Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour Controversy - Nethergoyf Misplay Leads to Disqualification and Reversed Round Result

Amsterdam, North Holland Netherlands
During their match, Dominguez played Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury to deal damage to Van Etten's Nethergoyf. In response, Van Etten used Not Dead Yet to save the creature and increase its toughness.
In the Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 event in Amsterdam, a controversy occurred during Round 13 between players Bart Van Etten and Javier Dominguez.
The Head Judges for the event investigated and determined that Van Etten had intentionally committed a Game Rule Violation, leading to his disqualification from the tournament.
The incident involved a misplay with Nethergoyf that led to Van Etten's disqualification from the tournament.
The result of Round 13 was reversed as part of this ruling.
Van Etten mistakenly placed a Wicked Role token on Nethergoyf, which should not have been possible as the creature did not technically die.
Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour Controversy - Nethergoyf Misplay Leads to Disqualification and Reversed Round Result

In the world of Magic: The Gathering, the Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 event in Amsterdam saw a controversial moment during Round 13 between players Bart Van Etten and Javier Dominguez. The incident involved a misplay with Nethergoyf that led to Van Etten's disqualification from the tournament.

During their match, Dominguez played Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury to deal damage to Van Etten's Nethergoyf. In response, Van Etten used Not Dead Yet to save the creature and increase its toughness. However, in a questionable move that potentially affected the outcome of the tournament, Van Etten asked for and placed a Wicked Role token on Nethergoyf.

The problem was that Nethergoyf did not technically die, making it impossible for Van Etten to place the Aura on it. This misplay went unnoticed during the game, but its implications were significant. Dominguez entered his next match with an 11-4 record instead of 10-5 due to this incident.

The Head Judges for the event investigated and determined that Van Etten had intentionally committed a Game Rule Violation, leading to his disqualification from the tournament. The result of Round 13 was reversed as part of this ruling.

This controversial moment highlights the importance of adhering to game rules in competitive Magic: The Gathering events and raises questions about the potential impact on players' standings when such incidents occur.



  • Can a player be reinstated after being disqualified for a Game Rule Violation?
  • How often do such incidents occur in competitive Magic: The Gathering events?
  • Was Van Etten's misplay a genuine mistake or an intentional violation?



  • Unique Points
    • Nethergoyf should not have died and received a Wicked role token as a result.
    • Determination: Van Etten intentionally committed a Game Rule Violation, resulting in his disqualification from the event.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Bart Van Etten asked for and placed a Wicked Role token on Nethergoyf, which should not have been possible as Nethergoyf did not technically die.
    • The misplay potentially affected Dominguez’s chances of reaching the top eight, as he entered his next match with an 11-4 record instead of 10-5.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (95%)
    The author makes an assumption about the intent of Bart Van Etten's actions in the article without concrete evidence. This is an example of an Appeal to Ignorance fallacy. The author also uses inflammatory language when describing Bart's actions as 'cheating' or a 'misplay or blatant cheating', but it is not clear from the information provided that this was indeed the case.
    • ]The determination of this investigation was Van Etten had intentionally committed a Game Rule Violation[.
    • Dominguez was matched with Sodomirski, playing Living End, who he defeated to advance to the top eight at the MH3 Pro Tour in Amsterdam. But what took place behind the scenes that allowed him to do so when he was previously 10-5 instead of 11-4?
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication


  • Unique Points
    • Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 had the following top performing decks: Bant Nadu piloted by Eli Kassis with a price of $1,144 and 469 tix, Mono-Black Necro piloted by Noah Ma with a price of $1,186 and 355 tix, Bant Nadu piloted by Jason Ye with a price of $1,087 and 448 tix, Jeskai Control piloted by Javier Dominguez with a price of $1,304 and 676 tix.
    • The top performing deck in the 8th place was Bant Nadu piloted by Sam Pardee with a price of $1,063 and 442 tix.
    • The top performing Mono-Black Necro deck was piloted by Seth Manfield with a price of $1,527 and 570 tix.
    • Esper Goryo was piloted by Matt Sperling with a price of $670 and 228 tix in the 10th-0 place.
    • Mark Stanton finished in the 9th-0 place with Four-Color Nadu and a price of $1,313 and 521 tix.
    • Bora Sarioglu came in at the 9th-1 place with Boros Energy and a price of $754 and 365 tix.
    • Alejandro Morales finished in the 8th-2 place with Izzet Murktide and a price of $650 and 324 tix.
    • Benny Zeoli came in at the 8th-2 place with Gruul Eldrazi and a price of $1,527 and 492 tix.
    • Thierry Ramboa finished in the 8th-2 place with Bant Nadu and a price of $878 and 309 tix.
    • Tomasz Sodomirski came in at the 7th-1 place with Living End and a price of $644 and 258 tix.
    • Bart Van Etten finished in the 7th-2 place with Mono-Black Grief and a price of $1,027 and 363 tix.
    • David Gonzalez finished in the 7th-3 place with Eldrazi Tron and a price of $1,277 and 516 tix.
    • Collin Rountree came in at the 7th-3 place with Bant Nadu and a price of $1,021 and 422 tix.
    • Derrick Davis came in at the 7th-3 place with Eldrazi Tron and a price of $1,159 and 466 tix.
    • Eliott Boussaud came in at the 7th-3 place with Bant Nadu and a price of $878 and 309 tix.
    • Etienne Eggenschwiler came in at the 7th-3 place with Bant Nadu and a price of $1,192 and 506 tix.
    • Jacob Nagro came in at the 7th-3 place with Bant Nadu and a price of $1,021 and 422 tix.
    • Jeff Carr finished in the 7th-3 place with Gruul Prowess and a price of $293 and 148 tix.
    • Julien Henry came in at the 7th-3 place with Bant Nadu and a price of $1,143 and 468 tix.
    • Keisuke Naitou came in at the 7th-3 place with Living End and a price of $659 and 267 tix.
    • London Glenn finished in the 7th-3 place with Boros Energy and a price of $888 and 404 tix.
    • Marcio Carvalho came in at the 7th-3 place with Mono-Black Necro and a price of $1,263 and 367 tix.
    • Marco Del Pivo came in at the 7th-3 place with Bant Nadu and a price of $1,108 and 460 tix.
    • Marcus Wosner came in at the 7th-3 place with Boros Energy and a price of $856 and 396 tix.
    • Martin Dominguez finished in the 7th-3 place with Jeskai Control and a price of $1,290 and 607 tix.
    • Matt Costa came in at the 7th-3 place with Bant Nadu and a price of $1,063 and 442 tix.
    • Matthieu Tassa came in at the 7th-3 place with Four-Color Nadu and a price of $899 and 338 tix.
    • Samuele Estratti came in at the 7th-3 place with Eldrazi Tron and a price of $1,229 and 456 tix.
    • Theodore Jung finished in the 7th-3 place with Bant Nadu and a price of $1,063 and 442 tix.
    • Yiren Jiang came in at the 7th-3 place with Jeskai Dress Down and a price of $1,359.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication