Federal Trial: Hunter Biden Accused of Lying About Drug Use on 2018 Firearms Form

Wilmington, Delaware, Delaware United States of America
ATF Form 4473 mandatory form for gun purchase allegedly falsified by Hunter Biden
Authenticity of laptop confirmed by FBI after initial skepticism
Hunter Biden facing federal charges for lying about drug use on 2018 firearms form
Judge Maryellen Noreika questioned plea deal last year due to concerns with case
Laptop containing sensitive information about Hunter Biden's personal life, including drug use and business dealings, entered as evidence in trial
Federal Trial: Hunter Biden Accused of Lying About Drug Use on 2018 Firearms Form

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, is currently facing federal charges related to a gun purchase he made in 2018. The case stems from a mandatory firearms form (ATF Form 4473) that Hunter allegedly lied about when answering questions regarding his drug use. According to multiple sources, including The Associated Press and Fox News, Biden is accused of lying about being a drug user at the time of the purchase. This revelation comes as Hunter's laptop, which previously faced skepticism due to its origins and content, has been formally entered into evidence in his trial.

The authenticity of the laptop has been confirmed by the FBI. It contains sensitive information about Hunter's personal life, including drug use and business dealings. The New York Post initially reported on the contents of the laptop in 2020, but many media outlets dismissed it as Russian disinformation at that time.

Hunter Biden had hoped to resolve this case, along with another tax case in California, through a plea deal last year. However, it fell apart due to questions from Judge Maryellen Noreika. The trial is ongoing with the prosecution presenting evidence and witnesses to prove Hunter's alleged false statements on the firearms form.

The Biden family has been closely following the trial, with Ashley Biden, one of Hunter's stepsisters, and several close friends in attendance. President Joe Biden has stated that he will accept the jury's verdict and ruled out a pardon for his son.



  • The laptop's contents have been verified by the FBI and other experts as authentic
  • The sources reporting on the trial are reputable and have a history of accuracy in their reporting



  • Unique Points
    • Hunter Biden is charged with three felonies: lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, making a false claim on the application by saying he was not a drug user and illegally having the gun for 11 days.
    • President Joe Biden walked the line between president and father regarding his son’s ongoing trial, stating he would accept the jury’s verdict and ruling out a pardon.
    • Hunter Biden had hoped to resolve the gun case and another separate tax case in California with a plea deal last year, but it fell apart due to questions from Judge Maryellen Noreika.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the prosecution's position in the gun trial against Hunter Biden. It does not provide any context or information about potential mitigating factors or evidence presented by the defense. The author also uses emotional manipulation by describing in detail the highly personal and revealing testimony about Hunter Biden's drug problem, which is irrelevant to whether he lied on a mandatory gun purchase form.
    • Prosecutor say the evidence is necessary to prove that Hunter, 54, was in the throes of addiction when he bought the gun...
    • Prosecutors called an FBI forensic chemist, Jason Brewer, who tested a residue found on the leather pouch that contained Hunter Biden’s gun. It came back positive for cocaine...
    • Federal prosecutors aimed to wrap up their gun case against Hunter Biden on Friday with two final witnesses...
    • Jurors heard Thursday from Hunter Biden’s ex-wife and a former girlfriend who testified about his habitual crack use and their failed efforts to help him get clean...
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several instances of appeals to authority and inflammatory rhetoric. Prosecutors are described as 'aiming to wrap up' their case and the evidence being presented is described as 'necessary to prove' that Hunter Biden was in the throes of addiction at the time of gun purchase. The author also states that Hunter Biden has been charged with three felonies, but this information is already known and does not add any new information or insight. Additionally, there are several instances of dichotomous depictions, such as 'highly personal and often revealing testimony' being contrasted with 'walking the line between president and father'.
    • Prosecutors called an FBI forensic chemist, Jason Brewer, who tested a residue found on the leather pouch that contained Hunter Biden’s gun. It came back positive for cocaine, though the amount was minimal, he told jurors.
    • , Prosecutors have played lengthy audio excerpts in court of his 2021 memoir ‘Beautiful Things’, in which he writes about his lifelong addiction issues and spiraling descent after death of his brother Beau in 2015.
    • If convicted, Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison, though first-time offenders do not get anywhere near the maximum.
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Hunter Biden's laptop, which was previously dismissed as Russian disinformation, was formally entered into evidence in his ongoing federal gun crime trial.
    • The FBI has confirmed the authenticity of the laptop.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (50%)
    The authors use editorializing language when referring to the laptop as the 'laptop from hell' and 'scandalous laptop'. They also make author opinions by stating that many media outlets, pundits, and even liberal allies in the intelligence community dismissed the laptop as Russian disinformation. The article also engages in selective reporting by only mentioning instances where media outlets rejected or downplayed the story without providing context or counterarguments.
    • The laptop from hell, which is filled with videos and photos of drug use, sex acts, and sensitive business communications
    • Many media outlets, pundits and even liberal allies in the intelligence community dismissed the laptop as Russian disinformation.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (80%)
    The authors use language that depicts the media as having made a 'crazy, outrageous claim' and 'walk[ing] back' their previous dismissal of the Hunter Biden laptop story. This implies a bias against the media for having initially dismissed the story.
    • But I was vindicated the minute we pressed publish.
      • It's kind of funny now to watch them all have to walk back this kind of crazy, outrageous claim that they had all made.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Hunter Biden is facing federal firearms charges related to a 7-page form used in gun purchases.
        • Biden is accused of lying about his drug use on the form for a gun purchase in 2018.
      • Accuracy
        No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
      • Deception (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Fallacies (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Hunter Biden's stepsister, Ashley, and several of his close friends have been part of the rotating cast inside the courtroom during the trial.
      • Accuracy
        • Hunter Biden's criminal trial began on October 10, 2022
        • Hunter Biden is charged with three felonies: lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, making a false claim on the application by saying he was not a drug user and illegally having the gun for 11 days
      • Deception (50%)
        The article contains emotional manipulation and selective reporting. The author uses phrases like 'distressing what-if for the Biden family' and 'blanket of support from close friends and family' to elicit an emotional response from readers. The author also focuses on the presence of Joe Biden at his son's trial, implying that this is a political affair, while downplaying the fact that Hunter Biden is facing criminal charges. This selective reporting creates a biased perspective.
        • The show of force began with first lady Jill Biden taking a seat in the courtroom behind her stepson each day until leaving late Wednesday afternoon to travel to France to attend a D-Day commemoration ceremony with her husband.
        • Bobby Sager, a friend of Hunter Biden for the past two years, told NBC News that he had dinner with Hunter, his wife and their son Tuesday night – eating slices of pizza as they watched the 4-year-old named after Biden’s late brother running around, 'doing something cute at all times.'
        • On Thursday night, Hunter Biden and his youngest daughter, Maisy, were seen enjoying pizza outside a popular downtown Wilmington food hall.
        • The whirlwind transatlantic shuttling underscores the family’s concern about the toll that the trial – the first of two for Hunter scheduled this year – could take.
        • Together they bowed their heads on the fourth floor of a federal courthouse named for the man Biden defeated in 1972 to win his first Senate election. And ahead of Wednesday’s proceedings they prayed that 'God would bless this process and justice would be done.'
      • Fallacies (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Bias (95%)
        The article focuses on the support and attendance of Joe Biden's family during Hunter Biden's trial. The author does not express any bias towards or against either party, but the tone of the article implies a sense of sympathy and concern for the Biden family. However, there are some instances where language is used that could be perceived as depicting one side (the Bidens) in a more positive light than the other (Trump). For example, 'Hunter Biden’s trial in Delaware has prompted a blanket of support from close friends and family as his father’s campaign keeps a distance.' and 'Imagine if this was your son, your brother. This is their family. Their beloved family.' These statements could be seen as implying that the Bidens are being treated unfairly or that they are more deserving of support due to their familial relationship with the President. Additionally, there is a clear contrast drawn between Trump's criminal trial and Hunter Biden's trial, with Trump's trial being used as a rallying cry for his campaign and Hunter Biden's trial being portrayed as a family affair. This could be seen as an attempt to downplay the significance of Hunter Biden's criminal charges by framing them in the context of family support.
        • Hunter Biden’s trial in Delaware has prompted a blanket of support from close friends and family as his father’s campaign keeps a distance.
          • Imagine if this was your son, your brother. This is their family. Their beloved family.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • Hunter Biden had drug issues at the time of obtaining the gun and lied about his addiction status on federal firearms forms.
          • Accuracy
            • Hunter Biden lied about his addiction status on federal firearms forms.
            • Hunter Biden had drug issues at the time of obtaining the gun and
            • If convicted, Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison.
          • Deception (30%)
            The author expresses his opinion that the prosecution of Hunter Biden for possessing a gun while being an addict does not make sense. He questions the use of resources on this case when there are more important matters to address. This is an example of selective reporting and editorializing as the author is focusing on this one case and implying that it is a waste of resources, without considering the full context or other potential justifications for bringing charges.
            • I refer, of course, to the criminal trial of Hunter Biden...
            • This is the rare case that ultimately won’t do anyone any good.
          • Fallacies (85%)
            The author makes an appeal to authority by referencing his own experience as a prosecutor and implying that the case against Hunter Biden is not worth pursuing due to its insignificance. He also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing Hunter Biden as a 'cash-hungry, influence-peddling opportunist' and 'manipulative, self-enriching adult.'
            • > I refer, of course, to the criminal trial of Hunter Biden... This is the first of two pending Hunter Biden cases brought by DOJ Special Counsel David Weiss (neither of which, it bears noting, has anything to do with the defendant’s father).
            • But in all honesty, I had never heard of this law throughout my 14 years as a prosecutor until the Hunter Biden case dropped last year.
            • I have no particular personal sympathy or affection for Hunter Biden the individual... But none of that means ordinary prosecutorial judgment goes out the window.
            • This is the rare case that ultimately won’t do anyone any good.
          • Bias (95%)
            The author expresses his opinion that the prosecution of Hunter Biden for possessing a gun while being an addict does not make sense due to the limited resources and time of prosecutors, as well as the questionable legal foundation of the 'addict in possession' law. He also mentions that conservative groups have challenged this law on constitutional grounds.
            • As to the legal foundation, the 'addict in possession' law faces a questionable future.
              • I refer, of course, to the criminal trial of Hunter Biden...
                • This is a penny-ante case that rests on a shaky legal foundation and a who-cares set of facts.
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication