Israeli Military Bases Breached Amid Allegations of Detainee Abuse: Sde Teiman and Beit Lid

Sde Teiman, Negev desert, Israel Iceland
Human rights groups have long claimed that such conditions are commonplace in the Israeli penal system.
In May 2024, CNN published an investigation detailing widespread abuse at Sde Teiman facility, including blindfolding, extreme physical restraint, and prolonged handcuffing leading to severe injuries.
On July 29, 2024, far-right lawmakers and protesters breached the perimeters of two Israeli military bases: Sde Teiman in the Negev desert and Beit Lid.
The breaches were sparked by investigations into alleged abuse of a Palestinian detainee at Sde Teiman base by Israeli soldiers.
Israeli Military Bases Breached Amid Allegations of Detainee Abuse: Sde Teiman and Beit Lid

In a series of shocking events on July 29, 2024, far-right lawmakers and protesters breached the perimeters of two Israeli military bases in Israel: Sde Teiman in the Negev desert and Beit Lid. The protests were sparked by an investigation into alleged abuse of a Palestinian detainee at Sde Teiman base by Israeli soldiers, as reported by both CNN and The Washington Post.

The controversy surrounding the treatment of Palestinian detainees at Sde Teiman is not new. In May 2024, CNN published an investigation detailing widespread abuse at the facility, including blindfolding, extreme physical restraint, and prolonged handcuffing leading to severe injuries. Human rights groups have long claimed that such conditions are commonplace in the Israeli penal system.

The investigations into soldiers' alleged abuses of detainees led to protests and breaches of military bases by far-right lawmakers and their supporters. The unrest began at Sde Teiman, where crowds gathered after the IDF confirmed that its Military Police Criminal Investigation Division (MPCID) was formally looking into the



  • It is unclear if the investigations have led to any concrete evidence or charges against the soldiers involved.
  • The article does not specify which Palestinian detainee was allegedly abused.



  • Unique Points
    • Nine reservists were detained in connection to allegations of serious abuse of a detainee at the Sde Teiman facility in the Negev desert.
    • Conditions inside Sde Teiman have been described as a 'war crime' and have led to international scrutiny and domestic legal challenges.
    • Rights groups claim that torture, sexual abuse, and deprivation of food have become commonplace in the Israeli penal system since the attack on October 7th.
  • Accuracy
    • Nine reservists were detained in connection to allegations of serious abuse of a detainee at the Sde Teiman facility.
    • , The military police investigation into the actions of the nine reservists began several weeks ago.
    • , Protesters broke into a military base where Hamas militants are detained and another hosting the Israel Defense Forces military court.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the authors' position of alleged abuse at Sde Teiman prison. The authors do not provide any context or counter-arguments to balance their reporting. Additionally, there is emotional manipulation through the use of phrases like 'chaos broke out', 'serious abuse of a detainee', and 'extremely serious and against the law'.
    • Online, political allies, including those in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet, quickly seized on the moment. ‘I’m calling on the chief military prosecutor, get your hands off the reservists’, Bezalel Smotrich, the finance minister, wrote on X. ‘Take your hands off the reservists’, posted Itamar Ben Gvir, Israel’s far-right national security minister.
    • Chaos broke out at an Israeli military base holding Palestinian detainees Monday, as far-right demonstrators rallied after nine reservists were detained in connection to allegations of serious abuse of a detainee.
    • The Israeli army said the nine suspects were detained for questioning on suspicion of serious abuse of a detainee.
    • Palestinian detainees newly released from Sde Teiman describe being beaten, denied medical care and made to kneel handcuffed and blindfolded for days.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (80%)
    The authors use language that depicts the far-right demonstrators as 'rallying' and 'seizing on the moment' when referring to their actions at the military base. They also describe the detention of reservists as a 'break-in', which could be perceived as biased language that downplays the seriousness of the allegations against them.
    • far-right demonstrators rallied
      • Itamar Ben Gvir posted
        • Netanyahu condemned the break-in and called for calm
          • political allies quickly seized on the moment
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • Far-right protesters stormed two military bases in Israel on Monday.
            • IDF military police detained nine reservists from the ‘Force 100’ unit at Sde Teiman military base for alleged abuses of prisoners, including sexual assault and rape.
            • Ultranationalist politicians from the governing coalition encouraged protesters to break into the bases.
            • Protesters broke into a military base where Hamas militants are detained and another hosting the Israel Defense Forces military court.
            • Several reports alleged human rights violations at Sde Teiman detention center, which some called ‘the Israeli Guantanamo’.
            • The military police investigation into the actions of the nine reservists began several weeks ago after a Hamas operative was rushed to a hospital with injuries.
            • Ultranationalist ministers Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich and several Likud party ministers issued statements condemning the arrests and called for protests.
            • Protesters left the first base after several hours when it was clear the reservists were no longer there, but moved to another military base hosting military police headquarters, an IDF detention center and the IDF court.
            • The Israeli police stayed passive during the riots and didn’t arrest any protesters at the two bases.
            • IDF chief of staff Gen. Herzi Halevi canceled meetings about a potential strike against Hezbollah to deal with the unrest at military police headquarters.
            • Protesters also arrived at the house of the IDF attorney general and called her a traitor.
          • Accuracy
            • Nine reservists were detained in connection to allegations of serious abuse of a detainee at the Sde Teiman facility.
            • Israeli authorities began transferring hundreds of Gazan detainees to other military-run facilities in response to a petition before Israel’s Supreme Court challenging the detention center’s legality and calling for its closure due to abuse and torture allegations.
          • Deception (30%)
            The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position of the chaos caused by far-right protesters storming military bases. The article does not provide any context or counterarguments to balance out this perspective. Additionally, there is emotional manipulation through phrases such as 'hours of chaos', 'unrest', and 'domestic turmoil'.
            • The military police investigation into the actions of the nine reservists began several weeks ago after a Hamas operative who was detained at the facility was rushed to a hospital after bleeding from one of his intimate parts of his body, Israeli media reported.
            • The country's military leaders were forced to turn their focus from preparing for a possible strike against Hezbollah that could spark war on another front to protecting their own base from domestic turmoil.
            • Several reports in the Israeli and international press focused on alleged human rights violations at the base, which some human rights organizations called 'the Israeli Guantanamo.' Haaretz reported more than 30 detainees died at the facility since Oct. 7.
          • Fallacies (80%)
            The author makes several appeals to authority by mentioning the statements of various politicians and ministers. This is a fallacy as it does not provide any logical reasoning or evidence for the validity of their claims. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the military bases as 'the Israeli Guantanamo' and referring to Hamas detainees as 'Hamas militants'. This is an emotional appeal that does not add any logical value to the article.
            • ultranationalist ministers Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich and several ministers from Netanyahu’s Likud party issued statements condemning the arrests.
            • They said IDF senior command was humiliating soldiers who are facing terrorists
            • Several members of the unit the reservists were part of joined the protesters while in uniform, armed and wearing face masks.
            • The Israeli police, which is under the authority of minister Ben-Gvir, stayed relatively passive during the riots and didn’t arrest any of the protesters at the two bases.
          • Bias (5%)
            The author uses language that depicts the far-right protesters as 'ultranationalists' and 'extreme right-wing', implying a negative bias towards them. He also describes their actions as 'chaos' and 'domestic turmoil', which could be seen as biased language. The author also mentions that several human rights organizations call the military base where Hamas militants are detained 'the Israeli Guantanamo', which could be seen as an attempt to demonize the military and its actions.
            • extreme right-wing
              • Israeli Guantanamo
                • ultranationalists
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • Far-right activists broke into a military base where soldiers were taken for questioning.
                  • IDF Chief Herzi Halevi condemned the mass break-ins and their impact on the army, Israel’s security, and the war effort.
                  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, President Isaac Herzog criticized the rioting outside Sde Teiman base.
                  • Protests were sparked by arrests of nine IDF soldiers suspected of serious abuse of a Palestinian detainee at Sde Teiman military facility.
                • Accuracy
                  • Nine reservists were detained for questioning on suspicion of serious abuse of a detainee.
                  • Conditions inside Sde Teiman have been described as a 'war crime' and have led to international scrutiny and domestic legal challenges.
                • Deception (0%)
                  The article contains editorializing and selective reporting. The author uses the words 'anarchic scenes', 'mass break-ins', 'rioting', and 'angry condemnation' to describe the actions of the far-right activists, implying chaos and lawlessness. However, no evidence is provided in the article to support these characterizations. Additionally, only details that support the author's position are reported. For example, the fact that several members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ruling coalition took part in the forcible entries is mentioned, but there is no mention of any condemnation or criticism from other politicians or groups. This selective reporting creates a biased and one-sided view of the events.
                  • The anarchic scenes of mass break-ins Monday...
                  • Right-wing lawmakers including National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, Heritage Minister Amichay Eliyahu and Religious Zionism MK Zvi Sukkot whipped their supporters into an angry frenzy...
                • Fallacies (80%)
                  The article contains several instances of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. The author uses the term 'anarchic scenes' and 'angry condemnation' to describe the events at the military bases, implying that they were chaotic and destructive. The author also refers to several politicians, including Netanyahu, Halevi, Gallant, and Herzog as harshly criticizing the rioting. These statements are appeals to authority as they are not direct quotes from these individuals but rather the author's interpretation of their words.
                  • ]Far-right activists on Monday evening broke into a military base[.
                  • ']The anarchic scenes of mass break-ins Monday, fomented by several members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling coalition, some of whom took part in the forcible entries, sparked angry condemnation from IDF chief Herzi Halevi[.
                  • ']Right-wing lawmakers including National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, Heritage Minister Amichay Eliyahu and Religious Zionism MK Zvi Sukkot whipped their supporters into an angry frenzy, calling on them to show up outside Sde Teiman to protest the soldiers’ detention[.
                  • ']Ultranationalists protest against the detention of Israeli reserve soldiers suspected of assaulting a Hamas terrorist, at the Beit Lid military base near Beersheba[.
                • Bias (0%)
                  The article demonstrates clear political bias by labeling the individuals involved as 'far-right activists' and 'far-right politicians'. The author also uses loaded language such as 'anarchic scenes', 'forcible entries', and 'angry condemnation' to depict the actions of these individuals in a negative light. Additionally, the author quotes Netanyahu, Halevi, Gallant, and Herzog expressing their condemnation of the rioting but does not provide any context or counterbalance to this with statements from those defending the actions of the 'far-right activists'. This creates an imbalanced perspective in favor of those condemning the riots.
                  • anarchic scenes
                    • angry condemnation
                      • far-right activists
                        • far-right politicians
                          • forcible entries
                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication


                          • Unique Points
                            • Far-right lawmakers and protesters breached the perimeter of a detention facility for Palestinians, protesting an investigation into alleged abuse of a prisoner by Israeli soldiers at Sde Teiman base in Israel's Negev desert.
                            • Crowds first gathered at Sde Teiman after the IDF said its Military Police Criminal Investigation Division (MPCID) was formally looking into the ‘suspected substantial abuse of a detainee’ at the facility.
                            • In a CNN investigation released in May, Israeli whistleblowers as well as Palestinian former detainees and eyewitnesses described widespread abuse at Sde Teiman, including blindfolding, extreme physical restraint, and prolonged handcuffing leading to severe injuries.
                          • Accuracy
                            • Far-right lawmakers and protesters breached the perimeter of a detention facility for Palestinians, protesting an investigation into alleged abuse of a prisoner by Israeli soldiers.
                            • Nine reservists were detained in connection to allegations of serious abuse of a detainee at the Sde Teiman facility.
                          • Deception (50%)
                            The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position of the far-right lawmakers breaking into Israeli detention camps. The article does not provide any context or counterarguments from those who may disagree with this action. Additionally, there is emotional manipulation through phrases such as 'chaotic scenes,' 'stark illustration,' and 'growing trend of hostility.'
                            • Another video showed people crowding the perimeter of the base as guards held them back.
                            • Noam Goldberg, a correspondent with Israel’s Channel 13, was on the ground covering the protest and told CNN that protestors attacked her cameraman and shouted and cursed at her and her crew.
                            • The scenes were a stark illustration of the complex partisan divisions coursing though Israel at a time when its current government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu relies on support from far-right parties
                          • Fallacies (85%)
                            The author makes an appeal to authority when quoting Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemning the breach of the military bases. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the actions of the far-right lawmakers and protesters as 'chaotic scenes' and 'dangerous criminality'. No formal fallacies were found.
                            • ]Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on X the incident “plays into our enemies’ hands during war time.”
                            • Netanyahu called for immediate calm at Sde Teiman and condemned the break-in at the base in a statement on Monday.
                            • The scenes were a stark illustration of the complex partisan divisions coursing though Israel...
                            • Opposition leader Yair Lapid also condemned the breach, criticizing the “dangerous criminality of (Knesset members) who weaken and dismantle the IDF, weaken and dismantle the state of Israel, gnawing away at the foundations of our power from within.”
                          • Bias (80%)
                            The author uses language that depicts the far-right lawmakers and protesters as breaching the perimeter of a controversial Israeli detention facility and clashing with security forces. The author also describes the scenes at the military bases as chaotic and illustrative of complex partisan divisions in Israel. While not overtly biased, this language does lean towards portraying the far-right lawmakers and protesters in a negative light.
                            • chaotic scenes at the Sde Teiman base
                              • protesters clashing with security forces while inside the base at Beit Lid
                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication