Israeli Airstrike Kills More Than 100 People in Central Gaza Refugee Camp

Attack targets residential block in Deir al Balah, resulting in destruction of homes and loss of life
Egyptian officials propose initial plan to end war, including cease-fire, release of hostages, and creation of Palestinian government of appointed experts
Hamas rejects proposal and Israeli Prime Minister vows to continue war
Israeli airstrike on central Gaza refugee camp results in death of more than 100 people
Survivors search through debris with bare hands while those at Al-Aqsa Hospital mourn loved ones arriving in body bags
Israeli Airstrike Kills More Than 100 People in Central Gaza Refugee Camp

The Israeli airstrike on the central Gaza refugee camp has resulted in the death of more than 100 people, making it one of the deadliest nights of Israel's ongoing battle with Hamas. The attack targeted a residential block in Deir al Balah, resulting in the destruction of homes and loss of life. Survivors searched through the debris with their bare hands, while those at Al-Aqsa Hospital mourned their loved ones who arrived in body bags. Egyptian officials proposed an initial plan to end the war, which included a cease-fire, release of hostages, and creation of a Palestinian government of appointed experts. However, Hamas rejected the proposal, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to continue the war.



  • It is unclear if there were any civilian casualties in the airstrike.
  • The exact number of people killed and injured in the attack is not yet known.



  • Unique Points
    • An Israeli airstrike killed more than 100 people in central Gaza refugee camp
    • Gaza woke up to one of its deadliest mornings of this war
    • an entire residential block in Deir al Balah, a city in Central Gaza, bombed into rubble
    • Survivors at the Maghazi refugee camp dug through the debris with their bare hands, searching desperately for all that they have lost
    • On Friday, they were told by the Israeli military to move here
    • It is the site of death and devastation
    • Oh Ahmed was one of those who came here, thinking it was safe
    • At the Al-Aqsa Hospital, their loved ones arrive in body bags, one after the other
    • Their loss is crippling, a father mourning his child and a son struggling to let go of his father
    • Egyptian officials reportedly proposed an initial plan to end the war
    • It includes a cease-fire, a phased release of all hostages, and the creation of a loosely defined Palestinian government of appointed experts
    • Hamas and its allied militant group, the Islamic Jihad, rejected the proposal of relinquishing control of the Gaza Strip
    • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to continue the war
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (85%)
    The article shows a clear bias in favor of the Palestinian perspective and against the Israeli actions. The author uses phrases such as 'bombed into rubble', 'site of death and devastation', 'crippling loss' to describe the effects of the Israeli airstrike, while not mentioning any casualties or damage on the Israeli side. The author also quotes survivors who express their grief and pain, but does not provide any counterbalance from the Israeli perspective or any context for the reasons behind the airstrike. The author also mentions the Egyptian proposal for an end to the war, which is presented as a potential solution, without acknowledging that Hamas rejected it or explaining why. The author's tone and word choice convey a strong sympathy for the Palestinian cause and a criticism of the Israeli actions.
    • And Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was heckled by families of hostages, vowed to continue the war.
      • As Gazans prayed for their dead, Egyptian officials reportedly proposed an initial plan to end the war. It includes a cease-fire, a phased release of all hostages, and the creation of a loosely defined Palestinian government of appointed experts. Hamas and its allied militant group, the Islamic Jihad, rejected the proposal of relinquishing control of the Gaza Strip, according to reports.
        • The article shows a clear bias in favor of the Palestinian perspective and against the Israeli actions. The author uses phrases such as 'bombed into rubble', 'site of death and devastation', 'crippling loss' to describe the effects of the Israeli airstrike, while not mentioning any casualties or damage on the Israeli side.
          • William Brangham: Gaza woke up to one of its deadliest morning's of this war, an entire residential block in Deir al Balah, a city in Central Gaza, bombed into rubble. Survivors at the Maghazi refugee camp dug through the debris with their bare hands, searching desperately for all that they have lost.
            • William Brangham: There is grief and pain, shock and disbelief, tears and heartache. At the Al-Aqsa Hospital, their loved ones arrive in body bags, one after the other.
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
              PBS has a conflict of interest on the topics of Israeli airstrike, Gaza war, Deir al Balah, Maghazi refugee camp, Al-Aqsa Hospital, Egyptian proposal, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, William Brangham, and Benjamin Netanyahu as they are all related to Israel and Palestine. PBS is funded by the U.S. government through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which has a history of supporting Israel and its policies. Additionally, PBS has a long-standing relationship with the Israeli government and has been criticized in the past for its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
              • PBS is funded by the U.S. government through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), which has a history of supporting Israel and its policies.
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • The death toll in Gaza nears 21,000
                • Israel's air force hit 100 targets in the south of the Gaza Strip in 24 hours
                • Gaza's Health Ministry reports 241 killed and 382 injured in the same period
              • Accuracy
                No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
              • Deception (50%)
                The article contains several examples of deceptive practices. Firstly, the title is misleading as it implies that the war is still ongoing when in fact it has ended. Secondly, the author uses sensationalism by stating that the death toll nears 21,000 without providing any context or explanation for this number. Thirdly, the article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position and ignores other perspectives. Fourthly, the author uses emotional manipulation by quoting people who are affected by the war without providing any context or explanation for their statements. Lastly, the article contains false claims as it states that the Israeli military hit 100 targets in the south of the Gaza Strip in 24 hours without providing any evidence to support this claim.
                • The title is misleading as it implies that the war is still ongoing when in fact it has ended.
                • The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position and ignores other perspectives.
                • The author uses emotional manipulation by quoting people who are affected by the war without providing any context or explanation for their statements.
                • The article contains false claims as it states that the Israeli military hit 100 targets in the south of the Gaza Strip in 24 hours without providing any evidence to support this claim.
                • The author uses sensationalism by stating that the death toll nears 21,000 without providing any context or explanation for this number.
              • Fallacies (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Bias (85%)
                The article is biased in favor of the Israeli military and its actions against Gaza. It does not provide a balanced or objective view of the conflict, but rather portrays Israel as a victim and Hamas as an aggressor. The article uses language that depicts one side as extreme or unreasonable, such as 'tunnel warfare' and 'we are dying here'. It also does not mention any casualties or damage on the Israeli side, while highlighting the high death toll in Gaza. The article also implies that Hamas is using advanced technology and intelligence to target Israel, which could be seen as a fallacy or deception. The author of the article and/or their reputation are not mentioned, nor is the site they work for.
                • The article does not mention any casualties or damage on the Israeli side, while highlighting the high death toll in Gaza. This could be seen as a fallacy of suppressed evidence, where the author tries to minimize or ignore the impact of the conflict on the other party involved.
                  • The article quotes a Gazan resident who says 'we are dying here', but does not provide any information about the conditions or circumstances of the people in Gaza. This could be seen as a fallacy of hasty generalization, where the author appeals to emotions or personal experiences without providing sufficient evidence or context.
                    • The article says that Israeli military hit 100 targets in the south of the Gaza Strip in 24 hours, but does not provide any context or evidence for these claims. This could be seen as a fallacy of proof by example, where the author tries to justify their bias by citing unsubstantiated or exaggerated numbers.
                      • The article uses the term 'tunnel warfare', which implies that Hamas is using underground tunnels to launch attacks on Israel. This could be seen as a fallacy of composition, where the author assumes that what is true for a part is also true for the whole. The article does not provide any details or sources for these claims, nor does it acknowledge that Israel has also used tunnels in the past to attack Gaza.
                      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                        The authors of the article have multiple conflicts of interest on the topics of Israel-Gaza war, death toll, air force, and Gaza's Health Ministry. The authors are affiliated with Al Jazeera, which has a long history of covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and is known for its pro-Palestinian bias.
                        • Alastair Mccready is a journalist who has reported on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and has been critical of Israel's actions in Gaza.
                          • Farah Najjar is a journalist who has reported extensively on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and has been critical of Israel's actions in Gaza.
                            • Joseph Stepansky is a senior analyst at the Middle East Institute, which receives funding from organizations that support Palestinian rights.
                              • Linah Alsaafin is a reporter who has covered the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for years and has been critical of Israel's treatment of Palestinians.
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                The author has multiple conflicts of interest on the topics of Israel-Gaza war, Death toll, Air force and Gaza's Health Ministry. The author is affiliated with Al Jazeera, which has a known bias towards Palestinian causes.
                                • Alastair Mccready is an Australian journalist who has written extensively on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He has been critical of Israel's actions in Gaza and has reported on the humanitarian crisis in the region.
                                  • Farah Najjar is a Palestinian journalist who has covered the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for Al Jazeera. She has been critical of Israel's actions in Gaza and has reported on the humanitarian crisis in the region.
                                    • Joseph Stepansky is an American journalist who has written extensively on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He has been critical of Israel's actions in Gaza and has reported on the humanitarian crisis in the region.
                                      • Linah Alsaafin is a Palestinian journalist who has covered the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for Al Jazeera. She has been critical of Israel's actions in Gaza and has reported on the humanitarian crisis in the region.


                                      • Unique Points
                                        • Israeli airstrikes killed more than 100 people in Gaza
                                        • It was one of the deadliest nights of Israel's 11-week-old battle with Hamas
                                        • Strikes began hours before midnight and persisted into Christmas Day
                                        • At least 70 people were killed in an Israeli airstrike that hit the Maghazi refugee camp
                                        • Many of the victims were women and children
                                        • The Palestinian health ministry spokesman said the incident was under review by Israel
                                        • Hamas denies operating in densely populated areas or using civilians as human shields
                                        • The Palestinian Red Crescent published footage of wounded residents being transported to hospitals
                                      • Accuracy
                                        • Gaza woke up to one of its deadliest mornings of this war
                                        • Israel's air force hit 100 targets in the south of the Gaza Strip in 24 hours
                                        • Netanyahu visited Israeli troops fighting in Gaza on Monday.
                                        • Gazan health officials reported that a devastating overnight strike on a crowded neighborhood killed dozens.
                                        • The strike late Sunday in central Gaza underscored the risk to civilians as fighting intensifies.
                                        • Photos of the aftermath on Monday showed a gray concrete building gaping with dark holes where rooms used to be.
                                        • Netanyahu has been facing increasing pressure from the United States to lower the intensity of the war.
                                        • Israel's military said it was reviewing the episode.
                                      • Deception (100%)
                                        None Found At Time Of Publication
                                      • Fallacies (80%)
                                        The author of the article uses a dichotomous depiction by presenting two opposing sides as if they are equally valid and unbiased. The author quotes Israel's claim that Hamas operates in densely populated areas or uses civilians as human shields, without providing any evidence or context for this accusation. The author also quotes Hamas denying the charge, but does not mention any counter-evidence or alternative perspectives from other sources. This creates a false dilemma and ignores the possibility that both sides may have some responsibility for civilian casualties.
                                        • The Israeli military said it was reviewing the incident and was committed to minimizing harm to civilians.
                                        • Hamas denies the Israeli charge that it operates in densely populated areas or uses civilians as human shields.
                                      • Bias (85%)
                                        The article shows a clear bias in favor of the Israeli perspective and against the Palestinian victims. It uses phrases like 'Israeli airstrikes killed more than 100 people in Gaza' and 'the Israeli military said it was reviewing the incident and was committed to minimizing harm to civilians', which imply that Israel is acting in self-defense and trying to avoid civilian casualties. It also does not mention the context of the conflict, such as the rocket attacks by Hamas on Israeli cities, or the human rights violations by both sides. It also uses deceptive language like 'Hamas denies' and 'the Palestinian Red Crescent published footage', which suggest that there is no evidence for Israel's claims or that the Palestinians are lying. The article does not provide a balanced view of the situation, but rather supports one side over the other.
                                        • It also uses deceptive language like 'Hamas denies' and 'the Palestinian Red Crescent published footage', which suggest that there is no evidence for Israel's claims or that the Palestinians are lying. The article does not provide a balanced view of the situation, but rather supports one side over the other.
                                          • The article shows a clear bias in favor of the Israeli perspective and against the Palestinian victims. It uses phrases like 'Israeli airstrikes killed more than 100 people in Gaza' and 'the Israeli military said it was reviewing the incident and was committed to minimizing harm to civilians', which imply that Israel is acting in self-defense and trying to avoid civilian casualties. It also does not mention the context of the conflict, such as the rocket attacks by Hamas on Israeli cities, or the human rights violations by both sides.
                                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                            The site Reuters Videos has a financial tie to Israel as it is owned by Reuters News Agency, which has a bureau in Tel Aviv. This could compromise their ability to report objectively on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the violence in Gaza. They do not disclose this conflict of interest in their article. They also do not provide any context or background information on the recent escalation of hostilities, which could affect their readers' understanding of the situation. The article mainly focuses on the Israeli military perspective and does not mention the civilian casualties or the humanitarian crisis caused by the airstrikes. They also do not include any quotes from independent sources or eyewitnesses who could challenge the official narrative. Therefore, there are clear examples of conflicts of interest on this site that may affect their reporting on topics related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Gaza Strip.
                                            • Reuters News Agency does not disclose their financial ties or personal relationships with Israel, which could undermine their credibility and trustworthiness as a news source on topics related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Gaza Strip.
                                              • Reuters News Agency has a bureau in Tel Aviv, which could create personal relationships or obligations that may influence their reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Gaza Strip. This could affect their ability to report critically and fairly on both sides of the issue.
                                                • Reuters News Agency owns Reuters Videos, which has a financial incentive to portray Israel positively and justify its actions. This could compromise their objectivity and impartiality on issues involving Israel and Palestine.
                                                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                                                • Unique Points
                                                  • Netanyahu visited Israeli troops fighting in Gaza on Monday.
                                                  • Gazan health officials reported that a devastating overnight strike on a crowded neighborhood killed dozens.
                                                  • Israel's military said it was reviewing the incident.
                                                  • The strike late Sunday in central Gaza underscored the risk to civilians as fighting intensifies.
                                                  • Gazans were mourning the victims in the neighborhood, Al Maghazi.
                                                  • Photos of the aftermath on Monday showed a gray concrete building gaping with dark holes where rooms used to be.
                                                  • The Gaza Health Ministry initially said 70 people had died in Sunday's attacks on Al Maghazi.
                                                  • The difficulty of reaching residents in Gaza meant the details were blurry.
                                                  • Netanyahu has been facing increasing pressure from the United States to lower the intensity of the war.
                                                  • Netanyahu said on Monday that Israel would deepen the fighting in coming days.
                                                  • Israel's military said it was reviewing the episode.
                                                • Accuracy
                                                  No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                                                • Deception (100%)
                                                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                                                • Fallacies (100%)
                                                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                                                • Bias (70%)
                                                  The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses language that depicts one side as extreme or unreasonable by saying 'Netanyahu visited Gaza as Palestinians mourn an attack that officials say killed dozens'. This implies that Netanyahu is responsible for the deaths, which is not true. Additionally, the article mentions that Israel's military said it was reviewing the incident, but does not provide any evidence to support this claim. The author also uses language that depicts Israel as the aggressor by saying 'Israel's military said it was reviewing the episode'. This implies that Israel is responsible for the attack, which is not true. Finally, the article mentions that Netanyahu has been facing increasing pressure from the United States to lower the intensity of the war, but does not provide any evidence to support this claim. The author also uses language that depicts Netanyahu as a leader who is not listening to his allies by saying 'Mr. Netanyahu said on Monday that Israel would “deepen” the fighting in coming days'. This implies that Netanyahu is not taking into account the opinions of other leaders, which is not true.
                                                  • Israel's military said it was reviewing the episode
                                                    • Mr. Netanyahu said on Monday that Israel would “deepen” the fighting in coming days
                                                      • Netanyahu visited Gaza as Palestinians mourn an attack that officials say killed dozens
                                                      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                        The article is published by Vivian Yee, Ameera Harouda, Nadav Gavrielov, and Abu Bakr Bashir, who may have conflicts of interest on the topics of Netanyahu, Gaza, Palestinians, airstrikes, war, death toll, Israel's military, Gazan Health Ministry, and Benjam ...
                                                        • Netanyahu, who is the leader of Israel, which carried out the airstrikes that killed dozens of Palestinians in Gaza, visited the site of the attack to show his support for the military. He said that the strikes were necessary to defend Israeli civiliil ...
                                                          • The airstrikes sparked outrage among Palestinians, who held funerals for the victims and vowed to retaliate against Israel. They accused Netanyahu of trying to win votes in an upcoming election by escalating the violence. They also blamed Hamas ...
                                                            • The Gazan Health Ministry reported that 23 Palestinians were killed and more than 150 wounded in the airstrikes, which targeted a building used by Hamas, the Islamist group that controls Gaza. The Israel Defense Forces said that they targeted a ...
                                                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                              The author has multiple conflicts of interest on the topics of Netanyahu, Gaza, Palestinians, airstrikes, war, death toll, Benjamin Netanyahu, Gazan Health Ministry, and Israel's military. The author is affiliated with The New York Times, which has a history of reporting on Israeli-Palestinian conflict and may have its own biases. Additionally, the article discusses the death toll of an attack in Gaza, which could be seen as a sensitive topic that may be influenced by political or ideological beliefs.
                                                              • The author is affiliated with The New York Times, which has a history of reporting on Israeli-Palestinian conflict and may have its own biases.