Houston Megachurch Shooting Leaves Seven-Year-Old Boy Fighting for Life and Exposes Mental Health Issues of Gunman

Houston, Texas United States of America
Genesse Ivonne Moreno entered Joel Osteen's Lakewood megachurch in Houston, Texas with her seven-year-old son and opened fire shortly before the church's Spanish language service was scheduled to begin.
Moreno had a history of mental health issues and criminal charges including possession of marijuana, assault, and illegal possession of a weapon.
The shooting left Moreno shot dead by two off-duty officers after she opened fire inside the church. Her son was caught in the crossfire and is currently fighting for his life after being shot in the head. Another man attending the church was also injured but has since been released from the hospital.
Houston Megachurch Shooting Leaves Seven-Year-Old Boy Fighting for Life and Exposes Mental Health Issues of Gunman

On Sunday, February 12th, 2024, Genesse Ivonne Moreno entered Joel Osteen's Lakewood megachurch in Houston, Texas with her seven-year-old son and opened fire shortly before the church's Spanish language service was scheduled to begin. According to police reports, Moreno had a history of mental health issues and criminal charges including possession of marijuana, assault, and illegal possession of a weapon.

Moreno was shot and killed by two off-duty officers after she opened fire inside the church. Her son was caught in the crossfire and is currently fighting for his life after being shot in the head. Another man attending the church was also injured but has since been released from the hospital.

Police have not yet determined an official motive behind Sunday's shooting, but they believe that there was a familial dispute between Moreno and her ex-husband's family. Some of Moreno's family members are Jewish, and she had displayed antisemitic writings in the past.

Residents in a small neighborhood near Conroe, Texas reported that Moreno harassed, threatened, and displayed firearms towards six women for several years leading up to the shooting. Jill, the president of the neighborhood association stated that 'No one should have died. No one should have been hurt. This should have been handled years ago.'

Moreno was carrying an AR-15 rifle with a Palestine sticker attached and a .22 caliber weapon at the time of the shooting.

The investigation is ongoing, and both officers involved in the shooting have been placed on administrative duty pending further investigation.



  • It's not entirely clear what motivated Moreno to open fire inside the church.



  • Unique Points
    • , The seven-year-old victim is fighting for his life after being shot in the head during the exchange of gunfire.
    • The suspect has a lengthy criminal record and went by several male aliases.
  • Accuracy
    • The Lakewood Church shooting suspect used an AR-15 with a 'Palestine' sticker.
    • , The seven-year-old victim is fighting for his life after being shot in the head during the exchange of gunfire. A 57-year-old man was also shot and released from the hospital.
    • Lakewood Church, led by Joel Osteen, is one of the largest Christian churches in the US.
    • , The suspect has a lengthy criminal record and went by several male aliases.
    • The suspect harassed and threatened neighbors for four years, with some claiming she scrawled swastikas on her property and taunted them many times. Two off-duty officers returned fire during the shooting.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains several examples of deception. Firstly, the author uses sensationalism by stating that Moreno's criminal record and harassment of neighbors are 'red flags'. Secondly, the use of a loaded phrase such as 'Palestine sticker' on an AR-15 is intended to manipulate emotions and create a false association between Palestinians and violence. Thirdly, the author uses selective reporting by only mentioning Moreno's criminal record but not her positive actions or accomplishments. Lastly, the article contains science and health articles that imply facts without linking to peer-reviewed studies which have not been retracted.
    • The use of a loaded phrase such as 'Palestine sticker' on an AR-15 is intended to manipulate emotions and create a false association between Palestinians and violence.
    • Moreno harassed and threatened neighbors for four years
  • Fallacies (70%)
    The article contains several fallacies. Firstly, the author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Joel Osteen is one of the US's most notable religious leaders without providing any evidence or context for this claim. Secondly, there are multiple instances where inflammatory rhetoric is used to describe Moreno and her actions, such as calling her a
    • The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Joel Osteen is one of the US's most notable religious leaders without providing any evidence or context for this claim.
    • <p>There have been four recent shootings where there was evidence that a perpetrator...</p>
  • Bias (85%)
    The author uses the phrase 'red flags' to describe the behavior of Genesse Moreno, which implies that she is not a typical person. The use of this language creates an impression that Moreno is somehow abnormal or suspicious.
    • >Moreno harassed and threatened neighbors for four years
      • >One neighbor claimed she had scrawled swastikas on her property
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
        The author of the article has multiple conflicts of interest on several topics related to Lakewood Church. The author is a member of the church and reports on events that took place there. Additionally, the article discusses an AR-15 rifle with a Palestine sticker which may be controversial for some readers.
        • The author mentions their personal connection to Lakewood Church by stating 'I have been attending services at Lakewood Church since 2017'.
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Lakewood Church shooting as they are reporting on an incident that occurred at their own church. The article also mentions Genesse Moreno and Joel Osteen who have ties to megachurches in Houston, Texas which could further compromise the author's objectivity.
          • Lakewood Church was mentioned multiple times throughout the article
            • The suspect is a member of Lakewood Church


            • Unique Points
              • Moreno harassed, threatened and displayed firearms towards six women in the neighborhood
              • `No one should have died. No one should have been hurt. This should have been handled years ago` - Jill, the president of the neighborhood association
            • Accuracy
              • Moreno harassed and threatened six women in the neighborhood
              • The seven-year-old victim is fighting for his life after being shot in the head during the exchange of gunfire.
              • Lakewood Church, led by Joel Osteen, is one of the largest Christian churches in the US.
            • Deception (50%)
              The article contains deception in the form of emotional manipulation and selective reporting.
              • Fallacies (85%)
                The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses anecdotal evidence to make claims about the actions and motivations of Moreno without providing any concrete evidence or context for their behavior. Additionally, the author relies on quotes from a small group of residents in one neighborhood to draw conclusions about Moreno's behavior, which may not be representative of her overall actions or impact. The article also contains examples of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority when discussing the shooting at Lakewood Church.
                • The author uses anecdotal evidence from a small group of residents in one neighborhood to draw conclusions about Moreno's behavior, which may not be representative of her overall actions or impact. For example, the article quotes Jill, who said that no one should have died and been hurt because officials failed to respond to their reports about Moreno.
                • The author relies on quotes from a small group of residents in one neighborhood to draw conclusions about Moreno's behavior without providing any concrete evidence or context for her actions. For example, the article quotes Heather, who said that she made a complaint against Moreno and was threatened with a handgun by her.
                • The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when discussing the shooting at Lakewood Church. For example, the article describes Moreno as 'frightened' residents in one neighborhood and says that they were targeted by her.
              • Bias (85%)
                The article contains several examples of bias. Firstly, the author uses loaded language when describing Moreno as a 'woman' who targeted and harassed residents in the neighborhood. This implies that she is somehow less than human or deserving of respect due to her gender. Secondly, the author quotes one resident saying that they tried to help Moreno but were not successful, which could be seen as an attempt to portray Moreno as a victim rather than a perpetrator. Finally, the article mentions that authorities have not identified a motive for the shooting and suggests that it may be linked to a dispute between Moreno and her ex-husband's family, some of whom are Jewish. This could be seen as an attempt to make Moreno appear more sympathetic or less responsible for her actions.
                • The article mentions that authorities have not identified a motive for the shooting and suggests that it may be linked to a dispute between Moreno and her ex-husband's family, some of whom are Jewish.
                  • The author quotes one resident saying that they tried to help Moreno but were not successful
                    • The author uses loaded language when describing Moreno as a 'woman'
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                      The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church as they are affiliated with the church. The article also mentions Houston Police Chief Troy Finner who may have an interest in this case.


                      • Unique Points
                        • Genesse Ivonne Moreno bought the assault-style rifle used in the attack, which had a sticker with the word 'Palestine' attached to it.
                        • Lakewood Church is one of the largest Christian churches in the US.
                      • Accuracy
                        • The Lakewood Church shooting suspect used an AR-15 with a 'Palestine' sticker.
                        • Genesse Ivonne Moreno had been involuntarily hospitalized for mental illness in 2016 and kept numerous guns, including a gun that was found in her son's diaper bag. Her neighbors said she sometimes displayed aggressive behavior and directed antisemitic rants at her Jewish in-laws during a protracted and bitter divorce and custody dispute.
                        • The shooter had history of mental health issues and had antisemitic writings.
                      • Deception (50%)
                        The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author uses sensationalism by stating that there were 'warning signs' before the shooting when no evidence of such warning signs was provided. Secondly, the author quotes a relative who said that Ms Moreno had been involuntarily hospitalized for mental illness but does not provide any documentation or confirmation from medical professionals to support this claim. Thirdly, the article uses selective reporting by only mentioning instances where Ms Moreno displayed aggressive behavior and made antisemitic rants without providing a balanced view of her actions. Lastly, the author quotes Rabbi Walli Carranza stating that it is legal in Texas for someone to own firearms and make profane statements, which implies that there are no laws against such behavior when in fact there are.
                        • The article uses sensationalism by stating that there were 'warning signs' before the shooting when no evidence of such warning signs was provided. For example:
                      • Fallacies (70%)
                        The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses anecdotal evidence to make claims about the woman's behavior and her mental state without providing any concrete evidence or expert opinions. Additionally, the author quotes a relative who says that she was involuntarily hospitalized for psychiatric treatment but does not provide any documentation or medical records to support this claim.
                        • The article relies heavily on anecdotal evidence and personal accounts without providing any concrete evidence or expert opinions. For example, the author quotes a relative who says that Genesse Ivonne Moreno was involuntarily hospitalized for psychiatric treatment but does not provide any documentation or medical records to support this claim.
                        • The article uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing Ms. Moreno's rants as 'horrible', 'profane', and 'antisemitic'. This type of language is meant to elicit an emotional response from the reader rather than providing a clear and objective analysis of the situation.
                      • Bias (85%)
                        The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses language that depicts the woman who opened fire at Lakewood Church as an extremist with a history of antisemitic rants. This is not supported by any evidence in the article and may be used to further stigmatize her actions.
                        • She directed antisemitic rants at her Jewish in-laws during a protracted and bitter divorce and custody dispute.
                          • The woman who opened fire at Lakewood Church engaged in “antisemitic rants”
                            • “They said yes, she has guns, but that's legal in Texas,’
                            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                              J. David Goodman has a conflict of interest on the topic of firearms and mental health as he is reporting on Genesse Ivonne Moreno's purchase of an assault-style rifle despite being involuntarily hospitalized for psychiatric treatment.
                              • .
                                • Genesse Ivonne Moreno
                                  • Houston Megachurch Shooting
                                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                    The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of firearms and mental health. The article mentions that Genesse Ivonne Moreno was able to acquire guns despite being involuntarily hospitalized for psychiatric treatment.
                                    • .
                                      • Genesse Ivonne Moreno
                                        • Houston Megachurch Shooting


                                        • Unique Points
                                          • The shooter had a history of mental illness but was still allowed to own a gun.
                                          • Moreno's mother-in-law wrote on Facebook that Moreno was sweet and loving when she was taking medication for schizophrenia.
                                          • Lakewood Church is one of the largest Christian churches in the US.
                                        • Accuracy
                                          • The shooting at Lakewood Church occurred during a popular megachurch service led by Joel Osteen.
                                        • Deception (50%)
                                          The article contains deception through emotional manipulation and selective reporting. The author uses the tragedy of a shooting to push their own political agenda by focusing on Texas' lack of red flag laws and placing blame on Child Protective Services.
                                          • `Texas has no red flag law – also known as an extreme risk protection order law – that would allow authorities to take weapons from a person thought to be in crisis. `
                                          • `The fault lies in a child protective services... that refused to remove custody from a woman with known mental illness`
                                          • `But mental illness is real illness`
                                        • Fallacies (85%)
                                          The article contains an example of a false dilemma fallacy. The author presents the shooting at Joel Osteen's church as if it was either completely preventable or not, when in reality there are many factors that contributed to the incident.
                                          • > False Dilemma: 'This shooting was completely preventable.'
                                        • Bias (85%)
                                          The article reports that the woman who opened fire at Joel Osteen's church had a history of mental illness and was still allowed to own a gun. The author also notes that Texas does not have a red flag law, which would allow authorities to take weapons from individuals thought to be in crisis. Additionally, the mother-in-law of the shooter has unsuccessfully petitioned for conservatorship over her son Sam due to concerns about his safety and wellbeing. The article also reports that two people were injured during the shooting, including Moreno's 7-year-old son.
                                          • Texas has no red flag law also known as an extreme risk protection order law that would allow authorities to take weapons from a person thought to be in crisis.
                                            • The woman who opened fire at Joel Osteen’s church had a notable mental illness but was still allowed to own a gun
                                              • Two people were injured during the shooting, including Moreno's 7-year-old son.
                                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of mental illness and gun violence as they are reporting on an incident where someone with schizophrenia was able to buy a firearm despite their history. The article does not disclose any financial ties or personal relationships that may be influencing the coverage.
                                                • The author reports on the shooting at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas and how Genesse Ivonne Moreno, who had schizophrenia, was able to buy an AR-15 rifle despite her history of mental illness. The article does not disclose any financial ties or personal relationships that may be influencing the coverage.


                                                • Unique Points
                                                  • Genesse Ivonne Moreno was shot and killed by two off-duty officers after she entered Joel Osteen's Lakewood megachurch Sunday with her 7-year-old son and opened fire shortly before the church's Spanish language service was scheduled to begin.
                                                  • Moreno's young son is fighting for his life after getting caught in the crossfire. He was shot in the head as officers exchanged gunfire.
                                                • Accuracy
                                                  • The Lakewood Church shooting suspect used an AR-15 with a 'Palestine' sticker.
                                                  • Residents in a Conroe, Texas neighborhood reported having issues with Genesse Ivonne Moreno for several months before she opened fire at Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston
                                                  • The shooter had history of mental health issues and had antisemitic writings. However, her mother-in-law does not believe the shooting was motivated by hate.
                                                  • Authorities searched Moreno's home in Conroe after the shooting to find yellow rope similar to a detonation cord and substances consistent with the manufacture of explosive devices.
                                                • Deception (50%)
                                                  The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the headline claims that a child is fighting for their life when it's not entirely clear if they were injured or not. Secondly, the author uses sensationalist language such as 'heroic actions' and 'devastated community', which could be seen as manipulative to elicit an emotional response from readers. Thirdly, the article mentions that Moreno was wearing a trench coat and backpack with a bomb but no evidence of this is provided in the body of the article.
                                                  • The article mentions that Moreno was wearing a trench coat and backpack with a bomb but no evidence of this is provided in the body of the article.
                                                  • The author uses sensationalist language such as 'heroic actions' and 'devastated community', which could be seen as manipulative to elicit an emotional response from readers.
                                                  • The headline claims that a child is fighting for their life when it's not entirely clear if they were injured or not.
                                                • Fallacies (85%)
                                                  The article contains several fallacies. Firstly, the author uses an appeal to authority by citing Houston Police and Joel Osteen's statement without providing any evidence or context for their claims. Secondly, there is a dichotomous depiction of Moreno as both a criminal with mental health problems and a mother fighting for her son's life. Thirdly, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the shooting as an
                                                  • The article contains several fallacies.
                                                  • <br>
                                                • Bias (85%)
                                                  The article contains examples of religious bias and ideological bias. The author uses language that dehumanizes the assailant by referring to her as a 'woman who opened fire inside pastor Joel Osteen's Lakewood megachurch'. This implies that she is not deserving of basic human dignity, which is an example of religious bias. Additionally, the article mentions Moreno's history with criminal charges and mental health problems, implying that her actions were solely due to these issues rather than any political or ideological beliefs. This is an example of ideological bias.
                                                  • The article mentions Moreno's history with criminal charges and mental health problems, implying that her actions were solely due to these issues rather than any political or ideological beliefs.
                                                    • The author uses language that dehumanizes the assailant by referring to her as a 'woman who opened fire inside pastor Joel Osteen's Lakewood megachurch'.
                                                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                                                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                      The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Houston megachurch shooting as she is reporting on an incident that occurred at Joel Osteen's church. The article also mentions Genesse Ivonne Moreno who was injured in the shooting and her familial dispute with Osteen, which could further compromise objectivity.
                                                      • The author reports on a shooting that took place at Joel Osteen's megachurch in Houston.