Anti-Semitic Protests at NYU and Columbia University: Hundreds Arrested, Donors Pull Support

New York City, New York United States of America
133 arrests at NYU protest due to violent behavior towards police officers
Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters demonstrated outside NYU and Columbia University
Mayor Eric Adams identified 'outside agitators' causing problems at student protests in New York City
Robert Kraft and Leon Cooperman paused financial support for Columbia University due to anti-Semitic protests
Anti-Semitic Protests at NYU and Columbia University: Hundreds Arrested, Donors Pull Support

The Israeli embassy in New York City expressed deep concern over the recent rise in anti-Semitic incidents at Columbia and New York University. Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters staged a demonstration outside NYU's Stern School of Business on April 22, 2024, where they demanded a permanent ceasefire between Israel and Gaza. During the protests, demonstrators hurled bottles at police officers who were sent to disperse the crowd, resulting in 133 arrests. At Columbia University, classes shifted to virtual or hybrid learning amid ongoing safety concerns from anti-Israel protests.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams identified 'outside agitators' as causing problems at student protests at Columbia, NYU and other schools in the city. He is meeting with university heads to discuss best practices for maintaining peaceful protests and sharing intel on known protesters with universities to keep non-students off campus.

Robert Kraft, New England Patriots team owner, announced he is pulling financial support from Columbia University due to antisemitic protests on campus. Another top donor, Leon Cooperman of Omega Advisors, also paused his donations in response to the protests.

Anti-Israel protests at NYU turned violent on Monday night when demonstrators hurled bottles at police officers who were sent to gain control of the disorderly protest. 133 demonstrators were arrested and taken off campus using zip ties and flex cuffs. NYU reported intimidating chants and several antisemitic incidents during the protest.

Columbia University students formed a human chain to prevent three fellow Jewish and pro-Israel students from passing through their 'liberated zone' on South Lawn West. The intruders, identified as Jessica Schwalb and two other students, were taken aback by their fellow students chanting in unison against them.



  • Were all the protesters identified as 'outside agitators'?
  • What specific antisemitic incidents occurred at Columbia University?



  • Unique Points
    • Anti-Israel protests at New York University's campus turned violent on Monday night when demonstrators hurled bottles at police officers.
    • 133 demonstrators were arrested at the NYU protest last night, with police using zip ties and flex cuffs to remove the protesters from campus.
    • NYU requested NYPD assistance to gain control of the ‘disorderly’ anti-Israel protest, stating that it did not lead to this situation.
    • The university reported intimidating chants and several antisemitic incidents during the protest.
  • Accuracy
    • 133 demonstrators were arrested at the NYU protest last night
    • During anti-Israel protests at NYU, demonstrators hurled bottles at police officers
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The authors use inflammatory rhetoric by describing the protesters as 'anti-Israel agitators' and 'disorderly, disruptive, and antagonizing.' They also use loaded language by implying that the protesters were not affiliated with NYU when it is unclear if this is true. No formal fallacies were found.
    • 'anti-Israel agitators'
    • 'disorderly, disruptive, and antagonizing'
    • implication of 'not affiliated with NYU']
  • Bias (80%)
    The authors use the term 'anti-Israel agitators' and 'demonstrators threw bottles at police' which could be seen as biased language. They also mention that some protesters were not affiliated with NYU, implying that those who were causing trouble were not part of the university community.
    • Anti-Israel agitators hurl bottles at NYPD
      • demonstrators threw bottles at police
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • New York City Mayor Eric Adams identified 'outside agitators' causing problems at student protests at Columbia, NYU and other schools in the city.
        • Mayor Adams is meeting with university heads to discuss best practices for maintaining peaceful protests.
        • Authorities will share intel on known protesters with universities to keep non-students off campus.
      • Accuracy
        • Mayor Adams identified 'outside agitators' causing problems at student protests.
        • 133 demonstrators were arrested at the NYU protest.
        • NYPD requested assistance to gain control of the disorderly anti-Israel protest.
      • Deception (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Fallacies (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • The Israeli embassy in New York City is deeply troubled by the recent rise in anti-Semitic incidents at Columbia and New York University.
        • Hundreds of anti-Israel agitators staged a demonstration outside NYU’s Stern School of Business on April 22, 2024.
        • During anti-Israel protests at NYU, demonstrators hurled bottles at police officers who were sent to disperse the crowd; 133 demonstrators were arrested.
        • At Columbia University, classes shifted to virtual or hybrid learning amid ongoing safety concerns from anti-Israel protests.
      • Accuracy
        • Students were instructed to shift to virtual or hybrid classes due to concerns about campus safety stemming from anti-Israel demonstrations.
        • Another top donor, Leon Cooperman, also paused his donations to Columbia in response to the protests.
      • Deception (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Fallacies (95%)
        The author's statements do not contain any explicit logical fallacies. However, there are instances of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. The author uses the phrase 'deeply troubled' multiple times to describe the Israeli embassy's response to anti-Semitic incidents at Columbia and NYU, which can be seen as an emotional appeal intended to elicit sympathy or concern from readers. Additionally, the author quotes statements from the Israeli consulate that condemn anti-Semitic incidents and call for action from institutional leaders, which can be seen as an appeal to authority. However, these fallacies do not significantly detract from the overall quality of the article and do not warrant a score below 95.
        • The Israeli embassy in New York City tells Fox News Digital Tuesday that it is ‘deeply troubled’ by the ‘recent rise in anti-Semitic incidents’ at schools such as Columbia and New York University.
        • We are deeply troubled and strongly condemn the recent rise in anti-Semitic incidents at institutions such as Columbia University and NYU, where Jewish, Israeli, and pro-Israeli students are targeted and denied a safe educational environment.
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Robert Kraft, New England Patriots team owner, announced he is pulling financial support from Columbia University due to antisemitic protests on campus.
        • Another top donor, Leon Cooperman, also paused his donations to Columbia in response to the protests.
      • Accuracy
        • ,
      • Deception (75%)
        I found three examples of deception in this article. The first is the use of emotional manipulation by describing the protests as 'antisemitic' and 'virulent hate'. This is an attempt to elicit an emotional response from readers and sway their opinion before they have had a chance to read the article. The second example is selective reporting, where only details that support Kraft's position are reported. For instance, the article does not mention any reasons for the protests or any demands being made by the protesters. The third example is sensationalism, where the headline and opening sentence are designed to grab readers' attention and make them want to read more. This is a common tactic used in clickbait articles.
        • Last week, the New York City Police Department arrested 108 protesters after they had set up an encampment on the campus lawn. On Tuesday, students at Columbia were instructed that classes have shifted to virtual or hybrid as concerns linger about campus safety stemming from the anti-Israel demonstrations.
        • Columbia University has told FOX Business on Tuesday that it is 'grateful' for Robert Kraft’s 'years of generosity and service' after the New England Patriots team owner announced he is pulling financial support to his alma mater over the antisemitic protests unfolding there.
        • Kraft, through a statement released by his philanthropic organization Foundation to Combat Antisemitism, said he is 'deeply saddened at the virulent hate that continues to grow on campus and throughout our country' and that he is no longer 'comfortable supporting the university until corrective action is taken.'
      • Fallacies (95%)
        No formal fallacies were found in the article. However, there is an example of inflammatory rhetoric and an appeal to authority. The inflammatory rhetoric can be seen in the quote from Leon Cooperman: “These kids at the colleges have s--- for brains.” This statement is needlessly aggressive and insulting. The appeal to authority can be found in the mention of Robert Kraft's years of generosity and service, as well as Leon Cooperman's knowledge on Middle Eastern affairs. These two fallacies slightly lower the score.
        • These kids at the colleges have s--- for brains.
        • Omega Advisors did not immediately respond to a request for comment from FOX Business on Tuesday, but Cooperman told FOX Business last October that “These kids at the colleges have s--- for brains.”
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Yesterday, word spread among student protesters at Columbia University that intruders had entered the 'liberated zone' on South Lawn West.
        • The intruders were identified as three fellow Columbia students who were Jewish and pro-Israel.
        • Protesters formed a human chain to prevent the intruders from passing and infringing on their privacy.
        • Jessica Schwalb, one of the labeled intruders, was taken aback by her fellow students chanting in unison against her and her friends.
      • Accuracy
        No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
      • Deception (30%)
        The article by Michael Powell contains several instances of deception through selective reporting and emotional manipulation. The author portrays the student protesters as victims and the Jewish students as intruders, creating a false dichotomy. He also quotes a protest leader's call to push out 'Zionists,' implying that all Jewish students are Zionists, which is not true. Furthermore, Powell uses emotional language like 'fervor' and 'righteous anger' to manipulate the reader's emotions towards the protesters. Lastly, he selectively reports details that support his position and omits information that contradicts it.
        • Dozens stand and echo the leader’s commands in unison, word for word.
        • The curious rise of settler colonialism and Turtle Island
        • Intruders have entered the 'liberated zone,'
        • Repeat after me, I'm bored! We would like you to leave!
        • Many protesters argue that, from the river to the sea, the settler-colonialist state must simply disappear.
      • Fallacies (70%)
        The article contains several examples of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. The author uses strong language to describe the protesters' actions and beliefs, such as describing the protest as a 'curious rise of settler colonialism' and stating that 'tensions have in fact kept ratcheting up'. Additionally, there are examples of dichotomous depictions, with protesters being described as fervent and bordering on the oppressive while Jewish students are portrayed as nervous and fearful. The author also quotes a protester using an appeal to authority when they say 'Maybe Israelis need to check their privilege.'
        • This article was featured in the One Story to Read Today newsletter. Sign up for it here.
        • The curious rise of settler colonialism and Turtle Island
        • Dozens stand and echo the leader’s commands in unison, word for word. The leader talks over them, dismissing such inquiries as tiresome.
        • Many protesters argue that, from the river to the sea, the settler-colonialist state must simply disappear.
        • As for the encampment itself, it has an intifada-meets-Woodstock quality at times.
      • Bias (5%)
        The author uses language that depicts one side as extreme or unreasonable by describing the protesters' goals as 'grandier and more elaborate ambitions' and their demands as 'ever grander and more elaborate ambitions'. He also implies that the protesters are using intimidating tactics when he mentions that Columbia President Minouche Shafik called in the New York City police force to clear an earlier iteration of the tent city and arrested students for trespassing.
        • Columbia President Minouche Shafik acknowledged in a statement earlier today that at her university there ‘have been too many examples of intimidating and harassing behavior.’
          • The protests on American campuses have morphed into a campaign of ever grander and more elaborate ambitions: From ‘cease-fire now’ to the categorical claim that Israel is guilty of genocide and war crimes to demands that Columbia divest from Israeli companies and any American company selling arms to the Jewish state.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication