House Oversight Committee Investigates White House Physician's Business Ties with Biden Family

Washington D.C., District of Columbia United States of America
Carol Fox testified that the loan was provided with no documentation in return for the promise of funding from the Middle East that never came.
Comer seeks answers on Dr. O'Connor's independence and whether his medical assessments of President Biden have been influenced by his private business endeavors with the Biden family.
Dr. Kevin O'Connor was involved with Americore Health, LLC along with President Biden's brother James Biden.
House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer requests an interview with White House physician Dr. Kevin O'Connor.
James Biden received a $200,000 wire from Americore which he used to write a $200,000 check to President Biden labeled as a 'loan repayment'.
James Biden's interview revealed Dr. O'Connor provided him counsel in connection with alleged work he was performing for Americore.
The investigation comes after concerns about President Biden's debate performance and questions about his ability to lead effectively.
House Oversight Committee Investigates White House Physician's Business Ties with Biden Family

In recent developments, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) has requested an interview with White House physician Dr. Kevin O'Connor regarding President Biden's fitness to serve and his involvement in the Biden family's business dealings.

According to reports, Comer obtained evidence that shows Dr. O'Connor was involved with Americore Health, LLC, along with President Biden's brother James Biden. James Biden received a $200,000 wire from the company which he then used to write a $200,000 check to his brother President Biden labeled as a 'loan repayment.' Carol Fox, a Chapter 11 trustee for Americore, testified that the loan was provided to James Biden with no documentation in return for the promise of funding from the Middle East that never came.

James Biden's interview with the committee earlier this year revealed that Dr. O'Connor provided him counsel in connection with alleged work he was performing for Americore. Comer is now seeking answers on Dr. O'Connor's independence and whether his medical assessments of President Biden have been influenced by his private business endeavors with the Biden family.

The investigation comes after concerns about President Biden's debate performance, which sparked questions about his ability to lead the country effectively. Comer is giving Dr. O'Connor until July 14 to contact committee staff and schedule an interview, demanding all documents and communications related to Americore Health and James Biden.

It is important to note that there is no concrete evidence at this time that President Biden or his family were involved in any illegal activities related to these business dealings. However, the lack of transparency surrounding these transactions raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest and the integrity of the White House physician's assessments.

Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.



  • Are there any non-peer reviewed studies or unverified information in the article?



  • Unique Points
    • House Republicans are investigating President Biden’s doctor, Kevin O’Connor, following concerns about his debate performance.
    • James Comer (R-Ky.), House Oversight and Accountability Chair, sent a letter to O’Connor requesting a transcribed interview.
    • Comer is giving O’Connor until July 14 to schedule the interview.
  • Accuracy
    • In February, O’Connor assessed Biden as ‘a healthy, vigorous, 80-year-old male,' capable of executing presidential duties.
    • Biden’s debate performance has sparked growing concerns about his ability to lead and fueled calls for him to step out of the race.
    • Republicans are considering launching hearings or subpoenaing White House officials, including O’Connor.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (95%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when it states 'House Republicans are opening an investigation into President Biden's doctor in the wake of his debate performance'. This is a fallacious assumption that the president's physical condition is relevant to his ability to perform his duties as president, and that the doctor's assessment of his health is suspect based on the debate performance. The article also contains inflammatory rhetoric when it states 'growing panic among Democrats' and 'open skepticism within the party'. These statements are not supported by any evidence presented in the article.
    • ]House Republicans are opening an investigation into President Biden's doctor[
    • growing panic among Democrats
    • open skepticism within the party
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Comer obtained evidence that shows O’Connor was involved with Americore Health, LLC, along with President Biden’s brother James Biden.
    • James Biden received a $200,000 wire from the company which he then used to write a $200,000 check to his brother President Biden labeled as a ‘loan repayment.’
    • Carol Fox, a Chapter 11 trustee for Americore, testified that the loan was provided to James Biden with no documentation in return for the promise of funding from the Middle East that never came.
    • James Biden’s interview with the committee earlier this year revealed O’Connor provided him counsel in connection with alleged work he was performing for Americore.
  • Accuracy
    • House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer is demanding White House physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor to appear before Congress.
    • Comer seeks to question O’Connor due to his connections with the Biden family and determine if he is in a position to provide accurate and independent reviews of President Biden’s fitness to serve.
    • Comer wants to know if O’Connor’s medical assessments of the president have been improperly influenced by his work with the Biden family and Americore company.
    • President Biden speaks at a campaign rally in Madison, Wisconsin. (Kyle Mazza/Anadolu via Getty Images)
    • Americore company is being investigated by the committee as part of its impeachment inquiry against President Biden.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article makes several statements that could be considered emotionally manipulative and sensational. The author uses phrases like 'Americans have been questioning Biden's ability to lead the country,' 'concerning debate performance,' and 'the President appears unwell.' These statements are designed to elicit an emotional response from readers, rather than providing factual information. Additionally, the article selectively reports details that support the author's position, such as James Biden's involvement with Americore and his receipt of a large payment from the company. The article does not provide any context or explanation for why this payment is significant or how it relates to President Biden's mental state. Furthermore, the article implies that Dr. O'Connor's medical assessments of President Biden have been influenced by his business dealings with the Biden family, but it does not provide any evidence to support this claim.
    • President appears unwell
    • Americans have been questioning Biden's ability to lead the country
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several potential fallacies. The author makes an appeal to authority by implying that the medical assessments of President Biden's doctor are suspect due to his business dealings with the Biden family. However, there is no evidence provided in the article that O'Connor's assessments were actually influenced by these dealings or that they were inaccurate. Additionally, there are several instances of inflammatory rhetoric used throughout the article, such as 'concerning debate performance,' 'declining mental state,' and 'unwell.' These statements do not provide any new information or evidence and serve only to inflame the reader's emotions. Lastly, there is a dichotomous depiction of O'Connor being either completely independent and unbiased or having been influenced by his business dealings with the Biden family. The truth likely lies somewhere in between, but the article does not provide enough information to make an accurate assessment.
    • ][The author] is demanding that the White House physician appear before Congress to answer questions on President Biden’s ‘declining mental state,’ while also revealing that the doctor has been involved in the Biden family’s business dealings.[/]
    • [The author] wants to know whether O’Connor’s medical assessments of the president have been improperly influenced by his work with the Biden family with the company Americore.[
  • Bias (50%)
    The author's article focuses on the potential conflict of interest between White House physician Dr. Kevin O'Connor and President Biden due to their past business dealings with the Biden family through Americore Health, LLC. The author also raises concerns about inconsistencies in statements from the White House regarding Biden's medical assessments and his own fitness to serve. However, there is no clear evidence of bias towards a specific political ideology or extreme language used against one side.
    • [The author] Comer is seeking to question O’Connor on whether he is ‘in a position to provide accurate and independent reviews of the President’s fitness to serve.’[
      • ][The author] is demanding that the White House physician appear before Congress to answer questions on President Biden’s ‘declining mental state,’ while also revealing that the doctor has been involved in the Biden family’s business dealings.[/]
        • [The author] obtained evidence that shows he was involved with Americore Health, LLC, along with the president’s brother, James Biden. Americore has been investigated by the committee as part of its impeachment inquiry against the president specifically related to James Biden’s work which brought him more than $600,000.[
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) is requesting President Biden’s physician, Kevin O’Connor, to give a transcribed interview in connection with the committee’s investigation into Biden’s family.
          • Comer is investigating circumstances surrounding O’Connor’s assessment in February that Biden is ‘a healthy, active, robust 81-year-old-male, who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency.’
          • Comer obtained evidence that shows O’Connor was involved with Americore Health, LLC, along with President Biden’s brother James Biden.
          • James Biden received a $200,000 wire from the company which he then used to write a $200,000 check to his brother President Biden labeled as a ‘loan repayment.’
          • Comer requested O’Connor make himself available for a transcribed interview with counsel for the House Oversight Committee by July 14 and demanded all documents and communications that O’Connor has regarding Americore and James Biden.
        • Accuracy
          • House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer is requesting President Biden’s physician, Kevin O’Connor, to give a transcribed interview in connection with the committee’s investigation into Biden’s family.
          • O’Connor has never recommended President Biden take a cognitive test, according to a recent article from The Washington Post.
          • President Biden speaks at a campaign rally in Madison, Wisconsin. (Kyle Mazza/Anadolu via Getty Images)
        • Deception (80%)
          The article contains selective reporting as the author only reports details that support her position and omits information that contradicts it. The author states 'Americans question President Biden's ability to lead the country,' but fails to mention that this concern was sparked by his debate performance, which was criticized by both Democrats and Republicans. The author also quotes Comer's concerns about O'Connor's independence and his connections with the Biden family, but does not mention that there is no evidence of wrongdoing or corruption on the part of the Biden family. The author also uses emotional manipulation by stating 'Americans question President Biden's ability to lead the country,' implying that this is a concern shared by all Americans, when in fact it is a controversial issue with valid arguments on both sides.
          • Americans question President Biden's ability to lead the country,
        • Fallacies (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Bias (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • The House Oversight Committee, chaired by Representative James Comer, is seeking to interview President Joe Biden’s physician, Kevin O’Connor.
          • Comer has asked O’Connor for all documents and communications related to his involvement in the Biden family’s financial activity.
          • There is no evidence to back up claims that the Biden family or O’Connor were part of any business schemes.
        • Accuracy
          • The House Oversight Committee plans to probe O’Connor about his private business endeavors with the Biden family.
          • Comer is investigating circumstances surrounding O’Connor’s assessment in February that Biden is ‘a healthy, active, robust 81-year-old-male, who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency.’
          • Biden answered during an ABC News interview that he takes a cognitive test every day.
        • Deception (30%)
          The article contains selective reporting and emotional manipulation. The author focuses on Biden's debate performance and the concerns about his age, while downplaying Trump's numerous false statements during the same debate. The author also implies that there is evidence of wrongdoing by O'Connor and the Biden family, but no such evidence is provided in the article.
          • Americans question President Biden’s ability to lead the country, and the Committee on Oversight and Accountability is investigating circumstances surrounding your assessment in February...The Oversight Committee is concerned your medical assessments have been influenced by your private business endeavors with the Biden family.
          • Despite growing calls for the president to drop out of the race and for another prominent Democrat to become the party’s nominee, Biden has vowed to stay in the race...
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The author makes an appeal to authority by quoting O'Connor's assessment of Biden's health in February. However, the author also expresses her own opinion that Americans question Biden's ability to lead and that there are concerns about O'Connor's assessments being influenced by his private business endeavors with the Biden family. This is an example of a mixed appeal to authority fallacy.
          • ]The president[apos]s last medical assessment was in February and did not include a cognitive test. At the time, O[apos]Connor, a doctor of osteopathic medicine and a retired U.S. Army colonel, said that "President Biden is a healthy, active, robust 81-year-old-male,
        • Bias (95%)
          The author, Rachel Dobkin, expresses a clear bias towards the Republican Party and their investigation into President Biden's health and potential business dealings. She mentions the House Oversight Committee's request for an interview with Biden's physician multiple times and implies that there is some wrongdoing or influence at play. The author also quotes Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican, expressing excitement about the prospect of interviewing the president's physician. Additionally, the author mentions previous attempts by House Republicans to impeach Biden over unproven claims related to his son Hunter's business dealings.
          • House Republicans have long attempted to impeach Biden, claiming he was involved in and benefited from his son Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.
            • Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican who sits on the Oversight Committee, wrote on X, formerly Twitter, on Sunday: ‘We look forward to talking with President Biden’s physician.’
              • The House Oversight Committee announced its request for a transcribed interview with O’Connor about his medical assessments of Biden.
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer is demanding White House physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor appear for testimony over President Biden’s mental state and overseas business dealings.
                • Comer also called on O’Connor to fork over relevant documents on his dealings related to the president’s younger brother James Biden and gave him a week to make contact with committee staffers in a letter sent out Sunday.
              • Accuracy
                No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
              • Deception (30%)
                The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position about President Biden's mental state and business dealings. The author also uses emotional manipulation by implying that there is a concern for President Biden's mental health based on his debate performance, without providing any evidence of deception or cognitive decline. Additionally, the article implies that Dr. Kevin O'Connor may not be providing an accurate assessment of President Biden due to his past interactions with the president's brother.
                • Comer also mused that O’Connor’s rosy assessment of the commander-in-chief could‘ve been colored by his past interactions with the president’s brother, James Biden.
                • Congressional Republicans are stepping up scrutiny over President Biden’s mental health in the wake of last month’s debate.
                • For months, Comer has zeroed in on how James transferred $200,000 to his brother in 2018 on the same day he received the same amount from Americore.
              • Fallacies (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Bias (90%)
                The author expresses a clear bias towards the Republican Party and their investigation into President Biden's mental state and business dealings. The author also implies that there is inconsistency in White House press secretary's statements regarding Biden's medical exams, but does not provide any evidence to support this claim.
                • Comer also mused that O’Connor’s rosy assessment of the commander-in-chief could‘ve been colored by his past interactions with the president’s brother, James Biden.
                  • House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer is demanding White House physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor appear for testimony over President Biden’s mental state and overseas business dealings.
                    • The Oversight Committee is concerned your medical assessments have been influenced by your private business endeavors with the Biden family.
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication