Mai Whelan, known as Player 287, emerged as the winner of the first season of Netflix's reality show, 'Squid Game: The Challenge', securing the grand prize of $4.56 million. The show, which debuted at number 1 on Netflix's Global Top 10, has been renewed for a second season following its successful run and high audience score.
Born in Vietnam, Whelan fled the country during the Fall of Saigon in 1975. She served in the U.S. Navy for 20 years and is now an immigration adjudicator residing in Virginia. She is a mother of two daughters and a grandmother.
The reality show, based on the South Korean hit series 'Squid Game', featured contestants competing in various games for the chance to win the cash prize. The final game was a tense match of Rock, Paper, Scissors, where Whelan emerged victorious. The final three contestants were Sam, Mai, and Phill.
With her winnings, Whelan plans to renovate her home, build a small dock for a boat, and contribute to humanitarian causes. The success of 'Squid Game: The Challenge' has allowed Netflix to further expand the Squid Game IP and create more content. Studio Lambert, the producer of the show, confirmed the next season on its website. Casting for 'The Challenge' Season 2 is now open.