Vice President Kamala Harris Gains Momentum Towards Democratic Presidential Nomination: Endorsements, Support from Donors and Progressives

Washington D.C., District of Columbia, USA United States of America
A group called United for Harris has formed to promote a potential 2024 presidential campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris.
Biden's team has renamed its campaign committee to 'Harris for President'.
Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton have endorsed Harris.
Democrats are debating the future of their presidential ticket with three main camps: those who want to stick with Biden, those who want Harris as a replacement, and an open nominating process.
Reid Hoffman and Alex Soros, major Democratic donors, have endorsed Harris.
Some progressives, including Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, have re-evaluated Harris and are now supporting her potential candidacy.
The Democratic National Convention is scheduled for August 2024 in Chicago.
Vice President Kamala Harris is making a push for the Democratic presidential nomination following Joe Biden's exit from the race.
Vice President Kamala Harris Gains Momentum Towards Democratic Presidential Nomination: Endorsements, Support from Donors and Progressives

Vice President Kamala Harris is making a push for the Democratic presidential nomination following Joe Biden's exit from the race. According to sources, Harris has been calling Democratic leaders and elected officials to secure their support. The move comes as many party leaders are trying to create a sense of inevitability around Harris as the nominee.

The former president, Bill Clinton, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have already endorsed Harris. However, President Obama has not yet endorsed a candidate. Biden's team has officially renamed its campaign committee to 'Harris for President.'

Democratic donors and advisers are also rallying behind Harris following Biden's exit from the race. Reid Hoffman, a Democratic megadonor, and Alex Soros, another major billionaire backer of Joe Biden, have both endorsed Harris.

A group called United for Harris has formed to promote a potential 2024 presidential campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris. The group aims to give supporters an 'actionable thing to do' and promote her potential candidacy with a strong show of support. However, the group does not plan to retain data or live on beyond this moment.

Democrats are currently debating the future of their presidential ticket, with three main camps: those who want to stick with Biden, those who want Harris as a replacement, and an open nominating process. Some progressives, including Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, have re-evaluated Harris and are now supporting her potential candidacy.

The Democratic National Convention is scheduled for August 2024 in Chicago. The convention rules may play a role in deciding the nominee if Biden withdraws from the race. Rule 13.j allows elected delegates to reflect the sentiments of those who elected them, giving them room to drop their support for Biden. A candidate must agree to be in contention and submit supporters for a minimum of 300-600 delegates, with no more than 50 from any one state.



  • It is unclear if President Obama has endorsed a candidate yet.
  • The exact number of delegates Harris has secured is unknown.



  • Unique Points
    • A group called United for Harris has formed to promote a potential 2024 presidential campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris.
    • The goals of the group are to give Harris supporters an ‘actionable thing to do’ and promote her potential candidacy with a strong show of support.
    • United for Harris does not plan to retain data or live on beyond this moment.
    • Democrats are debating the future of their presidential ticket with three main camps: those who want to stick with Biden, those who want Harris as a replacement, and an open nominating process.
    • Harris represents enough change to re-energize Democratic voters while retaining continuity from Biden.
    • Reducing the primary process to a few days creates room for chaos and Harris has democratic legitimacy as she was already voted on by primary voters.
    • Some progressives, including Elizabeth Warren, have re-evaluated Harris and are supporting her potential candidacy.
  • Accuracy
    • Vice President Kamala Harris is making calls to Democratic leaders and elected officials to secure the presidential nomination.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (75%)
    The article discusses a pro-Harris shadow campaign without explicitly endorsing it. There are some appeals to authority from figures like Elizabeth Warren and references to polls showing Biden trailing Trump. Additionally, there is an example of inflammatory rhetoric in the statement that Harris 'represents enough change to re-energize Democratic voters and reset the presidential race, while retaining enough continuity from Biden to avoid the potential divisiveness of presidential primary do-over.' However, no fallacies were committed by the author.
    • The pro-Harris camp argues that she represents enough change to re-energize Democratic voters and reset the presidential race, while retaining enough continuity from Biden to avoid the potential divisiveness of presidential primary do-over.
    • Polls show Biden currently trailing former President Donald Trump, Harris supporters say it’s better to take a chance on her rather than stick with a candidate they view as doomed.
    • With polls showing Biden currently trailing former President Donald Trump, Harris supporters say it’s better to take a chance on her rather than stick with a candidate they view as doomed.
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Vice President Kamala Harris is making calls to Democratic leaders and elected officials to secure the presidential nomination.
    • Many Democratic leaders are trying to create a sense of inevitability around Harris as the nominee.
    • President Biden ended his campaign for re-election on Sunday.
  • Accuracy
    • Harris intends to earn and win the nomination, acknowledging that delegates will make the final decision.
    • Reducing the primary process to a few days creates room for chaos and Harris has democratic legitimacy as she was already voted on by primary voters.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Vice President Kamala Harris is gaining support from Democratic donors and advisers following Joe Biden’s exit from the presidential race.
    • Reid Hoffman, a Democratic megadonor, endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidency.
    • Alex Soros, another major billionaire backer of Joe Biden, also endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.
  • Accuracy
    • Vice President Kamala Harris is making calls to Democratic leaders and elected officials to secure the presidential nomination.
    • Democratic donors are expressing enthusiasm and making plans to support Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • The Democratic National Convention in 2024 may be contested due to President Joe Biden’s potential withdrawal from the race.
    • Joe Biden currently has 3,896 pledged delegates representing over 90% of elected delegates and around 700 superdelegates.
    • Rule 13.j allows elected delegates to reflect the sentiments of those who elected them, giving them room to drop their support for Biden.
    • A candidate must agree to be in contention and submit supporters for a minimum of 300-600 delegates, with no more than 50 from any one state.
  • Accuracy
    • ]The Democratic National Convention in 2024 may be contested due to President Joe Biden’s potential withdrawal from the race.[
    • Vice President Kamala Harris is making calls to Democratic leaders and elected officials to secure the presidential nomination.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article makes several statements that imply the rules of the Democratic National Convention could decide the nominee, implying a potential for manipulation or deception. The author also discusses historical examples of contested conventions and their impact on nominations. While these examples are factual, they are used to set up a narrative that may be intended to influence readers' perceptions of the current situation.
    • It was a fight over platform issues that demonstrated Barry Goldwater’s conquest in 1964.
    • And it was the defeat of Ronald Reagan’s rules proposal that candidates had to reveal their choice of a running mate that previewed his narrow defeat by Gerald Ford in 1976.
    • It was a fight over credentials which state delegations would be seated that gave Dwight Eisenhower his victory over Robert Taft in 1952.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (80%)
    The article discusses the potential for a contested Democratic convention and the role of delegates in determining the nominee. The author mentions historical examples of conventions where platform issues and credential fights played a decisive role in selecting the nominee. While not directly expressing bias, the author's tone implies that such an event would be chaotic and divisive, potentially favoring a quick resolution to avoid this outcome.
    • but if the delegates want the voice of experience and party leadership heard when the balloting begins, that rule can be changed.
      • ]It could lead to the kind of divisiveness and chaos that descended on a previous Chicago convention in 1968[
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication