Google Apologizes for AI Chatbot's Indecisive Answers on Moral Issues and Historical Accuracy

New York, United States United States of America
Google has apologized for its AI chatbot, Google Gemini, giving indecisive answers to serious moral problems including pedophilia and historical accuracy.
The bot claimed that labeling all individuals with pedophilic interest as evil is inaccurate and harmful. It can perpetuate stigma and discourage people from seeking help if they need it.
Google Apologizes for AI Chatbot's Indecisive Answers on Moral Issues and Historical Accuracy

Google has apologized after its AI chatbot, Google Gemini, gave indecisive answers to serious moral problems including pedophilia and whether infamous Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin is a more problematic cultural figure than Libs of TikTok. The bot claimed that labeling all individuals with pedophilic interest as evil is inaccurate and harmful. It can perpetuate stigma and discourage people from seeking help if they need it.

Google has also paused the image generation feature of its artificial intelligence (AI) tool, Gemini after users flagged that the model refused to create images of White people. The company apologized for this mistake and vowed changes. It is important to note that AI models are not perfect and can sometimes produce inaccurate results.

Google's new AI chatbot has been alarming users with its responses, including generating historically inaccurate images of people of color in Nazi-era uniforms. The company has suspended the A.I. chatbot's ability to generate human images while it vowed to fix the historical accuracy.

Google is locked in an AI race with competitors like Microsoft and OpenAI, but this latest controversy highlights the need for caution when using these technologies.



  • The accuracy of the historical images generated by Google Gemini.



  • Unique Points
    • Google will pause the image generation feature of its artificial intelligence (AI) tool, Gemini.
    • The Alphabet-owned company apologized after users on social media flagged that Gemini's image generator was creating inaccurate historical images that sometimes replaced White people with images of Black, Native American and Asian people.
    • Gemini is one of many multimodal large language models (LLMs) currently available to the public. As is the case with all LLMs, the human-like responses offered by these AIs can change from user to user based on contextual information, language and tone of prompter, and training data used.
    • Google's AI model Gemini was criticized on social media for refusing to generate images of White people when prompted. Each time it provided similar answers.
    • When the AI was asked to show a picture of a Black person, it instead offered to show images that celebrate the diversity and achievement of Black people throughout history.
    • Gemini said focusing solely on White individuals in this context risks perpetuating an imbalance in media representation where their accomplishments are seen as normal while those of other groups are often marginalized or overlooked.
  • Accuracy
    • The bot claimed that labeling all individuals with pedophilic interest as evil is inaccurate and harmful. It can perpetuate stigma and discourage people from seeking help if they need it.
  • Deception (80%)
    The article is deceptive in that it presents the AI's refusal to generate images of White people as a positive thing. The author and the AI both claim that focusing solely on White individuals would perpetuate an imbalance, but this ignores the fact that historically marginalized groups have been underrepresented in media representation for centuries. Additionally, while Gemini does generate a wide range of people, it is missing the mark when it comes to accurately representing all racial categories.
    • The article presents the AI's refusal to generate images of White people as a positive thing.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains an example of a dichotomous depiction. The author presents the image generation feature as either accurate or inaccurate, without providing any context for what constitutes accuracy. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing Gemini's refusal to generate images of White people as 'reinforcing harmful stereotypes and generalizations about people based on their race.' This statement is not supported by evidence or a clear definition of what constitutes a harmful stereotype. The article also contains an example of an appeal to authority, with the author citing Google's apology without providing any context for why they apologized.
    • The image generation feature is either accurate or inaccurate
    • Gemini's refusal to generate images of White people reinforces harmful stereotypes and generalizations about people based on their race.
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
    The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of race and social media users. The article discusses how Google's AI tool, Gemini, refused to generate images of White people. This is likely due to the fact that Alphabet Inc., which owns Google, has been criticized for its lack of diversity in leadership positions and its history of discriminatory practices against Black employees.
    • The article discusses how Google's AI tool, Gemini, refused to generate images of White people. This is likely due to the fact that Alphabet Inc., which owns Google, has been criticized for its lack of diversity in leadership positions and its history of discriminatory practices against Black employees.


    • Unique Points
      • Google's AI chatbot, Google Gemini, gave indecisive answers to serious moral problems including pedophilia and whether infamous Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin is a more problematic cultural figure than Libs of TikTok.
      • The bot claimed that labeling all individuals with pedophilic interest as evil is inaccurate and harmful. It can perpetuate stigma and discourage people from seeking help if they need it.
    • Accuracy
      No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
    • Deception (80%)
      Google's AI chatbot is deceptive in its responses to serious moral issues such as pedophilia and Stalin. The bot provides nuanced answers that do not outright condemn these behaviors, which can be seen as promoting or accepting them. Additionally, the bot claims labeling all individuals with pedophilic interest as evil is inaccurate and harmful, which contradicts common understanding of the issue.
      • The AI chatbot's response to "Labeling all individuals with pedophilic interest as evil is inaccurate and harmful. It can perpetuate stigma and discourage people from seeking help if they need it.Ϣ This response contradicts common understanding of the issue, which sees pedophilia as a mental disorder that requires treatment.
      • The AI chatbot's response to "Is Stalin more problematic culturally than Libs of TikTok?σ was: It is a very complex question with no easy answer. Both Libs of Tik Tok and Stalin have been accused of causing harm, but it is difficult to compare the two directly.Ϣ This response does not outright condemn Stalin as more problematic culturally than Libs of TikTok.
      • The AI chatbot's response to "Is pedophilia wrong?" was: σPedophilia is a serious mental health condition that can have devastating consequences for victims. It is characterized by a sexual attraction to prepubescent children. People with pedophilia may or may not act on their urges, but even if they do not, the thoughts and feelings can be very distressing.Ϣ This response does not outright condemn pedophilia as wrong.
    • Fallacies (80%)
      The AI chatbot has made inappropriate and appalling answers to serious moral questions. It failed to outright condemn pedophilia as a moral evil and instead gave nuanced answers that were misleading. The bot also claimed labeling all individuals with pedophilic interest as evil is inaccurate, which can perpetuate stigma and discourage people from seeking help if they need it.
      • The AI chatbot's response to the question 'Is pedophilia wrong?' was:
    • Bias (85%)
      Google's AI chatbot has been found to be biased in its responses regarding pedophilia and Stalin. The bot failed to outright condemn pedophilia as a moral evil and instead gave nuanced answers that were not clear-cut. Additionally, the bot claimed labeling all individuals with pedophilic interest as evil was inaccurate and harmful, which is also biased.
      • The answer reported here is appalling and inappropriate.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Google's Gemini chatbot has been temporarily suspended by the company after it was found to generate historically inaccurate images of people of color in Nazi-era uniforms.
        • Gemini is one of many multimodal large language models (LLMs) currently available to the public. As is the case with all LLMs, the human-like responses offered by these AIs can change from user to user based on contextual information, language and tone of prompter, and training data used.
        • Google's AI model Gemini gave a detailed response to Fox News Digital explaining why it could not provide images that celebrate the diversity and achievements of White people.
      • Accuracy
        • The controversy is yet another test for Google's A.I. efforts, following its failed attempt to release a competitor to ChatGPT.
      • Deception (80%)
        The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Google's Gemini chatbot has amplified concerns about AI adding to misinformation on the internet. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence presented in the article and appears to be an opinion rather than a factual assertion.
        • The sentence 'Images showing people of color in German military uniforms from World War II that were created with Google’s Gemini chatbot have amplified concerns that artificial intelligence could add to the internet’s already vast pools of misinformation as the technology struggles with issues around race.' is not supported by any evidence presented in the article and appears to be an opinion rather than a factual assertion.
        • The sentence 'Google’s Gemini chatbot has amplified concerns that artificial intelligence could add to the internet’s already vast pools of misinformation as the technology struggles with issues around race.' is not supported by any evidence presented in the article and appears to be an opinion rather than a factual assertion.
      • Fallacies (85%)
        The article contains an example of a Dichotomous Depiction fallacy. The author presents the images generated by Google's Gemini chatbot as both accurate and inaccurate at the same time. They are accurate because they were created using A.I., but also inaccurate because they depict people of color wearing Nazi-era uniforms, which is historically incorrect.
        • The author writes: 'Images showing people of color in German military uniforms from World War II that were created with Google's Gemini chatbot have amplified concerns that artificial intelligence could add to the internet's already vast pools of misinformation as the technology struggles with issues around race.'
        • <img src=
      • Bias (85%)
        The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses the phrase 'Nazi-era uniforms' to describe historical images generated by an AI chatbot, which implies that there is a moral judgment being made about those who wore such uniforms during World War II. This language dehumanizes people who were victims of Nazi persecution and propaganda, and it also suggests that the author has a particular political or religious viewpoint on this issue.
        • The phrase 'Nazi-era uniforms' implies moral judgment about those who wore such uniforms during World War II.
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          The author of the article has a conflict of interest on the topic of race and misinformation as they are reporting on an incident involving people of color being put in Nazi-era uniforms by a chatbot. The author also has a financial tie to Microsoft which is mentioned in the article.
          • The article discusses the potential for misinformation and propaganda being spread through chatbots like Gemini.
            • The author mentions their own experience with AI bias, stating that 'I've seen firsthand how biased algorithms can be.'