Jerry Seinfeld's Commencement Speech Met with Protests at Duke University: A Divisive Moment on Israel and Palestine

Durham, North Carolina United States of America
Jerry Seinfeld gave commencement speech at Duke University on May 12, 2024
Protesters carried Palestinian flags and chanted 'Free Palestine' during Seinfeld's speech
Seinfeld has been vocal about his support for Israel following Hamas attack in October 2023
Seinfeld smiled and continued his speech after the interruption
Similar protests occurred at other universities around the country
Jerry Seinfeld's Commencement Speech Met with Protests at Duke University: A Divisive Moment on Israel and Palestine

Sunday, May 12, 2024 was a significant day for students at Duke University as they held their commencement ceremony. The event attracted attention not just for the achievements of the graduating students but also for the controversy that unfolded during the ceremony. Jerry Seinfeld, a renowned comedian and actor, was invited to deliver the commencement speech. Seinfeld is known for his support of Israel, a fact that would soon lead to an unexpected turn of events at Duke University.

As Seinfeld took the stage, dozens of students walked out in protest. The protesters carried Palestinian flags and chanted “Free Palestine”. Some members of the crowd booed the protesters while others cheered for Jerry Seinfeld. The walkout was a response to Seinfeld’s support for Israel, a topic that has been heavily debated in recent times.

Seinfeld, known for his ability to handle awkward moments on stage, took the interruption in stride. He smiled tensely as the protesters left and later defended various types of privilege during his speech. In a subtle reference to the elephant in the room, he said: “I grew up a Jewish boy from New York. That is a privilege if you want to be a comedian.”

The protest at Duke University is not an isolated incident. Around the same time, similar disruptions were reported at other universities across the country during their commencement ceremonies. At Virginia Commonwealth University, for instance, students walked out during Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin’s speech in support of Palestinians.

Seinfeld has been vocal about his support for Israel following the Hamas attack in October last year. He traveled to a kibbutz in December to meet with hostages’ families, further cementing his stance on the issue.

In conclusion, Jerry Seinfeld's commencement speech at Duke University was met with mixed reactions. While some students and members of the crowd booed the protesters, others sympathized with their cause. The incident highlights the ongoing debate around Israel and Palestine and serves as a reminder that even in moments of celebration, political differences can surface.



  • Was there any violence during the protest?
  • Were all the protesters carrying Palestinian flags?
  • What was Seinfeld's exact stance on Israel and Palestine in his speech?



  • Unique Points
    • Dozens of students walked out on Jerry Seinfeld’s commencement speech at Duke University on Sunday.
    • Students left to protest Israel’s war in Gaza as Duke president Vincent Price introduced the comedian.
    • Seinfeld has publicly supported Israel following the Hamas attack and traveled to a kibbutz in December to meet with hostages’ families.
    • Some students booed and waved Palestinian flags while others cheered ‘Jerry! Jerry!’
    • Gaza-supporting students chanted ‘Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest.’ at Duke’s stadium.
    • An estimated 100 students and family members left Virginia Commonwealth University’s ceremony during Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin’s speech in support of Palestinians.
    • A student held up a Palestinian flag during the commencement ceremony at the University of Texas, Austin, and was escorted off by security.
    • A small group of pro-Palestinian demonstrators began waving flags and chanting during commencement at the University of California, Berkeley.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (30%)
    The article reports on students protesting during commencement speeches at various universities. The author does not make any editorializing or pontification statements, but she does use emotional manipulation by describing the booing and cheering of the students. She also uses selective reporting by only mentioning protests against Israel and ignoring any counter-protests or opposing viewpoints. Additionally, there is no disclosure of sources in the article.
    • At Duke’s rival school, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, pro-Gaza demonstrators splattered red paint on the steps of a building hours ahead of the school’s commencement ceremony and chanted on campus while students wearing light blue graduation gowns posed for photos.
    • Some students could be heard booing as they waved Palestinian flags while others cheered: ‘Jerry! Jerry!’
    • An estimated 100 students and family members left Virginia Commonwealth University’s ceremony during Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin’s speech in a show of support for Palestinians, while others held signs signaling opposition to his policies on education.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the students' actions as 'disrupting' and 'ruining' the commencement ceremonies. She also makes a dichotomous depiction by portraying the students as violent protestors and those who oppose them as innocent graduates.
    • The latest headlines from our reporters across the US sent straight to your inbox each weekdayYour briefing on the latest headlines from across the US Dozens of students walked out on Jerry Seinfeld at Duke University on Sunday as he was about to deliver the commencement speech. (Fallacy: Inflammatory Rhetoric)
    • At Duke’s rival school, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, pro-Gaza demonstrators splattered red paint on the steps of a building hours ahead of the school’s commencement ceremony and chanted on campus while students wearing light blue graduation gowns posed for photos. (Fallacy: Dichotomous Depiction)
    • An estimated 100 students and family members left Virginia Commonwealth University’s ceremony during Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin’s speech in a show of support for Palestinians, while others held signs signaling opposition to his policies on education. (Fallacy: Inflammatory Rhetoric)
    • At the University of Texas, Austin, a student held up a Palestinian flag during a commencement ceremony and refused to leave the stage briefly before being escorted off by security. (Fallacy: Dichotomous Depiction)
    • UC Berkeley Law School graduates wear T-shirts that read ‘UC DIVEST’ as a form of protest during the UC Berkeley Law School commencement at the Greek Theater in Berkeley on Friday. (Fallacy: Inflammatory Rhetoric)
  • Bias (90%)
    The author does not express any bias in the article. However, she reports on students protesting against Jerry Seinfeld's speech due to his support for Israel during the ongoing conflict in Gaza. The author does not express any opinion or take a side regarding this issue. However, some of the quotes from students and their actions can be perceived as biased towards Palestine. Therefore, I cannot give a score of 100 since there is some bias present in the article but it comes from the quoted individuals and not the author.
    • Dozen of students walked out on Jerry Seinfeld at Duke University on Sunday as he was about to deliver the commencement speech. Some students could be heard booing as they waved Palestinian flags while others cheered: ‘Jerry! Jerry!’
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Jerry Seinfeld's latest project is a Netflix film called Unfrosted.
    • Accuracy
      • Jerry Seinfeld's commencement speech at Duke University was disrupted by student protests
      • Students chanted 'free free Palestine' and unfurled Palestinian flags before leaving the stadium
      • Seinfeld has been vocal about his support for Israel and has been criticized for his views on PC culture and televised comedy
    • Deception (30%)
      The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position of Seinfeld's controversial comments and student protests. The author also uses emotional manipulation by implying that Seinfeld's views are out of touch and divisive, which may evoke strong emotions from readers. Additionally, the article implies facts without linking to peer-reviewed studies or retracted studies regarding the situation in Gaza.
      • Some might argue, however, that the issue hasn’t been the quantity, but the quality: In an interview with The New Yorker, the 70-year-old confoundingly claimed that ‘the extreme left and P.C. crap’ has killed televised comedy.
      • The rallying cries appeared to come from both the soon-to-be-graduates seated on Brooks Field as well as folks in the surrounding rows at Wallace Wade Stadium.
      • The comic, who is the parent of two Duke students and whom the New York Times describes as an ‘active booster’ of the school, has been a vocal supporter of Israel since the October 7 attack on the country by Hamas; his wife also made headlines for actively funding an ultimately violent pro-Israel counterprotest at UCLA last week.
    • Fallacies (85%)
      The author makes an appeal to authority by quoting The Daily Beast and WRAL without providing any context or criticism of their reporting. She also uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing Seinfeld's comments as 'frustration' and 'new wave of frustration.'
      • “Another video shows be-gowned students standing, unfurling Palestinian flags, and leaving the stadium as Seinfeld prepared to speak.”
      • “The Times reports that when Seinfeld was announced as this year’s speaker, students such as PhD program grad the Rev. Dr. Stefan Weathers Sr. wrote to Price to oppose Seinfeld’s planned appearance, characterizing the ongoing war in Gaza as “genocide.”
    • Bias (80%)
      The author expresses a clear bias against Jerry Seinfeld by implying that his support for Israel and his comments on political correctness have caused frustration and anger towards him. The author also quotes students who are protesting Seinfeld's speech due to his views on Israel, characterizing their actions as 'boiling over' and 'frustration with the comedian'. The author does not provide any counter-arguments or evidence to challenge the students' perspective, further emphasizing her bias.
      • According to The Daily Beast, the livestream of the graduation ceremony cut away from the protest as it occurred.
        • Speaking with the NYT, Weathers warned that ‘There won’t be a business-as-usual commencement taking place,’ as students were poised to ‘lift up their voices any way they can.’
          • Students such as PhD program grad the Rev. Dr. Stefan Weathers Sr. wrote to Price to oppose Seinfeld’s planned appearance, characterizing the ongoing war in Gaza as ‘genocide.’
            • That aggravation boiled over today, in the form of a student walkout at Duke University’s graduation, just as the Seinfeld star took the stage to deliver the school’s commencement speech.
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication


            • Unique Points
              • Jerry Seinfeld grew up as a Jewish boy from New York, which he described as a privilege for a comedian
            • Accuracy
              • Dozens of students walked out during the ceremony and chanted 'Free Palestine'
              • Students left to protest Israel's war in Gaza as Duke president Vincent Price introduced the comedian.
              • Protestors chanted 'Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest'
            • Deception (50%)
              The article reports on students protesting Jerry Seinfeld's commencement speech at Duke University by chanting 'Free Palestine'. The authors do not provide any context or information about why the students are protesting this particular speaker or what their specific grievances are. This is an example of selective reporting, as the article only reports details that support the authors' position (the protests) and omits important context that would give readers a full understanding of the situation. Additionally, there is emotional manipulation in the way the article frames Seinfeld's reaction to the protests as 'handling awkward moments onstage' and 'smiling tensely', implying that he was unfazed by the protests when in reality, it is not clear how he felt about them.
              • Dozens of students walked out and chanted, ‘Free Palestine.’ Some also chanted Mr. Seinfeld’s name during the walkout.
              • The initial reception he faced at Duke University’s commencement on Sunday reflected a more complicated audience than usual.
            • Fallacies (95%)
              The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when it states 'Many in the crowd jeered the protesters.' This is an appeal to popularity fallacy as the author is implying that because a majority of people in the crowd were jeering, it makes the protesters' actions or beliefs invalid. However, this does not logically follow.
              • Many in the crowd jeered the protesters.
            • Bias (80%)
              The authors use the phrase 'dozens of students walked out and chanted, Free Palestine.' This is an example of bias as it depicts the protesters in a negative light by implying that they are extreme or unreasonable for protesting during a commencement ceremony. It also implies that their cause, supporting Palestine, is not valid.
              • dozens of students walked out and chanted, Free Palestine.
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • Victor, a student from Nigeria, graduated with his master’s degree and was proud of the achievement for himself and his family.
                • Romina Sequeira, a first-generation college student, felt the weight of the moment as she graduated.
              • Accuracy
                • Some students left to protest Israel's war in Gaza as Duke president Vincent Price introduced the comedian.
                • Students left to protest Israel’s war in Gaza as Duke president Vincent Price introduced the comedian.
                • Protests occurred during Seinfeld’s introduction by school president Vincent Price.
              • Deception (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Fallacies (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Bias (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication