Vice President Harris: A Strong Contender for the 2024 Democratic Nomination with Improved Polling Against Trump

Washington D.C., District of Columbia United States of America
Harris would control funds from Biden's campaign if he steps aside.
If Biden steps aside, Harris would be difficult to beat for the nomination due to endorsements, money, and potential for a younger ticket.
Polls show Harris performs slightly better than Biden against Trump in hypothetical match-ups.
Vice President Harris has taken on significant tasks such as managing the border crisis negotiations and advocating for key issues like climate change and marijuana legalization.
Vice President Harris is a top contender for the 2024 Democratic nomination due to better polling against Trump.
Vice President Harris: A Strong Contender for the 2024 Democratic Nomination with Improved Polling Against Trump

Vice President Kamala Harris has emerged as a top contender to replace President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential race, with Democrats considering her as an alternative due to her better performance against Donald Trump in polls following Biden's debate collapse. The pressure on Biden to step back is mounting, but his campaign and White House have pushed back on calls for him to drop out.

According to recent reports, if Biden were to leave the race, Harris would have control over the millions of dollars raised by his presidential campaign. The funds would likely be directed towards the Democratic National Committee (DNC) or a super PAC supporting the new nominee. However, if neither Biden nor Harris is the nominee, the campaign would be required to refund contributions designated for the general election.

Polls show that Harris performs slightly better than Biden against Trump in hypothetical match-ups. In some cases, her performance is even stronger due to broader support from women and independents. A ticket featuring two younger faces, possibly a man and a woman, could also get massive free public attention and then a surge of donations between 2020 and 2028.

If Biden steps aside, Harris would be almost impossible to beat for the nomination due to her endorsements, money, optics, and the potential for a younger ticket in the 2028 election. However, any challenge to her would risk alienating sitting and former presidents.

As vice president, Harris has taken on significant tasks such as managing the border crisis negotiations with central American countries. Her policy positions are relatively untested, but her political history suggests she may have a different idea of how to run the White House.

Some of Harris's key issues include climate change and decarbonization of the US by 2045, prosecution of fossil fuel companies, abortion rights and reproductive health access, police reform, prison sentencing guidelines that disproportionately target black communities, gay rights, identity politics and liberalization policies versus Washington's focus on Midwest and union labor. She has also advocated for marijuana legalization in California and the US federal level policy change.



  • It is unclear if Harris has definitively stated her position on certain key issues like climate change targets and prison sentencing guidelines.
  • The article mentions 'recent reports' about funds from Biden's campaign, but no specific sources are cited.



  • Unique Points
    • Vice President Kamala Harris is seen as the most likely replacement for Biden as the Democratic nominee if he were to step aside.
    • Harris-Trump polls show a slightly higher chance of winning compared to Biden, with 38% chance versus Biden’s 35% in the polls-only forecast model.
  • Accuracy
    • In the aftermath of Biden’s poor debate performance, there have been calls for him to drop out of the presidential race.
    • Replacing Biden with Harris introduces more uncertainty into the election, which Democrats may be willing to take due to the realized uncertainties about Biden.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article makes editorializing statements and uses emotional manipulation by describing Biden's debate performance as 'one of the worst debates for an incumbent president in recent memory' and stating that 'Biden's chief risk is a 'hard'' risk'. The author also engages in selective reporting by only mentioning polls that support their argument and ignoring those that do not. For example, they state 'For the most part, national polls have shown Harris doing about the same as Biden in head-to-head polls against Trump.' However, they fail to mention a Quinnipiac University Poll from May 2023 which showed Trump leading Harris by 10 points among registered voters. The author also makes statements that imply facts without linking to peer-reviewed studies, such as 'Biden's approval rating and economic growth impact incumbents running for reelection more than non-incumbents running from the same party.'
    • For the most part, national polls have shown Harris doing about the same as Biden in head-to-head polls against Trump.
    • Biden's chief risk is a 'hard'' risk.
    • The president had one of the worst debates for an incumbent president in recent memory.
  • Fallacies (80%)
    The article does not contain any explicit logical fallacies. However, the author makes an appeal to authority by citing polls and the New York Times editorial board as evidence for their argument. While this is a common journalistic practice, it can be considered a weak form of argumentation as it relies on external sources rather than providing clear reasoning or evidence from the text itself.
    • According to 538’s average, Trump’s margin in national polls has increased by 2 percentage points since the debate.
    • The New York Times editorial board wrote, ‘The greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election.’
  • Bias (95%)
    The article does not demonstrate any clear bias towards a specific political ideology or position. However, the author does make several statements that could be perceived as critical of President Biden's debate performance and his overall electability. The author also mentions the calls for Biden to step down from the presidency and Harris being a potential replacement, but these are not biased statements in themselves as they are based on current events and polling data. However, the author does express some uncertainty about Harris's chances of winning due to her left-leaning voting record and her lack of experience as a president or vice president. This could be seen as a subtle negative implication towards Harris, but it is not an egregious example of bias.
    • Democrats would be betting that her 'soft' risks aren't as bad as Biden's.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication


    • Unique Points
      • Vice President Harris would be almost impossible to beat for the nomination if President Biden steps aside, thanks to endorsements, money, optics and 2028 politics.
      • If Biden gets his backing, the Obamas and Clintons likely would follow, making any challenge an affront to the sitting president and two former presidents.
      • Polls show Harris running no worse than Biden in a hypothetical match-up with Trump. In some cases, better: A post-debate CNN poll found Harris in a statistical tie with Trump and slightly stronger than Biden because of broader support from women and independents.
      • Between 2020 and 2028, a ticket featuring two faces much younger than Trump (78), probably a man and a woman, could get massive free public attention and then a surge of donations.
    • Accuracy
      • Polls show Harris running no worse than Biden in a hypothetical match-up with Trump. In some cases, better: A post-debate CNN poll found Harris in a statistical tie with Trump and slightly stronger than Biden because of broader support from women and independents.
      • Biden would push to pair Harris with a moderate Democratic governor like Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro, Kentucky’s Andy Beshear, North Carolina’s Roy Cooper or Illinois’ J.B. Pritzker.
      • Top Democrats feel strongly that for both political and practical reasons, Harris looks all but unbeatable.
      • Between 2020 and 2028, a ticket featuring two faces much younger than Trump (78), probably a man and a woman, could get massive free public attention and then a surge of donations.
    • Deception (30%)
      The article makes several editorializing statements and uses emotional manipulation to sway the reader's opinion towards Vice President Harris. The authors state that 'All Harris needs is Biden's backing.' This is an example of selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position, implying that Vice President Harris has a strong chance of winning the nomination if she receives Biden's endorsement. The article also states 'Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) told Axios’ Hans Nichols that Harris is ‘incredibly strong … You can’t say Biden has done a good job without saying she’s done a good job.’ This is an example of emotional manipulation as it attempts to make the reader believe that Vice President Harris's accomplishments are directly linked to President Biden's. The article also states 'For her to be pushed aside from consideration, he (Bennie Thompson) said, ‘would be the kiss of death for the party.’ This is an example of emotional manipulation as it attempts to make the reader believe that challenging Vice President Harris would be detrimental to the Democratic Party. The article also states 'The intrigue: Biden and his closest advisers have long felt Trump would beat Harris. They question her political skills and likability beyond the liberal bases.' This is an example of editorializing as it expresses the authors' opinion about Vice President Harris's political abilities.
      • For her to be pushed aside from consideration, he (Bennie Thompson) said, ‘would be the kiss of death for the party.’
      • Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) told Axios’ Hans Nichols that Harris is ‘incredibly strong … You can’t say Biden has done a good job without saying she’s done a good job.’
      • Biden and his closest advisers have long felt Trump would beat Harris. They question her political skills and likability beyond the liberal bases.
      • All Harris needs is Biden’s backing.
    • Fallacies (85%)
      The authors make several appeals to authority by quoting top Democratic officials and Rep. James Clyburn's statements about Vice President Harris' strength as a potential nominee. They also use inflammatory rhetoric when describing the potential chaos of a contested convention and the consequences of challenging Harris for the nomination.
      • top officials tell us that Harris is 'incredibly strong ... You can’t say Biden has done a good job without saying she’s done a good job.'
      • Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) told Axios’ Hans Nichols that Harris is ‘incredibly strong ... For her to be pushed aside from consideration, he said, ‘would be the kiss of death for the party.’
      • Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said in response to a question from Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC that he’d support Harris if Biden dropped out.
      • Some party elders tell us the drama in all these scenarios would electrify an exhausted, disconsolate party, and engage a nation that otherwise would be tuned out for the summer.
    • Bias (95%)
      The article expresses a clear bias towards Vice President Harris becoming the Democratic nominee for the 2024 election. The authors suggest that she is 'almost impossible to beat' due to her endorsements, money, and political position. They also mention that any challenge to her would be seen as an affront to former presidents Obama and Clinton, making it a risky move for any top-tier Democrat. The authors also express their own doubts about Biden's ability to beat Harris in a hypothetical match-up against Trump.
      • All Harris needs is Biden’s backing. If she gets it, the Obamas and Clintons likely would follow
        • If President Biden steps aside, Vice President Harris would be almost impossible to beat for the nomination, thanks to endorsements, money, optics and 2028 politics
          • Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) told Axios’ Hans Nichols that Harris is ‘incredibly strong … You can’t say Biden has done a good job without saying she’s done a good job.',
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • Vice President Kamala Harris may be the continuity candidate to replace Joe Biden if he is forced to stand down.
            • ,
          • Accuracy
            • Vice President Harris is seen as the most likely replacement for Biden as the Democratic nominee if he were to step aside.
            • Harris-Trump polls show a slightly higher chance of winning compared to Biden, with 38% chance versus Biden’s 35% in the polls-only forecast model.
            • Replacing Biden with Harris introduces more uncertainty into the election, which Democrats may be willing to take due to the realized uncertainties about Biden.
          • Deception (30%)
            The article contains selective reporting and editorializing. The author compares Kamala Harris' policy positions to those of Joe Biden without mentioning any significant differences or contradictions between them. The author also implies that Harris' record as attorney general was tough but fails to mention the criticism she received from progressives for not investigating police shootings and fighting efforts to ban the death penalty. Additionally, the author uses emotional manipulation by describing Harris' interviews as 'loopy' and her policy platform as 'ideological battlegrounds'.
            • There is also similarity on abortion rights. Mr Biden, a devout Roman Catholic, has changed his stance significantly on the issue in his five-decade career in Washington.
            • Some suggest the shift is driven by Ms Harris, who has fronted the campaign’s efforts on the issue in swing states for the last year.
            • The vice president has played a major role on the national stage since 2021, and has been given some significant tasks during that time, including an attempt at managing the border crisis.
            • During her 2020 primary campaign, Ms Harris condemned other Democrats for use of the term ‘identity politics’, describing it as ‘the modern version of the race card’ that imposed divisions between liberation politics and other policy areas.
            • Her record as attorney general was tough enough to draw criticism from progressives – shying away from investigating police shootings and fighting efforts to ban the death penalty.
          • Fallacies (85%)
            The article contains some inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. It also dichotomously depicts Kamala Harris's policy positions in comparison to Joe Biden's. However, the author provides a relatively balanced overview of Harris's political history and career trajectory.
            • The vice president has played a major role on the national stage since 2021, and has been given some significant tasks during that time, including an attempt at managing the border crisis. But her own policy positions are relatively untested.
          • Bias (90%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • President Biden would have total control over the millions of dollars raised by his presidential campaign if he chooses to drop out.
            • Biden is facing growing pressure to step back after a poor debate performance last week.
            • The Biden campaign and White House have pushed back on calls for the 81-year-old president to drop out, saying his performance over the last three and a half years on the job is more important than one performance on a debate stage.
            • Campaign finance experts told The Hill that if Biden were to drop out, his campaign committee's funds would likely be directed towards the Democratic National Committee (DNC) or a super PAC supporting the new nominee.
            • If neither Biden nor Harris is the nominee, the campaign would be required to refund contributions designated for the general election.
          • Accuracy
            • Vice President Harris is seen as the most likely replacement for Biden as the Democratic nominee if he were to step aside.
            • The Biden campaign said it had nearly $91.6 million in cash on hand as of May 31 in its most recent report to the FEC, while the DNC said it had almost $65.2 million.
            • Campaign finance experts told The Hill that if Biden were to drop out, his campaign committee’s funds would likely be directed towards the Democratic National Committee (DNC) or a super PAC supporting the new nominee.
            • If Harris becomes the nominee, the campaign funds can be used to seed her new campaign and spent as if Biden were the nominee.
            • Outside groups supporting Biden have reported raising a total of $158.2 million so far this election cycle.
          • Deception (50%)
            The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position about Biden having control over his campaign funds if he drops out. It does not mention any potential legal challenges or complications that may arise from such a transfer. The article also implies facts without linking to peer-reviewed studies, specifically when it states 'campaign finance lawyers said'. However, no specific laws or cases are cited in the article.
            • Campaign finance lawyers said the Biden campaign, and the president himself, would have a number of available avenues for the campaign committee cash if he does drop out or is otherwise unable to run
            • Biden would have control over his campaign committee’s slice of that overall total
          • Fallacies (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Bias (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • Vice President Kamala Harris is being seen in a new light by Democrats as a potential replacement for President Joe Biden
            • Democrats are considering Harris as an alternative to Biden due to her better performance against Trump in polls following Biden’s debate collapse
          • Accuracy
            • Harris-Trump polls show a slightly higher chance of winning compared to Biden, with 38% chance versus Biden’s 35% in the polls-only forecast model.
            • If Harris becomes the nominee, the campaign funds can be used to seed her new campaign and spent as if Biden were the nominee.
          • Deception (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Fallacies (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Bias (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication