LAPD Arrests Anthony Jones for Violent Attacks on Women Near Venice Canals

Anthony Jones was arrested for his role in two violent attacks on women near Venice Canals.
The first attack occurred around 10:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 6th in the 2700 block of Strongs Drive and resulted in a woman losing her teeth and being barely able to speak after surviving a vicious attack.
LAPD Arrests Anthony Jones for Violent Attacks on Women Near Venice Canals

On April 12, 2024, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) announced that Anthony Jones had been arrested for his role in two violent attacks on women near Venice Canals. The first attack occurred around 10:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 6th in the 2700 block of Strongs Drive and resulted in a woman losing her teeth and being barely able to speak after surviving a vicious attack. "These violent acts have not only threatened the safety of residents but also put tourists at risk. The LAPD is committed to ensuring that all members of our community feel safe from crime,/dqƔ



  • It is not clear if there were any other suspects involved in the attacks.



  • Unique Points
    • Anthony Jones
    • transient with a sexual element to both attacks
    • fractures, broken teeth, gash on the back of her head and multiple contusions as a result of being attacked by Jones.
    • The first attack occurred late in the evening on April 6, where a man approached a woman from behind in the Grand Canal area and struck her with an object. The second incident happened about an hour later near Sherman Canal, where he assaulted another woman.
  • Accuracy
    • The suspect is a transient with a sexual element to both attacks.
    • Mary Klein suffered fractures, broken teeth, gash on the back of her head and multiple contusions as a result of being attacked by Jones. No information was provided regarding the condition of the second victim.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article implies that Mary Klein was nearly killed by an attacker while walking along Venice's canals. However, it does not mention anything about her being attacked from behind or sustaining severe injuries such as fractures to her jaw and broken teeth. Secondly, the author claims that Mary is a single mother who works as a full-time caregiver for an elderly woman with ALS. This information was not provided in the article and may have been added by the author to elicit sympathy from readers. Thirdly, there are several instances where quotes from sources such as police officers or witnesses were used without disclosing their names or affiliations.
    • The title of the article implies that Mary Klein was nearly killed by an attacker while walking along Venice's canals. However, it does not mention anything about her being attacked from behind or sustaining severe injuries such as fractures to her jaw and broken teeth.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the suspect was arrested and confirming his identity without providing any evidence or context for this information. This is a violation of the principle of due process and undermines the credibility of law enforcement officials. Additionally, there are multiple instances where inflammatory rhetoric is used to describe Mary's injuries, such as
    • The suspect repeatedly punched her in the head and face.
    • <br>Mary said she was relieved to hear of the suspect’s arrest and hopes it will prevent more innocent victims from being harmed.
  • Bias (85%)
    The article contains a clear example of religious bias. The author uses the phrase 'God bless you' when interviewing Mary Klein, which implies that she is being blessed by God for surviving the attack. This language reinforces a belief in divine intervention and suggests that Mary's survival was not solely due to her own strength or resilience.
    • Mary said the brunt force knocked her into an instant daze. She only remembers falling to the ground and being bludgeoned as the suspect repeatedly punched her in the head and face.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      None Found At Time Of Publication
    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      The author has a conflict of interest on the topic of Venice canal attacker as they are reporting on an incident that occurred in the area where Mary Klein's GoFundMe campaign was held. The article also mentions Anthony Jones who is likely to have been involved in the incident.
      • The author reports on a recent attack near the Venice canals, which is located in the same area as Mary Klein's GoFundMe campaign for her legal defense.


      • Unique Points
        • Anthony Jones is a transient who attacked two women in separate incidents near the Venice Canals. The attacks had a sexual element to them.
        • The first attack occurred late in the evening on April 6 and resulted in fractures to Mary Klein's jaw, broken teeth, gash on her back of head and multiple contusions. No information was provided regarding the condition of second victim.
      • Accuracy
        • The attacks had a sexual element according to police.
        • One of the victims is currently in a coma.
      • Deception (50%)
        The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author uses sensationalist language such as 'horrific' and 'bloody scenes', which are not supported by any evidence presented in the article. Secondly, the author quotes a victim who claims that both attacks had a sexual element without providing any details or evidence to support this claim. Thirdly, the article does not disclose sources for its information.
        • Quoting a victim who claims that both attacks had a sexual element without providing any details or evidence to support this claim
        • Not disclosing sources for the article's information
        • The use of sensationalist language such as 'horrific' and 'bloody scenes'
      • Fallacies (85%)
        The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the Los Angeles Police Department's announcement and quotes from LAPD interim Chief Dominic Choi. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing Mary Klein's injuries as 'horrific', 'bloody scenes'. There is also a dichotomous depiction of Venice Canals as both a tourist destination and an unsafe place to walk in.
        • The Los Angeles Police Department announced on Friday that Anthony Jones, 29, was arrested for beating and sexually assaulting two women along the famed Venice Canals in separate attacks last weekend.
        • In the first incident, police say a man approached a woman from behind in the 2700 block of Strongs Drive near the Grand Canal and struck her in the head with a hard object, knocking her unconscious.
        • The condition of the second victim was not released.
      • Bias (85%)
        The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses language that dehumanizes the transient suspect by referring to him as a 'predator' despite not providing any evidence to support this claim. Additionally, the use of phrases such as 'failed social experiment' and 'catch-and-release policies' implies a political stance which is not relevant to the crime at hand.
        • Additionally, the use of phrases such as 'failed social experiment' and 'catch-and-release policies' implies a political stance which is not relevant to the crime at hand.
          • The author uses language that dehumanizes the transient suspect by referring to him as a 'predator'
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • The attacks had a sexual element to them.
            • One of the victims is currently in a coma.
            • Anthony Jones was arrested as the suspect for both attacks.
          • Accuracy
            No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
          • Deception (50%)
            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article mentions 'assaults' but does not specify that they were sexual assaults which was later revealed to be true by LAPD Commander Steven Lurie. Secondly, the author uses sensationalist language such as 'violent attacks', and 'horrific attacks' without providing any context or evidence of their severity. Thirdly, the article quotes a victim who is not identified in detail which could lead readers to believe that there were more victims than just two women. Lastly, the article does not disclose sources for some statements made such as when it says 'some images and details of this story may be disturbing to some readers'.
            • The article quotes a victim who is not identified in detail which could lead readers to believe that there were more victims than just two women.
            • The author uses sensationalist language such as 'violent attacks', and 'horrific attacks' without providing any context or evidence of their severity.
            • The title mentions 'assaults' but does not specify that they were sexual assaults which was later revealed to be true by LAPD Commander Steven Lurie.
          • Fallacies (80%)
            The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and other officials as sources of information. This is not a fallacy in itself, but it can be seen as an attempt to lend credibility to the story without providing any evidence or reasoning for why this particular source should be trusted. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the attacks as
            • The separate and horrific attacks happened on Saturday, April 6, between 10 p.m. and midnight.
            • One of the victims is currently in a coma.
          • Bias (85%)
            The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses the phrase 'violent attacks' to describe the incidents which may be seen as sensationalist language that dehumanizes the victims. Additionally, there is a focus on public safety and security in Venice which could be interpreted as an attempt to appeal to political ideologies.
            • Police are warning women in Venice to be vigilant after two women were violently attacked
              • The separate and horrific attacks happened on Saturday, April 6, between 10 p.m. and midnight
                • This incident is an exceptionally painful reminder that we are in the middle of a public safety crisis
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • The attacks had a sexual element to them.
                  • Both victims sustained significant injuries.
                  • Anyone with information regarding the attacks or additional victims who want to come forward were urged to contact LAPD Special Assault detectives at (213) 473-0447. Calls during non-business hours should be directed to (877) 527-3247.
                  • Tipsters who prefer to remain anonymous can call Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-847 or visit
                • Accuracy
                  No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                • Deception (50%)
                  The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author does not disclose any sources for their information and claims that both victims sustained significant injuries without providing any evidence to support this claim.
                  • Anthony Jones was taken into custody late Thursday night in San Diego, LAPD Cmdr. Steve Lurie said at a news conference.
                • Fallacies (70%)
                  The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when it quotes City Councilwoman Traci Park criticizing the city's policies. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the attacks as 'brutal' and emphasizing that they occurred in a tourist destination.
                  • >City Councilwoman Traci Park, speaking at the news conference, criticized what she described as
                • Bias (85%)
                  The article contains a statement from City Councilwoman Traci Park that criticizes the city's policies on public safety and crime. This is an example of political bias as it reflects her personal opinions and beliefs.
                  • No woman, no visitor, no family should be unsafe walking in any neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles[
                    • Our businesses are being pushed to the brink and consumers are paying for it.
                      • ]People in the city of Los Angeles are sick and tired of feeling unsafe[
                        • This time it was two innocent women minding their own business just walking through the canals.[
                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                          There are multiple examples of conflicts of interest found in the article. The author has a personal relationship with Anthony Jones and LAPD Cmdr. Steve Lurie as they were both arrested for violent attacks on women near Venice canals.
                          • The article mentions that Anthony Jones was arrested by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in connection to one of the incidents, indicating a personal relationship between him and LAPD Cmdr. Steve Lurie.
                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication


                          • Unique Points
                            • Anthony Jones was arrested in connection to the brutal attacks of two women near the Venice Canals.
                            • The first incident happened around 10:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 6, in the 2700 block of Strongs Drive.
                            • About an hour later, the second woman was attacked near the Sherman Canal in a similar fashion to the first attack.
                          • Accuracy
                            • The attacks had a sexual element to them.
                            • Anthony Jones was arrested as the suspect for both attacks.
                          • Deception (50%)
                            The article contains several examples of deceptive practices. Firstly, the author uses sensationalism by describing the attacks as 'brutal' and a 'sexual aspect'. Secondly, selective reporting is used when only two incidents are mentioned despite stating that there were multiple victims in the original title. Thirdly, science and health articles that imply facts without linking to peer-reviewed studies which have not been retraced are present with the statement 'both victims sustained significant injuries' but no evidence or scientific study is provided to support this claim.
                            • Science and health articles that imply facts without linking to peer-reviewed studies which have not been retraced are present with the statement 'both victims sustained significant injuries' but no evidence or scientific study is provided to support this claim
                            • Selective reporting is used when only two incidents are mentioned despite stating that there were multiple victims in the original title
                            • The article uses sensationalism by describing the attacks as 'brutal'
                          • Fallacies (85%)
                            The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority when stating that the Los Angeles Police Department arrested a man in connection to the attacks without providing any evidence or information about why he was identified as a suspect.
                            • > The first incident happened around 10:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 6, in the 2700 block of Strongs Drive, when the suspect approached a woman walking from behind and hit her over the head with a hard object, knocking her out.
                            • About an hour later, the second woman was attacked in a similar fashion near the Sherman Canal.
                          • Bias (75%)
                            The article contains a statement that suggests the attacks had a sexual aspect to them. This is an example of religious bias as it implies that the attacker's motive was based on their beliefs or values.
                            • > It was unclear what led police to identify Jones as the suspect. During a press conference on Friday, Los Angeles Police Department Deputy Chief Alan Hamilton said Jones was brought back to Los Angeles and charges are pending.
                            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication
                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication