Keanu Reeves, the renowned actor known for his roles in films like The Matrix and John Wick, has recently ventured into a new creative realm - co-authoring a novel with Chinese Miéville. The book, titled 'The Book of Elsewhere,' is based on Reeves' BRZRKR comic series and follows the story of an immortal warrior who longs to experience death. In separate interviews, Reeves expressed his contemplation of mortality and shared his thoughts on the upcoming project.
In one interview with BBC News, Reeves stated, 'I'm 59, so I'm thinking about death all the time.' He further explained that this introspection should not be debilitating but rather an appreciation for life and relationships. The actor also mentioned his collaboration with Miéville on the novel.
Another interview with Us Weekly revealed Reeves' desire to work again with Sandra Bullock before they both pass away. The pair previously starred in 'Speed' and 'The Lake House.'
Reeves has been open about his thoughts on death, which is reflected in the themes of his new novel. In an interview with BBC News, he shared that the book contains a love story and expressed hope that readers would not be inspired to harm others after reading it.
The Book of Elsewhere is not Reeves' only upcoming project related to BRZRKR. The comic series is also being adapted into a Netflix film and an anime series.
Reeves' contemplation of death and the themes in his new novel are significant, as they reflect his introspective nature and the human experience. His collaboration with Miéville promises an intriguing narrative that explores immortality, love, and the desire for mortality.