Israel-Hamas War: Biden's Campaign Faces Backlash from Donors and White House Threatens Netanyahu

New York City, United States United States of America
Some donors have skipped fundraisers in protest, while others are still supporting the president despite their disagreements with his stance on the conflict.
The Israel-Hamas war has been a major point of contention for President Joe Biden and his campaign.
Israel-Hamas War: Biden's Campaign Faces Backlash from Donors and White House Threatens Netanyahu

The Israel-Hamas war has been a major point of contention for President Joe Biden and his campaign. While some donors have skipped fundraisers in protest, others are still supporting the president despite their disagreements with his stance on the conflict. The White House issued a stern threat to Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu after U.S. support for Israel's offensive led to a strike that killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers and marked an abrupt shift in posture driven by months of frustration with Netanyahu's routine defiance of the administrationâž—s counsel.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • President Joe Biden shakes hands with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York City in September 2023, weeks before the surprise Hamas attack.
    • The Israel-Hamas war broke out six months ago and represented a global crisis that President Joe Biden told voters he is uniquely equipped to confront.
    • Some of Biden's close advisers and allies began worrying that rather than bolstering his image as an experienced global leader, the president's steadfast support for Israel's offensive risked further complicating his argument that the election is a choice between his competent moral clarity and former President Donald Trump's chaos.
    • The White House issued a stern threat to Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu that U.S. support could evaporate without major changes following a strike that killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers, marking an abrupt shift in posture driven by months of frustration with Netanyahu's routine defiance of the administration's counsel.
    • The Israel-Hamas conflict is not the first complex Middle East crisis to challenge Biden's political and diplomatic skills. The White House faced mounting criticism in 2021 over its pullout from Afghanistan, with Biden facing questions over the planning as well as, more broadly, whether he was fulfilling his own pledge to be a force for global stability.
    • The parallels are not exact, but nearly three years later Democrats fear once more that the president is being hampered by his handling of a conflict overseas.
  • Accuracy
    • Some of Biden's close advisers and allies began worrying that rather than bolstering his image as an experienced global leader, the president's steadfast support for Israel's offensive risked further complicating his argument that the election is a choice between his competent moral clarity and former President Donald Trump’s chaos.
    • The Israel-Hamas conflict is not the first complex Middle East crisis to challenge Biden’s political and diplomatic skills. The White House faced mounting criticism in 2021 over its pullout from Afghanistan, with Biden facing questions over the planning as well as, more broadly, whether he was fulfilling his own pledge to be a force for global stability.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (85%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
    The article discusses the relationship between Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu. The author is a reporter for Politico who has previously written articles about Israel-Hamas war, World Central Kitchen strike in Gaza, humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
    • The article discusses the relationship between Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu.
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • President Biden has been trailed by demonstrators who are complicating the party's ability to campaign in an election year.
      • In Detroit, a congressman's holiday party devolved into chaos and a broken nose after demonstrators protesting the war in Gaza appeared with bullhorns.
      • Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania said that if you are now organizing people to walk away from supporting President Biden, then you are de facto supporting and helping Trump.
    • Accuracy
      No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
    • Deception (30%)
      The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title implies that Gaza protesters are challenging democratic leaders when in fact they are protesting President Biden's support for Israel. Secondly, the author uses sensationalism by describing how demonstrators have disrupted events and caused chaos at various locations without providing any context or evidence to back up their claims. Thirdly, the article quotes Senator John Fetterman saying that if protesters are playing with fire they need to own it which is a fallacy as it implies that the protesters are responsible for causing harm when in fact President Biden's actions have caused this situation.
      • The title of the article misrepresents the content by implying that Gaza protesters are challenging democratic leaders.
    • Fallacies (70%)
      The article contains several examples of appeals to authority and inflammatory rhetoric. The author uses quotes from politicians such as President Biden and Senator John Fetterman to establish their positions on the issue without providing any context or analysis. Additionally, the use of phrases like 'complicating' and 'depressing turnout at home in November' are examples of inflammatory rhetoric that could be seen as biased.
      • President Biden successfully avoided a messy primary fight, facing no viable opposition within his party. But the Gaza conflict has stoked intraparty tensions nonetheless, raising Democratic concerns that a sustained movement protesting a war thousands of miles away could depress turnout at home in November.
      • Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, a Democrat who has disappointed progressives with his unflinching support of Israel, said in an interview this past week. “If you are now organizing people to walk away from supporting the president, then you are now de facto supporting and helping Trump,”
    • Bias (85%)
      The article contains multiple examples of bias. The author uses language that dehumanizes Palestinians by referring to them as 'pro-Palestinian demonstrators' and implies they are unreasonable for protesting the war in Gaza. Additionally, the author quotes Senator John Fetterman saying that if progressives play with fire by opposing Israel, then they need to own it. This statement is biased because it suggests that anyone who disagrees with Fetterman's views on Israel is playing a dangerous game and should accept any consequences.
      • Senator John Fetterman says if progressives play with fire by opposing Israel, then they need to own it
        • The author uses language that dehumanizes Palestinians
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • President Joe Biden's reelection team raised $26 million from a celebrity-filled fundraiser in New York City last week.
          • Two prominent donors skipped the March 28 fundraiser held at Radio City Music Hall, headlined by former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, in protest of Israel's war in the Gaza Strip.
        • Accuracy
          No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
        • Deception (50%)
          The article is deceptive because it implies that Biden and Harris are supporting Israel's war in Gaza by providing weapons and money. However, the article does not provide any evidence or sources for this claim. In fact, according to multiple news outlets such as CNN and Al Jazeera, Biden has called for a ceasefire and expressed concern about the civilian casualties in Gaza. The article also omits any information about Hamas' role in the conflict or its rejection of a ceasefire proposed by Egypt. By not presenting both sides of the story and exaggerating Biden's support for Israel, the article is deceiving its readers and manipulating their emotions.
          • The article does not provide any evidence or sources for these claims. In fact, according to multiple news outlets such as CNN and Al Jazeera, Biden has called for a ceasefire and expressed concern about the civilian casualties in Gaza.
          • I very quickly understood sometime in October that the United States was not going to be an honest broker on this issue, given its unwavering support for Israel's right to self-defense, no matter how disproportionate or illegal it may be.
          • The president and vice president feign sadness while continuing to supply Israel with weapons and money to carry out the indiscriminate murder of Palestinians
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The article contains several fallacies. The first is an appeal to authority when it mentions that President Barack Obama and Bill Clinton headlined the fundraiser. This implies that their endorsement lends credibility to the event and Biden's campaign, but this is not necessarily true. Additionally, there are two examples of inflammatory rhetoric in the article: 'morally wrong' and 'damaged American credibility'. These statements are subjective and do not provide any evidence or reasoning for their claims.
          • The president and vice president feign sadness while continuing to supply Israel with weapons and money to carry out the indiscriminate murder of Palestinians
          • I very quickly understood sometime in October that the United States would overwhelmingly back Israel forcing my hand on the issue.
        • Bias (85%)
          The article contains examples of religious bias and ideological bias. The author uses language that depicts one side as extreme or unreasonable by saying 'morally wrong' to describe the donor's stance on Israel-Palestinian conflict.
          • 'morally wrong'
            • The influential Democrat, said there is enough time for those disturbed by the staggering humanitarian crisis in the Gaza to further pressure the president to shift course
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication


            • Unique Points
              • President Joe Biden's latest job approval rating is 40%.
              • Majorities of Democrats approve of Biden's performance overall and on specific issues like the economy and foreign affairs, but less than half now approve of his handling of the Middle East situation.
            • Accuracy
              • Biden's ratings for his handling of the economy, foreign affairs, and the situation in the Middle East are lower than his overall job rating.
            • Deception (50%)
              The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that President Biden's job approval rating is steady at 40%, but this statement contradicts their own data which shows that his ratings have been consistently below this mark since July. Secondly, the author uses a comparison with past presidents to suggest that Biden's subpar performance is typical of incumbents seeking reelection with approval ratings under 50% just before the election. However, they fail to mention that these comparisons are misleading as each president faced different circumstances and challenges during their presidency. Lastly, the author uses a statement from an anonymous source (a
              • The article claims that President Biden's job approval rating is steady at 40%, but this contradicts their own data which shows that his ratings have been consistently below this mark since July.
            • Fallacies (70%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Bias (10%)
              The article is biased by presenting Biden's approval ratings as a problem and a vulnerability for his reelection campaign. The author does not provide any context or comparison to previous presidents who had similar ratings at this point in their terms. The author also implies that the public disapproves of Biden's handling of key issues such as the economy, foreign affairs, and the Middle East situation, without acknowledging any possible nuances or alternative perspectives. The article uses phrases like 'subpar job approval rating', 'sharp declines in approval', and 'increasingly vulnerable position electorally' to cast a negative light on Biden's performance.
              • Both Republicans and independents give him no more than a 16% job approval rating for any of the same measures, while Democrats give him higher ratings but less than half of them (47%) approve of his handling of the Middle East situation.
                • Each passing month that Biden’s approval rating hovers near 40% puts him in an increasingly vulnerable position electorally.
                  • Job ratings on the economy and foreign affairs are below his overall approval
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication


                  • Unique Points
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Accuracy
                    • ,
                    • President Joe Biden shakes hands with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York City in September 2023, weeks before the surprise Hamas attack.
                    • The Israel-Hamas war broke out six months ago and represented a global crisis that President Joe Biden told voters he is uniquely equipped to confront.
                    • Some of Biden's close advisers and allies began worrying that rather than bolstering his image as an experienced global leader, the president's steadfast support for Israel's offensive risked further complicating his argument that the election is a choice between his competent moral clarity and former President Donald Trump's chaos.
                    • The White House issued a stern threat to Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu that U.S. support could evaporate without major changes following a strike that killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers, marking an abrupt shift in posture driven by months of frustration with Netanyahu's routine defiance of the administration's counsel.
                    • The Israel-Hamas conflict is not the first complex Middle East crisis to challenge Biden's political and diplomatic skills. The White House faced mounting criticism in 2021 over its pullout from Afghanistan, with Biden facing questions over the planning as well as, more broadly, whether he was fulfilling his own pledge to be a force for global stability.
                    • The parallels are not exact, but nearly three years later Democrats fear once more that the president is being hampered by his handling of a conflict overseas.
                  • Deception (30%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Fallacies (75%)
                    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when the panelists make statements about what is happening in Gaza and a long history of selling weapons all over the world without providing any evidence or context. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by stating that it's hypocritical for Israel to take both sides, which could be seen as an attempt to polarize readers.
                    • It’s left the Biden Administration walking a fine line as Israel’s ally, at times seeming to take both sides.
                  • Bias (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication