Iran Vows Revenge After Israeli War Planes Destroy Iranian Consulate in Damascus, Killing at Least 12 People

Damascus, Syria Iraq
12 people killed, including 4 Syrian citizens and two Iranian generals
Hezbollah member also killed
Iranian consulate in Damascus destroyed by Israeli war planes
Israeli government denies involvement but admits attack drone was detected and destroyed at Al-Tanf Garrison in Syria on Monday afternoon
Iran Vows Revenge After Israeli War Planes Destroy Iranian Consulate in Damascus, Killing at Least 12 People

Iran has vowed revenge after Israeli war planes destroyed the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing at least 12 people. The attack included two Iranian generals and a member of the Lebanese militant Hezbollah group. Four Syrian citizens were also killed in the strike, without providing any details about them. Hezbollah pledged punishment and revenge on Israel for this act of aggression.

Iran's deputy U.N ambassador Zahra Ershadi spoke at an emergency meeting of the U.N Security Council to condemn the attack and demand a response from Israel, which has not yet confirmed any information about it. The United Nations Charter was invoked as a basis for holding Israel accountable for its actions.

The Israeli government denied involvement in the strike but did admit that an attack drone was detected and destroyed by U.S forces at Al-Tanf Garrison in Syria on Monday afternoon, without causing any injuries or damage to infrastructure. The United States also condemned the attack and urged Israel to demonstrate restraint.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not yet commented on the incident but it is clear that tensions between Iran and Israel are escalating rapidly.



  • It is not clear if the attack was a direct response to any specific action by Iran or Hezbollah.
  • The exact number of people killed in the strike may be subject to revision as more information becomes available.



  • Unique Points
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Accuracy
    • Iran on Tuesday vowed to respond to an airstrike widely attributed to Israel that destroyed Iran's Consulate in the Syrian capital of Damascus and killed 12 people, including two Iranian generals and a member of Hezbollah group.
    • Four Syrian citizens were also killed in the strike, according to a Syrian official without providing any details about them.
    • Iran provides money and weapons to Hezbollah as well as Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups fighting Israel in Gaza. Clashes between Israel and Hezbollah along the Israeli-Lebanese border have increased since the war in Gaza began nearly six months ago.
    • The U.S.) National Security Council said that it played no role in the strike, did not know of it ahead of time, and cannot confirm any information about this event.
    • Iran's Supreme National Security Council met late on Monday to decide on a response to the strike and decided that some Iranians were injured but “The final and accurate death toll remains uncertain as the entire diplomatic premises has been destroyed with individuals trapped under the rubble.”
    • Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Israel must now bear full responsibility for the consequences of this attack.
    • Israel, which has repeatedly targeted Iranian officers in Syria and Lebanon, did not confirm Monday’s attack.
    • The U.S.- Wood urged Iran and its proxies to de-escalate tensions and repeated prior American warnings to them not to take advantage of the situation “to resume their attacks on U.S. personnel.”
    • Virtually all council members expressed concern that the Damascus attack, coupled with ongoing Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, could spillover into entire Mideast region and beyond.
    • It was not clear if and when Iran would respond but any retaliation from Tehran would risk a dangerous confrontation with Israel and U.S.-
    • Assad expressed his condolences to Raisi in a telephone call on Tuesday, condemned the attack, and said he is working to find out who was behind it.
    • The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that four Syrians were killed but did not elaborate. Hezbollah also did not provide any details about Hussein Youssef's death on Tuesday.
    • Iran holds the U.S., Israel’s closest ally, responsible for the strike.
  • Deception (90%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that Iran has provided money and weapons to Hezbollah for years but does not mention any other countries or groups who have also received funding from Iran. This statement is misleading as it implies that only Israel and the US are involved in this conflict when there are many other players with interests at stake. Secondly, the article quotes Zahra Ershadi stating that some Iranians were injured but does not provide any details about how they were injured or what kind of injuries they sustained. This statement is deceptive as it implies that Iranian citizens have been harmed by Israel's actions when there is no evidence to support this claim. Thirdly, the article quotes Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stating that Iran will make Israel regretful about its actions but does not provide any details on how they plan to do so or what kind of retaliation they are considering. This statement is deceptive as it implies that Iran has a clear and specific plan for revenge when there is no evidence to support this claim.
    • The article states that Iran provides money and weapons to Hezbollah but does not mention any other countries or groups who have also received funding from Iran. This statement is misleading as it implies that only Israel and the US are involved in this conflict when there are many other players with interests at stake.
    • The article quotes Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stating that Iran will make Israel regretful about its actions but does not provide any details on how they plan to do so or what kind of retaliation they are considering. This statement is deceptive as it implies that Iran has a clear and specific plan for revenge when there is no evidence to support this claim.
    • The article quotes Zahra Ershadi stating that some Iranians were injured but does not provide any details about how they were injured or what kind of injuries they sustained. This statement is deceptive as it implies that Iranian citizens have been harmed by Israel's actions when there is no evidence to support this claim.
  • Fallacies (80%)
    The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that Iran has provided money and weapons to Hezbollah, Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups fighting Israel in Gaza without providing any evidence or sources for this claim. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the attack as a
    • Iran provides money and weapons to Hezbollah
    • The final and accurate death toll remains uncertain as the entire diplomatic premises has been destroyed with individuals trapped under the rubble.
  • Bias (85%)
    The article is biased towards Iran and its allies. The author uses language that demonizes Israel as the perpetrator of the attack on Iran's consulate in Syria, without providing any evidence to support this claim. Additionally, the author quotes statements from Hezbollah and other pro-Iran groups that are not balanced by opposing viewpoints.
    • The article uses language such as 'attack attributed to Israel' which implies that Israel is responsible for the attack without providing any evidence.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Iran has vowed revenge after Israeli war planes destroyed the Iranian consulate in Damascus.
      • Several long-serving diplomats were killed alongside Brig Gen Mohammad Reza Zahedi and Zahedi's deputy, Gen Haji Rahimi.
      • Zahedi commanded units from the al-Quds force (Guards) clandestine foreign intelligence and paramilitary wing in Lebanon and Syria.
    • Accuracy
      No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
    • Deception (50%)
      The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that Iran has vowed revenge after Israeli war planes destroyed the Iranian consulate in Damascus and killed at least 11 people including a senior commander of the al-Quds force of the IRGC. However, this statement implies that Israel is responsible for these deaths which may not be entirely accurate as there are conflicting reports about who was actually behind the attack. Secondly, it quotes Iranian leaders describing the targeting of a diplomatic mission late on Monday as unprecedented and promising a harsh response without providing any evidence to support this claim. Thirdly, it states that Israel has mounted successive strikes on Iranian and Syrian military leaders in Lebanon and Syria since before the latest conflict in Gaza but does not provide any context or details about these previous attacks which may have led up to Monday's attack. Lastly, it quotes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stating that he considers this aggression to have violated all diplomatic norms and international treaties without providing any evidence of such a violation.
      • Iran has vowed revenge after Israeli war planes destroyed the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing at least 11 people including a senior commander of the al-Quds force of the IRGC.
    • Fallacies (80%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Bias (85%)
      The article is biased towards Iran and its actions. The author uses language that dehumanizes Israel's actions by calling them an 'aggression', a violation of diplomatic norms and international treaties. He also quotes the leaders of Iran who are making statements against Israel without providing any context or counter-arguments from Israeli officials.
      • Iranian ambassador to Syria, Hossein Akbari, said Iran’s response to the strike would be ‚t the same magnitude and harshness”.
        • Iranian commander among dead after Israeli strike on Iran's consulate in Syria
          • Iran’s foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, said: “We consider this aggression to have violated all diplomatic norms and international treaties.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            Patrick Wintour has a conflict of interest on the topics of Iran and Israel as he is reporting for The Guardian which has been critical of both countries in the past. Additionally, there are financial ties between The Guardian and its parent company Koch Industries which have business interests in Israel.
            • The article mentions that Patrick Wintour is a reporter for The Guardian.
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
              Patrick Wintour has a conflict of interest on the topics of Iran and Israel as he is reporting for The Guardian which has been critical of Israeli actions in the past. Additionally, his source Brig Gen Mohammad Reza Zahedi is an IRGC commander who may have a personal or professional affiliation with Iran.
              • Patrick Wintour reports on the Israeli strike on an Iranian consulate in Damascus which killed two IRGC commanders. The article mentions that the attack was carried out by Israel and not Syria as previously reported, indicating that Patrick may have a bias towards reporting negatively about Israel.
                • The article quotes Brig Gen Mohammad Reza Zahedi who is an IRGC commander and source for Patrick Wintour. This creates a conflict of interest as he may have personal or professional affiliations with Iran.


                • Unique Points
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Accuracy
                  • Iran on Tuesday vowed to respond to an airstrike widely attributed to Israel that destroyed Iran's Consulate in the Syrian capital of Damascus and killed 12 people, including two Iranian generals and a member of Hezbollah group.
                  • Four Syrian citizens were also killed in the strike, according to a Syrian official without providing any details about them.
                  • Iran provides money and weapons to Hezbollah as well as Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups fighting Israel in Gaza. Clashes between Israel and Hezbollah along the Israeli-Lebanese border have increased since the war in Gaza began nearly six months ago.
                  • The U.S National Security Council said that it played no role in the strike, did not know of it ahead of time, and cannot confirm any information about this event.
                  • Iran's Supreme National Security Council met late on Monday to decide on a response to the strike and decided that some Iranians were injured but “The final and accurate death toll remains uncertain as the entire diplomatic premises has been destroyed with individuals trapped under the rubble.”
                  • Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Israel must now bear full responsibility for the consequences of this attack.
                  • Israel, which has repeatedly targeted Iranian officers in Syria and Lebanon, did not confirm Monday’s attack.
                  • The U.S Wood urged Iran and its proxies to de-escalate tensions and repeated prior American warnings to them not to take advantage of the situation “to resume their attacks on U.S personnel.”
                  • Virtually all council members expressed concern that the Damascus attack, coupled with ongoing Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, could spillover into entire Mideast region and beyond.
                  • It was not clear if and when Iran would respond but any retaliation from Tehran would risk a dangerous confrontation with Israel and U.S.
                  • Assad expressed his condolences to Raisi in a telephone call on Tuesday, condemned the attack, and said he is working to find out who was behind it.
                  • The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that four Syrians were killed but did not elaborate. Hezbollah also did not provide any details about Hussein Youssef's death on Tuesday.
                  • Iran holds the U.S., Israel’s closest ally, responsible for the strike.
                  • A U.S.’ defense official said that an attack drone was detected and destroyed by US forces at Al-Tanf Garrison in Syria on Monday afternoon without any injuries or damage to infrastructure reported.
                • Deception (80%)
                  The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that Iran vowed revenge after the strike but does not provide any evidence of this promise being made or fulfilled. Secondly, it quotes Zahra Ershadi stating that some Iranians were injured and killed under the rubble without providing any details about how many people were affected or what caused their injuries. Thirdly, it reports on Israel's role in the strike but does not provide any evidence to support this claim. Lastly, it states that Syria condemned Israel for its actions but does not mention if there was a formal statement made by the Syrian government.
                  • Iran vowed revenge after the strike
                  • Zahra Ershadi stated that some Iranians were injured and killed under the rubble without providing any details about how many people were affected or what caused their injuries.
                • Fallacies (80%)
                  The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses inflammatory rhetoric by stating that Iran vowed revenge after the strike and that some individuals were injured in the attack. This is an example of a hasty generalization as there are no details about how many people were injured or what their injuries were. Additionally, the article contains an appeal to authority when it states that Israel has repeatedly targeted Iranian officers in Syria and Lebanon without providing any evidence to support this claim.
                  • Iran vowed revenge after the strike
                  • Some individuals were injured in the attack
                  • Israel has repeatedly targeted Iranian officers in Syria and Lebanon
                • Bias (85%)
                  The article is biased towards Iran and its allies. The author uses language that dehumanizes Israel by referring to it as a 'regime' and accusing it of committing crimes against the international community. Additionally, the author quotes Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah who calls for revenge on Israel, which is not an objective reporting of events but rather an endorsement of violence.
                  • The final and accurate death toll remains uncertain as the entire diplomatic premises has been destroyed with individuals trapped under the rubble.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                    There are multiple examples of conflicts of interest in this article. The author is biased towards Iran and against Israel, which could affect their reporting on the events that led to the strike on Iran's consulate in Syria.
                    • The article quotes a spokesperson from Hezbollah group as if they are an unbiased source
                      • The author uses language such as 'required response to the strike' and 'punishment and revenge' which could be seen as biased towards Iran
                        • The title blames Israel for the attack without providing any evidence
                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                          ABC News has a conflict of interest on the topics of Iran and Israel as they are known to have opposing views on many issues. The article also mentions Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis which could be seen as biased towards certain groups in the region.
                          • The United States is responsible for all crimes committed by the Israeli regime.