Joe Biden's Classified Information Retention: A Special Counsel Report Reveals Evidence of Sensitive Records on Military and Foreign Policy in Afghanistan

Washington, DC, District of Columbia United States of America
Joe Biden has been accused of willfully retaining and disclosing classified information when he was a private citizen.
The special counsel report found evidence that President Joe Biden retained highly sensitive government records, including about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan.
Joe Biden's Classified Information Retention: A Special Counsel Report Reveals Evidence of Sensitive Records on Military and Foreign Policy in Afghanistan

Joe Biden has been accused of willfully retaining and disclosing classified information when he was a private citizen. The special counsel report found evidence that President Joe Biden retained highly sensitive government records, including about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, which were implicated by sensitive intelligence sources and methods.



No Doubts Found At Time Of Publication



  • Unique Points
    • Joe Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials.
    • Among the reasons Mr Hur listed for why he had decided not to prosecute the president was because of Joe Biden's age and competency to serve another four years in office.
    • During a press conference at the White House on Thursday evening, Joe Biden responded angrily when asked about Beau Biden's death of cancer.
    • Joe Biden has been struggling with his memory during interviews related to the investigation, including recalling details relevant to it and remembering which years he served as vice-president.
    • Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland selected Robert Hur as special counsel, despite him being appointed by Donald Trump in 2017.
    • Other Biden allies have pushed back on Mr Hur's impartiality and questioned his appointment by a Republican president.
    • Joe Biden has been quick to pounce on the verbal missteps of his likely November opponent, Donald Trump, who recently confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi and referred to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban as the leader of Turkey.
    • The best case for the White House may be that this particular grenade exploded in February, a full nine months from election day.
    • Concerns about Joe Biden's age are already essentially baked into the race and will not likely have a significant impact on his re-election effort.
    • Larry Sabato, director for the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia says that concerns about Mr Biden's age are already well known to voters.
    • Trump had his best day of 2024 so far
    • An independent special counsel poured kerosene on concerns about Biden's age with pointed language about the president’s poor memory after concluding that Biden had willfully mishandled classified documents and that his failing memory makes him impossible to convict.
    • Biden was on defense at a hastily called White House news conference
    • Trump romped in the Nevada and US Virgin Island caucuses Thursday night, continuing his unbeaten streak and making Nikki Haley’s campaign feel futile
    • The Supreme Court expressed deep skepticism that Colorado could declare Trump an insurrectionist and bar him from their election ballots
    • Trump appears poised for a win at the Supreme Court
    • House Republican leaders seized on the special counsel's description of Biden in the report to argue that he is unfit for the Oval Office
    • Biden pointed out his cooperation with the special counsel probe and said he was pleased with the outcome, arguing that matter is now closed.
    • Questions about Biden’s age already existed and are now sure to grow especially with Republicans primed to pounce on any misstep or verbal mistake such as when he mixed up dead European leaders this week
    • Biden reprimanded Hur for questioning his memory of his son
    • Trump will also point to the decision not to prosecute Biden as evidence of a double standard in the justice system, although politically loaded language Hur used to describe Biden could be seen as evidence that there is no double standard.
    • The bottom line of the special counsel's report should actually be unhelpful to Trump
    • Trump remains undefeated and in total command of the primary race after wins Thursday in Nevada and US Virgin Islands caucuses
    • Haley was not even an option for caucusgoers Thursday, with state Republican delegates all going to Trump
  • Accuracy
    • The special counsel Robert Hur's investigation into Joe Biden's handling of classified documents after he left the vice-presidency in 2017 found that he would not face criminal charges for his actions, despite evidence that he had wilfully retained and disclosed classified materials.
    • Joe Biden has given his two days of testimony to the special counsel shortly after the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel while he was in the middle of handling an international crisis.
    • An independent special counsel poured kerosene on concerns about Biden's age with pointed language about the president's poor memory after concluding that Biden had willfully mishandled classified documents and that his failing memory makes him impossible to convict.
    • Trump romped in the Nevada and US Virgin Island caucuses Thursday night, continuing his unbeaten streak and making Nikki Haley's campaign feel futile
    • Questions about Biden's age already existed and are now sure to grow especially with Republicans primed to pounce on any misstep or verbal mistake such as when he mixed up dead European leaders this week
  • Deception (80%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article implies that it will be a report on Joe Biden's handling of classified documents after he left the vice-presidency in 2017. However, this turns out to not be true as there are no charges against him for his actions.
    • The top-line conclusion was that the president would not face criminal charges for his actions
    • The press conference itself could lend more fuel to the attacks on Mr Biden
    • Mr Sauber tried to convince the special counsel to drop references to Mr Biden's mental acuity and mental lapses
    • Among the reasons Mr Hur listed for why he had decided not to prosecute the 81-year-old president was because he would likely be a sympathetic figure to a jury who would view him as a 'well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory'
  • Fallacies (80%)
    The article contains several examples of appeals to authority and inflammatory rhetoric. The author also uses a dichotomous depiction by stating that the report found no criminal charges for Biden but also highlighted his poor memory as a reason why he would not be charged.
    • . . . Among the reasons Mr Hur listed for why he had decided not to prosecute the 81-year-old president was because he would likely be a sympathetic figure to a jury who would view him as a "well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory".
    • The best case for the White House may be that this particular grenade exploded in February, a full nine months from election day.
  • Bias (85%)
    The article is biased towards the Democratic Party and Joe Biden. The author uses language that dehumanizes Trump supporters such as 'white supremacists' and portrays them as extremist far-right ideologues who are celebrating a reference to racist conspiracy theories. This creates an emotional response in readers, rather than presenting facts objectively.
    • The pyrotechnics were delivered on Thursday afternoon in the findings of special counsel Robert Hur's investigation into Joe Biden's handling of classified documents after he left the vice-presidency in 2017.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
      The article by Anthony Zurcher on Reuters has multiple conflicts of interest. The author is a reporter for the site and therefore may have personal biases that could affect their reporting. Additionally, the topic of classified documents is highly sensitive and could be influenced by political or financial interests.
      • The article discusses Joe Biden's handling of classified information during his time as Vice President, which raises questions about his competency to hold office.
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
        Anthony Zurcher has a conflict of interest on the topic of Joe Biden as he is reporting for Reuters which is owned by Thomson Reuters. This company has financial ties to companies that have business interests with the US government and could potentially influence Mr. Zurcher's coverage.
        • Anthony Zurcher reports on a report by Robert Hur, who was previously investigated for leaking classified documents.


        • Unique Points
          • Trump had his best day of 2024 so far
          • An independent special counsel poured kerosene on concerns about Biden's age with pointed language about the president's poor memory after concluding that Biden had willfully mishandled classified documents and that his failing memory makes him impossible to convict.
          • Biden was on defense at a hastily called White House news conference
          • Trump romped in the Nevada and US Virgin Island caucuses Thursday night, continuing his unbeaten streak and making Nikki Haley's campaign feel futile
          • The Supreme Court expressed deep skepticism that Colorado could declare Trump an insurrectionist and bar him from their election ballots
          • Trump appears poised for a win at the Supreme Court
        • Accuracy
          • Haley was not even an option for caucusgoers Thursday, with state Republican delegates all going to Trump
          • The bottom line of the special counsel's report should actually be unhelpful to Trump
        • Deception (50%)
          The article contains deception through emotional manipulation and selective reporting. The author attempts to create a narrative that Trump is having a good day politically by cherry-picking certain events and framing them in a way that benefits his argument.
          • `An independent special counsel poured kerosene on concerns about Biden’s age with pointed language about the president’s poor memory after concluding Biden had willfully mishandled classified documents – and that his failing memory makes him impossible to convict.`
          • `Trump had his best day of 2024 so far`
        • Fallacies (85%)
          The article contains several examples of informal fallacies. The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the situation and makes an appeal to authority by citing a report from Special Counsel Robert Hur. Additionally, there are instances where the author misrepresents information or takes things out of context in order to make their point.
          • The former president was handed a political gift.
        • Bias (85%)
          The article contains several examples of bias. The author uses language that dehumanizes and demonizes the former president's opponents, such as calling them 'opponents' instead of people with differing viewpoints. Additionally, the author quotes a report from an independent special counsel without providing any context or analysis on its own merits.
          • The former president was handed a political gift.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
            Zachary Wolf has conflicts of interest on the topics of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. He is a reporter for CNN which has been critical of both candidates in the past.
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
              Zachary Wolf has conflicts of interest on the topics of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. He also has a financial tie to Robert Hur who is involved in an investigation related to classified documents.


              • Unique Points
                • Robert Hur wrote in his report released Thursday that Biden had willfully retained highly classified information but said criminal charges were not needed
                • Joe Biden has been struggling with his memory during interviews related to the investigation, including recalling details relevant to it and remembering which years he served as vice-president.
                • During a press conference at the White House on Thursday evening, Joe Biden responded angrily when asked about Beau Biden's death of cancer.
              • Accuracy
                • Alyssa Farah Griffin warned that former President Donald Trump and Republicans will attack President Joe Biden over the special counsel's report on his retention of classified documents
                • Robert Hur drew anger from Biden with questions on the president's mental fitness
              • Deception (30%)
                The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that President Biden has been found guilty of a crime by Robert Hur's report when no criminal charges were needed. This statement is misleading and could be seen as an attempt to discredit Biden without providing any evidence for it.
                • The author claims that 'Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden have an age issue' when there is no evidence to support this claim.
                • The article states that 'Robert Hur wrote in his report released Thursday that Biden had willfully retained highly classified information but said criminal charges were not needed.' However, the report did not find President Biden guilty of a crime.
              • Fallacies (75%)
                The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the report of Robert Hur as a source for their information. This is problematic because it assumes that the report is accurate and unbiased, which may not be true. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when they describe Trump's attacks on Biden as
                • Bias (85%)
                  The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses the phrase 'going to play dirty' which implies that Trump is not acting in good faith and is only interested in attacking Biden for political gain.
                  • < If I'm writing the ads for the Trump team, they're going to say, We're more or less told that Joe Biden would not be mentally competent to sit trial in the case if this had gone to trial>, said Griffin.
                    • > Robert Hur wrote in his report released Thursday that Biden had willfully retained highly classified information but said criminal charges were not needed. <
                      • > The GOP’s narrative of Biden being too old for the job was the single greatest vulnerability to him winning reelection in November, noted Griffin.
                      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                        The author of the article has a conflict of interest with Donald Trump and Alyssa Farah Griffin. The author is an ex-Trump aide who worked for him during his presidency.
                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                          The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Donald Trump as they are an ex-Trump aide. They also have a potential conflict of interest on the topic of classified documents as Alyssa Farah Griffin is mentioned in relation to this issue.


                          • Unique Points
                            • Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney is calling for the Cabinet to explore using the 25th Amendment to remove President Biden from office
                            • Special Counsel Robert Hur did not recommend criminal charges against President Biden for mishandling classified documents
                            • Biden has a poor memory and forgets key details, such as when he was vice president and when his son Beau died
                          • Accuracy
                            No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                          • Deception (90%)
                            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that President Biden knowingly and willfully removed classified documents over a period of decades but recommends no charges against him. This contradicts the report's findings which state that there was evidence implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods, making it difficult to convict him of a serious felony requiring mental state of willfulness. Secondly, the author claims that President Biden has poor memory but fails to provide any evidence or context for this claim. Thirdly, the article is misleading in its portrayal of Special Counsel Robert Hur's report as making a reasonable case against President Biden being mentally competent when it does not do so.
                            • The author claims that President Biden has poor memory but fails to provide any evidence or context for this claim.
                            • The author claims that President Biden knowingly and willfully removed classified documents over a period of decades but recommends no charges against him. This contradicts the report's findings which state that there was evidence implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods, making it difficult to convict him of a serious felony requiring mental state of willfulness.
                          • Fallacies (85%)
                            The article contains an example of a false dilemma fallacy. The author presents the idea that President Biden needs to be charged or removed from office as if those are the only two options available. This is not true and ignores other potential solutions such as rehabilitation or education programs.
                            • President Biden needs to be charged, or he needs to be removed.
                          • Bias (85%)
                            The author of the article is Brooke Singman and she has a history of bias against President Biden. She calls for the Cabinet to explore using the Constitution's 25th Amendment to remove him from office after Special Counsel Robert Hur did not recommend criminal charges against him despite finding classified documents that implicated sensitive intelligence sources and methods. The author also quotes Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney, who has a history of making controversial statements about President Biden and his son Beau's death.
                            • The author calls for the Cabinet to explore using the Constitution's 25th Amendment to remove President Biden from office after Special Counsel Robert Hur did not recommend criminal charges against him despite finding classified documents that implicated sensitive intelligence sources and methods.
                            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                              Brooke Singman has conflicts of interest on the topics of GOP Rep. Claudia Tenney and Special Counsel Robert Hur.
                              • GOP Rep. Claudia Tenney
                                • Special Counsel Robert Hur
                                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                  Brooke Singman has conflicts of interest on the topics of GOP Rep. Claudia Tenney and Special Counsel Robert Hur's report on classified documents mishandling by President Biden.
                                  • >GOP Rep. Claudia Tenney
                                    • <Special Counsel Robert Hur>


                                    • Unique Points
                                      • President Joe Biden willfully retained and shared highly classified information when he was a private citizen.
                                      • The special counsel report found evidence that President Joe Biden willfully held onto and disclosed classified materials.
                                    • Accuracy
                                      • President Joe Biden willfully retained and shared highly classified information when he was a private citizen, including about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan.
                                      • The special counsel report found evidence that President Joe Biden willfully held onto and disclosed classified materials.
                                      • Biden denied that he improperly shared classified information.
                                    • Deception (50%)
                                      The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Biden willfully retained and shared highly classified information when he was a private citizen but fails to provide any evidence of this claim. Secondly, the author quotes Hur's report stating that criminal charges were not warranted for Biden despite abundant differences between the cases of Trump and Biden. However, it is important to note that Hur did not have access to all relevant information in both cases and therefore cannot make a fair comparison. Thirdly, the article portrays Biden as an unqualified candidate for re-election due to his memory issues but fails to provide any evidence supporting this claim.
                                      • The article portrays Biden as an unqualified candidate for re-election due to his memory issues but fails to provide any evidence supporting this claim. This is deceptive because it implies that there is concrete proof of wrongdoing on Biden's part, which has not been proven.
                                      • Hur's report states that criminal charges were not warranted for Biden despite abundant differences between the cases of Trump and Biden. However, Hur did not have access to all relevant information in both cases and therefore cannot make a fair comparison. This is deceptive because it implies that there is concrete proof of wrongdoing on Biden's part, which has not been proven.
                                      • The author claims that Biden willfully retained and shared highly classified information when he was a private citizen but provides no evidence of this claim. This is deceptive because it implies that there is concrete proof of wrongdoing on Biden's part, which has not been proven.
                                    • Fallacies (80%)
                                      The article contains several fallacies. The author's assertion that he did not share classified information with his ghostwriter is false as the report found evidence of this. Additionally, the author's claim that he was unaware how boxes containing classified documents ended up in his garage is also false as it contradicts other statements made by him and investigators. The article also contains an appeal to authority fallacy when Biden claims that his memory is fine despite evidence suggesting otherwise.
                                      • The report found evidence of willful retention and disclosure of a subset of records found in Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware house, including in a garage, office and basement den. Documents found in a box in Biden’s Delaware garage have classification markings up to the Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information Level and “other materials of great significance to him and that he appears to have personally used and accessed.”
                                      • The report states that there was a shortage of evidence to prove that Biden placed the documents in the box and knew they were there. Some of the classified information related to Afghanistan was shared with a ghostwriter with whom he published memoirs in 2007 and 2017.
                                    • Bias (85%)
                                      The article contains several examples of bias. The author uses loaded language to describe the special counsel's report as a 'bitingly critical assessment', which implies that it is unfair and unjustified. This is an example of ideological bias, as the author appears to be defending Biden from criticism rather than objectively analyzing the evidence presented in the report.
                                      • The article uses loaded language such as 'biting' and 'unflattering' to describe special counsel Robert Hur's assessment of President Joe Biden. This is an example of ideological bias, as it implies that Hur is being unfair or unjustified in his findings.
                                      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                        The article contains multiple examples of conflicts of interest. The author is a member of the Biden family and has personal ties to Beau Biden's death from cancer. Additionally, the article discusses classified information and handling sensitive government records which could be seen as a conflict with President Joe Biden's role in these matters.
                                        • The article mentions that Robert Hur is investigating the mishandling of classified documents by President Joe Biden.
                                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                          None Found At Time Of Publication