Hunter Biden's Gun Trial: Prosecutors Present Evidence of Drug Use and Large Cash Withdrawals

Wilmington, Delaware, Delaware United States of America
FBI agent Daniel Barnes testified about the evidence against Hunter Biden, including text exchanges with drug dealers and a photo of a crack pipe.
Hunter Biden is on trial for illegally owning a firearm while being a drug addict.
Prosecutors presented text messages and bank records showing Hunter Biden's drug use and large cash withdrawals before and after the gun purchase.
Hunter Biden's Gun Trial: Prosecutors Present Evidence of Drug Use and Large Cash Withdrawals

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, is currently on trial for illegally owning a firearm while being a user of crack and a drug addict. The trial began on June 4, 2024, with opening statements from both the prosecution and defense. According to prosecutors, Hunter Biden lied about his drug use when he bought the weapon in October 2018.

Prosecutors presented evidence including text messages from Biden's phone and computer that allegedly show him using crack in the months before and after the gun purchase. Bank records also showed that Hunter Biden withdrew large sums of cash on a daily basis during this time period, totaling $151,640. On the day of the gun purchase, he withdrew $5,000 and spent $881 in cash at the gun store.

FBI agent Daniel Barnes testified about Hunter Biden's drug use and large cash withdrawals. The text exchanges between Hunter Biden and drug dealers were mainly in January 2019 and following months. An object identified by Barnes as a crack pipe was found in a photo of Hunter Biden.

Defense lawyer Abbe Lowell began cross-examining FBI agent Daniel Barnes, focusing on the dates of text exchanges between Hunter Biden and drug dealers, which were after the gun purchase. Lowell also tried to draw the jury's attention to periods in Hunter's life when he wasn't using drugs.

The trial continues with more testimony and evidence being presented.



  • It is unclear if Hunter Biden was actively using drugs on the day of the gun purchase.
  • The authenticity of the text messages presented as evidence has not been independently verified.



  • Unique Points
    • Hunter Biden is on trial for illegally owning a firearm while being a user of crack and a drug addict.
    • Prosecutor Derek Hines told jurors that Hunter Biden lied about his drug use when he bought the weapon.
    • Hunter Biden described his behavior at the time as smoking ‘every 15 minutes, seven days a week’ and boasted of having a ‘superpower’ for finding crack anywhere.
    • Prosecutors introduced text messages from Biden’s phone and computer that allegedly show him using crack in the months before and after the gun purchase.
    • Bank records show Hunter Biden withdrew large sums of cash on a daily basis in the same time period, totaling $151,640.
    • On the day of the gun purchase, Hunter Biden withdrew $5,000 and spent $881 in cash at the gun store.
  • Accuracy
    • Hunter Biden described his behavior at the time as smoking 'every 15 minutes, seven days a week' and boasted of having a 'superpower' for finding crack anywhere.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article contains editorializing and pontification by the author Derek Hines when he states 'No one is above the law.' and 'It doesn't matter who you are, or what your name is.' These statements are not facts but rather opinions. The author also uses emotional manipulation by implying that Hunter Biden's drug addiction makes him a criminal despite the fact that he has pleaded not guilty.
    • His ownership of that firearm was illegal because he was a user and a drug addict.
    • It doesn't matter who you are, or what your name is.
    • No one is above the law.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (80%)
    The author of the article does not demonstrate any clear bias in the reporting. However, there are some instances where the language used could be perceived as having a slight negative tone towards Hunter Biden. For example, phrases like 'illegal drug user' and 'drug addict' are used to describe Hunter Biden. While these phrases may be factually accurate, they can also carry a stigmatizing connotation that could potentially influence the reader's perception of him. Additionally, the author quotes prosecutor Derek Hines stating 'No one is above the law.' This statement is not biased in and of itself, but it does set a tone for the article that may make some readers more sympathetic to the prosecution's case against Hunter Biden.
    • ][author] Defendants are tried because of the choices they made. Hunter Biden, he added, 'chose to illegally own a firearm.'[[/],
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Prosecutors used Hunter Biden’s memoir to narrate his spiral into addiction during the trial on gun-related charges.
      • ,
    • Accuracy
      • Prosecutors used Hunter Biden's memoir to narrate his spiral into addiction during the trial.
      • Hunter Biden is on trial for illegally owning a firearm while being a user of crack and a drug addict.
      • Prosecutor Derek Hines told jurors that Hunter Biden lied about his drug use when he bought the weapon.
      • Hunter Biden described his behavior at the time as smoking 'every 15 minutes, seven days a week' and boasted of having a 'superpower' for finding crack anywhere.
    • Deception (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Fallacies (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Bias (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Jonathan Turley: ‘There is no defense’ in Hunter Biden gun trial
      • Hunter Biden is on trial for illegally owning a firearm while being a user of crack and a drug addict.
      • Prosecutors introduced text messages from Biden’s phone and computer that allegedly show him using crack in the months before and after the gun purchase.
      • Bank records show Hunter Biden withdrew large sums of cash on a daily basis in the same time period, totaling $151,640.
      • On the day of the gun purchase, Hunter Biden withdrew $5,000 and spent $881 in cash at the gun store.
    • Accuracy
      • Hunter Biden is a drug addict.
      • Hunter Biden lied about his drug use when he bought the weapon.
      • Hunter Biden described his behavior at the time as smoking 'every 15 minutes, seven days a week'
    • Deception (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Fallacies (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Bias (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • FBI agent testifies about Hunter Biden's drug use and large cash withdrawals
      • Text exchanges between Hunter Biden and drug dealers were mainly in January 2019 and following months
      • FBI agent identifies object in video as a crack pipe, which was found in a photo of Hunter Biden
    • Accuracy
      No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
    • Deception (50%)
      The article reports on a trial where FBI agent Daniel Barnes testified about Hunter Biden's drug use and large cash withdrawals. The author does not make any editorializing or pontification statements, but the article does contain selective reporting as it only reports details that support the prosecution's position. The author also quotes messages between Hunter Biden and Hallie Biden without disclosing that Hallie is set to testify herself, which could potentially influence the reader's perception of her character or credibility.
      • Prosecutor Derek Hines displayed a message that Hunter Biden allegedly sent to Hallie Biden on Oct. 23, 2018.
      • The prosecution then displayed a video from December, obtained from Hunter Biden’s phone, showing a shirtless Hunter Biden holding what Jensen identified as a crack pipe.
    • Fallacies (85%)
      The article contains inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. It also presents a dichotomous depiction of Hunter Biden's drug use without providing context or acknowledging the broader circumstances.
      • . . .Lowell appeared to be trying to draw the jury's attention to times in Hunter’s life that he wasn’t using drugs.
      • Reporting from Wilmington, Del. ... The prosecution then displayed a video from December, obtained from Hunter’s phone, showing a shirtless Hunter Biden holding what Jensen identified as a crack pipe.
      • Hines also read through messages between Hunter Biden and Hallie Biden on Oct. 23, 2018, the day she discovered the gun.
    • Bias (80%)
      The author does not demonstrate any overt bias in the article. However, there are several instances where the author reports on evidence presented at a trial that could be perceived as negative towards Hunter Biden. The author also reports on objections made by Hunter Biden's lawyer during the trial. These instances do not necessarily reflect bias on the part of the author, but they do create an overall tone that could be perceived as unfavorable towards Hunter Biden.
      • Defense lawyer objects to use of Hallie Biden messages, but judge overrules him.
        • Prosecutor Derek Hines displayed a message that Hunter Biden allegedly sent to Hallie Biden, his late brother Beau Biden[’s] widow, on Oct. 23, 2018.
          • ]The prosecution then displayed a video from December, obtained from Hunter[Biden]'s phone, showing a shirtless Hunter Biden holding what Jensen identified as a crack pipe.[
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication