ISIS Claims Responsibility for Deadly Terrorist Attack at Moscow City Hall

Moscow, Russia Russian Federation
On March 23, 2024, a terrorist attack occurred at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow. The attack was claimed by ISIS and resulted in the death of more than 60 people and injuries to nearly 150 others.
The Islamic State has been known for carrying out terrorist attacks around the world, including one at a concert hall in Paris in November 2015 that resulted in the deaths of more than 130 people.
ISIS Claims Responsibility for Deadly Terrorist Attack at Moscow City Hall

On March 23, 2024, a terrorist attack occurred at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow. The attack was claimed by ISIS and resulted in the death of more than 60 people and injuries to nearly 150 others. According to reports from Russia's Investigative Committee, five children were among those killed in the incident. The Islamic State has been known for carrying out terrorist attacks around the world, including one at a concert hall in Paris in November 2015 that resulted in the deaths of more than 130 people.



  • It is not clear if any other groups were involved in the attack.
  • The exact motive behind the attack is unclear.



  • Unique Points
    • The United States warned Russian authorities earlier in March about a terrorist attack possibly targeting large gatherings in Moscow
    • `Earlier this month, the US government had information about a planned terrorist attack in Moscow -- potentially targeting large gatherings, to include concerts`
    • The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for an attack at a large concert hall in the Moscow area that left more than 65 people dead and nearly 145 injured on Friday.
    • `Russia's Investigative Committee has opened a criminal probe into the attack.`
    • The Russian government did not immediately identify any of the suspects. Video published online showed horrific scenes of some people begging for help from the roof of the concert hall as it burned behind them.
    • `An eyewitness told Mash Telegram channel that there were at least five attackers and that they were bearded, acting like trained fighters.`
  • Accuracy
    • Russia's Investigative Committee has opened a criminal probe into the attack.
    • The Islamic State made this claim on its affiliated social media channels and US officials have said they have intelligence confirming that ISIS is responsible for this terrorist attack according to several outlets.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (85%)
    The article contains a statement that the US government had information about a planned terrorist attack in Moscow. This is an example of religious bias as it implies that Muslims are more likely to commit such attacks.
    • > The United States warned Russian authorities earlier in March about a terrorist attack possibly targeting "large gatherings" in Moscow, the White House said Friday,
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • ISIS has claimed responsibility for an attack at a large concert hall in the Moscow, Russia area that left more than 60 people dead and nearly 150 injured on Friday.
      • The Islamic State made this claim on its affiliated social media channels and US officials have said they have intelligence confirming that ISIS is responsible for this terrorist attack according to several outlets.
    • Accuracy
      • The attack began when gunmen donning combat gear burst into Crocus City Hall where concertgoers were gathering to hear Russian band Picnic and opened fire. The gunmen also threw explosives inside the concert hall during the attack, which set the building on fire.
      • Russia's Investigative Committee has opened a criminal probe into the attack.
    • Deception (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Fallacies (75%)
      The article contains several fallacies. The author makes an appeal to authority by citing the Russian Investigative Committee's opening of a criminal probe into the attack and former President Dmitry Medvedev's statement on Telegram. Additionally, there is inflammatory rhetoric in Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin calling the attack a 'huge tragedy', and former President Dmitry Medvedev suggesting that if Ukrainians were involved then all of them should be found and destroyed. The author also uses dichotomous depiction by stating that Russia is investigating the shooting, explosions at concert hall as terrorist attack but doesn't say who was responsible before ISIS claimed responsibility.
      • The Russian Investigative Committee has opened a criminal probe into the attack.
    • Bias (80%)
      The article contains multiple examples of bias. The author uses inflammatory language and makes assumptions about the attackers without providing any evidence to support their claims. Additionally, the author quotes Russian officials who make accusations against Ukraine without providing any context or evidence for these claims.
      • ISIS has claimed responsibility for an attack at a large concert hall in the Moscow, Russia, area that left more than 60 people dead and nearly 150 injured on Friday.
        • Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin called the attack a
          • Russia's Investigative Committee said it has opened a criminal probe into the attack.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            The author has multiple conflicts of interest on the topics provided. The article discusses Russian concert attack claimed by ISIS and Crocus City Hall shooting and explosion which are both sensitive topics in Russia. Additionally, the article mentions Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin who is a prominent figure in Russian politics.
            • The article mentions Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin who was in charge during this event. The author does not disclose any potential conflicts of interest between him and the mayor.
              • The author writes about the 'Russian band Picnic' that was performing at the concert where 60 people were killed and 145 injured by ISIS. This could be seen as an example of bias towards Russia, as it implies that the attack is not solely responsible for these deaths.


              • Unique Points
                • , Putin had rejected the US warnings as “provocative.”
                • Gunmen stormed the concert hall near Moscow on Friday, killing scores of people.
                • Isis has claimed responsibility for the attack.
                • , but Putin had failed to heed specific warnings from the United States that extremists were plotting to target Moscow.
              • Accuracy
                No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
              • Deception (50%)
                The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author states that President Putin rejected the advice of warning from US to Russia about ISIS militants being determined to target Moscow as it was 'provocative'. However, this statement contradicts other information provided in the article which shows that Russian intelligence services failed to prevent the attack and Putin had received specific warnings from US government. Secondly, author uses quotes by experts stating that scale of carnage would be embarrassing for Putin but fails to mention any evidence or facts supporting this claim. Thirdly, author states that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack but does not provide any link or reference to support this statement.
                • The article contradicts itself by stating that President Putin rejected advice from US warning about ISIS militants being determined to target Moscow as it was 'provocative' while also mentioning Russian intelligence services failed to prevent the attack and Putin had received specific warnings from US government.
                • The article states that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack but does not provide any link or reference to support this statement.
                • Author uses quotes by experts stating that scale of carnage would be embarrassing for Putin but fails to provide any evidence or facts supporting this claim.
              • Fallacies (85%)
                The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority when they quote Putin's statement that the warnings were provocative without providing any evidence to support this claim. Additionally, the author commits a false dilemma by presenting only two options: either Russia intervened in Syria or ISIS sees Russia as complicit in activities that oppress Muslims. This oversimplifies a complex issue and ignores other factors that may be at play. The article also contains inflammatory rhetoric when it describes the attack as deeply embarrassing for Putin, which is not an objective statement.
                • Putin rejected the advice of US warnings as provocative.
              • Bias (85%)
                The article contains a statement from the US government that ISIS militants were determined to target Russia in the days before assailants stormed Crocus City Hall. This is an example of political bias as it implies that Russia should have taken action to prevent this attack based on information provided by the US government.
                • The article contains a statement from Mary Kay Mallonee, Katherine Grise and Chris Lau stating that ISIS militants were determined to target Russia in the days before assailants stormed Crocus City Hall.
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                  The authors of the article have a conflict of interest on several topics related to ISIS and Russia. The author Mary Kay Mallonee has previously written articles that are critical of Putin's government and its actions in Syria, which could affect her objectivity when reporting on this topic.
                  • Mary Kay Mallonee wrote an article titled 'Putin's Syria strategy is a disaster for Russia and the world', published on CNN in 2018. In it, she criticizes Putin's government and its actions in Syria.
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                    The author has multiple conflicts of interest on the topics provided. Mary Kay Mallonee is a former CIA officer and Katherine Grise is a former White House official who worked under President Barack Obama. Chris Lau is an analyst at the Center for Strategic Studies (CSIS), which receives funding from various government agencies, including the Department of Defense.
                    • Chris Lau's affiliation with CSIS, a think tank that receives funding from various government agencies, could compromise his objectivity when reporting on ISIS-K and Bashar al-Assad.
                      • Katherine Grise's work under President Obama may make her biased towards the US government, which is involved in the national security election in Russia.
                        • Mary Kay Mallonee's background as a former CIA officer may give her access to sensitive information and connections that could compromise her objectivity when reporting on ISIS.


                        • Unique Points
                          • The shootings at the concert hall were reminiscent of some of Europe's worst terrorist incidents such as the attack on Bataclan in Paris in November 2015
                          • Russian authorities have launched a mass manhunt for the gunmen in the attack, warning residents in Moscow and its suburbs to look out for signs of the attackers
                        • Accuracy
                          • The assailants also apparently detonated explosives during the attack. At least two blasts took place at the concert hall on Friday evening
                        • Deception (90%)
                          The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it claims that the attackers were dressed in combat fatigues and carried Kalashnikov assault rifles. However, there are no photos or videos of this to support these claims. Secondly, the article states that at least three emergency helicopters had been deployed to extinguish the fire. However, it is unclear if any of them were actually used for this purpose as there are no reports of a fire in addition to the explosions and gunfire reported by witnesses. Thirdly, while some eyewitnesses claim that they saw at least five attackers carrying backpacks with molotov cocktails, these claims have not been substantiated by any evidence.
                          • The article states that the attackers were dressed in combat fatigues and carried Kalashnikov assault rifles. However, there are no photos or videos of this to support these claims.
                        • Fallacies (85%)
                          The article contains several logical fallacies. The author claims that the attackers were dressed in camouflage clothing and carried backpacks with molotov cocktails, but there is no evidence to support this claim. Additionally, the author uses an appeal to authority by citing a statement from Islamic State without providing any context or verification of its authenticity. The article also contains inflammatory rhetoric when describing the attack as 'the worst' and 'a great tragedy'.
                          • The author claims that the attackers were dressed in camouflage clothing and carried backpacks with molotov cocktails, but there is no evidence to support this claim.
                          • The author uses an appeal to authority by citing a statement from Islamic State without providing any context or verification of its authenticity.
                        • Bias (85%)
                          The article reports on a terrorist attack in Moscow that killed at least 60 people and injured over 140 others. The author does not provide any personal opinions or biases, but rather presents the facts of the event as they were reported by various sources. However, there are some examples of language that could be seen as inflammatory or sensationalistic.
                          • At least 60 people have been killed and 145 wounded in Russia's worst terror attack in years
                            • Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack late on Friday, in a post on Telegram
                              • The assailants also apparently detonated explosives during the attack. At least two blasts took place at the concert hall on Friday evening
                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication