Jennifer Garner Shares Message of Hope Amidst Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez Divorce Rumors: 'This Too Shall Pass'

Beverly Hills, California, USA United States of America
Affleck and Lopez have been facing divorce rumors after spending less time together in public
Affleck and Lopez married in 2022 but have reportedly been experiencing difficulties within their marriage
Garner posted a poem titled 'it gets better' by Cleo Wade with the line 'this too shall pass'
Garner's message encourages looking up at the night sky for comfort and trusting that 'this too shall pass'
Jennifer Garner shared a message of hope on Instagram amidst Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez divorce rumors
Jennifer Garner Shares Message of Hope Amidst Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez Divorce Rumors: 'This Too Shall Pass'

Jennifer Garner, the ex-wife of Ben Affleck, shared a message of hope and resilience on her Instagram story as rumors swirled about the status of his relationship with Jennifer Lopez.

Garner posted a poem titled 'it gets better' by Cleo Wade, which opens with the line 'you will not have the blues forever.' The poem continues to encourage looking up at the night sky and finding comfort in its vastness and changeability. It ends with the line 'this too shall pass.'

Garner also shared a video of Whitney Houston singing 'Where Do Broken Hearts Go.'

Meanwhile, Affleck and Lopez have been facing divorce rumors after being spotted spending less time together in public. They previously dated in 2002 while filming Gigli but broke off their engagement and parted ways in early 2004.

Affleck and Lopez married in 2022, but reports have suggested that they have been experiencing difficulties within their marriage. The couple has not directly addressed the rumors.

In addition to the divorce speculation, Affleck and Lopez are reportedly selling their $60 million Beverly Hills mansion amidst swirling rumors of a split.

Garner's message of hope comes as her ex-husband navigates these personal challenges. The poem encourages looking up at the night sky, finding comfort in its vastness and changeability, and trusting that 'this too shall pass.'




  • It is unclear if Affleck and Lopez have directly addressed the divorce rumors
  • The sources for this article are not peer-reviewed or officially confirmed



  • Unique Points
    • Jennifer Lopez cancelled her US tour for 'This is Me Now'
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (90%)
    The article contains several informal fallacies and a dichotomous depiction. The authors use inflammatory rhetoric by implying that Jennifer Lopez's decision to wear her wedding ring despite rumors of divorce is significant and determined. They also create a false dilemma by suggesting that wearing the ring means she is in denial or unwilling to face the truth about her marriage. However, there are no formal fallacies present in the article.
    • In spite of the swirling conjecture that Jennifer and Ben are on the brink of divorce, Jennifer determinedly kept his ring on for her latest outing.
    • Amid rumors that 'divorce is imminent' for the pair, a source told TMZ that their relator has been 'showing the house for around 2 weeks' but has not secured a buyer yet.
    • The move has sparked speculation that the 17-bedroom, 43,000square foot property is set to be put quietly back on the market.
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are selling their marital home
    • They have been looking for a new house for J Lo
    • Ben has already moved out of the house and is renting in Brentwood
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (30%)
    The article makes several assertions without providing any concrete evidence to support them. The author claims that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are getting a divorce based on their selling of their marital home, but there is no mention of any official filing or statement from either party confirming this. The author also states that 'our sources say' J Lo is already looking for a new house, but again, there is no evidence provided to support this claim. Additionally, the article uses emotional manipulation by implying that the couple's marriage is in deep trouble and that they are taking a significant financial loss by selling their home.
    • J Lo and Ben are clearly heading down the path of divorce, because TMZ has learned they are quietly trying to sell the home they bought after they married.
    • Our sources say J Lo is already looking for a new house.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy and a dichotomous depiction. The appeal to authority comes from the statement 'Multiple sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ...'. This is problematic because it relies on the credibility of unnamed sources rather than presenting evidence for their claims. The dichotomous depiction is seen in the phrase 'J Lo and Ben are clearly heading down the path of divorce' which presents only two options: they are either selling their home because they are getting a divorce or they are staying together which would be inconsistent with selling their marital home. This oversimplifies a complex situation.
    • Multiple sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ...
    • J Lo and Ben are clearly heading down the path of divorce
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Jennifer Garner shared a poem titled 'it gets better' on her Instagram story
    • The poem was written by Cleo Wade and opens with the line 'you will not have the blues forever'
    • The poem continues with the lines 'forever is the only thing that lasts forever', 'when the night sky falls upon you, look up at her, see the darkness and the vastness of her hues', and 'hold your eyes steady on her, watch, the sun sneak in, see how even she, the great big sky, changes with the new day'
    • The poem ends with the line 'this too shall pass'
    • Jennifer Garner also shared a video of Whitney Houston singing 'Where Do Broken Hearts Go'
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (95%)
    The author does not commit any formal or informal fallacies in this article. However, there are some instances of appeals to emotion and a dichotomous depiction of the situation between Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez. The poem shared by Jennifer Garner is an appeal to emotion as it aims to evoke feelings of positivity and hope during difficult times. The dichotomous depiction can be seen in the contrasting descriptions of the relationship between Affleck and Lopez being a 'whirlwind of love' at first, but now 'hard' due to real life setting in. This creates a simplistic and misleading portrayal of their situation.
    • ][author] Something definitely seems to be up.[//
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have hired a realtor to sell their $60 million marital home amid divorce rumors.
    • Lopez has hired a crisis PR team to help her navigate public backlash during the potential divorce.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position of a pending divorce between Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. The author also uses emotional manipulation by implying public backlash against Jennifer Lopez and stating that she is taking steps to protect herself. Additionally, there are multiple instances of sensationalism with phrases like 'imminent divorce' and 'rough patch' being used.
    • The writing is on the wall – it’s over,
    • Amid claims from insiders that ‘a divorce is imminent’ between Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck,
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck married in 2022 after reuniting one year earlier.
    • They previously dated in 2002 while filming Gigli, but broke off their engagement and parted ways in early 2004.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication