017, Musk offered the woman a role on his executive staff.
                    • Former SpaceX staffers thought it was odd that someone so young was offered a high-profile position close to Musk.
                    • Musk texted the woman frequently and invited her to come over when she didn’t respond.
                    • Musk displayed a lack of interest in the woman’s job, which made it more difficult for her.
                    • The awkwardness with Musk eventually led her to leave his executive staff and she was reassigned to another role.
                    • In 2019, the woman left SpaceX after her manager was part of mass layoffs.
                  • Deception (30%)
                    The article contains several examples of deception through selective reporting and sensationalism. The author focuses on the salacious details of Elon Musk's alleged relationships with employees without providing any context or balance. This creates a one-sided narrative that is intended to grab the reader's attention and elicit an emotional response, rather than presenting accurate and unbiased information.
                    • The author reports that Musk pursued relationships with 'other female subordinates' at his rocket company without providing any evidence or context for these allegations.
                    • The article sensationalizes the claim that Musk asked a woman to bear his children, implying that this is an unusual or inappropriate request, but does not provide any information about the circumstances surrounding this request or whether it was consensual.
                  • Fallacies (85%)
                    The article contains several examples of appeals to authority and inflammatory rhetoric. It heavily relies on anonymous sources and sensationalist language, which can be misleading. However, no formal fallacies were identified in the text.
                    • Elon Musk...has a fortune valued by Bloomberg Billionaires Index at $198 billion as of Wednesday.
                  • Bias (0%)
                    The author, Ariel Zilber, demonstrates a clear bias in this article by repeatedly implying that Elon Musk's relationships with female subordinates are inappropriate and potentially coercive. The author uses language such as 'pursued relationships,' 'arranged for flights,' and 'offered high-profile positions' to suggest that Musk is taking advantage of these women. Additionally, the author quotes a woman who alleges that Musk asked her to bear his children, implying that this request was inappropriate or coercive. The author also implies that SpaceX executives were aware of and possibly involved in these relationships, further suggesting a negative connotation.
                    • Elon Musk had a sexual relationship with a SpaceX employee who started at the company as an intern and was then hired not long after she finished college before she ended things, according to a report.
                      • Former SpaceX staffers thought it was odd that someone so young was offered a high-profile position close to the boss.
                        • Musk also pursued relationships with other female subordinates at his rocket company, including with one woman who was asked by the mogul to bear his children, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.
                          • Musk texted her: 'Just finished the Model 3 production call. It's def going to be hell for several more months.' 'Come by!' Musk wrote. When she didn’t respond, he wrote: 'Probably best if we don’t see each other.'
                            • The awkwardness with Musk eventually led her to leave Musk’s executive staff.
                            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication
                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication