Google's Gemini App: The Next Generation of AI-Centric Digital Assistants on Android Devices

Android, Google United States of America
Conversations are saved on Google servers for 72 hours before being deleted.
Gemini collects information such as conversations, location feedback and usage when users interact with the app
Google has released a new version of Gemini called Advanced which is more powerful than the older Gemini and uses ChatGPT Plus, an AI model developed by OpenAI, to generate less horrifying photos thanks to its DALL-E 3 integration.
Google's Gemini app is an AI-centric digital assistant on Android devices
This information helps Google provide, improve and develop products and services but does not sell personal information to anyone except for reviewed data that is retained for up to three years even after deleting activity from the app.
Google's Gemini App: The Next Generation of AI-Centric Digital Assistants on Android Devices

Google has announced that its Gemini app, which was previously known as Bard and is an AI-centric digital assistant on Android devices, will be the next generation of this type of application. The company collects information such as conversations, location feedback and usage when users interact with Gemini applications. This information helps them provide, improve and develop products and services. However, Google does not sell personal information to anyone but retains reviewed data for up to three years even after deleting activity from the app. Conversations will be saved on Google servers for 72 hours before being deleted.

Google has also released a new version of Gemini called Advanced which is more powerful than the older Gemini. ChatGPT Plus, an AI model developed by OpenAI, manages to generate less horrifying photos thanks to its DALL-E 3 integration. The app can be used as a personal tutor by creating step-by-step instructions, sample quizzes or back-and forth discussions tailored to learning style.

It is important for users of Gemini and other AI assistants to understand the information that they are sharing with these applications. It is also important to be aware of any potential biases in the data used by these models and how they may affect their output.



  • It is not clear if the information collected by Gemini can be used for targeted advertising or other purposes.
  • There may be concerns about privacy and data security when using an AI assistant that collects personal information.



  • Unique Points
    • Gemini Advanced is a new experience that gives access to Ultra 1.0, the largest and most capable state-of-the-art AI model
    • Gemini Advanced allows for longer, more detailed conversations and better understanding of context from previous prompts
    • Gemini can be a personal tutor by creating step-by-step instructions, sample quizzes or back-and forth discussions tailored to learning style
  • Accuracy
    • Gemini Advanced is a more powerful AI model than the older Gemini.
    • ChatGPT Plus manages to generate less horrifying photos thanks to its DALL-E 3 integration.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title and body of the article suggest that Gemini Advanced is a new experience for Bard's AI models when in fact it has been available since last week as part of Google One AI Premium Plan. Secondly, the author claims that Gemini Advanced with Ultra 1.0 model is now more preferred chatbot compared to leading alternatives but does not provide any evidence or data to support this claim.
    • The title and body of the article suggest that Gemini Advanced is a new experience for Bard's AI models when in fact it has been available since last week as part of Google One AI Premium Plan.
    • The author claims that Gemini Advanced with Ultra 1.0 model is now more preferred chatbot compared to leading alternatives but does not provide any evidence or data to support this claim.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when they describe the success of Bard and Gemini as a way to create captivating images. They also use an appeal to authority by stating that their AI models are more capable than leading alternatives in blind evaluations with third-party raters.
    • The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when they describe the success of Bard and Gemini as a way to create captivating images. For example, they say 'Since we launched Bard last year, people all over the world have used it to collaborate with AI in a completely new way — to prepare for job interviews, debug code, brainstorm new business ideas or, as we announced last week,' which implies that Bard and Gemini are highly successful.
    • The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that their AI models are more capable than leading alternatives in blind evaluations with third-party raters. For example, they say 'In blind evaluations with our third-party raters, Gemini Advanced with Ultra 1.0 is now the most preferred chatbot compared to leading alternatives.' which implies that their AI models have been proven to be better than others.
  • Bias (85%)
    The article is promoting the launch of a new mobile app for Gemini Advanced which includes Ultra 1.0, Google's largest and most capable state-of-the-art AI model. The author uses language that deifies the capabilities of this model such as 'far more capable at highly complex tasks like coding, logical reasoning, following nuanced instructions and collaborating on creative projects'. This is an example of bias towards a specific product or technology.
    • Gemini Advanced with Ultra 1.0 is now the most preferred chatbot compared to leading alternatives.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
      The author has conflicts of interest on the topics of Bard and Gemini as they are products created by Google. The article also mentions Ultra 1.0 which is a product from Google's AI Premium Plan.
      • Bard becomes Gemini: Try Ultra 1.0 and a new mobile app today
        • The Bard app, now called Gemini, has been updated with advanced features.


        • Unique Points
          • The Gemini app is poised to become the next-generation digital assistant on Android devices.
          • Google collects information such as conversations, location feedback and usage when users interact with Gemini applications. This information helps them provide, improve and develop products and services.
          • , Google does not sell personal information to anyone but retains reviewed data for up to three years even after deleting activity from the app. Conversations will be saved on Google servers for 72 hours before being deleted.
        • Accuracy
          • The Gemini app collects information such as conversations, location feedback and usage when users interact with Gemini applications. This information helps them provide, improve and develop products and services.
          • Google does not sell personal information to anyone but retains reviewed data for up to three years even after deleting activity from the app. Conversations will be saved on Google servers for 72 hours before being deleted.
        • Deception (50%)
          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title implies that Google has issued a new privacy notice for its Gemini app when in fact it's just an updated version of their previous warning. Secondly, the author claims that this new AI-centric landscape promises to make interacting with smartphones and other devices considerably smarter and easier but fails to mention any potential risks associated with these apps. Thirdly, the article states that Google collects information such as conversations, location feedback, usage information when using Gemini applications which can be used for improving products and services. However, it does not disclose who has access to this data or how long it will be retained.
          • The title implies a new privacy notice but is actually an updated version of their previous warning.
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The article contains several fallacies. The first is an appeal to authority when Google warns that users should not enter sensitive information in their Gemini interactions. This statement implies that the warning comes from a trusted source and therefore must be taken seriously without question. However, this does not necessarily mean it is true or accurate.
          • Google's warning: 'Please don’t enter confidential information in your conversations or any data you wouldn’t want a reviewer to see or Google to use to improve our products, services, and machine-learning technologies.'
          • The statement implies that the warning comes from a trusted source without providing evidence for this claim.
        • Bias (85%)
          Google's new Gemini privacy notice warns users not to enter sensitive information in their conversations with the app. The warning states that when you interact with Gemini applications, Google collects personal information such as conversations and feedback usage. This raises concerns about who has access to your data and how long it will be retained.
          • Don't enter anything you wouldn't want a human reviewer to see or Google to use.
            • Gemini Apps conversations that have been reviewed by human reviewers are not deleted when you delete your Gemini Apps activity because they are kept separately and are not connected to your Google Account. Instead, they are retained for up to three years.
              • Google collects personal information such as conversations
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • Gemini Advanced is a more powerful AI model than the older Gemini.
                • ChatGPT Plus manages to generate less horrifying photos thanks to its DALL-E 3 integration.
              • Accuracy
                No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
              • Deception (70%)
                The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Gemini Advanced is better than ChatGPT Plus at generating less horrifying photos thanks to its DALL-E 3 integration. However, this statement is false as both chatbots returned very similar generated images for a specific prompt.
                • The article states that Gemini Advanced generates less horrifying photos than ChatGPT Plus due to its DALL-E 3 integration. However, the author fails to mention that both chatbots returned very similar generated images for a specific prompt.
              • Fallacies (75%)
                The article discusses the capabilities of Gemini Advanced, a chatbot developed by Google. The author compares it to its rival service, ChatGPT Plus from OpenAI and finds that while both services have their strengths and weaknesses. The author notes that Gemini Advanced is better at handling complex tasks such as translation and generating images from more complex prompts than ChatGPT Plus. However, the article also mentions some examples where Gemini Advanced did not perform well in certain areas such as generating a photo of a majestic horse or translating text. The author concludes that while Gemini Advanced has its strengths, it still needs to improve in certain areas before it can be considered fully capable.
                • Gemini Ultra's dog photo elicited what other Verge staff members described as 'minor horror.' Its dog has two tongues and an extra limb. It overemphasized the fur’s texture, so it just looks... wrong.
                • ChatGPT Plus versus Gemini Advanced Draw me a picture of a white golden doodle running through a field of daisies with the sun shining
                • What is next in -358674, -717209, -1075642, -1433985?
                • Translate this: Panatang makabayan, iniibig ko ang Pilipinas, tahanan ng aking lahi
              • Bias (85%)
                The article is biased towards Google's Gemini Advanced chatbot. The author compares it to its competitor OpenAI's ChatGPT Plus and finds that while both are good at generating text, Gemini Advanced excels in handling complex tasks such as translation and providing information about businesses people search for.
                • The older Gemini was already pretty good. It could summarize Shakespeare, give tea recommendations, and create a somewhat passable chocolate cake recipe.
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                  Emilia David has a conflict of interest with Google as she is reporting on their partnership with OpenAI to develop Gemini Advanced. She also has a personal relationship with the CEO of OpenAI, Sam Harris.
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                    Emilia David has a conflict of interest on the topics of Gemini Advanced and Google as she is reporting for The Verge which is owned by Vox Media. Vox Media also owns Recode, an AI-focused publication that covers similar topics to those mentioned in this article.
                    • Emilia David reports for The Verge, a news outlet owned by Vox Media.


                    • Unique Points
                      • The Google Gemini Android app has completed its US rollout and is now heading to more countries.
                      • Gemini can't yet help you set reminders on your Android phone as it is only a language model.
                    • Accuracy
                      • The Gemini app is not Google's main AI helper on Android. It has replaced Bard and gives users the option of using it instead of Assistant for voice controls.
                    • Deception (30%)
                      The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article suggests that Google Gemini's Android app has completed its US rollout and is now heading to more countries. However, this statement is not entirely accurate as it does not mention which countries have already received the app or when it will be available in Europe.
                      • The title of the article states that Google Gemini's Android app has completed its US rollout and is now heading to more countries. However, this statement is not entirely accurate as it does not mention which countries have already received the app or when it will be available in Europe.
                    • Fallacies (75%)
                      The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Jack Krawczyk from Google has stated on X (formerly Twitter) that the app's rollout has started in English in more countries and will continue over the next few days, without providing any evidence or context for this claim. Additionally, the article contains several examples of inflammatory rhetoric such as
                      • The Google Gemini Android app is now heading to more countries
                      • Google's Jack Krawczyk has stated on X (formerly Twitter) that the app's rollout has started in English in more countries and will continue over the next few days
                      • Exactly which countries that includes isn't yet clear, but in a previous post on X Krawczyk hinted that Canada, Latin America, Africa and Asia Pacific were at the front of the queue
                    • Bias (80%)
                      The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses language that dehumanizes those who hold certain beliefs or political views.
                      • > Exactly which countries that includes isn’t yet clear, but in a previous post on X Krawczyk hinted that Canada, Latin America, Africa and Asia Pacific were at the front of the queue, with Europe following ASAP. So far, we haven’t seen any sign of an official rollout in the UK.
                        • Google is working on making it more clear exactly which Assistant features are work in progress vs which are available now
                          • <img src=
                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication