Metroid Prime 4, the long-awaited installment in the beloved Metroid series, was finally revealed during Nintendo's June 2024 Direct presentation. The game, now titled Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, will be released for the Nintendo Switch in 2025. Fans of Samus Aran and her intergalactic adventures have been eagerly anticipating this new entry since its initial announcement in 2017.
The trailer for Metroid Prime 4: Beyond showcases classic elements of the series, including scanning alien environments, battling hordes of space pirates, and utilizing Samus' iconic Morph Ball ability. The gameplay footage reveals that Samus will once again wield beam weapons and missiles to take down her enemies. Additionally, she can be seen going into ball mode to traverse the environment.
The development history of Metroid Prime 4 has been a troubled one. Initially, Bandai Namco Studios was leading the project, but after development faced challenges, Nintendo announced a restart and handed the reins over to Retro Studios in 2019. The original developers of the series were responsible for creating some of the most beloved entries in the Metroid Prime series.
Metroid Prime 4: Beyond marks a return to form for this iconic franchise, which debuted on Nintendo GameCube and was last seen on Wii with Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Fans will be excited to explore new alien worlds and uncover the mysteries that lie within.
Metroid fans have been treated to other entries in the series since the announcement of Metroid Prime 4. In 2021, Nintendo released Metroid Dread, which was a return to the series' 2D roots. Additionally, in early 2023, Nintendo surprised fans with a remastered version of the original Metroid Prime game.
Metroid Prime Remastered honors the classic title and brings it up to modern standards with improved graphics and controls. It was a welcome addition for fans who wanted to revisit this beloved adventure in high definition.
In conclusion, Metroid Prime 4: Beyond is an exciting new entry in the Metroid series that promises to deliver classic elements of the franchise while incorporating modern gameplay mechanics. Fans can look forward to exploring new alien worlds and uncovering mysteries when it releases for Nintendo Switch in 2025.