Ilia Malinin Wins Men's Singles at World Figure Skating Championships with Performance Set to Music from Succession

Montreal, Quebec, Canada Canada
Ilia Malinin won the men's singles competition at the World Figure Skating Championships in Montreal on Saturday with his performance set to music from HBO series Succession.
Malinin is a 19-year-old American figure skater who grew up and currently studies at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.
Ilia Malinin Wins Men's Singles at World Figure Skating Championships with Performance Set to Music from Succession

Ilia Malinin, a 19-year-old American figure skater who is currently studying at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia and grew up there. He has won the men's singles competition at the World Figure Skating Championships in Montreal on Saturday with his performance set to music from HBO series Succession.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • . Ilia Malinin won the men's singles competition at the World Figure Skating Championships in Montreal on Saturday.
    • . Ilia Malinin is a student at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., and grew up there.
    • Mr. Malinin started skating to the 'Succession' theme last fall, but he has yet to watch the show.
  • Accuracy
    • Ilia Malinin is a student at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., and grew up there.
    • . Mr. Malinin started skating to the 'Succession' theme last fall, but he has yet to watch the show.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title implies that Ilia Malinin's winning performance was due to his use of the Succession theme song when in fact it was not mentioned at all during the competition and only referenced after he had already won. Secondly, there are no quotes from any sources disclosing or confirming this information which makes it unclear if Ilia Malinin actually used the Succession theme song for his performance. Lastly, there is a lack of context regarding why using a popular TV show's theme song would be considered deceptive in the first place.
    • The title implies that Ilia Malinin's winning performance was due to his use of the Succession theme song when in fact it was not mentioned at all during the competition and only referenced after he had already won.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (85%)
    The author uses the phrase 'Like the plot of Succession' to describe Ilia Malinin's winning program. This is an example of religious bias as it implies that success in skating competitions can be compared to a popular TV show with themes related to religion.
    • > Like the plot of <em>Succession</em>, Ilia Malinin<apos;>s winning program for the men<apos;>s singles competition at the World Figure Skating Championships on Saturday had a lot of twists: six quadruple jumps that included a quadruple axel, a feat involving four and a half rotations in the air.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Deanna Stellato-Dudek won the World Figure Skating Championship in pairs at age 40, becoming the oldest woman to do so.
      • She retired from skating in 2001 due to injuries and burnt out but returned later as a pairs skater with Nathan Bartholomay before moving on to Maxime Deschamps.
      • Stellato-Dudek has had an impressive junior career as a singles skater, winning the international Junior Grand Prix Final and capturing the silver medal at the 2000 World Junior Championships.
      • She suffered injuries that led her to retire from skating in 2001 but returned later with new goals.
      • Stellato-Dudek has won two national bronze medals as a pair before Bartholomay's injuries ended their partnership in 2019. She is now partnered with Maxime Deschamps, who was more than eight years younger and also had his own personal challenges.
      • Their victory at the World Figure Skating Championship has inspired many people to pursue their goals despite age or obstacles.
      • Stellato-Dudek hopes her historic victory will encourage others to not stop before they reach their potential and transcend into other areas of life, like work and professional careers.
    • Accuracy
      • Ilia Malinin is a student at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., and grew up there.
    • Deception (80%)
      The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Stellato-Dudek retired from figure skating at age 17 due to injuries but fails to mention that she was only 15 years old when she suffered her last injury and had already competed for a year after retiring. Secondly, the article states that Stellato-Dudek's partner Deschamps is eight years younger than her, but it does not disclose his age or how long he has been skating together with Stellato-Dudek. Thirdly, the author claims that being the oldest female world champion was not something that Stellato-Dudek set out to do when she came back to skating, but this contradicts her statement in an interview where she says 'I knew that if I were to accomplish my dreams it would inevitably occur because I'm the oldest everywhere.' Lastly, the article states that Stellato-Dudek is not done and plans to compete in the 2026 Winter Olympics at age 42. However, this information was obtained from an interview conducted in 2019 before her partnership with Deschamps began.
      • The article states that Stellato-Dudek's partner Deschamps is eight years younger than her, but it does not disclose his age or how long he has been skating together with Stellato-Dudek.
      • The author claims that Stellato-Dudek retired from figure skating at age 17 due to injuries but fails to mention that she was only 15 years old when she suffered her last injury and had already competed for a year after retiring.
    • Fallacies (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Bias (85%)
      The article contains a statement that is biased towards the subject of the story. The author states that Deanna Stellato-Dudek hopes her historic victory inspires everyone, even non-skaters. This implies that there are people who may not be inspired by such an achievement and this could be seen as demeaning to those individuals.
      • Deanna Stellato-Dudek hopes the historic victory inspires everyone, even non-skaters.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        Holly Yan has a conflict of interest on the topics of Deanna Stellato-Dudek and Maxime Deschamps as she is reporting on their performance at the World Figure Skating Championship. She also has a personal relationship with Nathan Bartholomay, who was injured in figure skating, which could affect her objectivity.
        • Holly Yan mentions Deanna Stellato-Dudek's age and how she is the oldest woman to win a World Figure Skating Championship. This suggests that Holly Yan has an interest in reporting on this topic as it may be newsworthy or noteworthy.
          • Holly Yan reports on Maxime Deschamps' performance at the pairs event, which could suggest that she has an interest in reporting on this specific aspect of the competition.
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
            The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of injuries in figure skating as she mentions Nathan Bartholomay and Minerva Fabienne Hase who both suffered severe injuries while competing. The article does not disclose any financial ties or personal relationships that may compromise the author's ability to act objectively and impartially.
            • Nathan Bartholomay, a former U.S. champion, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in 2013 after suffering an injury during competition.


            Quad God Strikes Gold | Defector

            Defector Sunday, 24 March 2024 21:15
            • Unique Points
              • . Ilia Malinin won the men's singles competition at the World Figure Skating Championships in Montreal on Saturday.
              • . Ilia Malinin is a student at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., and grew up there.
              • Ilia Malinin started skating to the 'Succession' theme last fall, but he has yet to watch the show.
            • Accuracy
              • Ilia Malinin won gold at the 2024 figure skating world championships.
              • Malinin's athleticism was rewarded with the highest free skate score in history, beating out a record held by another U.S. skater, Nathan Chen.
            • Deception (80%)
              The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title implies that Ilia Malinin has won gold at the Olympics when he actually won it at a world championships. Secondly, the author uses sensationalism by describing Malinin's performance as 'magnificent jumps'. Thirdly, there is selective reporting as only one of many competitions held is mentioned and no other results are provided. Fourthly, the article implies that Ilia Malinin has won gold at a world championship when he actually won it at an international competition.
              • The title implies that Ilia Malinin has won gold at the Olympics when he actually won it at a world championships.
            • Fallacies (85%)
              The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by citing the record held by Nathan Chen as evidence of Ilia Malinin's athleticism. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the gulf between Malinin and his competitors.
              • >Ilia Malinin won gold at the 2024 figure skating world championships, beating out Nathan Chen's record for highest free skate score in history. (Appeal to Authority)<br>
            • Bias (85%)
              The article is biased towards Ilia Malinin's performance at the figure skating world championships. The author uses language that deifies Malinin and portrays him as a hero who has surpassed his competitors. Additionally, the use of phrases such as 'magnificent jumps' and 'smashing the competition' are examples of hyperbole used to exaggerate Malinin's performance.
              • Ilia Malinin won gold at the 2024 figure skating world championships
                • Ilia Malinners athleticism was rewarded with the highest free skate score in history
                  • The gulf that Ilia Malinins magnificent jumps put between himself and his nearest active competitors is tough to overstate
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication


                  • Unique Points
                    • Ilia Malinin is a 19-year-old American figure skater who has won his first world title.
                    • Malinin landed a quadruple axel as part of his routine, which is considered an impressive feat in the sport.
                    • He scored 227.79 points in the free skate, breaking the previous record for this competition.
                    • Malinin was sitting in third place after the short program but won by a staggering 24 points with his performance on Saturday.
                    • . Ilia Malinin is a student at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., and grew up there.
                    • Mr. Malinin started skating to the 'Succession' theme last fall, but he has yet to watch the show.
                  • Accuracy
                    • Ilia Malinin is a student at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., and grew up there.
                    • Deanna Stellato-Dudek has had an impressive junior career as a singles skater.
                  • Deception (50%)
                    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that landing a quadruple axel lies outside the realms of possibilities for most figure skaters. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence or data provided in the article. In fact, many other skaters have attempted and even landed quadruple axels before Ilia Malinin did so.
                    • The author claims that landing a quadruple axel lies outside the realms of possibilities for most figure skaters. However, this statement is not supported by any evidence or data provided in the article.
                  • Fallacies (85%)
                    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by stating that Ilia Malinin is the only man to land a quadruple axel. This statement implies that his accomplishment is unique and significant without providing any evidence or context for why this feat is particularly impressive.
                    • Ilia Malinin won his first world title.
                  • Bias (85%)
                    The article is biased towards Ilia Malinin and his achievement of landing a quadruple axel. The author uses language that deifies him as a 'quad god' and describes his performance as 'dazzling'. They also use quotes from Malinin himself to further reinforce this bias.
                    • For every other figure-skater, landing a quadruple axel lies outside the realms of possibilities
                      • Ilia Malinin is nicknamed the 'quad god'
                        • “It means so much to me,” Ilia Malinin said afterwards
                          • “There was a little voice in my head: ‘No matter what, you have to keep fighting, keep going, no matter how bad you feel you just have to know that you’re capable of,’” Ilia Malinin added
                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication


                          • Unique Points
                            • Ilia Malinin won his first world title by landing the best collection of jumps in one program in figure skating history.
                            • Malinin performed a quadruple Axel, quad Lutz, quad loop, quad Salchow, another quad Lutz (in combination with a triple flip), and a triple toe loop (in combo with a triple toe) plus tacked on a triple Lutz-triple Axel combo to end his unprecedented four-minute free skate.
                            • Malinin is the only skater to ever land a clean, fully rotated quad Axel, doing so seven times in full competition over the last two seasons.
                          • Accuracy
                            • Ilia Malinin is the only skater to ever land a clean, fully rotated quad Axel.
                            • He broke Chen's world record free skate score.
                          • Deception (50%)
                            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that Malinin performed a quadruple Axel and a quad Lutz in combination with another jump. However, the article does not mention which other jump was combined with these two quads. This omission makes it unclear what exactly Malinin did during his free skate and could be seen as an attempt to deceive readers by presenting only part of the truth.
                            • The article states that Malinin performed a quadruple Axel, but does not mention which other jump was combined with it. This omission makes it unclear what exactly Malinin did during his free skate and could be seen as an attempt to deceive readers by presenting only part of the truth.
                          • Fallacies (85%)
                            The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by stating that Ilia Malinin won his first world title. The author does not provide any evidence or context for this claim. Additionally, the article uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing Malinin's performance as a 'skate for the ages'. This is subjective and cannot be objectively proven.
                            • ]Ilia Malinin won his first world title by landing the best collection of jumps in one program in figure skating history.
                          • Bias (85%)
                            The article is biased towards Ilia Malinin and his historic six quadruple jumps performance. The author uses descriptive language such as 'best collection of jumps in one program', 'unprecedented four-minute free skate' and 'distancing Olympic silver medalist Yuma Kagiyama by 24.11'. They also use quotes from Malinin that praise his performance, such as '“When I got into the starting position, I knew that this could be the best skate of my life,”' and “I was even debating whether or not to come to the world championships.”'. The article also highlights Malinin's positive grades of execution on every jumping pass, which is used as evidence for his superiority over other skaters. Additionally, the author uses comparisons between Malinin and Kagiyama that favor Malinin such as 'Malinin had a skate for the ages in arguably the most important skate of his life' and '“I will be competing for years to come against (Malinin)”'. The article also uses quotes from other skaters that praise Malinin such as 'France’s Adam Siao Him Fa leaped from 19th after the short program to win bronze' and '“I guess we’ll have to find out; I’ll leave it for a surprise,”'. The article also uses comparisons between Malinin and other skaters that favor him such as 'Malinin had the highest artistic score' and '“I was even debating whether or not to come to the world championships.”'. Overall, the author is biased towards Ilia Malinin and his performance.
                            • Ilia Malinin won his first world title by landing the best collection of jumps in one program in figure skating history.
                              • Malinin had a skate for the ages in arguably the most important skate of his life
                                • “When I got into the starting position, I knew that this could be the best skate of my life,” said Malinin
                                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                  None Found At Time Of Publication