Israeli Military Accused of Using Wounded Palestinians as Human Shields: Latest Incident Involves Mujahid Ballas in Wadi Burqin

Jenin, West Bank Palestine, State of
Human rights groups criticize Israeli military-justice system for lack of accountability for soldiers' actions
International law prohibits use of civilians as human shields during armed conflicts
Israeli military accused of using wounded Palestinian, Mujahid Ballas, as human shield in Wadi Burqin on June 22, 2024
Over 500 Palestinians killed by Israeli troops or settlers since October 2023
Israeli Military Accused of Using Wounded Palestinians as Human Shields: Latest Incident Involves Mujahid Ballas in Wadi Burqin

Israeli military forces have come under scrutiny after videos emerged showing wounded Palestinians being transported on the hoods of military vehicles during operations in the occupied West Bank. The latest incident occurred on Saturday, June 22, when Israeli troops tied a Palestinian man identified as Mujahid Ballas to the top of a military vehicle following a firefight between Palestinian militants and Israeli soldiers in Wadi Burqin near Jenin. The video of this incident quickly went viral and sparked outrage among human rights groups and Palestinians, who condemned the act as a violation of international law. According to reports, Mujahid Ballas was later handed over to the Palestinian Red Crescent for medical care.

This is not an isolated incident. Since October 2023, more than 500 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank by Israeli troops or settlers. The Israeli military has carried out numerous raids in Jenin and other areas, leading to clashes between Palestinian militants and Israeli forces. Human rights groups have regularly criticized Israel's military-justice system for failing to hold soldiers accountable for such actions.

The use of wounded Palestinians as human shields is a clear violation of international law, which prohibits the use of civilians as human shields during armed conflicts. The Israeli military has yet to comment on the incident or provide an explanation for why this action was taken. An investigation into the matter has been promised by the Israeli military.

It is important to note that all parties involved in this conflict have a responsibility to uphold international law and protect civilians from harm. The use of human shields, regardless of who is using them, is a serious violation of human rights and cannot be condoned.



  • Is there any evidence that Israeli military intentionally used Ballas as a human shield, or was it an unintended action?
  • Was Mujahid Ballas a combatant or civilian at the time of being used as a human shield?



  • Unique Points
    • Israeli troops tied a wounded Palestinian, identified as Mujahid Ballas, to the top of a military vehicle during an operation in the occupied West Bank on Saturday morning.
    • Mujahid Ballas was arrested after a firefight between Palestinian militants and Israeli soldiers in Wadi Burqin.
  • Accuracy
    • Israeli troops tied a wounded Palestinian, identified as Mujahid Ballas or Mujahid Azmi or Fayyad, to the top of a military vehicle during an operation in the occupied West Bank.
    • The wounded Palestinian man was handed over to the Red Crescent for medical care after being shot and burned from lying on the vehicle's hood in the sun.
  • Deception (95%)
    The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position of condemning the Israeli military for tying a wounded Palestinian to a vehicle. The article does not mention any context or justification for the military operation or why the soldiers may have tied the Palestinian to the vehicle. This creates an incomplete and biased view of events.
    • Although the Israeli military said it would investigate, human rights groups have regularly criticized the country’s military-justice system, which they say rarely indicts or convicts those accused of inappropriate violence against Palestinians.
    • The act violated military procedure and there will be an investigation, the military said.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Israeli military is investigating an incident in which a wounded Palestinian man was strapped to an Israeli military jeep during operations in Jenin.
    • At least 553 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank by Israeli troops or settlers since the war began, according to Palestinian officials.
  • Accuracy
    • ,
    • Israeli troops tied a wounded Palestinian, identified as Mujahid Ballas or Azmi or Fayyad, to the top of a military vehicle during an operation in the occupied West Bank.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position of condemning the Israeli military for transporting a wounded Palestinian man on the hood of a military jeep. The article does not mention any context about why the Palestinian was suspected of being a terrorist or involved in any violent activities. Additionally, there is emotional manipulation as the article quotes and emphasizes statements from family members that portray their cousin as an innocent victim, without providing any evidence to support their claims.
    • Azmi claimed Israeli troops shot his cousin, who he says was left bleeding in the road for hours before they beat him and then placed him on the hood of the vehicle.
    • He said that his cousin was not involved in any terrorism activities.
    • The Israeli military confirmed the incident on Saturday, saying the action was ‘in violation of orders and standard operating procedures’ and would be investigated.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The author makes an appeal to emotion when quoting the cousin of the Palestinian man stating 'This is not acceptable to us or anyone else, nor anyone who fears God.' This statement does not provide any logical argument against the actions of the Israeli military and is therefore a fallacy.
    • This is not acceptable to us or anyone else, nor anyone who fears God,
  • Bias (80%)
    The author uses language that depicts the Israeli military's actions as extreme or unreasonable by describing the incident as 'in violation of orders and standard operating procedures' and stating that 'This is not acceptable to us or anyone else, nor anyone who fears God.'
    • > The Israeli military confirmed the incident on Saturday, saying the action was ‘in violation of orders and standard operating procedures’ <
      • > This is not acceptable to us or anyone else, nor anyone who fears God <
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are investigating an incident in which soldiers strapped a wounded Palestinian man, identified as Mujahid Azmi or Fayyad, to the bonnet of a military vehicle during a raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin.
        • According to Azmi’s family, there was an arrest raid during which he was injured and when the family asked for an ambulance, the army took him, strapped him to the bonnet and drove off.
        • Medics at Jenin’s Ibn Sina hospital said Azmi was being treated there.
        • The UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, condemned the incident and accused the IDF of using Azmi as a human shield.
      • Accuracy
        • Israeli troops tied a wounded Palestinian, identified as Mujahid Ballas, to the top of a military vehicle during an operation in the occupied West Bank on Saturday morning.
        • Israeli forces tied a wounded Palestinian man, Mujahed Azmi, to the hood of a military vehicle during a raid on Jenin in the occupied West Bank.
      • Deception (30%)
        The article contains selective reporting and emotional manipulation. The author only reports details that support the UN Special Rapporteur's accusation of human shielding without providing any context or counter-perspective from the Israeli military. The author also uses emotionally charged language in quoting the UN Special Rapporteur, which can manipulate readers' emotions.
        • The UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, condemned the incident and accused the IDF of using the wounded man as a human shield.
        • According to Azmi’s family, there was an arrest raid, during which he was injured, and when the family asked for an ambulance, the army took him, strapped him to the bonnet and drove off.
        • The Israel Defense Forces have said they are investigating an incident in which soldiers strapped a wounded Palestinian man to the bonnet of a military vehicle during a raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on Saturday.
      • Fallacies (80%)
        The author makes an appeal to authority with the quote from Francesca Albanese. This lowers the score.
        • “Human shielding in action,” she wrote on X. “It is flabbergasting how a state born 76 years ago has managed to turn international law literally on its head. This risks being the end of multilateralism, which for some influential member states no longer serves any relevant purpose.”
      • Bias (80%)
        The author, Peter Beaumont, expresses a clear bias against the Israeli military by using strong language such as 'turn international law literally on its head' and 'risks being the end of multilateralism'. He also quotes Francesca Albanese making similar statements without providing any counterargument or balance. The article does not provide any context or explanation for these statements, which could give readers a biased view of the situation.
        • It is flabbergasting how a state born 76 years ago has managed to turn international law literally on its head.
          • This risks being the end of multilateralism, which for some influential member states no longer serves any relevant purpose.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • Israeli forces tied a wounded Palestinian man, Mujahed Azmi, to the hood of a military vehicle during a raid on Jenin in the occupied West Bank.
            • ,
          • Accuracy
            • Israeli forces tied a wounded Palestinian man, Mujahed Azmi or Mujahid Ballas, to the hood or bonnet of a military vehicle during a raid on Jenin in the occupied West Bank.
            • The Israeli military acknowledged that this conduct violated their standard operating procedures and promised an investigation.
            • Israeli soldiers refused to hand over Azmi or Ballas to ambulance personnel and instead strapped him onto their jeep and drove off.
          • Deception (30%)
            The article reports on an incident where Israeli forces are accused of using a wounded Palestinian man as a human shield by strapping him to the hood of their military jeep. The author provides quotes from various sources including family members, ambulance drivers, and UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese. However, the author also includes editorializing and emotional manipulation in their reporting. The title itself is emotionally manipulative with the phrase 'Human shielding in action'. Additionally, the author's statement 'It is flabbergasting how a state born 76 years ago has managed to turn international law literally on its head' is an opinionated statement that goes beyond just reporting the facts. The author also selectively reports details that support their position, such as quoting Francesca Albanese's tweet and condemnations from CAIR and David Des Roches, while ignoring any potential context or counterarguments.
            • It is flabbergasting how a state born 76 years ago has managed to turn international law literally on its head.
            • The reaction of the Israeli military to this is going to be very telling, and, again, if the soldiers who did this are not disciplined appropriately, you can make the argument that this will be viewed as a licence for other people to do this.
            • These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped. American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians.
          • Fallacies (80%)
            The author makes an appeal to authority with the quotes from Francesca Albanese and CAIR. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric with phrases like 'massacres' and 'genocide'.
            • “It is flabbergasting how a state born 76 years ago has managed to turn international law literally on its head.” - Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt
            • “These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped. American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians.” - Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's national communications director
          • Bias (0%)
            The author Al Jazeera uses language that depicts the Israeli soldiers as extreme or unreasonable by describing their actions as 'human shielding in action' and 'evolving into policy'. They also quote Francesca Albanese, who makes a similar statement and calls for the end of multilateralism.
            • It is flabbergasting how a state born 76 years ago has managed to turn international law literally on its head.
              • This risks being the end of multilateralism, which for some influential member states no longer serves any relevant purpose.
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication