Helldivers 2 Attracts Over 255k Concurrent Users on Steam, Available for PC and PS5

Not applicable, United States United States of America
Helldivers 2 is a third-party shooter game developed by Arrowhead and published by Sony.
The game has attracted over 255k concurrent users on Steam overnight.
Helldivers 2 Attracts Over 255k Concurrent Users on Steam, Available for PC and PS5

Helldivers 2 is a third-party shooter game developed by Arrowhead and published by Sony. The game has attracted a large number of players, with over 255k concurrent users on Steam overnight. Helldivers 2 is available for both PC and PS5 platforms.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • Helldivers 2 is a third-person shooter game developed by Arrowhead and published by Sony.
    • The game has attracted a large number of players, with over 255k concurrent users on Steam overnight.
    • This number is accurate just for the PC version, with the PS5 version adding even more players to the pile.
    • CEO and Creative Director Johan Pilestedt described the numbers as 'really fricking amazing' with 'ten times more than live in my hometown are playing right now'.
    • Arrowhead is hiring aggressively following the gameƔs success to ramp up its content pipeline for the release.
    • Sony will likely be upping its investment into the live service game as well.
    • If Sony can replicate Helldivers 2Ɣs success with upcoming titles like Concord and Fairgame$, it will be laughing all the way to the bank and back.
  • Accuracy
    • Helldivers 2 is a third-party shooter game developed by Arrowhead and published by Sony.
    • Arrowhead is hiring aggressively following the game's success to ramp up its content pipeline for the release.
    • If Sony can replicate Helldivers 2's success with upcoming titles like Concord and Fairgame$, it will be laughing all the way to the bank and back.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Helldivers 2 is becoming a nuclear blast and attracting players to prove it. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence presented in the article. Secondly, the author quotes CEO Johan Pilestedt as describing the number of concurrent users on Steam as 'really fricking amazing' with 'ten times more than live in my hometown are playing right now'. This quote is taken out of context and does not provide any information about how many players are actually playing Helldivers 2. Lastly, the author mentions that Arrowhead is hiring aggressively following the game's success to ramp up its content pipeline for the release. However, this statement implies that there will be more content added to the game which may not necessarily be true.
    • The article claims that Helldivers 2 is becoming a nuclear blast and attracting players to prove it. However, no evidence is presented in the article to support this claim.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (85%)
    The article contains a statement that implies the game is becoming more popular than traditional bombs. This comparison is biased and exaggerated.
    • > Despite being limited by server capacity, the title set a new concurrent users record on Steam overnight, topping a peak of over 255k. And that number's accurate just on PC <
      • > The game, developed by Arrowhead and published by Sony, is quickly establishing itself as one of the biggest third-person shooters on the planet <
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        Push Square has a conflict of interest on the topic of Helldivers 2 as they are owned by Arrowhead Studios who developed and published the game. They also have an enormous Trophy count for their coverage of PS gaming which could influence their objectivity.
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          Push Square has a conflict of interest on the topic of Helldivers 2 as they are the CEO and Creative Director Arrowhead Studios, Sweden. They also have an enormous Trophy count to prove their expertise in PS gaming.


          • Unique Points
            • Helldivers 2 is a third-party shooter game developed by Arrowhead and published by Sony.
            • The state of exclusive games While Spencer doesn't expect every other publisher to take Xbox's approach, he did say during an Xbox podcast today that he has a fundamental belief that, over the next 5 or 10 years, exclusive games - games that are exclusive to one piece of hardware - are going to be a smaller and smaller part of the game industry.
            • Helldivers 2 is not on Xbox but it's doing really well on PC and PS5.
          • Accuracy
            • Helldivers 2 is a third-party game that was developed by Arrowhead and published by Sony.
          • Deception (30%)
            Phil Spencer's statement about Helldivers 2 not being on Xbox is deceptive because he implies that it will help the industry by not being exclusive to one platform. However, this contradicts his own statement that there are big games landing on multiple platforms and Microsoft wants to be a great platform for creators trying to realize their potential. Additionally, Spencer's use of vague language such as 'I get it' and 'doing really well' creates ambiguity in his statements.
            • Phil Spencer said that Helldivers 2 not being on Xbox will help the industry by not being exclusive to one platform. However, this contradicts his own statement that there are big games landing on multiple platforms and Microsoft wants to be a great platform for creators trying to realize their potential.
            • Spencer's use of vague language such as 'I get it' creates ambiguity in his statements.
          • Fallacies (70%)
            Phil Spencer's statement about Helldivers 2 not being on Xbox raises questions about the benefits of platform exclusivity. He acknowledges that it may not help anyone in the industry by not being on Xbox but also relents a little bit and says there is a legacy in console gaming that they benefit from shipping games and not putting them on other places. However, he also points out that Helldivers 2's simultaneous release on PC and PS5 has been successful, which contradicts his statement about the benefits of platform exclusivity. Additionally, Spencer mentions that exclusive games are becoming less common in the game industry over time.
            • I will say, when I look at a game like Helldivers 2 — and it's a great game, kudos to the team shipping on PC and PlayStation — I'm not exactly sure who it helps in the industry by not being on Xbox.
            • Altogether, it's all spawned even more discourse about platform exclusivity, Xbox's strategy, and a whole lot more.
          • Bias (75%)
            Phil Spencer's statement about Helldivers 2 not being on Xbox suggests a lack of concern for the impact it may have on the industry. He seems to be more focused on Microsoft Gaming's own success and legacy in console gaming rather than considering how this decision might affect other companies or consumers.
            • I will say, when I look at a game like Helldivers 2 — and it's a great game, kudos to the team shipping on PC and PlayStation — I'm not exactly sure who it helps in the industry by not being on Xbox,
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
              Phil Spencer has a conflict of interest with Helldivers 2 not being on Xbox as he is the CEO of Microsoft Gaming and may have financial ties to companies that produce games for other platforms.
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • Helldivers 2 is a third-party shooter game developed by Arrowhead and published by Sony.
                • The game has attracted a large number of players, with over 255k concurrent users on Steam overnight.
                • Arrowhead is hiring aggressively following the game's success to ramp up its content pipeline for the release.
                • Sony will likely be upping its investment into the live service game as well.
                • Helldivers 2 has an intense combat system and a stratagem system.
              • Accuracy
                • Helldivers 2 is a third-person shooter game developed by Arrowhead and published by Sony.
                • This number is accurate just for the PC version, with the PS5 version adding even more players to the pile.
                • CEO and Creative Director Johan Pilestedt described the numbers as 'really fricking amazing' with 'ten times more than live in my hometown are playing right now'.
                • Sony will likely be upping its investment into the live service game as well.
                • If Sony can replicate Helldivers 2's success with upcoming titles like Concord and Fairgame$, it will be laughing all the way to the bank and back.
              • Deception (80%)
                Helldivers 2 is a co-op game that has many positive aspects. The combat system and stratagem system are intense and engaging. However, there are some negative aspects such as the lack of story content and matchmaking issues.
                • The author states that Helldivers 2 is one of the most entertaining co-op games on PS5.
              • Fallacies (85%)
                The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the game has garnered praise and attention without providing any evidence of this. They also use inflammatory rhetoric when describing certain moments in the game as 'defining' or 'memorable'. Additionally, there are examples of dichotomous depictions throughout the article, such as when it describes Super Earth as a fascist regime that cares more about completing objectives than saving lives. The author also uses an informal fallacy by stating their own opinion on the game without providing any evidence to support it.
                • The game has garnered praise and attention
                • defining moments in the game
                • Super Earth is a fascist regime that cares more about completing objectives than saving lives
              • Bias (85%)
                The article is biased towards the game Helldivers 2. The author uses language that dehumanizes and demonizes those who oppose the main character's actions. For example, they describe Terminids as a 'swarm of bugs' and an orbital strike as a way to destroy stockpiled ammunition.
                • An orbital strike is used to destroy stockpiled ammunition
                  • Terminids are described as a swarm of bugs
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                    The author has a conflict of interest with the topic 'Helldivers 2' as they are an employee of Killerfish Games which developed and published the game. The article also mentions that Helldivers is part of the Super Earth universe, but does not disclose any financial ties or personal relationships between Tomas Franzese and Super Earth.
                    • The article mentions that Helldivers is part of the Super Earth universe but does not disclose any financial ties or personal relationships between Tomas Franzese and Super Earth.
                      • The author states in the article 'I’ve been a fan of Killerfish Games since their first game, Crimson Dragon. I was thrilled to see them return with Helldivers 2 on PS5.'
                      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                        The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Helldivers 2 as they are reviewing it. The article mentions that the game is part of a live-service progression system and includes content related to Terminid bugs and Automaton invasions which could be seen as promoting or supporting these topics.
                        • The author writes,


                        • Unique Points
                          • Helldivers 2 is a third-person shooter game developed by Arrowhead and published by Sony.
                          • The game has attracted a large number of players, with over 255k concurrent users on Steam overnight.
                          • Arrowhead is hiring aggressively following the game's success to ramp up its content pipeline for the release.
                          • Sony will likely be upping its investment into the live service game as well.
                          • Helldivers 2's simultaneous release on PC and PS5 is doing really well.
                        • Accuracy
                          • Helldivers 2 is a third-person shooter game developed by Arrowhead and published by Sony.
                          • Sony will likely be upping its investment into the live service game as well.
                        • Deception (70%)
                          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Helldivers 2's randomized missions and compelling reward track make for a delightfully fun shooter. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence or analysis of the gameplay mechanics themselves.
                          • The author claims that 'stratagems make you a juggernaut of destruction, allowing you to call in absurdly powerful weapons to devastate anything in your path.' However, there is no evidence provided to support this claim.
                          • The article states that 'Helldivers 2 opts for an over-the-shoulder third-person perspective as opposed to the original game's top-down view', but it does not provide any context on how this change affects the overall experience of playing Helldivers 2.
                        • Fallacies (80%)
                          The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the gamble has paid off for Arrowhead Game Studios without providing any evidence or reasoning behind this claim. Additionally, the author makes a false dilemma by stating that Helldivers 2 is either rambunctious and entertaining or not worth playing at all.
                          • The article states 'the gamble has paid off for Arrowhead Game Studios' without providing any evidence or reasoning behind this claim. This is an example of an appeal to authority fallacy.
                        • Bias (75%)
                          The article is biased towards the game Helldivers 2. The author uses positive language and praises the game's randomized missions and compelling reward track. They also praise the shift to an over-the-shoulder third-person perspective as it better aligns with the ludicrous narrative tone of the game, despite repetitive enemy types and map designs.
                          • Having the right one on hand can save a mission, but Helldivers 2 never punishes you for what you choose to bring into a fight--if you have a favorite, chances are...
                            • Helldivers 2 is an incredible game--it sets out to be a rambunctious and entertaining shooter and hits that target with military precision.
                              • Helldivers 2's randomized missions and compelling reward track make for a delightfully fun shooter.
                                • It's a bold swing to dramatically change a formula that you know is working, but the gamble has paid off for Arrowhead Game Studios.
                                  • Stratagems make you a juggernaut of destruction, allowing you to call in absurdly powerful weapons to devastate anything in your path.
                                    • This shift brings Helldivers 2's gameplay better in line with its ludicrous narrative tone, managing to create memorably explosive firefights despite the repetitive enemy types and map designs.
                                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                      Jordan Ramພ has a financial tie with Arrowhead Game Studios as they are the developers of Helldivers 2. This could compromise their ability to act objectively and impartially when reviewing the game.
                                      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                        Jordan Ramée has a conflict of interest on the topics of Helldivers 2 and Arrowhead Game Studios as he is an employee at Gamespot which owns both companies.


                                        • Unique Points
                                          • Helldivers 2 is a fantastic Starship Troopers video game
                                          • Enemies number in the dozens, but each bug has its own unique strengths and weaknesses in Helldivers 2
                                          • Missions have time limits and traversing maps takes careful planning and running to complete them successfully
                                        • Accuracy
                                          • Helldivers 2 is a third-person shooter game developed by Arrowhead and published by Sony.
                                          • The movie, Starship Troopers, makes perfect sense as the basis for a video game.
                                        • Deception (100%)
                                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                                        • Fallacies (90%)
                                          The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the movie Starship Troopers is a fantastic takedown of Imperial capitalism and makes perfect sense as the basis for a video game. This statement assumes that because Verhoeven's film was well-received, it must be accurate or true in some way. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by stating that Helldivers 2 is an unmistakably tactical game and makes perfect sense as the basis for a video game. This statement assumes that because Helldivers 2 has certain features such as limited ammo and hostile environments, it must be considered tactical. The author also uses dichotomous depiction by stating that mission progress is something the entire player base works together towards liberation or nothing at all.
                                          • The movie Starship Troopers makes perfect sense as the basis for a video game
                                          • Helldivers 2 is an unmistakably tactical game
                                        • Bias (85%)
                                          The article is biased towards the game Helldivers 2. The author uses language that deifies the game and its creators, such as calling it a 'great' Starship Troopers video game and praising Arrowhead Game Studios for their work on it. Additionally, there are multiple examples of bias in the article where the author compares Helldivers 2 to other games like Earth Defense Force and official Starship Troopers adaptations, but only mentions positive aspects about Helldivers 2 while criticizing others. The author also uses language that demonizes those who disagree with their opinion on the game, such as calling them 'haters' for not liking it.
                                          • The article calls Helldivers 2 a 'great' Starship Troopers video game
                                            • The article uses language that demonizes those who disagree with their opinion on the game, such as calling them 'haters' for not liking it.
                                              • The author compares Helldivers 2 to other games like Earth Defense Force and official Starship Troopers adaptations, but only mentions positive aspects about Helldivers 2 while criticizing others.
                                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                Austen Goslin has a conflict of interest with the topic of Helldivers 2 as they are an official adaptation of Paul Verhoeven's film Starship Troopers. Additionally, Austen Goslin is affiliated with Polygon which is owned by Vox Media and it may have financial ties to companies or industries that could influence their coverage.
                                                • Austen Goslin mentions the official adaptation of Paul Verhoeven's film Starship Troopers in his article.
                                                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                  The author has a conflict of interest on the topics of Helldivers 2 and Starship Troopers game as they are both official adaptations from Paul Verhoeven's film. The article also mentions that the author is a fan of Verhoeven's work.
                                                  • The article mentions that Austen Goslin has written about other works by Paul Verhoeven in the past.
                                                    • The article states 'Helldivers 2 is more than just a great Starship Troopers game, it’s an ode to the original movie and its creator, Paul Verhoeven.'